Top 37 Medical Apps Like Diabetes and its complications - Best Alternatives

Diabetes and its complications Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Diabetes and its complications alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Medical apps that are similar to Diabetes and its complications. Pick one from this list to be your new Diabetes and its complications app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Diabetes and its complications on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Diabetes and its complications - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Diabetes and its complications alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Diabetes and its complications 2025.

Kids & Diabetes in Schools

Kids & Diabetes in Schools

Learn about diabetes management and prevention in schools with this interactive app aimed at teachers, parents and children. Test your knowledge with games on healthy eating and managing blood sugar. The app is available in 8 languages - Arabic,...

ABC of Diabetes

ABC of Diabetes

Download the FREE app and view selected topics. Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked content launches the in-app purchase screen. ABOUT: ABC of Diabetes Drawing on the professional and teaching experience...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Doctor Support Diabetes Mellitus

Doctor Support Diabetes Mellitus

Doctor Support Type 2 Diabetes acts as a support platform for physicians, providing accurate and appropriate information about Type 2 Diabetes, in order to help the physician in carrying out an attentive and effective diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes....

Price: Free Developer: BuiltByDoctors
Learn Diabetes, Cancer, and Nutrition by GoLearningBus

Learn Diabetes, Cancer, and Nutrition by GoLearningBus

*****Get 300 apps for only $9.99 via GoLearningBus Library | Limited Time Offer***** WAGmob has completed 5 years and we are running a limited time offer via which you can access all 300 quality apps via GoLearningBus Library. GoLearningBus providers...

Price: Free Developer: Quizmine.Com
Diabetes Diagnostics

Diabetes Diagnostics

The Diabetes Diagnostics app is a clinical aid for the differential diagnosis of diabetes subtypes. The app combines information from national and international diabetes guidelines, the MODY clinical prediction calculator, and expert opinion from world leaders in monogenic...

Price: Free Developer: University of Exeter
International Diabetes Summit

International Diabetes Summit

About 3rd International Diabetes Summit 2019 Diabetes is a rapidly increasing condition in India, with more people being diagnosed every year. Currently 74 million people have Diabetes. Diabetes poses a greater risk of developing several health conditions and severely affects...

Price: Free Developer: Avnish Shetty
Diabetes @Point of Care™

Diabetes @Point of Care™

@Point of Care™ With Watson is a clinical decision-making mobile platform. Diabetes @Point of Care™ provides a streamlined clinical decision support tool for clinicians to obtain content when it is needed—enabling better decisions, better outcomes, and better care. ...

Price: Free Developer: @Point of Care
Dogs Diabetes Health Care App

Dogs Diabetes Health Care App

" My poor baby has been diagnosed with Pancreatitis. He was in the hospital for 13 days. 24 hour IV’s. Did not eat for several days. Took 2 blood and urine samples and they were sent in, after the...

Price: Free Developer: Vitaly Nemtsov
Sugar Hindi Diabetes Glucose

Sugar Hindi Diabetes Glucose

Are you desperate enough to try anything to lower blood sugar levels, but not sure how to do that in a natural and healthy way? If so, look no further and try this app! क्या आप डायबिटीज से परेशान...

Price: Free Developer: MOHAMMED MOIN MANSURI
Cheek and Scott Pharmacy

Cheek and Scott Pharmacy

Your local Cheek and Scott Pharmacies, are featuring their app for their current and potential customers. With the use of this app, you have the convenient ability to refill your prescriptions quickly and easily. Additionally, you can obtain information...

Price: Free Developer: Cheek and Scott Pharmacy
Devon Formulary and Referral

Devon Formulary and Referral

The Devon Formulary and Referral App has been developed to promote safe, effective and economic prescribing. The Formulary and Referral app is available free-of-charge to all users. Key features include: - Covers North, East, South and West Devon. - Browse and...

Price: Free Developer: NHS Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group
ECG Rhythm and Pulse

ECG Rhythm and Pulse

The new rhythm primer module presents the basics of reading electrocardiograms. The new challenge module provides three fun exercises to reinforce your ability to identify the ECG rhythm. Now includes Spanish and Chinese language options. ECG Rhythm and Pulse will...

Price: Free Developer: Anesoft Corporation
Fluids and Electrolytes MIE

Fluids and Electrolytes MIE

Get all the basics on fluids and electrolytes, with the newest edition of the one-and-only Fluids and Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy! Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
HBK of Laboratory and Dx Tests

HBK of Laboratory and Dx Tests

Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications. Everything you need to know to understand how tests work, interpret their results, and provide quality patient care - pre-test, intra-test, and post-test. Download the FREE app and view...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
ATLAS OF PATHOLOGY And Comparison With Normal Anatomy

ATLAS OF PATHOLOGY And Comparison With Normal Anatomy

This Product is the Japanese-English bilingual Pathology Atlas ebook for medical professionals and students. ■Features of the Product ・Changing laungage setting, Japanese-English ・Comparing the image of normal structure with the image of the lesion portion ・Easy-to-use functions Included content examples -Esophagus -Stomach -Large Intestine -Liver -Airway and...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer: M3, Inc.
ATLAS OF PATHOLOGY And Comparison With Normal Anatomy Lite

ATLAS OF PATHOLOGY And Comparison With Normal Anatomy Lite

This Product is the Japanese-English bilingual Pathology Atlas ebook for medical professionals and students. This product is a Lite version. "Chapter1 Esophagus - Chapter3 Large intestine" only. ■Features of the Product ・Changing laungage setting, Japanese-English ・Comparing the image of normal structure with the image...

Price: Free Developer: M3, Inc.
Eponyms - Disease Picture and Medical Tutor

Eponyms - Disease Picture and Medical Tutor

This app contains disease pictures that you may feel uncomfortable with, but it is just the best way for you to learn eponymous disease. If you are a medical student, a medical provider or a nurse for any length...

Price: Free Developer: WMS, Inc
Barron’s EMT Exam Review Practice Questions and Flash Cards

Barron’s EMT Exam Review Practice Questions and Flash Cards

There is nothing nobler than helping others. If serving as an Emergency Medical Technician is your dream, the Barron’s EMT app can help you achieve it. Offering candidates the opportunity to prepare for the Emergency Medical Technician...

Price: Free Developer: gWhiz, LLC
Medical Emoji and Sticker

Medical Emoji and Sticker

Best set of medical emojis to use in WhatsApp, Messages and chat apps. 120+ emojis dedicated to health, medics, doctors, examinations and human body. You can mix and match different emojis to illustrate your conversations.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Lidia F. Monje
OnTime ITS

OnTime ITS

OnTime is a Mobile Time and Attendance Application designed specifically for the home care industry. The app eliminates the need for expensive telephony systems, and paper time sheets. Combined with our web based system, home care agencies...

Price: Free Developer: Karl Pierre
Virtual Cardiology by McGill University cardiologists and cardiologists from‎ Université Laval

Virtual Cardiology by McGill University cardiologists and cardiologists from‎ Université Laval

The only cardiology App you will ever need! Virtual Cardiology, just like having a cardiologist by your side! This unique App simulates one-on-one teaching by academic cardiologists from McGill University and Université Laval. Learn about interpretation of ECGS,...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Cardio Virtuel inc.


SBA information: Similar to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (SBA) is a civil association, with no economic purpose, founded on February 25, 1948, for an indefinite period, constituting a Federation of Regional Associations, with...

Price: Free Developer: Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia
Animated Medical Dictionaries

Animated Medical Dictionaries

This is a common App shell with 21 Medical Visual Dictionaries. One of its kind, the terms are explained through animated videos for easy understanding and retention of definitions. Each of the Dictionary can be purchased separately. 1. ANIMATED MEDICAL...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Medica


The AMBOSS Knowledge USMLE app and the AMBOSS Qbank app together offer a complete and streamlined study resource for your Clerkships, NBME® Subject Board (Shelf) Exams, and the USMLE™ Step 1 and Step 2 CK & CS. It can...

Price: Free Developer: AMBOSS
Al-Nisr Medical Insurance

Al-Nisr Medical Insurance

Al-Nisr Al-Arabi Insurance Company offers to both its medical partners and customers a mobile application; allowing them to manage, use and fill medical authorizations provided by Al-Nisr Al-Arabi, as part of its medical insurance services. No more filling forms...

Crush Step 3 CCS: USMLE Review

Crush Step 3 CCS: USMLE Review

If you know all of the concepts in this app, you should do much better than pass the CCS portion of USMLE Step 3: You should Crush Step 3 CCS! With its focused review of common cases, high-yield content,...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Animated Essential Atlas

Animated Essential Atlas

The Focus Animated Essential Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology includes a full chapter on: -Cell – the Building block of Life -Circulatory system -Digestive & Excretory Systems -Endocrine System -Immune System -Integumentary System -Muscular System -Nervous System -Reproductive System -Respiratory System -Skeletal Systems A sound knowledge of...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Medica
iMCQs in General Medicine

iMCQs in General Medicine

Version 3.2 add 100 new MCQs written by Matthew Jarocki - a 4th year medical student at the University of Manchester. I've also fixed a bug submitted by a user on our website in one of the Physiology questions. Version...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Luapps Limited
iPro APM

iPro APM

Acute Pain Management (APM) often uses rudimentary paper based referral and patient lists to organize their patient intake and ward rounds. Missed referrals or consultations have the potential for devastating patient complications. iPro APM assists with the timely review...

Price: Free Developer: iProcedures
Atlas of Hypertension

Atlas of Hypertension

Atlas of Hypertension-Animated Videos collection: is a collection of 60 animated videos with 120 corresponding images covering: RAAS and Sympathetic Nervous System a.Introduction to hypertension b.RAAS cascade c.Factors regulating blood pressure Causative Factors a.Pathophysiology of hypertension b.Regulatory factors of blood pressure c.Other forms of hypertension Complications and Treatment a.Complications...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Medica
BSC, Belgian Society Of Cardiology, Phone App

BSC, Belgian Society Of Cardiology, Phone App

Containing 100s of medical illustrations, the BSC patient education app is a unique visual aid that helps health care professionals enhance the quality of conversations with their patients. Each clinical situation is presented in a well-structured manner with simple...

Price: Free Developer: Olaf Breukhoven
BSC, Belgian Society of Cardiology, Tablet App

BSC, Belgian Society of Cardiology, Tablet App

Containing 100s of medical illustrations, the BSC patient education app is a unique visual aid that helps health care professionals enhance the quality of conversations with their patients. Each clinical situation is presented in a well-structured manner with simple...

Price: Free Developer: Olaf Breukhoven


NEW TRAUMA and ANATOMY illustrations. This NEW APP from "Picturing Medicine" replaces our previous Picturing-Med & Picturing-Syn apps and contains LOTS more content. The app is designed for medics who are visual learners. The unique illustrations provide a memorable...

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Varey
5Min Vet Lab Tests & Diag Proc

5Min Vet Lab Tests & Diag Proc

275+ procedures & tests. Each topic, written by an expert in the field, provides essential information on related physiology, indications, contraindications, potential complications, & client education. Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Acute Oncology Support

Acute Oncology Support

The Acute Oncology Support App provides free, up to date, NHS approved, simple straightforward guidelines on how to treat cancer emergencies. The App will help clinical teams assess cancer patients who attend hospitals or other clinical settings with unexpected...

Price: Free Developer: Velindre NHS Trust
Dental Anesthesia-SecondLook

Dental Anesthesia-SecondLook

The SecondLook™ Dental Anesthesia application is a study aid for learners of the dental sciences to self-test their level of knowledge about anesthetic procedures used in standard dentistry. This app covers the following topics: Maxillary Nerve Blocks; Mandibular Nerve...

Price: Free Developer: The University of Michigan

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