Top 30 Education Apps Like Perfect Scale Z - Best Alternatives

Perfect Scale Z Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Perfect Scale Z alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Perfect Scale Z. Pick one from this list to be your new Perfect Scale Z app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Perfect Scale Z on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Perfect Scale Z - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Perfect Scale Z alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Perfect Scale Z 2025.

Education Perfect

Education Perfect

Compete with your friends and the world, score points, and learn on the world's most exciting learning platform - Education Perfect! On iPads & iPhones: Log in with your normal EP account details to access the full range of questions...

Price: Free Developer: Language Perfect
Clear Pitch Perfect Pitch Pro

Clear Pitch Perfect Pitch Pro

Designed and created by Blake Kearney. Please see our video for detailed information at: Clear Pitch explains and teaches perfect pitch, also known as absolute pitch. A user can expect to develop absolute pitch using this product,...

Price: Free Developer: Clearpitch Pty Ltd
Perfect Dog Best In Show - Ultimate Breed Guide to Dogs

Perfect Dog Best In Show - Ultimate Breed Guide to Dogs

The highest-rated, best-reviewed, most-popular dog app in the App Store! APPLICATION SUMMARY Perfect Dog Best In Show - Ultimate Breed Guide To Dogs is unquestionably the most comprehensive reference guide on Dog Breeds available. This app the “mac daddy”...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Preposterous Media LLC
Practice Perfect Mathematics

Practice Perfect Mathematics

Practice makes perfect! Get your daily maths fix with this handy revision app, optimised for the iPad. The ingenious multiple choice steps let you dip in and out. So you can try a question or two whether you are on...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Harriet Carmo
Present Perfect Simple,English Grammar,GCSE, CELTA

Present Perfect Simple,English Grammar,GCSE, CELTA

Present Perfect Simple - Unfinished Past - Duration use. This is the 2nd of 4 Apps that covers in detail how to use the Present Perfect Simple like a native speaker. The 4 important parts of The Present Perfect Simple are: 1)...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Retail Solution Group Limited


This app brings together information about PERFECT, a project funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant which investigates potential benefits of imperfect cognitions. On the Imperfect Cognitions blog philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and people with lived experience of mental health issues...

Price: Free Developer: Lisa Bortolotti
Absolute Pitch Trainer - perfect pitch exercises

Absolute Pitch Trainer - perfect pitch exercises

What did world renowned musicians like Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and Liszt have in common? The answer is they all possessed Absolute Pitch ability. But the truth of the matter is Absolute Pitch is not confined to a few classical composers...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Aktiv Systems
Databank To Go by Pass Perfect

Databank To Go by Pass Perfect

Databank To Go brings some of the best aspects of Databank to your pocket in the form of a mobile app. Study and practice for an upcoming exam regardless of where you may be with offline support. Whether flying...

Price: Free Developer: Edward Fleur Financial Education Corp
Learn to Sing - Perfect Pitch

Learn to Sing - Perfect Pitch

Perfect Pitch is your Pitch Perfector! Everyone can sing better with our Learn to Sing Training Program! Perfect Pitch helps you Learn+Practice, Train+Track, Anytime+Anywhere! Perfect Pitch's Pitch Perfector™ technology detects and display your singing pitch accuracy in real-time, you can easily...

Price: Free Developer: Learn to Sing - Vocal Warmups, Singing Lessons, Ear Training, Karaoke
Perfect Classes, Virar West

Perfect Classes, Virar West

Perfect Classes is a powerful messaging application that helps teachers and professors talk to their student groups via an intuitive mobile and web interface. It helps students stay on track with their coursework and get all relevant academic information...

Price: Free Developer: Ediffy Communication Private Limited
Scale E-Learning

Scale E-Learning

Scale E- Learning is a system with Assisted Learning Intelligence (A.L.I) build to automate learning process.Scale E- Learning recommends personalised curated content.The personalisation of content depends upon your learning style (Visual,Auditory or Kinesthetic), the DC competencies required for your...

Price: Free Developer: Scale Investors


Scales are central to music. Intervals are central to scales. Tuning intervals is a complex process that must constantly be refined by the musician. Scale Master was designed by professional musicians and educators and developed by experienced software consultants and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Gil Estes
Daily Life Skills Scale

Daily Life Skills Scale

'About Daily Life Skills Scale’ This Scale is for estimating 'Life Skills' which is defined by WHO (World Health Organization) as necessary abilities to deal effectively with problems and claims occurred in daily life, by eight sides. Life Skills urge...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: G LLC
Piano Scale Shuffle ABRSM 1-8

Piano Scale Shuffle ABRSM 1-8

With Scale Shuffle on the scene, practising scales has never been easier. We believe you can get top marks in your ABRSM Piano scales and arpeggios exam with smart preparation and practice. We are here to make that happen....

Price: Free Developer: Bao B Tran
Scale Shuffle ABRSM Piano 1

Scale Shuffle ABRSM Piano 1

Master your scales and get top marks with our app - it is 100% free, no ads, no in-app purchases, no pop ups! With Scale Shuffle on the scene, practising scales has never been easier. We believe you can get...

Price: Free Developer: Bao B Tran
Read Weighing Scale

Read Weighing Scale

About An open source physics at Singapore simulation based on codes written by Loo Kang WEE and Félix Jesús Garcia Clemente more resources can be found on support URL Topics measure to obtain a reading from a suitable measuring instrument Skills Engaging with an...

Price: Free Developer: loo kang wee
Scale HBV

Scale HBV

Enormous strides are being made in the care of patients with HBV, including the development of new medications. Yet clinical challenges remain: ▸ Who should be screened? ▸ How do we link patients who test positive to the care...

Price: Free Developer: DKBmed LLC
Virtual Labs: pH Scale and Meter Calibration

Virtual Labs: pH Scale and Meter Calibration

Test the pH of common liquids and learn how a food’s pH affects its safety in storage. Then, calibrate your pH meter and use it in the lab. Virtual Labs interactive food science modules train high school and college students...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Learning Games Lab, NM State University
Build A Scale Free

Build A Scale Free

Race to build a musical scale! Find the notes in three types of musical scales on a keyboard by learning the rules for forming a musical scale. These types of scales are featured: * Major * Natural Minor *...

Price: Free Developer: Shelly Cichowlas
Dzień z Kubusiem

Dzień z Kubusiem

Wiemy o tym, że bycie Rodzicem to niełatwe zadanie, dlatego chcemy Ci w tym pomóc. Najnowsza aplikacja Kubusia niczym najlepszy pomocnik rodzica pomaga w zaplanowaniu dnia oraz rozwiązaniu problemów typu: dokąd pójść z dzieckiem? co zrobić na drugie śniadanie?...

Price: Free Developer: MGD - GMW Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Aplikacja z rozszerzoną rzeczywistością do podręcznika „Tajemnice przyrody 4”

Aplikacja z rozszerzoną rzeczywistością do podręcznika „Tajemnice przyrody 4”

Połącz papierowy podręcznik z cyfrowym światem. Zajrzyj w głąb świata natury dzięki rozszerzonej rzeczywistości. Obejrzyj organizmy z bliska i odkryj tajemnice przyrody! • Spójrz na świat przez mikroskop • Zobacz, jak woda krąży w przyrodzie • Poznaj działanie układu krwionośnego i...

Price: Free Developer: Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.
A-Z Tracing Letters Handwriting

A-Z Tracing Letters Handwriting

A-Z Tracing Letters Handwriting game is an application for kids who are in early stage of identifying and learning to write English alphabets and 1-0. Are you Looking for free educational game for your toddler to trace and learn alphabet?...

Price: Free Developer: Banchar Mettha
Fiszki - matura z angielskiego

Fiszki - matura z angielskiego

Czeka Cię matura z angielskiego? Chcesz szybko i skutecznie nauczyć się słownictwa wymaganego na egzaminie dojrzałości? Skorzystaj z fiszek PONS i perfekcyjnie przygotuj się do matury. Dzięki aplikacji PONS nauczysz się nowych słów i ich poprawnej wymowy poprzez interaktywne...

Price: Free Developer: Wydawnictwo LektorKlett Sp. z o.o.
e-kartka z Warszawy

e-kartka z Warszawy

„E-kartka z Warszawy” to mobilne kalendarium historii stolicy dostępne na stronie oraz w formie aplikacji na smartfony. Warszawa, jako stolica Polski, była areną najważniejszych dwudziestowiecznych wydarzeń politycznych. Lecz w cieniu „wielkiej historii” toczyła się - swoim własnym tempem...

Price: Free Developer: desi9n sp z o. o.
SV von A bis Z

SV von A bis Z

Die wichtigsten Begriffe aus der Sozialversicherung – auf den Punkt gebracht und immer verfügbar. Ab sofort kein Problem mehr - mit dem neuen Sozialversicherungslexikon Ihrer SBK (Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse). Die App für Ihr Apple iPhone, iPad und iPod touch ist kostenlos...

Price: Free Developer: SBK Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse


Z会の通信教育 中学準備コース、中学生向けコース、高1高2生向けコースの学習を強力にサポートするための学習アプリです。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【中学準備コース】 Z会が考える「中学準備」は、単に〈小学校の復習〉や〈中学校での学習の先取り〉をすることではありません。小学校の学習範囲を、中学校でも高校入試でも、さらには高校進学後にも生かせるような土壌をつくること。これを形にしたZ会の「中学準備コース」を、アプリで強力にバックアップします。 ・Z会が誇る「良問」「添削指導」に加え、「映像授業」での学習が可能です。 ・一人ひとりの学習状況から、実力アップのために最適な添削問題をZ会が診断してお届けします。 ・毎月の学習に加え、「スキマ学習 厳選・小学校総復習号」のコーナーでは、中身の濃い5教科の復習が自分のペースで行えます。 ・「保護者アプリ(別途インストールが必要)」で、いつでもどこでもお子さまの学習状況を確認できます。 ※すべての機能をご利用いただくには、Z会の通信教育 中学準備コース「iPadスタイル」(小学6年生対象)のお申し込みが必要です。 【中学生向けコース、高1高2生向けコース】 「良問」「添削指導」に加え、ハイレベルな講義、仲間・ライバル、進路相談、学習相談、そして思いや考え方を通い合わせる機会…未来の成功にむけて必要なものすべてが、自宅で手に入ります。「添削×iPad」で、手の中に、最強の教材と指導力を! ・Z会の精鋭講師陣による質の高い「映像授業」を、自宅で視聴できます。 ・「今日やること」がひと目でわかるから、スムーズに学習を進められます。 ・教科別/単元別に、学習の進捗状況がひと目でわかります。 ・添削問題を解き終えたら、答案はiPadのカメラで撮影してZ会に送信! 添削済み答案もiPadに返送されるから、郵送にかかる時間が短縮でき、早めに復習に取りかかれます。 ・学習アプリ内から「教えてZ会!」を利用できるから、教材の質問や学習相談がラクラク!です。 ・iPadでみんなの取り組み状況がわかります。全国のZ会員がハイレベルなライバルであり、仲間にもなります。 ・どこでもお子さまの学習状況を確認できる専用アプリをご用意。(「保護者アプリ」のインストールが別途必要です。) ※すべての機能をご利用いただくには、Z会の通信教育 中学生向けコース、高1高2生向けコース 本科「iPadスタイル」のお申し込みが必要です。(専科は「テキストスタイル」での提供となります。) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本アプリの利用規約はこちら( )をご覧ください。

Price: Free Developer: ZKAI
Hoc Tieng Nhat A - Z (Offline)

Hoc Tieng Nhat A - Z (Offline)

"Học - Luyện Thi Tiếng Nhật Từ A đến Z" là ứng dụng học tiếng nhật đầy đủ nhất, bao gồm tất cả các kỹ năng gói gọn lại trong một ứng dụng. Một ứng dụng tuyệt vời dành...

Price: Free Developer: Trinh Van Quan
Z Table

Z Table

"Z table" application is developed to provide easy and accurate information to users. You can find all Z values on a single app and easy to use table. The Z table application can be benefitted in quality concerns and statistic...

Price: Free Developer: feo2
Tieng Anh Giao Tiep: A-Z

Tieng Anh Giao Tiep: A-Z

Học Tiếng Anh Giao Tiếp Từ A-Z là ứng dụng học tiếng anh giao tiếp rất đầy đủ, mỗi bài học bao gồm đủ các thành phần từ vựng, ngữ pháp, luyện nghe, luyện nói ... giúp học tiếng...

Price: Free Developer: Trinh Van Quan

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