Top 29 Education Apps Like Optimal Sup-Spé - Best Alternatives

Optimal Sup-Spé Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Optimal Sup-Spé alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Optimal Sup-Spé. Pick one from this list to be your new Optimal Sup-Spé app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Optimal Sup-Spé on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Optimal Sup-Spé - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Optimal Sup-Spé alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Optimal Sup-Spé 2025.



ElmJr is a new custom editor that allows you to create pictures and animations by programming in Elm. Programming and designing has never been easier! You can avoid syntax (programming) errors by adding code using our Options tab, which shows...

Price: Free Developer: Optimal Computational Algorithms, Inc.
Amateur Radio Toolkit

Amateur Radio Toolkit

Amateur Radio Toolkit is the best app for ham radio hobbyists. It contains many calculators to help you design radios and antennas for all your projects. Tools: Coordinate calculator - Find your latitude and longitude by entering your maindenhead square. Grid square...

Price: Free Developer: Davey Hollenberg
Optimize with Brian Johnson

Optimize with Brian Johnson

"I use Optimize every day. I am addicted.” - Phil Stutz, best-selling author of The Tools Optimizers are smart, ambitious, and high-performing individuals. From best-selling authors and Fortune 100 senior executives to U.S. Navy SEAL Commanders and Olympic medal-/NCAA Championship-winning...

Price: Free Developer: Optimize Enterprises, Public Benefit Corporation
BSP: Bodensee-Schifferpatent

BSP: Bodensee-Schifferpatent

Hallo, schön dass Du unsere App BSP: Bodenseeschifferpatent gefunden hast. Wir helfen Dir dabei, dass Du Dich optimal auf Deine Prüfung vorbereiten kannst. In unserer App sind alle relevanten BSP-Scheine enthalten: • BSP Motor (A) • BSP Segeln (D) • BSP Motor + Segeln...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Carlo Graf Strachwitz
Steiner Tree

Steiner Tree

This app computes Steiner trees using an evolutionary algorithm. You can place, drag, and delete points of your tree. The optimal number and position of Steiner points is computed. A minimal spanning tree (MST) connects a given set of points...

Price: Free Developer: Reinhard MAENNER
Career Test Online

Career Test Online

Make a, free, career test online. Find out what professions fit your personality. For questions like - What is the right job for me? - the career test is the optimal assistance, in helping you make your decision. For whom...

Price: Free Developer: Waldemar Erdmann
August Learning

August Learning

Study like never before with August Learning Solutions. Supplement your book and in-class lessons with additional content on the August Learning Solutions app. Access videos, quizzes, real-world examples, and more, specific to your course. With the app, useful content...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Strategy Group
Beech Bonanza A36

Beech Bonanza A36

Gyronimo Performance Beechcraft Bonanza 36 / Bonanza A36 The ultimate EFB computer for Mass & Balance and Performance for the Beechcraft Bonanza Model A36, Serials E-1 thru E-926, E-927 thru E-2110 and E-2111 thru E-3629, E-3631 thru E-3635 Performance computations...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Gyronimo, LLC
Blankout: A Study Tool

Blankout: A Study Tool

Blankout is an app specifically designed to exercise your ability to recall information anytime, anywhere. In the Options screen, choose whether you would like to iterate through the words in sequence, whether you want to ignore commonly used words...

Price: Free Developer: Kevin Wu
Brevet Bac Sup 2019

Brevet Bac Sup 2019

L'App gratuite pour réussir : Collège, Lycée et Etudes Sup' ! - COLLÈGE : 6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème (spécial Brevet !) - LYCÉE : Seconde, Première, Terminale. Tous les Bacs (Généraux, Technologiques, Professionnels) - inclus les nouveaux Programmes de la Réforme...

Price: Free Developer: Nomad Education
Maths Sup/Spé : Concours 2020

Maths Sup/Spé : Concours 2020

Quizz, corrections, classements, défis, écrits et oraux, en 2020 optimise tes révisions -Accède à du contenu exclusif 100% gratuit: Plus de 7 500 quizz dans toutes les matières, hiérarchisés par niveau, accompagnés de leurs corrections détaillées conçues par des professeurs...

Price: Free Developer: Study Quizz


Features: -News:Announcements, circulars, notice etc.. posted by the Administrator can be viewed -Mailbox:The Mailbox module is an internal messaging application that allows the students to exchange the mails to the students/ parents/teachers/ administrator within the system. It consists of all...

Price: Free Developer: Laxial
Laxial Sup

Laxial Sup

Laxial Logiciel de gestion des écoles privées et pubiques, Logiciel de gestion de la vie scolaire Que vous soyez : Un établissement d’enseignement fondamental Un établissement d’enseignement supérieur Laxial est le logiciel de gestion de la vie scolaire pour vous !

Price: Free Developer: Laxial


Aplikasi ini adalah untuk kegunaan Setiausaha Peperiksaan (SUP) STPM bagi memudahkan SUP untuk memantau tarikh-tarikh penting sepanjang tahun berkaitan, maklumat berkaitan E-submission dan maklumat-maklumat kerja kursus bagi peperiksaan STPM.

Gumbo Limbo Sea Turtle Day '18

Gumbo Limbo Sea Turtle Day '18

Make the most of Gumbo Limbo Nature Center’s Sea Turtle Day! This handy companion app contains interactive maps and program schedules to make sure you don’t miss a beat. Not to mention an amazing new 3D passport activity! Sea Turtle...

Price: Free Developer: DarumaTech
Drops: Language Learning

Drops: Language Learning

App Of The Day in 150+ countries! With over 33 free languages to choose from, Drops’ short, beautiful word games make learning a new language fun. =========== Here are the key features that makes Drops the #1 pick for you: – 100% of...

Price: Free Developer: PLANB LABS OU


Présentation générale Qmax vous permet d'apprendre et de réviser votre cours de physique de maths-sup par des questions fermées, à la manière de la préparation du code de la route. Plus de 1000 questions soigneusement classées et corrigées vous sont...

Price: Free Developer: Maxime Bonis
Scripts: learn how to write

Scripts: learn how to write

Learn a new writing system with Scripts app: Korean Hangul, Japanese Hiragana and Katakana , Chinese Hanzi, American Sign Language (ASL), Indian Devanagari, Russian Cyrillic and Latin alphabet Drops Scripts takes the boring out of reading and writing in a...

Price: Free Developer: PLANB LABS OU
SP Mobile v2

SP Mobile v2

SP Mobile is a Singapore Polytechnic (SP) mobile application. Established in 1954, SP is Singapore’s first polytechnic. SP offers full-time diploma courses and a wide range of continuing education programmes to its students. SP alumni includes successful entrepreneurs, well-known...

Price: Free Developer: Singapore Polytechnic
PMI: PMI-Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)

PMI: PMI-Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)

To earn your PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)® credential, you need to meet the experience and education requirements, and pass the PMI-SP® examination, a 170-question, multiple-choice test. Regardless of how advanced your project scheduling experience or education might be, you should...

Price: USD 21.99 Developer: Overtechs llc.
PMI-SP Test Prep

PMI-SP Test Prep

To earn your PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)® credential, you need to meet the experience and education requirements, and pass the PMI-SP® examination, a 170-question, multiple-choice test. Regardless of how advanced your project scheduling experience or education might be, you should...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: CertFoundation.Com


SP – PS1 is a software tool made for teachers and students. Its goal is to provide a better comprehension about strings and language operations. You can edit and save language expressions to see the results of certain operations. String...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FRANCISCO RIOS ACOSTA
Little Kickers SP

Little Kickers SP

O aplicativo Little Kickers SP Tellme School é uma agenda escolar diária eletrônica otimizada em forma de aplicativo onde os alunos/responsáveis poderão ter acesso, através de seus celulares, de forma instantânea, a todas as informações que a escola repassar...

Price: Free Developer: At Work


PMI SP MOCK is designed to help you to practice and pass PMI Exam on your first attempt. This application provides you with up to 100 questions to enough practice for the examination. You will have efficient features to improve...

Simulado Detran.SP

Simulado Detran.SP

Vai tirar a primeira habilitação no Estado de São Paulo? Teste seus conhecimentos sobre o conteúdo estudado nas 45 horas de aulas teóricas com o simulado online oficial do Detran.SP. São 30 questões de múltipla escolha, selecionadas aleatoriamente, que...

Price: Free Developer: Companhia de Processamento de Dados do Estado de São Paulo
SP Memorial Institute of Technology

SP Memorial Institute of Technology

SP Memorial Institute of Technology Mobile App is the exclusive app for students of SP Memorial Institute of Technology. The app provides access to a number of useful campus services from your mobile device. Get exclusive student discounts across various merchants. Get...

Price: Free Developer: Kryptos Mobile
C(SP) 2A

C(SP) 2A

C(SP) Interactive Resource Package is a web portal hosting digital resources for the 2015 Secondary Chinese (Special Programme) Syllabus. The content is set in localized contexts, making it highly relevant to our students’ lives. There is also a series...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education (Singapore)
C(SP) 2B

C(SP) 2B

C(SP) Interactive Resource Package is a web portal hosting digital resources for the 2015 Secondary Chinese (Special Programme) Syllabus. The content is set in localized contexts, making it highly relevant to our students’ lives. There is also a series...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education (Singapore)

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