Top 46 Education Apps Like ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017 - Best Alternatives

ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Education apps that are similar to ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017. Pick one from this list to be your new ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017 on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics - 2017 2025.

ACCA F6 Taxation Exam kit

ACCA F6 Taxation Exam kit

For ACCA F6 Exam Kit practice. As per latest exam format it is designed to support student for their exam success.This app will help you to prepare for your ACCA exam regardless of which form of examination you appear...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Sayma Tasnim
ACCA Helper

ACCA Helper

ACCA Helper(ACCA小助手)是专门为ACCA学习者量身定制的中文考试报名及学习工具。 (1)帮助学员快速了解ACCA证书,提供各种免费学习资源,以及在线报名机考服务; (2)帮助学员充分规划,科学管理学习进度,以优质的学习效果快速完成ACCA 13个科目的考试; (3)为学员提供实时更新的中文版官方资讯和数据; (4)为有培训需求的学员提供优质的网络/面授课程。 ACCA (特许公认会计师公会)是全球广受认可的国际专业会计师组织,为全世界有志投身于财会、金融以及管理领域的专才提供国际化的资格认证。 ACCA为全球约180个国家和地区的21.9万名会员及52.7万名学员提供支持,从雇主的技能需求出发,为会员和学员的事业发展提供完善的专业服务。 如有需要,请您添加微信:accahelper01或致电全国咨询电话1010-1716,我们会积极为您提供帮助!

Price: Free Developer: 北京中博诚通国际技术培训有限责任公司
ACCA F5 Performance Management

ACCA F5 Performance Management

Revision Software for ACCA F5 Exam (2017 Exam Syllabus). Over 330 unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test. ACCA F5 has been designed 'To develop knowledge and skills in the application of...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited
ACCA F7 Financial Reporting (INT)

ACCA F7 Financial Reporting (INT)

Revision Software for ACCA F7 Exam (2017 Exam Syllabus). Updated for IAS1 (Revised) Over 260 unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test. ACCA F7 has been designed ‘To develop knowledge and skills in...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited


If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video is priceless. We at Asian CME-CPD Academy strive to keep pace with time and technology and bring the best for healthcare professionals. Adding life to the print medium and...



ACCA泽稷智题库——泽稷教育智题库系列产品 【产品简介】 ACCA泽稷智题库,不可缺少的提分宝典。 1.每日一题,重在积累 2.章节练习,循序渐进 3.阶段测试,测评分析 4.历年真题,考前突击 全方位覆盖各种知识点,各种题型一网打尽。 科目一:AB 科目二:MA 科目三:FA 科目四:LW 科目五:PM 科目六:FR 一科不落,让你在手机上就能轻松完成ACCA七门课程的练习。 【产品特点】 - 知识点选题 根据每一章每一节的内容出具习题,跟着所学课程的进度配合练习。 - 智能选题 多种题型,不同难度,自由选择出题范围,帮你扫除各种障碍。 - 模拟考试 上财名师、业内名师、高级讲师...精心汇编,组合而成多套高品质试卷。 - 用户中心 你收藏的题,你做错的题,我们都为你单独存放,方便你反复练习加深记忆。 - 个人评估 你的成长,我们帮你记录;你的数据,我们帮你分析。 - 考试提醒 步步为营充分准备过后,又怎能错过考试? 智题库随时随地陪伴、每时每刻提醒!

Price: Free Developer: Shanghai Zeji Education Co., Ltd
BPP Support Tool for ACCA SBL

BPP Support Tool for ACCA SBL

BPP are excited to offer a new revision support App for Strategic Business Leader (SBL) designed by BPP education experts to help international ACCA students pass the Strategic Business Leader exam. The App is designed as a revision study...

Price: Free Developer: BPP HOLDINGS LTD
ACCA F8: Audit and Assurance

ACCA F8: Audit and Assurance

Now prepare your ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance exam more effectively and efficiently with chapter-wise online tests. You can access these tests easily from anywhere and can test your capabilities in different areas of Audit and Assurance subject. These...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: CertFoundation.Com
ACCA F1 Accountant in Business

ACCA F1 Accountant in Business

Revision Software for ACCA F1 Exam (2019 Exam Syllabus). So why purchase from KYS Ltd? Used by students throughout the UK and in over 133 countries worldwide. UK Established since 2007 in the accountancy market. Over 18,500 KYS downloads to date. Study on the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited
ACCA F2 Management Accounting

ACCA F2 Management Accounting

Revision Software for ACCA F2 Exam (2018 Exam Syllabus). Over 370 unique questions covering Multiple Choice, True/False and Missing Item format. Correct answers provided for each test. ACCA F2 has been designed 'To develop knowledge and understanding of how to prepare...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Know Your Subject Limited
CIMA P1: Management Accounting

CIMA P1: Management Accounting

Operational level P1 stresses the importance of costs and the drivers of costs in the production, analysis and use of information for decision making in organisations. The time focus of P1 is the short term. It covers budgeting as a...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Self-Paced Software Development
CIMA P1: Management Accounting.

CIMA P1: Management Accounting.

P1 stresses the importance of costs and the drivers of costs in the production, analysis and use of information for decision making in organisations. The time focus of P1 is the short term. It covers budgeting as a means...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: CertFoundation.Com
P1 Chinese Flash Cards Free

P1 Chinese Flash Cards Free

Use this flash card app to help your child revise for the P1 Chinese (CL) and Higher Chinese (HCL) exam more effectively! - App contains all 310 Chinese words/characters in the MOE syllabus (识读字). - Each flash card contains an audio...

Price: Free Developer: The Rocket Studio
P1 Prep

P1 Prep

P1 - Ready Prep Prepare your child for Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah's P1 Prep Test. This app is filled with a variety of quizzes. It allows your child to be familiar with our entrance tests. There are 20 quizzes in each course. Register,...

Price: Free Developer: Irsyad
SSE P1 E-Learning 2.0

SSE P1 E-Learning 2.0

《SSE P1 E-Learning 2.0》是一款完全配合课堂教学开发的课后练习产品, 其采用课堂互动游戏中的卡通形象,并紧密配合课堂主题场景,让学员在轻松愉快的氛围下完成每周的课后练习。 《SSE P1 E-Learning 2.0》共有4张色彩纷呈的地图和配合地图主题的游戏入口;用户中心没有复杂的数据,完全用图形化的形式呈现,让小学员直观轻松地掌握自己的进度;与课堂中的ClassServer系统联通的班级排名数据,让教师实时掌握学员课后作业完成情况并作出积极评价; 本应用拥有学员账号才能使用.

Price: Free Developer: CollegePre Co., Ltd.
ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics

ACCA P1: Governance Risk Ethics

To apply relevant knowledge, skills, and exercise professional judgement in carrying out the role of the accountant relating to governance, internal control, compliance, and the management of risk within an organisation - in the context of an overall ethical...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: CertFoundation.Com
English P1 T1

English P1 T1

English P1 T1 Content: Character Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Revision "Crosswords, Trace board and important word"

Price: Free Developer: Ibrahim Amer


Hassle-free prep for P1! Go paperless for your children who are enrolling for Primary 1 in Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah. Prepare your child with these mock entrance tests! Have fun practicing our 4 subjects, English, Maths, Malay and Arabic! Each subjects...

Price: Free Developer: Irsyad
DP Math Studies P1 Practice

DP Math Studies P1 Practice

Familiarisation questions with solutions for the IB DP Mathematical Studies SL course. ● Ideal for reinforcement during the course ● Ideal for revisions for assessments ● Ideal for final revision for the final examinations ● Organised by topic ● Questions formatted in the style...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Lorna Olley
Foresight and STI Governance

Foresight and STI Governance

Foresight and STI Governance is an international, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open access academic journal published by the National Research University Higher School of Economics for delivering and discussing original and current research results concerning long-term forecasting and priorities of innovation...

Price: Free Developer: Higher School of Economics


As an educator, the challenge is to get learners to ‘dance on other lily pads’, in order to have them see and appreciate different perspectives and ideas. Figuratively, TACT is a ‘three-lily pad’ mobile learning application for developing...

Price: Free Developer: Confederation College
elearningApp - DUK

elearningApp - DUK

Die Donau-Universität Krems zählt zu den europäischen Pionieren auf dem Gebiet der universitären Weiterbildung und zu den Spezialisten für lebenslanges Lernen. mobil learning - Lernkarten als Lernunterstützung für berufsbegleitendes Studieren! * Lernkarten strukturieren Studieninhalte...

Price: Free Developer: KnowledgeFox GmbH
CGEIT Visual Prep

CGEIT Visual Prep

CGEIT Visual Prep Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT Recently Updated ----- CGEIT Contents are recently updated based on official curriculums, Visual Prep Provides you three learning options. * Visual Mode * Training Mode * Student Mode Learn, Train and Pass your exam on the...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Visual Prep
CISA Certification Exam Prep

CISA Certification Exam Prep

CISA is the only exam prep app that you need to score high on your CISA exam. This app is designed to help applicants take a deeper understanding of the relevant concepts for the CISA exam. It measures your...

Price: Free Developer: ImpTrax Corporation
CGEIT Exam Prep 2018

CGEIT Exam Prep 2018

The CGEIT is designed for professionals who have management, advisory, and/or assurance responsibilities relating to the governance of IT. A minimum of one year of experience relating to the definition, establishment and management of a Framework for the Governance of...

Price: USD 20.99 Developer: Learn & Train


CHARUSAT iOS App is an arbitrary version of E-Governance system of CHARUSAT. The main focus of the system is to provide remote access to the intranet based E-Governance system of the university. The app is designed to apply for...

Price: Free Developer: Abhilash Maheshkumar Shukla
CIA® Exam Prep 2017 Edition

CIA® Exam Prep 2017 Edition

Do you really want to pass CIA exam and/or expand your knowledge & expertise effortlessly? This best seller mobile app helps you archive your goal easily by the following unique features: - Break learning materials into small sets of practice questions...

Price: Free Developer: Lieu Phan
Mine Risk Education

Mine Risk Education

Educational game teach kid all about mine risk and how to prevent injury from unexploded ordinances/landmines. HOW This game for kid designed focus on inspirational learning, skill-building, attractive contents to our young audience will bring kids to an unique learning experience. Teaching...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Huyen
Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

The Risk Analysis App is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Published on behalf of the Society for Risk Analysis, Risk Analysis is ranked among the top 10 journals in the ISI Journal Citation Reports under the social...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Flight Risk Assessment Tool

Flight Risk Assessment Tool

Featured in the Jan/Feb 2019 Flying magazine as one of the "6 Useful Pilot Apps You Want Right Now". The Flight Risk Assessment Tool or “FRAT” is an iPhone and iPad application with a companion Apple Watch application that...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: James Williams
Risk Management Exam Question 2017

Risk Management Exam Question 2017

PASS YOUR EXAM IN THE FIRST TRY WITH THE FOLLOWING REASONS: +) BREAK hundreds of practice questions and flashcards INTO small sets +) MASTER each study set effortlessly by many scientific proven methods: Multiple Choice, True/False, Matching, etc +)...

Price: Free Developer: Bua Nguyen
Journal of Risk and Insurance

Journal of Risk and Insurance

The Journal of Risk and Insurance App is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Published on behalf of The American Risk and Insurance Association, The Journal of Risk and Insurance is the flagship journal for the American Risk...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Risk Management and Insurance Review

Risk Management and Insurance Review

Risk Management and Insurance Review is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Fresh from the newsstand, Risk Management and Insurance Review brings respected, accessible and a high impact mixture of Feature Articles, Perspectives, and Educational Insights within the...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Risk Communication Flash Cards

Risk Communication Flash Cards

Are you responsible for communicating sensitive issues with the general public? Do you feel like you could use some support when communicating sensitive topics with stakeholders? If you would like to sharpen your risk communication skills or test...

Price: Free Developer: PIONEER Technologies Corporation
Risk Management and Insurance

Risk Management and Insurance

From natural disasters and workplace injuries to cyber-attacks and shareholder litigation, the world of risk for businesses is more complex than ever before. And it’s constantly evolving, making it critical for individuals with risk and insurance responsibilities to have...

Price: Free Developer: Marsh Inc
Johne's Risk Assessor

Johne's Risk Assessor

The Johne's Risk Assessment and Management Plan (RAMP) is a nationally standardized system in the U.S. This app converts that same RAMP into a user friendly iPad app allowing easy, paperless, herd scoring and generation of a herd management...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
VR Risk Assessment

VR Risk Assessment

How good are you at assessing risk? Welcome to the Britannia Hotel. We’d like you to come and assess some of the risks faced by workers in our kitchen. Think you’re up to the challenge? The British Safety Council’s...

Price: Free Developer: Elearning Studios
Ethics Adventure

Ethics Adventure

The Ethics Adventure is an interactive graphic story designed to educate REALTORS® on the Code of Ethics, which the National Association of REALTORS® bases much of its conduct on. You’ll guide a REALTOR® through the purchase of his client’s...

Price: Free Developer: InteractCE, INC
Human Value Ethics

Human Value Ethics

This free App covers most important topics in simple English and diagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time of Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most useful App for last minute preparations....

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
DSST Ethics America Buddy

DSST Ethics America Buddy

New 2019 questions, exams and vocabulary flashcards ACE the DSST Ethics America Exam The features of this app include 1. Practice DSST Ethics America Exams 2. Vocabulary Flashcards In the information age of today education, learning and teaching is changing fast. The...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Feraco media Inc.
Ethics in Action

Ethics in Action

Ethics in Action: Highlights the projects and impact of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) through the lens of 8 ethics, which underpin the efforts of the organisation. It is a companion app to the Ethics in Action exhibit,...

Price: Free Developer: AKDN
Legal Ethics Exam Prep

Legal Ethics Exam Prep

This app is a study aid for exams like the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) ethics exam, often taken by second-year U.S. law students. (Both the term and acronym are trademarked by the test producers, which we are...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Foothills Education, LLC
CIMA C05: Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate...

CIMA C05: Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate...

CIMA: C05 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law. The learning outcomes in this subject reflect the legal framework for business and provide the underpinning for commercial activity. It includes the areas of contract law, employment law, financing, administration...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Self-Paced Software Development
History of Western Ethics

History of Western Ethics

The Ethics is en easy tool for high school and university students who would like to revise ethical systems or for everyone who is fascinated by the world of good and values. The application describes the ethicals systems from...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Daniel Klimsza


About HEAL Stunning technological and biomedical advances in the health sciences have transformed the education and training of future physicians. Medical students must absorb an ever-expanding body of scientific knowledge and gain skills of life-long learning. In order to foster...

Price: Free Developer: Odesso

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