Top 19 Education Apps Like Incident IQ - Best Alternatives

Incident IQ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Incident IQ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Incident IQ. Pick one from this list to be your new Incident IQ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Incident IQ on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Incident IQ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Incident IQ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Incident IQ 2025.

Incident Manager

Incident Manager

Rijkswaterstaat heeft de Incident Manager laten ontwikkelen voor alle IM-hulpverleners die als eerste bij een verkeersincident aankomen: politie, brandweer, ambulancezorg, wegbeheerders, bergers, pechhulpverleners en de Koninklijke Marechaussee. Veiligheid De Incident Manager is een hulpmiddel bij het treffen van de eerste veiligheidsmaatregelen...

Price: Free Developer: Words at Work
Fire Department Incident Safety Officer 3.0

Fire Department Incident Safety Officer 3.0

Knightlite's Fire Department Incident Safety Officer Study Helper is a powerful study tool to help firefighters prepare for their promotional exams. It's based on Jones and Bartlett's Fire Department Incident Safety Officer 3rd Edition.” Our time-tested software is a...

Price: USD 32.99 Developer: Knightlite Software LLC
Process Safety Incident Evaluation (PSIE)

Process Safety Incident Evaluation (PSIE)

The Process Safety Incident Evaluation app will lets users evaluate a chemical incident against safety indicators. The PSIE app will have three main components: the Process Safety Incident (PSI) Evaluation Questionnaire, the Severity Weighting Questionnaire, and the Chemical and Mixtures...

Price: Free Developer: AIChE
Ouchy -Accident & Incident app

Ouchy -Accident & Incident app

Ouchy is a Accident and Incident, Medication and Existing injuries report app to provide nurseries, childminders, pre-schools, schools and any other childcare facility to accurately report and keep log of any accidents or incident of children. The app provides...

Price: Free Developer: Matt Styles
GCIH: GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)

GCIH: GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)

Incident handlers manage security incidents by understanding common attack techniques, vectors and tools as well as defending against and/or responding to such attacks when they occur. The GCIH certification focuses on detecting, responding, and resolving computer security incidents and...

Price: USD 21.99 Developer: Overtechs llc.
Flash Fire Intro to Incident Command

Flash Fire Intro to Incident Command

Flash Fire, Intro to ICS, was developed as a study tool for emergency services personnel. The questions are based on the FEMA/EMI IS-100.b Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS-100) course. This app allows you to view all...

Price: Free Developer: Code 3 Apps
Incident Prevention Magazine

Incident Prevention Magazine

Incident Prevention magazine is the leading safety publication for the utility industry. It is distributed free by Utility Business Media and is also available online and in the App store.

Price: Free Developer: Utility Business Media
Post Incident Learning

Post Incident Learning

The Post Incident Learning (PIL) app is designed through research to teach individuals how to control their own behaviour. The simplicity of PIL means it can be used independently or with support, and can be personalised to the individual’s...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Positive Behaviour Strategies Ltd


Resolute Consulting’s CyberSecurity Strategy app provides an overview of the information required to prepare for a cyber incident, what you or your organization may experience if a cyber-attack occurs and activities to manage post-incident recovery. INFORMATION INCLUDED: • Cyber security overview • Practices and...

Price: Free Developer: Resolute Consulting
EX-IQ Note

EX-IQ Note

EX-IQ empowers life-long learners and leaders to make the most out of every day. EX-IQ’s dynamic, artificial intelligence technology transforms any environment into a personalised high-speed learning laboratory—offering users unprecedented autonomy, efficiency, and productivity. Whether you’re a serious...

Price: Free Developer: EX-IQ, INC.
IQ Test Compact

IQ Test Compact

Ever wondered what your IQ really is? You only get one chance with this app, but that’s how an IQ test should be. Specially designed by a psychologist to estimate your IQ with the highest possible accuracy, this app...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: The Crossword, Trivia, IQ Test & Solitaire Family


IQ-App der Universität Ulm Diese App enthält 6 Aufgaben, zum Berechnen Ihres Intelligenzquotienten. Nach jedem Spiel erhalten Sie ein Feedback darüber wie Sie abgeschnitten haben. Die Spielzeit aller IQ-Aufgaben beträgt ca. 1 Stunde. Im Anschluss daran, wird Ihr IQ-Wert berechnet und Ihnen angezeigt. Zusätzlich...

Price: Free Developer: Christopher Kannen
IQ Teacher Helper

IQ Teacher Helper

IQ教师助手,更自由地演讲 以前人们站在电脑前演讲,为了控制讲稿; 现在您可以用IQ教师助手走离电脑控制讲稿,为了更高效地传达自己。 以前人们用传阅的方式展示文件,为了传播; 现在您可以用IQ教师助手展示东西给所有人,为了共享。 *讲稿演示,移动控制PPT并可批注讲稿,摆脱空间的束缚 *移动展台中,随时随地的元素都可以变成演讲的一部分

Price: Free Developer: IQ锐达互动科技股份有限公司


¡Conquista las Pruebas Nacionales! Pon en práctica tus conocimientos y verás como estudiar matemáticas, lengua española, ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales ahora es más fácil. ¡Descubre una herramienta nueva, sencilla e interactiva con la que aprenderás y te prepararás para las...

Speak IQ

Speak IQ

Speak IQ teaches you how to format your message in a compelling way for any presentation, speaking engagement, media interview, or wedding toast. KEY FEATURES: • Easily create an account using email or connect through Facebook. • Run through a series of...

Price: Free Developer: Susana Solis


IQ集控管理 根据不同用户使用权限,集中查看学校设备状态,以及控制其开关机等状态 程序是免费的给予有购买我们硬件设备以及集控系统的用户使用的,用户名密码由我司内部分配

Price: Free Developer: IQ锐达互动科技股份有限公司
IQ Test: Calculate your IQ

IQ Test: Calculate your IQ

A test you must take at least once in your lifetime! IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a general determination of the capacity of individuals to think and reason. An IQ level indicates how one is positioned compared to the...

Price: Free Developer: Anxa Europe Limited


Try out the free Intelligence score app “IQ Test – What is your Wisdom” IQ tests have been in use right since the 19th century for measuring intelligence of individuals. This standardized test has been used across the years by...

Price: Free Developer: Orit Kolev

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