Top 36 News Apps Like VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360 - Best Alternatives

VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 News apps that are similar to VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360. Pick one from this list to be your new VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360 on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like VR Italian Parliament in Rome Virtual Reality 360 2025.



Step into our students 360 stories and experience them on location! JMK VR is home to a collection of immersive 360 videos produced by journalism students at the Department of Media Studies, Stockholm University.

Price: Free Developer: Department of Media Studies – Stockholm University
2018 평창 동계올림픽 VR뉴스룸

2018 평창 동계올림픽 VR뉴스룸

대한민국 뉴스의 허브, 실시간 뉴스 최강자 연합뉴스가 제공하는 2018 평창동계올림픽 VR뉴스룸 애플리케이션입니다. VR뉴스룸 앱을 내려받으면 가상현실 뉴스룸에서 동계올림픽 현장에 있는 듯한 실감나는 360도 뉴스영상 및 사진을 손쉽게 즐길 수 있습니다. VR 전용 뷰어(헤드셋) 또는 카드보드가 있으면, VR모드를 통해 더 놀라운 체험을...

Price: Free Developer: 연합뉴스
CronkiteNews VR

CronkiteNews VR

Cronkite News takes you inside major stories affecting Arizona and the world. Whether it’s a raucous Donald Trump rally or life along the U.S./Mexico border, Cronkite News VR brings it to you in high-definition 360 video produced by the...

Price: Free Developer: Cronkite News


Welcome to the new CBC VR app. With this app you can experience the immersive documentaries produced by CBC. The current app includes an immersive documentary that will transport you to Northern B.C. and the area known as the...

Price: Free Developer: CBC


VR情報をまとめてお届け! 話題のゲーム、体験レポート、掲示板をこのアプリ1つで全て網羅! 記事・動画・掲示板のタイプ別にメニューが分けられているので、欲しい情報が一目で分かる! タブを自由に選択・並べ替えできるカスタマイズ機能付き! メニューごとに人気・急上昇ランキング機能付き! ◆◆アプリの特徴◆◆ ・動画を続けて再生できる連続再生機能付き ・お気に入り機能(アプリ内フォルダに保存) ・シャッフル、リピート再生10秒送り、10秒戻し機能付き ・スリープタイマー機能付き ・新着、急上昇、人気ランキング検索機能付き ・履歴、お気に入り内シャッフル再生対応 掲示板の書き込みでは、皆さまに安心してご利用いただくためにも、誹謗中傷や迷惑行為、RMT行為はお止め下さい。

Price: Free Developer: Ayaka Morita


VR2是一款集资讯、影视、社交于一体的综合平台。汇集了丰富的vr资源,可以查看最新的VR资讯,可以和其他小伙伴进行互动交流! 1.VR视频在线播放功能 超级丰富的VR游戏和VR产品体验视频,各种VR福利视频让您对VR爱不释手; 2.VR论坛 领先的VR用户兴趣社区,在这里您能够找到更多的志同道合者,一起交流分享对VR的见解。 3.VR资讯阅读功能 即时的VR业界新闻,深度有料的VR达人观点,专业原创的VR硬件评测文章,最新的VR游戏推荐评测,让您更进一步了解VR; 4.VR商城 涵盖了各种神奇的VR神器,手机周边,智能硬件等商品导购,让你恨不得剁手。 官网: 商务合作:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Fuzhou Wonderful Worlds Inc.
RIA.Lab. AR & VR stories

RIA.Lab. AR & VR stories

Visit the Lunar station. Look into the black hole. Be carried away to Moscow of the 60s and meet Yuri Gagarin. See forever disappeared art masterpieces. We tell stories in a new way. Virtual reality and augmented reality make the...

Price: Free Developer: RIA Novosti
Vending Report

Vending Report

Vending Report ist internationaler Marktbeobachter und das europäisch, marktführende Nachrichten- und Handelsmagazin für Vending, OCS, Horeca, Coffee, Catering, Foodservices, Außer-Haus-Markt. VR informiert über Heißgetränke-Automaten, Kaltgetränke-Automaten, Snack-Automaten, Kombi-Automaten, Lift-Automaten, Rücknahmeautomaten, Table-Top, Tower bzw Standautomaten, Kaffeevollautomaten, Siebträgermaschinen, Kapselmaschinen, Padmaschinen, Wasserdispenser, Watercooler,...

Price: Free Developer: VERLAGSGRUPPE ES
Blick News & Sport

Blick News & Sport

Nationale und Internationale News rund um die Uhr. Alle wichtigen Nachrichten aus der Welt der Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Unterhaltung und Lifestyle. Die News & Sport App bietet: ● Lokale und internationale Nachrichten mit Video, Livestream und Ticker ● Keine Breaking-News mit Push-Nachrichten...

Price: Free Developer: Blick
Italian TV Schedule

Italian TV Schedule

Italian TV is an app for checking Italian TV schedules anytime, anywhere. Track your favorite shows and programs, set alarms for when the shows you love are on the air! BENEFITS: ● TV Listings support for a total of 99 TV...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Kanta
Radio di Italia: Italian radio

Radio di Italia: Italian radio

With Radio di Italia, you can easily listen to live streaming of news, music, sports, talks, shows and other programs of Italy. Radio di Italia offers tremendous depth and breadth of stations with genres ranging from Alternative, Electronica, Metal...

Price: Free Developer: SERHII SKURENKO
Euronews: World news & TV

Euronews: World news & TV

Enjoy live streaming videos (live TV*) and Video on Demand: international and European top stories, headlines and various programmes on Economy, Finance, Sports, Politics, Culture and Sci-Tech! Euronews offers a unique perspective on world events. It empowers people to make...

Price: Free Developer: Euronews
Colmic and Herakles News

Colmic and Herakles News

Finally available the new application to be always up to date on the latest news of Colmic and Herakles. Exclusive news, events, exhibitions, new products and everything related to Colmic and Herakles, with the opportunity to comment the published news. If...

Price: Free Developer: Colmic Italia SpA
earliAudio - The Podcast App

earliAudio - The Podcast App

earliAudio - the new, completely free podcast player for your smartphone. With earli you not only have access to all your favourite podcasts, in the "Discover" section you can search for new shows faster and more precisely than ever before....

Price: Free Developer: upday GmbH @ Co. KG
Pagano Events

Pagano Events

With the new PaganoEvents app you can follow live chipcount in real time for our esclusive tournaments, The Big Bang and the italian step of PokerStars Festival! Always in your hands: ● tournament schedule and calendar ● seat draws ● leaderboards ● strategy,...

Price: Free Developer: LC Media


Chiomenti, the most prominent Italian law firm with an international orientation, has launched a new App that provides access to all the services, news and further information provided by the Firm’s professionals. Users can take advantage of the leading...

Price: Free Developer: Aquest
Listen to Pocket - Lisgo is the text to speech app for the web

Listen to Pocket - Lisgo is the text to speech app for the web

for iOS11, Voicepaper 2 will be released soon for Lisgo users since Lisgo won't work on iOS11. Voicepaper 2 supports Pocket, Dropbox, Evernote and Copy and Paste to import texts and web pages. Please submit your email...

Price: Free Developer: Umemoto Non
Moldovan Radio

Moldovan Radio

With Moldovan Radio, you can easily listen to live streaming of news, music, sports, talks, shows and other programs of Moldova. Moldovan Radio offers tremendous depth and breadth of stations with genres ranging from Alternative, Electronica, Metal to Jazz...

Price: Free Developer: SERHII SKURENKO


TPchannel is the application to present news from The Parliament House of Thailand. Update the latest hot news, liveTV and radio, video and knowledge direct to your hand anytime, anywhere.

Price: Free Developer: ATX corporation Co.,Ltd


As we continue our mandate to provide the best in public broadcasting service, we’ve added this mobile app as another medium to stay connected to us "on the go". Here are the features of this version release: Top News - Stay...

Price: Free Developer: Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas
Euroheat & Power

Euroheat & Power

Euroheat & Power is an application used by the international network for district energy to provide its members and interested stakeholders with up-to-date knowledge and tools on key EU advocacy topics, industry updates as well as research and innovation...

Price: Free Developer: Beekeeper Group
Monthly Magazine

Monthly Magazine

The Monthly is published by Information International, a leading Beirut-based research and consultancy firm. The publication is available in both Arabic and English languages, and examines economic, cultural and social issues in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and other...

Price: Free Developer: Optimal Solutions
Note My Vote

Note My Vote

Note My Vote enables you to vote on UK legislation and big issues in the media. The results are sent to your MP before they vote in Parliament and sent back to users in an email, including how their...

Price: Free Developer: Digitech (Webdigi)


CPAC, Canada’s number one source for political and public affairs programming is now available at your fingertips and on the go. Access CPAC’s live streams, watch video-on-demand and more, right from your mobile device. With the CPAC app, you...

Price: Free Developer: Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc.
Africanews - News in Africa

Africanews - News in Africa

Get news from an African perspective. The Africanews app offers: • An OFFLINE MODE: Read stories without Internet connection • A DATA SAVINGS feature to help you save mobile data SAY HELLO TO AFRICANEWS FOR APPLE WATCH Follow the latest news all around...

Price: Free Developer: Euronews
NIN60: News In 60

NIN60: News In 60

All news from across the globe in the palm of your hand. Save your valuable time and get updated in seconds. Our expert news editors read full news articles and summarize them so you don't have to. Best app...

Price: Free Developer: TkXel
Punjabi News - Top News in Punjabi, English, and Hindi

Punjabi News - Top News in Punjabi, English, and Hindi

Punjabi Newspapers is your personal newspaper app. Filled with news, stories and useful information, it's your single stop to keep up to date with the world. News in both Punjabi and English languages is available within the app. There...

Price: Free Developer: Vimal Singh
TSNews - Latest news in Japan with Japanese speech synthesis

TSNews - Latest news in Japan with Japanese speech synthesis

Using this app, you can see the latest news in Japan on Apple Watch™. Moreover, you can hear Japanese speech synthesis, then you can see the marker to move in synchronization with the speech on Apple Watch. Of course, this app...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Teramoto Software Development Co., Ltd.
TSNewsLE - Latest news in Japan with Japanese speech synthesis Lite Edition

TSNewsLE - Latest news in Japan with Japanese speech synthesis Lite Edition

Using this app, you can see the latest news in Japan on Apple Watch™. Moreover, you can hear Japanese speech synthesis, then you can see the marker to move in synchronization with the speech on Apple Watch. Of course, this app...

Price: Free Developer: Teramoto Software Development Co., Ltd.
News in Telugu

News in Telugu

Read latest and breaking news in Telugu. view in landscape and portrait modes Developed with latest Technology(Swift) to give ultimate user experience.

Price: Free Developer: YANALA REDDY
Roma in tasca

Roma in tasca

Roma in tasca è un' app di notizie locali pensata per tutti gli abitanti di Roma. Porta sempre in tasca con te tutte le ultime notizie della tua città, della tua squadra del cuore o degli eventi che sono...

Price: Free Developer: Elia Faratro
Polly - Politik in einer Hand

Polly - Politik in einer Hand

Populismus, Protektionismus und Debatten um die Köpfe - Politik ist in stürmischen Zeiten, die nach Orientierung verlangen. Mit Polly von fischerAppelt verliert man nicht den Überblick. Alle Themen und Diskussionen immer in einer Hand. Aktuell aufbereitet und eingeordnet in...

Price: Free Developer: fischerAppelt AG
War In My Words

War In My Words

The perfect place for veterans to share their stories with fellow veterans and civilians. West Virginia Public Broadcasting with support from the Knight Grant foundation have created an environment for West Virginia veterans to share their stories; the good, bad...

Price: Free Developer: West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Poland In

Poland In

The new English–language TV channel is your window on contemporary Poland. Bringing you all the information about Poland - breaking news, business, culture and sport. As well as comment and analysis from our experts. Tune in to watch...

Price: Free Developer: TVP S.A.
Procès Laurent Gbagbo et Charles Blé Goudé - CPI

Procès Laurent Gbagbo et Charles Blé Goudé - CPI

La seule application qui vous permet de suivre en temps réel le procès de Laurent Gbagbo et de Charles Blé Goudé qui se tient actuellement à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) Haye (Pays-Bas). Ne ratez aucune vidéo du procès grâce...

Price: Free Developer: Kouassi Eric BROU

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