Top 11 Travel Apps Like Olomouc Unesco - Best Alternatives

Olomouc Unesco Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Olomouc Unesco alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Travel apps that are similar to Olomouc Unesco. Pick one from this list to be your new Olomouc Unesco app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Olomouc Unesco on your iOS devices.

Top 11 Apps Like Olomouc Unesco - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Olomouc Unesco alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like Olomouc Unesco 2025.



We keep the city moving We want to help create sustainable traffic situation in our cities and not flood them with more cars. Therefore we combine the transport of people and goods in a way so that we effectively utilize...

Price: Free Developer: ADLER iTech


UNESCO – Welterbe RhB iPhone Mobile-Applikation Laden Sie Ihren persönlichen UNESCO-Welterbe Rhätische Bahn Führer auf Ihr iPhone. Wertvolle Informationen zu den 10 Wanderungen entlang der Albula- und Berninalinie. Die Alpenüberquerung durch drei Sprach- und Kulturregionen. Inklusive, den Höhenprofilen, Länge, Dauer...

Price: Free Developer: Rhaetische Bahn AG
Levoča UNESCO Virtual reality

Levoča UNESCO Virtual reality

Unikátna 3D virtuálna prehliadka mesta Levoča umožní návštevníkom vidieť pamiatky nielen na mobilných telefónoch a tabletoch, ale aj pomocou 3D okuliarov typu Ocukus Rift. Podporované sú nasledovné okuliare: - Cardboard (Google) - GearVR - VR One - Homido - ColorCross VR Virtuálna prehliadka obsahuje nasledovné...

Price: Free Developer: Norbert Vegh
Spain Unesco World Heritage Info

Spain Unesco World Heritage Info

Spain Unesco World Heritage Info is a great collection with beautiful photos and with detailed instructions. Main features: - Photos and instructions - Bookmarks - Quiz game to test your knowledge - Share and save to photo library - Offline availability Check out some screenshots.

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Subatomic Devs
Danube Tourism Guide

Danube Tourism Guide

A significant portion of the Earth’s human population has been residing near waters since ancient times, therefore many miracles of man-made creations are concentrated in those areas. The region we would like to introduce is located in such an...

Price: Free Developer: Tamás Mátrai
beyondarts Art & Culture Guide

beyondarts Art & Culture Guide

BEYONDARTS GUIDES ALREADY AVAILABLE Guide Baden near Vienna Guide Vienna's Ringstrasse Guide UNESCO World Heritage Hallstatt Guide St. Stephen’s Cathedral Guide Kunsthistorisches Museum (KHM) Vienna Guide Klosterneuburg Monastery Guide Ort Castle Gmunden PREMIUM CONTENT All beyondarts Guides contain only self-researched premium content. From research to audio recording our...

Price: Free Developer: beyondarts GmbH


In this app, you will receive information about visitor destinations in the Table Mountain Geopark. The destinations are divided into four different themes: A journey in time through 1700 million years, The first communities, The humans and the mountains...

Price: Free Developer: OnSpotStory AB
World Heritage Sites on Map

World Heritage Sites on Map

Enjoy 1300+ World Cultural/Natural Heritage sites interactively on world map with UNESCO recognition timeline. Bring this APP wherever you go, check out any UNESCO World Heritage sites around you. This APP will be updated each year to include new established...

Price: Free Developer: Hongliu Li
Tourismus St. Michael

Tourismus St. Michael

Das Salzburger Urlaubsparadies für die ganze Familie - im Herzen von Österreich! Die winterliche Bergwelt - am Fuße der Skigebiete Großeck-Speiereck, Fanningberg, Katschberg und Obertauern - sowie die schneebedeckte Winterlandschaft hüllen St. Michael im Lungau - dem sonnigen Süden des...

Price: Free Developer: Marktgemeinde St. Michael
Waitaki Whitestone Geopark

Waitaki Whitestone Geopark

Explore a land of geological marvels! This app is designed to direct you to the highlights of the Waitaki Whitestone Geopark, with various downloadable audio and map-based guides. Follow the map on each tour or just leave the tour open...

Price: Free Developer: Waitaki District Council

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