Top 30 Medical Apps Like UGA® D-Lab Mobile - Best Alternatives

UGA® D-Lab Mobile Alternatives

Do you want to find the best UGA® D-Lab Mobile alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Medical apps that are similar to UGA® D-Lab Mobile. Pick one from this list to be your new UGA® D-Lab Mobile app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to UGA® D-Lab Mobile on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like UGA® D-Lab Mobile - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid UGA® D-Lab Mobile alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like UGA® D-Lab Mobile 2025.

Munsell D-15 Test

Munsell D-15 Test

・Introduction This app is one that simulates the panel D-15 test that is used to test for color blindness. Panel D-15 test is aligned panel to continuously change color. Protan (confusion between blue green - red) Deutan (confusion between purple -...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Yu Saito


ตามแผนแม่บทแห่งชาติ ว่าด้วยการพัฒนาสมุนไพร ฉบับที่ 1 พ.ศ.2560-2564 กำหนดยุทธศาสตร์ส่งเสริมสมุนไพรไทยเพื่อการรักษาโรคและการสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ ครอบคลุมการพัฒนาระบบบริการการแพทย์แผนไทย การวิจัยตำรับยาสมุนไพรและสมุนไพรในอาหาร การพัฒนาบุคลากรที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการแพทย์แผนไทย การเข้าถึงตำรับยาสมุนไพรในสถานบริการสาธารณสุข การส่งเสริมภูมิปัญญาการแพทย์พื้นบ้าน และส่งเสริมการใช้สมุนไพรอย่างถูกต้อง กรมการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ทางเลือก ร่วมมือกับสำนักงานคณะกรรมการอาหารและยา สภาอุตสาหกรรมแห่งประเทศไทยและผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านสมุนไพร จัดทำ นามานุกรมผลิตภัณฑ์สมุนไพรไทย (Thai Herbal Products Directory : Thai-D) ฉบับที่ 1 ปีพุทธศักราช 2560 เพื่อเป็นแหล่งอ้างอิงผลิตภัณฑ์สมุนไพรที่มีมาตรฐานของประเทศ นามานุกรมฉบับนี้ ได้รวบรวมข้อมูลผลิตภัณฑ์สมุนไพร ได้แก่...

Price: Free Developer: กรมการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ทางเลือก
Aphasie (voix d'homme)

Aphasie (voix d'homme)

Aphasie (voix d'homme) Version française La communication avec les sujets aphasiques, mais également avec toute personne ne pouvant pas parler suite à un événement médical récent (trachéotomie, laryngectomie …) est très difficile. Certaines règles fondamentales sont à respecter : - être patient et laissez...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: jf.dumon
ECM Valle d'Aosta

ECM Valle d'Aosta

"ECM Valle d'Aosta" è l'App della Regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta dedicata alla formazione in Sanità. I servizi di questa applicazione sono rivolti a tutti i professionisti del settore sanitario che usufruiscono dei servizi offerti dai provider ECM accreditati dalla Regione...

Price: Free Developer: NBS S.r.l.
NEOinph VH

NEOinph VH

NEOinph és una eina d’ús sense connexió, actualitzada, ràpida i de fàcil accés destinada al personal d’infermeria. Unifica criteris i augmenta la seguretat en l’administració de fàrmacs, estandarditzant les pautes de preparació, administració i conservació, minimitzant la probabilitat d’error...

Price: Free Developer: Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus
Déficits Attentionnels

Déficits Attentionnels

Cette appli est destinée à travailler de manière spécifique les différents modules de l'attention que sont la focalisation attentionnelle, le Nback et l'attention divisée. Cette appli a été réalisée et validée cliniquement. Les consignes et animations ont été choisies afin...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: GERIP
GEOQ - Groupe d'Étude en Oncologie du Québec

GEOQ - Groupe d'Étude en Oncologie du Québec

Le GÉOQ est un organisme à but non lucratif dont l’objectif principal est de promouvoir la communication et la coopération entre les différents professionnels impliqués dans le diagnostic, l’investigation, la recherche et le traitement des différentes formes de cancer...

Price: Free Developer: Création Touché
PCAT Mastery: Pharmacy College Admission (Pharm D)

PCAT Mastery: Pharmacy College Admission (Pharm D)

Dominate your PCAT test with this bestselling study app. Review 1,200+ practice questions, quizzes and tests anytime, anywhere -- no internet connection needed! PCAT Mastery was developed to give you an edge by obsessively focusing on providing maximum...

Price: Free Developer: gWhiz, LLC
ScanKids VH

ScanKids VH

ScanKids es una aplicación gamificada destinada a niños de entre 6 y 12 años que tienen que someterse a una prueba de diagnóstico por imagen en un hospital. Muchos de estos niños afrontan las pruebas con el temor de...

Price: Free Developer: Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus
Lab Notes & Diagnostic Tests

Lab Notes & Diagnostic Tests

The only Mobile reference you need to explain, prepare, and care for patients before, during, and after common lab and diagnostic testing. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Lab Values Medical Reference

Lab Values Medical Reference

*TOP RATED LAB VALUE AND MEDICAL REFERENCE APP ON iTUNES* FEATURES: * 3 Medical reference apps in 1: Lab Reference Values, Medical Abbreviations and Medical Prefix / Suffixes. * Data is completely editable. You can create new lab values, edit existing ones...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Hipposoft, LLC
LabGear – Medical Lab Tests

LabGear – Medical Lab Tests

LabGear is the most advanced pocket tool for Medical Laboratory tests with peer reviewed content for all health care professionals - students, physicians, nurses and is now with iCloud sync. • Comprehensive library of medical lab tests with differential diagnosis,...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Med Gears
Lab Alpha: Medical Converter

Lab Alpha: Medical Converter

Easily & quickly convert US (United States) units to SI (International System of Units), or vice versa, wherever you are with full offline functionality. Create custom conversion calculators or use one of 300+ pre-loaded into the app. LAB ALPHA -...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Medicon Apps
BRU Virtual Lab

BRU Virtual Lab

Powered by the BRU (pronounced the "Brew'') - the biomedical research unit - this app used augmented reality (AR) technology that allows you to step inside a scientific lab at The Medical City (TMC) Philippines. Download our FREE app...

Price: Free Developer: Imagine Realities Inc.
Vita - Lab Reference Ranges

Vita - Lab Reference Ranges

Vita - Lab Values app provides an unprecedented experience in viewing laboratory reference values. It is a comprehensive library of medical laboratory tests with description, explanatory text, indications for increased/decreased lab test values, critical values (where applicable), US/SI...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: iCat Solutions Ltd
Innovation Lab AR

Innovation Lab AR

Innovation Lab AR leverages augmented reality to showcase innovative medical device and healthcare solutions.  The Innovation Institute supports medical device innovation through its Innovation Lab where medical device innovation and healthcare innovation solutions are developed.  Innovation Lab AR provides...

Price: Free Developer: Innovation Institute LLC
Lab Test Values

Lab Test Values

This app is designed to provide general informations on the commonly using (BLOOD AND OTHER BODY FLUIDS) test in the laboratory. It includes the normal ranges of various test. It includes most of the aspects of the laboratory. Hematology,...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmad Nakore
xRapid-Lab: the malaria parasite counter

xRapid-Lab: the malaria parasite counter

xRapid-Lab, the automated counter for malaria cultures, supports all researchers working on lab culture of Plasmodium species with this new tool to count parasites and red blood cells faster. xRapid-Lab is an automated system to count parasites and red blood...

Price: Free Developer: xRAPID
Bakerman's ABC's of Lab Data

Bakerman's ABC's of Lab Data

Bakerman's ABC's of Interpretive Laboratory Data covers hundreds of common and uncommon laboratory tests, including topics such as specimen, reference range and interpretation. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
AdvancedMD Mobile

AdvancedMD Mobile

Perfectly accessible. Completely portable. AdvancedMD Mobile is AdvancedMD’s mobile EHR app for iPad and iPhone. It allows you to give patients more attention with fewer distractions as well as attend to tasks when you are away from the practice....

Price: Free Developer: AdvancedMD, Inc.
Amico Mobile Eco System App

Amico Mobile Eco System App

Amico Mobile Eco System App, Amico Medical Alarms and Source systems status monitor app. Customer will have peace of mind knowing that their medical alarms and source systems always connected and monitor via Amico mobile eco system App. Ones the...

Price: Free Developer: Amico Corporation
iTraycer Mobile

iTraycer Mobile

iTraycer is a mobile medical pinning and tracking solution that runs in the palm of your hand, providing tracking and real-time tracing of medical trays, devices and implants, including lot numbers, part numbers, from manufacturer to patient. Features: -Full suite of...

Price: Free Developer: Medical Tracking Solutions, LLC
PartsSource Mobile App

PartsSource Mobile App

Shop over 4 million medical replacement products, all in one place. PartsSource is the world’s largest provider of medical replacement products. Today we help more than 3,000 member hospitals and more than 12,000 clinical sites achieve sustainable savings and efficiencies. PartsSource...

Price: Free Developer: PartsSource Inc.
Mobile Medicine

Mobile Medicine

Mobile Medicine is an application to collect and search files inside your Mobile Medicine Object Collection in your iPhone. The application allows to get them, to search them and to organize them into icons and/or lists. Object can be...

Price: Free Developer: Universita' Degli Studi Di Firenze
BidMed Plus Mobile

BidMed Plus Mobile

An invaluable tool for quickly and efficiently inventorying assets, BidMobile has streamlined the process of capturing data and images using one tool. Logging assets is effortless with BidMobile’s built-in-barcode scanner, recording unique IDs like asset tags, and attaching these...

Price: Free Developer: Bidmed LLC
Phyzii Mobile

Phyzii Mobile

Cirrius Wireless Enterprise Platform (CWEP) is a software application used to monitor sales force operations and enable them to prepare for doctor calls, detail products to doctors and report activities on their mobile devices from the field anytime anywhere....

Price: Free Developer: Cirrius Wireless (P) Ltd
RAVE Mobile

RAVE Mobile

Rheumatology Advance Vital Education Mobile (RAVE Mobile) is an educational resource for rheumatologists and clinicians caring for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriatic arthritis. RAVE Mobile helps you easily monitor and document disease activity, with up-to-date diagnostic...

Price: Free Developer: DKBmed LLC
Mobile OMT Spine

Mobile OMT Spine

MOBILE OMT for the SPINE is a powerful clinical reference and teaching tool for any student, clinician or educator involved in the practice or the teaching of manipulative/manual therapy for musculoskeletal disorders. A comprehensive mobile companion providing...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Clinically Relevant Technologies
Operation Smile Mobile Screening App

Operation Smile Mobile Screening App

In celebration of their 30th anniversary, Operation Smile collaborated with SMART and AJWCC to develop a mobile application to replace their paper-based process of pre-screening patients in the Philippines. Here, local health workers and volunteers can download the app...

Price: Free Developer: AJWCC

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