Top 29 Food & Drink Apps Like weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi - Best Alternatives

weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi Alternatives

Do you want to find the best weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Food & Drink apps that are similar to weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi. Pick one from this list to be your new weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like weSave - Cập nhật ưu đãi 2025.

CP Chefs

CP Chefs

Download CP Chefs, the exclusive app for Chefpanzee Chefs. Chefpanzee connects customers to authentic, delicious food from up-and-coming chefs in their area. As a Chefpanzee Chef, you are building your personal brand as a chef while introducing new, unique flavors...

Price: Free Developer: Indu Sudhakar
CP Drivers

CP Drivers

Download CP Drivers, the exclusive app for Chefpanzee Drivers. Chefpanzee connects customers to authentic, delicious food from up-and-coming chefs in their area. As a Chefpanzee Driver, you are giving customers the ability to try foods from around the world without...

Price: Free Developer: Indu Sudhakar
CP Five Star

CP Five Star

CP MYANMAR KITCHEN, the world's best kitchen is now serving a variety of deliciousness to you via CP FiveStar Mobile Application. Slide and scroll your way through our App to experience on appetizing food with Fried Chicken, Grilled...

Price: Free Developer: Egg Digital Company Limited
Cutters Point

Cutters Point

The official Cutters Point Coffee app allows you to use your phone to pay & earn points at Cutters Point Coffee locations. Scan the app barcode in store to start earning points on your purchases and build progress toward...

Price: Free Developer: Cutters Point Coffee Co
MCC Foods with Clickable Paper

MCC Foods with Clickable Paper

エム・シーシー食品 with Clickable Paper (MMC Clicker)は、エム・シーシー食品をより多くの方々に楽しんでいただくため、エム・シーシー(株)と(株)リコーのコラボレーションで提供する専用の情報ポータルアプリです。 上記情報提供の他、RICOH Clickable Paper(※1)に対応の商品パッケージやキャンペーンポスターなどを撮影することにより、商品やキャンペーンの最新Web情報や店舗やイベントでのスタンプラリーゲームなど、利用者に楽しんで活用いただける機能を提供します。 1.(Web情報機能) HOME画面やInfo画面で エム・シーシー食品に関する最新Web情報をすぐにチェックできます。 2.(Webページ付Push通知) Push通知により最新商品情報・特典情報・イベント情報などを提供。閲覧したものについてはスマートフォン端末内に履歴保存できるので、いつでも閲覧・活用できます。 3.(ARによる便利な情報やゲーム機能の提供)リコーのARサービスRICOH Clickable Paperサービスを利用したARにより、最新情報の確認やキャンペーン企画でのスタンプラリーゲームなどを楽しめます。※2 ※1 Clickable Paperサービスは、紙媒体に印刷された文字や写真とデジタルコンテンツを結びつける画像検索技術を利用した株式会社リコーのサービスです。 ※2 ClickablePaperの標準アプリ「CP Clicker」と互換機能を持っており、本アプリのダウンロードにより、エム・シーシー食品の提供するコンテンツはもちろん、様々なCPマークが付いた媒体を撮影して閲覧することが可能です。

Price: Free Developer: Ricoh Co., Ltd.
honestbee food & groceries

honestbee food & groceries

honestbee is an on-demand delivery service. Now buzzing in Singapore, Taipei, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Manila. We deliver food and groceries fresh and fast from your favourite restaurants and stores, pick up, clean and return...

Price: Free Developer: HONESTBEE PTE. LTD.
McCain True Beer Food

McCain True Beer Food

With 71% of bar and restaurant consumers looking for craft beer choices that accentuate the flavor of their food¹, the time is right to get in on the pairings trend. • Choose a style of beer (e.g. Pale Ale or...

Price: Free Developer: Marlin Network Inc.


TraceVerified là dịch vụ Truy xuất nguồn gốc đầu tiên tại Việt Nam được sự tài trợ của tổ chức cạnh tranh toàn cầu GCF do công ty cổ phần khoa học công nghệ Sắc Ký Hải Đăng EDC-HĐ...

Price: Free Developer: Binh Bui
me&u - Tap. Order. Pay.

me&u - Tap. Order. Pay.

Welcome to Australia's new way to order and pay. me&u is a smart menu that lives inside your pocket and adapts to whichever restaurant you walk into. Allowing you to seamlessly order your food and pay your bill. No...

Price: Free Developer: me&u
U Got Ride Delivery

U Got Ride Delivery

With your unlimited option for on demand delivery, U Got Ride has you covered delivering all of your food, flowers, and groceries and more directly to your door from the places you want. No need for menu’s order...

Price: Free Developer: U Got Ride Driver
B and U Fastfood

B and U Fastfood

Welcome To B&U Fastfood! Order food online in Bradford! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online app which contains our entire takeaway menu. You can now order online, all your favourite dishes and many more...

Price: Free Developer: Touch2Success
Java U Points

Java U Points

The new Java U Points App allows you to use your phone to pay and earn points at participating Java U locations. By becoming a member of the Java U Points program, you can add money to your Java...

Price: Free Developer: Marketucan Technologies Inc.
Get Food 4 U

Get Food 4 U

Get Food 4 U is your favorite restaurant delivery service with the coolest drivers.Get Food 4 U is a food delivery service for customers in USA to place orders via iPhone devices. By using this app, you can track...

Price: Free Developer: Hybrid IT Services Inc


U-BAR app help you to always be up to date with events (up coming concerts) and new promotions (discount deal) from U-BAR. U-BAR app will provide you all new information from pubs and restaurants affiliated to U-BAR 1. U-BAR UBON 2....



Discover the U’Wine App, the Bordeaux-based Negociant managing the wine-cellar for Private Individuals. Access the U’Wine Experience and become the owner of Grands Crus. • Display your wine cellar, access its valuation in real time and browse your inventory at...

Price: Free Developer: U'Wine
U Kitchen Chinese

U Kitchen Chinese

Order food online in Bolton! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online app which contains our entire takeaway menu. The U Kitchen Chinese is located in Bolton. You can now order online, all your...

Price: Free Developer: Touch2Success


HH&U is the FREE rewards program for members of the Howard Hughes community. It provides eligible members a loyalty program so they can start earning rewards at Howard Hughes locations. HH&U offers loyalty programs at a wide variety...

Price: Free Developer: LoyalBlocks


U-Boot Sie sind herzlichst eingeladen uns in unserem U-Boot zu besuchen! Kommen Sie und amüsieren Sie sich, tanzen Sie nach Herzenslust oder geniessen Sie bei uns ein kühles Bier oder ein exklusiver Gin... Jeder findet bei uns, was...

Price: Free Developer: AppYourself GmbH
ALL i CAN EAT - the food intolerance list for lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol and salicylic acid

ALL i CAN EAT - the food intolerance list for lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol and salicylic acid

Got a food intolerance? See at a glance what foods you can eat or drink. Do you suffer from lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid intolerance? Or do you even have several of them? No problem! With ALL...

Price: Free Developer: Steffen Mauser
I Feel Good Vegan Recipes

I Feel Good Vegan Recipes

*** Download today to receive Your FREE 7-DAY TRIAL *** The I Feel Good Vegan Meal Plan Recipes are a practical way of transitioning to a whole food plant-based diet, proven to be one of the most effective way to...

Price: Free Developer: I Feel Good
I Dream of Pizza

I Dream of Pizza

Do you love to order food online from our restaurant? Use this app to personalize your experience and benefit of the easiest, fastest way to order your favorite food. Features: - Online food ordering optimized for your mobile device. - The checkout...

Price: Free Developer: I DREAM OF PIZZA LTD.
I Was Poisoned

I Was Poisoned

View the latest food poisoning reports in your neighborhood. Learn as soon as you walk into a restaurant if there has been food poisoning reports. Our app will send you a notification when you enter a restaurant that...

Price: Free Developer: I Was Poisoned


Do you love to order food online from our restaurant? Use this app to personalize your experience and benefit of the easiest, fastest way to order your favorite food. Features: - Online food ordering optimized for your mobile device. - The checkout...

Price: Free Developer: ROMI SA
Can I Eat It? - The ultimate community-driven food & drink guide

Can I Eat It? - The ultimate community-driven food & drink guide

Can I Eat It? in partnership with the renowned food & journalist, taster & author, Martin Isark. On the shelf or at home, this award-winning, lifestyle App delivers a simple and fun way to check-out, if you should buy,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: the OTHER media Limited
Never Have I Ever - Beer Game

Never Have I Ever - Beer Game

Get ready for the ultimate beer game night with Never Have I Ever! Learn the truth about your friends and enjoy hours of fun with the best never have I ever game! With hundreds of never have I ever...

Price: Free Developer: Grumsen Development ApS
I Love Caribbean Takeaway

I Love Caribbean Takeaway

Order food online in Crewe! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online App which contains our entire takeaway menu. The I love caribbean takeaway is located in Crewe, Cheshire. You can now order online, all...

Price: Free Developer: Touch2Success
Ciasta i desery - Smaker

Ciasta i desery - Smaker

Aplikacja Ciasta i desery – Smaker to słodka propozycja - największego serwisu kulinarnego w Polsce. W aplikacji znajdziesz ponad 11 tysięcy prostych i sprawdzonych przepisów na: ciasta, ciasta z owocami, ciasteczka, torty, muffinki, biszkopty, rolady, lody i inne...

Price: Free Developer: INTERIA.PL S.A.
Bar A・I(バーエーアイ)

Bar A・I(バーエーアイ)

京都の夜の隠れ家的なお店【Bar A・I(バーエーアイ)】の公式Appアプリです。 【Bar A・Iのご紹介】 京都ロイヤルホテル&スパの北筋にある、京都の夜の隠れ家的なお店です。 クーポンを利用すればとってもお得に、ゆったりとした気分に浸れます。 JACK DANIEL’S(ジャックダニエル)と和製ラムを中心としたメニュー構成。 特に和ラム酒の品揃えは京都随一! 【Bar A・Iの定番メニュー】 小笠原ラム ヨコスカラム 龍馬 サンタマリアゴールド ■【Bar A・I】のクーポン 【Bar A・I】のお得なクーポンを配布しています。新しいクーポンが配信された際には、プッシュ通知で情報をお届けします。 ■【Bar A・I】の最新情報をお届け 【Bar A・I】からのお知らせやイベント予告情報など、最新情報をお届けします。 ■写真を掲載 【Bar A・I】の店内やメニューなどの写真を掲載しています。 ■MAP 【Bar A・I】の位置をMAPで表示します。 ■お知らせ 「お知らせ」はプッシュ通知受信時、一覧として回覧することが可能です。 【Bar A・Iの基本情報】 店名:Bar A・I(バーエーアイ) 住所:京都市中京区河原町通御池一筋下ル下丸屋町401-10 田中ビル3F

Price: Free Developer: Hideki Arihama

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