Top 50 Education Apps Like Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem - Best Alternatives

Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Education apps that are similar to Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem. Pick one from this list to be your new Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Baba Finger - Kids Urdu Poem 2025.

BABA Multiplication Table Game

BABA Multiplication Table Game

Mathematics is a very important issue in our lives. The basis of all sciences is mathematics. For a good knowledge of mathematics, it is necessary to know the arithmetic operations which are the basis of mathematics. From a theoretical point...

Price: Free Developer: Can Oztoker
Baba Gangaram Official App

Baba Gangaram Official App

LORD BABA GANGARAM IS CONSIDERED TO BE INCARNATION OF LORD VISHNU. The Immense purpose of Baba's incarnation is the bliss of mankind in the era of Kaliyug. He gives all the Boons who worship him. Devotees miraculously find ready &...

Price: Free Developer: Ravinesh Raj
Baba Portal

Baba Portal

Om Shanti ! Here again, for the first time, the team presents 'BK Treasure' for the entire BK Family. A mobile portal filled with all the Gyan ever since taught by Baba. Below are few highlights contained in the app...

Price: Free Developer: NARESH G
Ali Baba and Forty Thieves - Fairy Tale iBigToy

Ali Baba and Forty Thieves - Fairy Tale iBigToy

The best reading experience - Children's classic story "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" now available on your iPad. This is totally new reading experience: illustrated audio books with interactive animation on each page. Classic story in new multimedia form:...

Price: Free Developer: iBigToy inc.
Ali Baba and the forty thieves 3 in 1

Ali Baba and the forty thieves 3 in 1

Description Ali Baba, a poor woodcutter who lives in a small village in Egypt, discovers a cave full of gold. How will his life be changed? Who will save him and how? Favourite Tales is a splendid collection of traditional folk...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Balberry Publishing
Baby And Baba Learning Tutor

Baby And Baba Learning Tutor

Baby And Baba Learning Tutor.This is an ancient way to teach kids how to start Learning and is known to be most effective and proficient way. This App Has Awesome features: *ABC Learning **123 Counting Learning ***Kids Drawing Pad ****Kids ABC Tracing *****Kids ABC Songs ******Kids...

Price: Free Developer: Hafiz Umar Ziad
Baba Farid Public School

Baba Farid Public School

Baba Farid Public School, Faridkot is proud to present its mobile app. This app will help out parents to know about Attendance of their wards alongwith with performance in the school. Get Alerts of Notice Board, Homework, Class Test...

Price: Free Developer: Simrandeep Kaur
Baba Gandha Singh School

Baba Gandha Singh School

Baba Gandha Singh Public School's official mobile app to keep parents up to date with their child's progress and updates at School. Parents can also send messages and discuss their child related queries with teachers directly through this app.

Price: Free Developer: Surjit Bhullar
Baba Gurditta Ji Khalsa School

Baba Gurditta Ji Khalsa School

Baba Gurditta Ji Khalsa Public School is a wonderful app that reduces manual efforts by automating all the managerial and administrative tasks. It allows smooth communication between the teachers and parents and lets you track the real-time location of...

Price: Free Developer: Solitaire Infosys
Baba Jora Singh Mem. School

Baba Jora Singh Mem. School

Baba Jora Singh Memorial Public School's official mobile app to keep parents up to date with their child's progress and updates at School. Parents can also send messages and discuss their child related queries with teachers directly through this...

Price: Free Developer: Surjit Bhullar
Cake Pop Finger Family Game

Cake Pop Finger Family Game

This free Finger Family Game app is an educational and entertaining interactive game for children, where children can drag and drop the family members to their shadows and Enjoy Finger family rhymes. It is a nice, simple, fun,...

Price: Free Developer: EDUBUZZKIDS
Finger Painter for iPad

Finger Painter for iPad

A CREATIVE FINGER PAINTING APP FOR KIDS !!! - No.1 of Apple AppStore Education Apps of China in February - No.3 of Education Apps of Germany in June - No.8 in Switzerland; No. 10 in Austria; No. 20 in...

Price: Free Developer: Aura Marker Studio Co., Ltd.


Finger指教音乐中心是Finger旗下连锁校区品牌,优选国内外专家研发专属课程,为少儿用户和成人用户提供极致的音乐教学服务,课程涵盖钢琴、声乐、古典吉他等。 【机构简介】 Finger是国内音乐教育品牌,致力于为中国家庭提供专业音乐教育服务。 2018年牵手绿城,打造「Finger指教音乐中心」线下校区,用追求品质的态度为少儿用户、成人用户提供钢琴、古典吉他、声乐等音乐教学。 【国际专家教研团队】 -Finger指教音乐中心的钢琴教研团队由美籍华裔音乐教育家吴菀荑女士担任教学总监,其团队成员均来自世界音乐学府,美国密苏里州立大学、温哥华国际音乐学院、皮博迪音乐学院等专业音乐院校。 -Finger指教音乐中心的古典吉他教研团队由美国曼哈顿音乐学院古典吉他演奏专业硕士樊菲儿女士及古典吉他演奏家谢予迟先生带队,打造国内首套古典吉他系统课程。 【少儿钢琴课程】 -适用人群:3~16周岁学员 -课程内容:《克里蒙奇钢琴教程》由美国、加拿大、中国3国专家共同研发。教程使用独创的“3A教学法”,从趣味(Amuse)、理解(Aware)、运用(Apply)3个方面出发,综合培养孩子的钢琴演奏、乐理知识运用与音乐创作能力。 【成人钢琴课程】 -适用人群:16周岁以上学员 -课程内容:Finger零基础成人钢琴课从基础的弹奏技巧和乐理开始,一直到即兴伴奏和演奏织体复杂的乐曲。课程将钢琴学习中常见的知识点梳理成体系化内容,并通过互动式多媒体教学模式,搭配高效的练习,让成人学员快速掌握识谱、演奏,并且达到可以独立视奏、自学乐曲的能力。 该课程涵盖了经典、民歌、电影音乐、流行以及爵士等多种不同音乐风格的曲目,向学员全方位展现音乐的独特魅力。 【少儿古典吉他课程】 -适用人群:6-12岁儿童学员 -课程内容:Finger指教音乐中心针对6~12岁的学员,研发了国内首套古典吉他课程《FingerDoes古典吉他教程》。课程设计源自美国启蒙教学法,秉承”兴趣教学“的授课理念,同时配合小学阶段孩子的身心发展,从乐理、视奏、听力、曲目和技巧五个方面开发学员的音乐综合素养。 课程将根据学习进度搭配古典吉他名曲与原创曲目(独奏、伴奏、重奏以及舞台演奏等),在小班授课形式中穿插多样化教学,多方面培养音乐表现能力、感知能力以及演奏能力。 【成人古典吉他课程】 -适用人群:16周岁以上 -课程内容:Finger成人零基础课程专门为成人吉他爱好者制定,以“专业爱好培养”的方向设置教学内容,根据成人学习习惯,设置“高效、专业”的学习模式。 该课程前期重视基础,从音乐出发学习吉他,做到“小曲目,专业学”,不以“单一”曲目为导向做填鸭式教学;中期灵活变通,涉及重奏曲目。曲目风格多样,除了传统古典吉他的曲目之外,还包括爵士、流行等风格,后期学习还涉及创作能力的启蒙。 【成人声乐课程】 -适用人群:16周岁以上 -课程内容:Finger成人零基础声乐课内容涵盖了流行、摇滚、R&B等多种不同音乐风格的曲目,向学员全方位展现音乐的独特魅力。针对成人的学习习惯,课程中加入了录音棚体验、演唱作品录制、学员成长记录等配套内容,让学员能够清楚地见证自身音色的成长。 【门店信息】 -黄龙旗舰校区:杭州市西湖区黄龙世纪广场B座1层23号 -西溪湿地总校:杭州市西湖区文二西路808号西溪壹号23幢 -新天地校区:杭州市下城区万家星城28幢4号商铺(东文路) -城西银泰校区:杭州市拱墅区塘萍路380、382号(申花公园东南门对面)

Price: Free Developer: Hangzhou Tuotuo Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Finger Family Nursery Rhyme

Finger Family Nursery Rhyme

Finger Family App features High-Quality 3D animated Songs & cartoons. Finger Family Nursery Rhymes by Kidzooly has top rated,most viewed Nursery Rhymes. Finger Family Rhymes are available in OFFLINE mode. ********************************************************** Finger Family Learning Songs and Rhymes included in this app...

Price: Free Developer: VGMinds TechStudios
ABC kids paint - Finger doodle alphabet color

ABC kids paint - Finger doodle alphabet color

A great introduction to both coloring in and the alphabet for pre-school children. ABC kids paint - Finger doodle alphabet color is an iPhone and iPad painting / coloring book application for young children, with an educational twist allowing...

Price: Free Developer: Thidarat Phaphakdi
Daddy Finger Family Song

Daddy Finger Family Song

Get ready for Daddy Finger! In this fun children's sing along app, your child will not be able to put it down. Featuring the classic Daddy Finger song, plus a variety of fun educational mini games to keep them...

Price: Free Developer: Purple Cow
Finger Board for students

Finger Board for students

説明: Finger Board を使えば、手軽に、楽しく、いろいろな国の言葉の勉強をすることができます。 機能: - 読み書きしない外国語学習 Finger Boardでは、文字を使わずに外国語を勉強できます。 文字の代わりに絵と音声を使って、楽しく、効果的に外国語を勉強することができます。 - 繰り返し何度も学習 リピート機能やプレイリスト機能を使って、何度も繰り返し勉強できます。 かわいいイラストを見ながら勉強するので、飽きずに何度も勉強できるでしょう! - いろいろな言葉を基礎から勉強 Finger Board で、英語・日本語・中国語などのいろいろな言葉を勉強しましょう。 どの言語も同じ勉強の仕方なので、それぞれの言語の特徴を比べながら、楽しく勉強できます。 - コンテンツを続々追加 Finger Boardの教材コンテンツは有料/無料でダウンロードできます。 適宜追加されるコンテンツを無料で入手して、外国語を上達させましょう!

Price: Free Developer: TEPPEI TSUZUKI
Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

** FULL VERSION. EVERYTHING UNLOCKED!! ** Get ready for Daddy Finger! In this fun children's sing along app, your child will not be able to put it down. Featuring the classic Daddy Finger song, plus a variety of fun educational...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Purple Cow
Finger Paint Colorbook

Finger Paint Colorbook

Finger Paint Coloring Book is a beautiful digital coloring book for kids, pure finger painting fun without all the mess! Coloring is an excellent way to help kids develop fine motor skills, color recognition, eye-hand coordination and focusing. Our...

Price: Free Developer: Pixel Envision Ltd.
Finger Board for School

Finger Board for School

このアプリは Intercultural Institute of Japan で勉強する学生のための学習用アプリです。 学校から提供される Finger Board 教材は、タッチ&ドラッグで楽しく学習できる電子教材です。 自分のクラスにログインすれば、すぐに Finger Board 教材をダウンロードして、いつでもどこでも勉強できます。 さあ、Finger Board 教材を使って、楽しく勉強しましょう!

Price: Free Developer: TEPPEI TSUZUKI


••• Selected as Best Apps in Education, November 2013 ••• Kids will journey from icy tundra to tropical rain forests in this interactive reading app for kids. This app will help kids better understand their relationship to nature and the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER
Kids Coloring and Paint Book

Kids Coloring and Paint Book

~~~ The Perfect First Coloring Book for your Child! ~~~ ~~~ Top free Education app in more than 70 countries ~~~ ~~~ 99 Amazing Coloring Pages Inside ~~~ ~~~ From the creators of world leading and award winning educational applications ~~~ Make your...

Price: Free Developer: Kids Games Club by TabTale
American Revolution by KIDS DISCOVER

American Revolution by KIDS DISCOVER

Featured by Apple as a Best App in Education, March 2014 Kids will learn all about the strain between the colonies and Britain, investigate the famous Boston Tea Party, and discover the main battles and key leaders of the American...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER


••• AASL 2014 Best App for Teaching & Learning ••• ••• Selected As Best Apps in Education, October 2013 ••• Kids will learn all about the Civil War as they discover the difference of opinion over slavery and states’ rights, roam...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER
Geography by KIDS DISCOVER

Geography by KIDS DISCOVER

••• Selected New & Noteworthy in Education, September 2013 ••• Take a trip through the hills, valleys, mountains, and rivers that make up the Earth’s diverse landscapes, and learn about the science behind time zones and the difference between latitude...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER


Selected by Apple as a Best App in Education, February 2014 Kids will learn all about rocks, minerals, and the study of Geology as they take an interactive tour thru the rock cycle, visit Stonehenge in 3D, and learn how...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER
Simple Machines by KIDS DISCOVER

Simple Machines by KIDS DISCOVER

"Simple Machines by KIDS DISCOVER is a brilliantly designed app that keeps both kids and adults longing to learn more." - KinderTown "My 5-year-old son needs to know how everything works. After fully exploring the app he walked around the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER


••• Selected New & Noteworthy in Education by Apple - April 2013 ••• To us here on Earth, the Sun is hugely important. Without it, our world would be a frozen rock wandering in space. Learn all about how the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER
How America Works by KIDS DISCOVER

How America Works by KIDS DISCOVER

***Featured by Apple as a Best App in Education, March 2015*** What is a democracy? How does a bill become a law? What are checks and balances? This app explores the complex concepts of U.S. civics, and breaks them down...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER


***Selected as a Best App in Education by Apple, August 2014*** Kids will journey back in time to discover the fascinating culture and traditions of the Incas, with a 360-degree panorama of Machu Picchu, a timeline of great Incan rulers,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER
Simply Learn Urdu- Offline Phrasebook For Pakistan

Simply Learn Urdu- Offline Phrasebook For Pakistan

*** Learn Urdu language when visiting Pakistan *** Travel to Thailand? Simply Learn Thai Language App is a FREE language app that will assist you to speak Urdu quickly and effectively. All Urdu phrases and words are presented to...

Price: Free Developer: Simya Solutions Ltd.
English : Urdu Dictionary

English : Urdu Dictionary

English to Urdu Dictionary (100% Offline and Free). It has word meaning from various sources. You can get meaning of any English word very easily. It has auto suggestion feature which will save you a lot of time getting...

Price: Free Developer: Saiful Islam
Learn Urdu Quickly - Phrases, Quiz, Flash Card

Learn Urdu Quickly - Phrases, Quiz, Flash Card

Proudly rated as one of the best apps to learn Urdu language! Learn Urdu Quickly is one of the easiest and fastest way to learn Urdu fast and effectively. This language learning app will not only help you learn Urdu...

Price: Free Developer: Sagar Yerunkar
Learn Urdu Language App

Learn Urdu Language App

Looking for a fun and easy iOS app to learn Urdu free? Then go ahead and download this Urdu learning app on your device. Learn Urdu Language app is a free iOS app that allows the users to learn...

Price: Free Developer: CONTENT ARCADE (UK) LTD.
Urdu Dictionary & Translator

Urdu Dictionary & Translator

**** Urdu Dictionary Offline And Translator ***** Welcome to Urdu Dictionary and Translator - the easiest way to learn and translate Urdu language fastly within your iPhones and iPads. Our new English to Urdu Dictionary and Translator app is a light...

Price: Free Developer: Puju Dekivadiya
Learn English Language In Urdu

Learn English Language In Urdu

Learn to Speak English in 30 days is a free English language learning app that is made for urdu speakers who wish to learn to speak English language. With this English language 30 days course app you can easily...

Price: Free Developer: Mudasser Khalid
Cartoon Qaida for Kids in Urdu - Urdu Qaida

Cartoon Qaida for Kids in Urdu - Urdu Qaida

Cartoon Qaida for Kids in Urdu is an iOS app developed to provide easy learning of urdu qaida to learn Urdu alphabets and the words with them. This app provides you easy to use steps to learn all the...

Price: Free Developer: Arkhitech
Urdu Arabic Translator

Urdu Arabic Translator

Free translator from Urdu to Arabic, and from Arabic to Urdu This free application is able to translate words and text from Urdu to Arabic, and from Arabic to Urdu. Best application for easy and fast translation, which can be...

Price: Free Developer: Luong Thi Hoai Thu
Urdu-English Translator

Urdu-English Translator

Free translator from Urdu to English, and from English to Urdu This free application is able to translate words and text from Urdu to English, and from English to Urdu. Best application for easy and fast translation, which can be...

Price: Free Developer: Luong Thi Hoai Thu
Quran Pak Urdu Translation

Quran Pak Urdu Translation

Now with "Quran Pak with Urdu Translation", "verse by verse Urdu recitation", "option to recite selected chapters" and "Urdu text in beautiful Urdu font... "Quran Pak with Urdu Translation" is a very easy to use application that recites complete Quran...

Price: Free Developer: wiky
Salvation Poem Puzzle Power

Salvation Poem Puzzle Power

Consider the power of a poem. Virtually anyone can complete the line, “Mary had a little . . . lamb.” Why do you remember this poem?  It has no particular significance for your life today, yet you couldn’t forget...

Price: Free Developer: 921Creative
Acrostic Poem

Acrostic Poem

This app allows users to learn about and write acrostic poems, a poetry form that uses the letters in a word to begin each line of the poem. All lines of the poem relate to or describe the main...

Price: Free Developer: International Reading Association
Haiku Poem

Haiku Poem

With this app, students can learn about and write haiku, a popular Japanese poem that traditionally has three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. They begin by brainstorming words for their poem, and then they compose their poem...

Price: Free Developer: International Reading Association
Theme Poem

Theme Poem

This app allows users to learn about and write theme poems. A theme poem is a poem written within the shape of subject of the poem, such as writing about a birthday cake in the shape of a cake....

Price: Free Developer: International Reading Association
Diamante Poem

Diamante Poem

In this app, users can learn about and write diamante poems, which are diamond-shaped poems that use nouns, adjectives, and gerunds to describe either one central topic or two opposing topics (for example, night/day or winter/spring). Examples of both...

Price: Free Developer: International Reading Association
BulBul Ka Bacha 3D Urdu Poem

BulBul Ka Bacha 3D Urdu Poem

3D Interactive BulBul ka Bacha Poem in Urdu. A very famous poem, this time with touch responses and in 3D environment. user will love and enjoy it while learning.

Price: Free Developer: Faisal Mahmood


Khmer Poem is an iOS Application that extract from Mr. Pich Tom Krovil's book. Now we categorize it as parts of the book that it looks like friendly UI and easy to use. The purpose of creating this app because...

Price: Free Developer: Phanna PANG
Poem Library

Poem Library

Poem Library - is a unique app, that helps you to learn lyrics of hundreds of poems of Ukrainian literature. Choose a poem, listen to it and let your brain learn it. The whole Ukrainian literature at hand!

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Ereskin
Abu Lai Motorcar-Urdu Poem

Abu Lai Motorcar-Urdu Poem

3D Interactive version of the very famous Urdu Kids Poem, Abu Lai Motor Car. This app contains, a song version, and a manual version, where kids can touch the car doors, windows, lights, and see it in 3D view.

Price: Free Developer: Faisal Mahmood

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