Top 36 Education Apps Like CIMA E3: Strategic Management - Best Alternatives

CIMA E3: Strategic Management Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CIMA E3: Strategic Management alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Education apps that are similar to CIMA E3: Strategic Management. Pick one from this list to be your new CIMA E3: Strategic Management app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CIMA E3: Strategic Management on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like CIMA E3: Strategic Management - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CIMA E3: Strategic Management alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like CIMA E3: Strategic Management 2025.

CIMA Cert BA smart MCQ

CIMA Cert BA smart MCQ

CIMA Cert BA: Questions Smart MCQs CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting app contains questions covering the new CIMA Certificate syllabus examinable from January 2017 onwards. The app enables you to study for your CIMA Certificate exams wherever and whenever you...

Price: Free Developer: The Content Team
CIMA E3 Strategic Management

CIMA E3 Strategic Management

Revision Software for CIMA E3 Exam Syllabus. Over 400 unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test. CIMA E3 Covers: 1. Interacting with the organisation’s environment. 2. Evaluating strategic position and strategic options. 3....

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited
CIMA P2 Adv. Man. Accounting

CIMA P2 Adv. Man. Accounting

Revision Software for CIMA P2 Exam (Current Exam Syllabus). Over 350 unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test. CIMA P2 Covers: 1. Cost planning and analysis for competitive advantage. 2. Control and performance...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited
CIMA E2 Project Rel.Management

CIMA E2 Project Rel.Management

Revision Software for CIMA E2 Exam (Current Exam Syllabus). Over 320 unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test. CIMA E2 Covers: 1. Introduction to strategic management and assessing the global environment. 2. The...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited
CIMA F2 Adv Fin Reporting

CIMA F2 Adv Fin Reporting

Revision Software for CIMA F2 Exam (Current Exam Syllabus). Advanced Financial Reporting Over 340 unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test. CIMA F2 Covers: 1. Sources of long-term finance. 2. Financial reporting. 3. Analysis...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited
CIMA F1 Fin. Reporting & Tax

CIMA F1 Fin. Reporting & Tax

CIMA F1 Financial Reporting & Taxation Revision Software for CIMA F1 Exam Syllabus. Over 300+ unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test. The F1 exam focuses on how to prepare full financial statements...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited
CIMA C01: Certificate in Business Accounting

CIMA C01: Certificate in Business Accounting

This subject deals with the basic techniques for the identification and control of costs and cost management. It introduces the context of management accounting in commercial and public sector bodies and its wider role in society. It identifies the...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Self-Paced Software Development
CIMA C05: Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate...

CIMA C05: Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate...

CIMA: C05 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law. The learning outcomes in this subject reflect the legal framework for business and provide the underpinning for commercial activity. It includes the areas of contract law, employment law, financing, administration...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Self-Paced Software Development
CIMA E1: Organisational Management

CIMA E1: Organisational Management

The CIMA E1 Complete Text introduces the economic, social and political contexts of international business. The E1 study text is designed to complement your own learning style, whether that's gaining a thorough understanding of information systems and operations, or...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Self-Paced Software Development
CIMA C02: Certificate in Business Accounting

CIMA C02: Certificate in Business Accounting

The main objective of this subject is the preparation of financial statements for single entities. These statements are constructed within a conceptual and regulatory framework requiring an understanding of the various valuation alternatives, the role of legislation and of...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Self-Paced Software Development
E3 Student Ministry

E3 Student Ministry

This is the official app of the E3 Student Ministry, the youth ministry of Faith Christian Outreach Church in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. It features content by Pastor Jeff McNiell. The mission of E3 is to lead every student to...

Price: Free Developer: Faith Christian Outreach Church
CIMA E3: Strategic Management.

CIMA E3: Strategic Management.

E3 builds on the insights gained from E1 and E2 about how organisations effectively implement their strategies by aligning their structures, people, process, projects and relationships. E3 aims to develop the skills and abilities of the strategic leaders of...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: CertFoundation.Com
E3 Challenge

E3 Challenge

The E3 Challenge is a small group resource made up of 120 unique stories in the life of Jesus. The curriculum follows the life and teachings of Jesus using a harmony of the 4 of the gospel accounts. The E3...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
E3 Tutoring and Mentoring

E3 Tutoring and Mentoring

The only education app that connects you to an expert tutor for real-time help. With Tutor app To Go, you can: - Connect to a live tutor for one-to-one help in math, science, social studies, and English, etc.. - Save and...

Price: Free Developer: Ashley Gray
Learning Hub

Learning Hub

The Learning Hub allows you to access all your E3 training courses from one handy app. No more searching through all your apps to find the right course. All courses you are enrolled on will automatically appear in the...

Price: Free Developer: E3 Compliance Training
Aproximaciones I (E3)

Aproximaciones I (E3)

Helga de Alvear (Kirn, Alemania, 1936) fue reconocida en el año 2010 como una de las 100 personas más relevantes e influyentes en el mundo del arte dentro de la afamada lista "Power 100". En ese mismo año se...

Price: Free Developer: Fundación Helga de Alvear
UDA式リテンション・トレーニング ステップアップコース

UDA式リテンション・トレーニング ステップアップコース

同時通訳トレーニングから生まれた英会話練習法。 「考えながら繰り返す」ことで英会話に必要な反射神経が身につきます。 ベーシックコースではごく簡単な文章で基礎力を鍛えます。 ステップアップコースでは少し入り組んだ文で応用力を鍛えます。 ■英語で会話するための回路をつくる 日常会話で使用する語学レベルは中学~高校初級程度で、それほど難しくはありません。 それなのに英会話が難しいのは、知識があっても、それを反射的に引き出すことができないからです。 会話のプロセスは「相手の言葉を聞いた瞬間に、一時的に脳に記憶し反応する」ことの繰り返しです。 日本語で話すとき、私たちはこれを無意識に、反射的に行っています。 英会話をするために必要なのは、知識を反射的に引き出し、英語で聞いて話すための回路を作るためのトレーニングなのです。 ■UDA式リテンション・トレーニングとは リテンション (retention) とは「記憶を保持する力」のことです。 リテンションのトレーニングはプロ通訳者の同時通訳のトレーニング法としても使われているものです。 UDA式リテンション・トレーニングは、プロ用のトレーニングをもとに、一般の方向けに開発したトレーニング法です。 相手の言葉を「考えながら繰り返す」ことにより、ヒアリングとスピーキングの両方を同時に、しかも短期間で効果的に訓練することができます。 ■UDA式とは UDA式30音トレーニングとは、日本語にない30音(子音23個、母音7個)の発音を集中的に学習することで「英語の口」「英語の耳」をつくり、英会話を短期間のうちに驚くほど上達させる、日本語話者のためのトレーニング法です。これまで20年以上の実績があり、多くの方にご好評をいただいているトレーニング法です。TOEICのスコアアップや、英語が聞き取りやすくなったとのご報告が数多くよせられています。 ■よくある質問 Q. 音が出ません。 A. 設定画面で「サイレントモードで音声を再生する」をオンにしてください。

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: PC-EGG Co., Ltd.


◆対象年齢:6歳〜 ◆基本情報 一年生で習う3つの数の足し算や引き算の計算をゲーム感覚で楽しく反復学習できるように考えたアプリです。 1問正解するごとに1ポイント獲得し、一定のポイントがたまると、キャラクターが進化していきます。 2回進化します。 子ども達は遊び感覚で本アプリを続け、達成感を得られると思います。 0の感覚もやしなえるように問題の中には0も含まれています。 3つの数の足し算や引き算の計算を苦手とする子が多いですが、本アプリではゲーム感覚で正解する楽しさを味わえます。 飽きてしまう子や夢中になりすぎる子もいると思います。 保護者の方によい言葉掛けをしていただき、楽しく学ばせてあげてほしいと思っています。

Price: Free Developer: Frii Inc.
Strategic Management Society

Strategic Management Society

The journals of the Strategic Management Society are now available on your iPad or iPhone. Download, read, and work with articles from SMJ, SEJ, and GSJ right on your mobile device. This journals app was created by Wiley Publishing...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
True or False - The Strategic Defense Initiative

True or False - The Strategic Defense Initiative

How much do you know about the Strategic Defense Initiative, the extensive missile defence program inaugurated by the United States in the 1980s by President Reagan? Test your knowledge in this quick fire True or False quiz on the era...

Price: Free Developer: Stuart Woolley
Courage From Above

Courage From Above

Courage From Above honors the valor, commitment, and sacrifice of a half-century of aviators in the development and evolution of strategic bombing. The Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum is a private non-profit organization located in Ashland, NE, which...

Price: Free Developer: Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum
EST Courses

EST Courses

With this app you can do the following once enrolled in a course with Elite Strategic Training. - browse the content of your course(s), even when offline - quickly find and contact other students in your course(s) - upload images, audio, videos...

Price: Free Developer: Elite Strategic Training
EST Elite Learning Feature

EST Elite Learning Feature

Prepare for the NYPD Sergeants, Lieutenants, and Captains Exam. The Elite Learning Feature (ELF) is a quizzing tool which has questions very similar to past promotional exam questions available to everyone enrolled in Elite Strategic Training's Preparation Courses.

Price: Free Developer: Elite Strategic Training


CA Online Coaching provides high quality recorded HD video coaching classes by best faculties. The videos can be viewed anytime ,anywhere. Classes bought can be be viewed Only through mobile app with internet connection. Offline DVD and Pendrive options also available....

Price: Free Developer: Kathiresan Murugesan
PfMP Exam Prep 2017 Version

PfMP Exam Prep 2017 Version


Price: Free Developer: Thuy Pham
Business & Management Spotlight

Business & Management Spotlight

Business Spotlight is a must-have app for all business researchers and professionals brought to you by Wiley-Blackwell. This exciting new app gives you the following community features at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime - • Latest information on key...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Linxus Time Management

Linxus Time Management

Let’s face it: managing time is difficult for anyone, let alone children. Middle school is often when children begin to feel overwhelmed or that there are not enough hours in the day. For them, it may seem impossible to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: cvilink
International Journal of Management Reviews

International Journal of Management Reviews

As the first reviews journal in the field of business and management, the International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) is an essential reference tool for business academics and doctoral students alike. The journal covers all the main management sub-disciplines...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
School Management

School Management

School Assistant helps track all your school activities as well as allows you to communicate, school assignment , time table, lecture , class timing , exam results . ZeroERP school management software is a complete cloud based school management app...

Price: Free Developer: junction software
Management Encyclopedia

Management Encyclopedia

Get +3000 Study notes & exam quiz & cases and prepare your MBA, PMP, CPA, CIA exams very smoothly. You will get better understanding, more practical cases, less preparation time & a better score in the exam. -We keep the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Management Accounting Exam Questions 2017

Management Accounting Exam Questions 2017

PASS YOUR EXAM IN THE FIRST TRY WITH THE FOLLOWING REASONS: +) BREAK hundreds of practice questions and flashcards INTO small sets +) MASTER each study set effortlessly by many scientific proven methods: Multiple Choice, True/False, Matching, etc +)...

Price: Free Developer: Bua Nguyen
Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

Total Quality Control (TQM) is a complete free handbook with diagrams and graphs. It is part of engineering education which brings important topics, notes, news & blog on the subject. Download the App as quick reference guide & ebook...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
MAT 2016 Management Exam Prep MAT.1.0.0

MAT 2016 Management Exam Prep MAT.1.0.0

MAT 2016 Management Exam Prep is powered by Youth4work (A leading online test portal for competitive exam preparation). This Prep App is dedicated to all Management Aptitude Test 2016 Aspirants. Now you can prepare for the entrance exam conducted...

Price: Free Developer: Youth4work
Journal of Management Studies

Journal of Management Studies

Consistently highly ranked in the Management section ISI Journal Citation Reports, the Journal of Management Studies (JMS) is a globally respected journal with a long established history of innovation and excellence in management research. International in scope and readership,...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Project Management Course

Project Management Course

Project Management A Professional Training Course Project Management is a goal-oriented management concept for initiating, planning, monitoring and controlling projects. Project management also includes employee management as well as the documentation of processes and project results. This professional training course provides...

Price: Free Developer: Eberhard Heuel

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