Top 41 Music Apps Like Courage My Love Sticker Pack - Best Alternatives

Courage My Love Sticker Pack Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Courage My Love Sticker Pack alternatives for iOS? We have listed 41 Music apps that are similar to Courage My Love Sticker Pack. Pick one from this list to be your new Courage My Love Sticker Pack app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Courage My Love Sticker Pack on your iOS devices.

Top 41 Apps Like Courage My Love Sticker Pack - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Courage My Love Sticker Pack alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 41 similar apps like Courage My Love Sticker Pack 2025.

Hip Hop and Rap Ringtones – Best Beats and Melodies of Your Favorite Music Genre

Hip Hop and Rap Ringtones – Best Beats and Melodies of Your Favorite Music Genre

Is hip hop your favorite music genre? If the answer is yes, you are in the right place! Download this ringtone app and explore our hard core beats and melodies! Pick your favorite one and satisfy your taste in...

Price: Free Developer: Stevan Milanovic
Ernest Hummingbird

Ernest Hummingbird

Ernest Hummingbird inspires kids with his courage to Sing Out Loud! Catchy, family-friendly music by Tommy Thayer of KISS and heartfelt narration by chart-topper Darius Rucker give this zany storybook and interactive concert a powerful boost. Drawn and written by...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Night & Day Studios, Inc.
Beat Bugs: Sing-Along

Beat Bugs: Sing-Along

Enjoy the Beat Bugs in a whole new way as they debut their first official BEAT BUGS interactive sing-along, play-along musical app! Each episode of this Emmy Award-winning show, springboards a classic Beatles song into a delightful backyard adventure...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: PlayDate Digital
Slashy Chords: Guitar Warriors

Slashy Chords: Guitar Warriors

Protect the world of HARMONY from the monstrous hordes of DISSONANCE with the power of MUSIC! Play a REAL GUITAR or STRUM a screen guitar to defeat the forces of discord! There is a world woven from music, whose...

Price: Free Developer: Wave Cortex
Tunnel AR

Tunnel AR

“The only way is up” was then – from now on we’re going straight underground with Die Fantastischen Vier! Die Fantastischen Vier have always stood for innovation and the courage to blaze new trails. And they’re staying true to themselves....

Price: Free Developer: Die Fantastischen Vier
Mantras & Chants

Mantras & Chants

People become weak and meek for the want of will power and confidence. When the mind is empowered and make active and tuned towards right thoughts and actions, based on lawful desires, the human beings gain confidence and courage,...

Price: Free Developer: Super Audio [Madras] Pvt Ltd
Radio Positive France

Radio Positive France

C'est une radio online avec 24h de programmation, pour animer les jours de l'Internet tout en travaillant ou en naviguant simplement l'Internet. Choisi une nouvelle playlist avec des messages de force, de courage, de conviction et d'énergie positive.

Price: Free Developer: ABSS Broadcast Lda
Radio Positive Luxembourg

Radio Positive Luxembourg

C'est une radio online avec 24h de programmation, pour animer les jours de l'Internet tout en travaillant ou en naviguant simplement l'Internet. Choisi une nouvelle playlist (brésilien, portugais, anglais et espagnol) avec des messages de force, de courage, de...

Price: Free Developer: ABSS Broadcast Lda
Radio Positive Suisse

Radio Positive Suisse

La radio est une radio online, avec une diffusion continue 24h/24, qui vise à encourager les internautes pendant qu’ils travaillent ou qu’ils naviguent tout simplement sur internet. Nous avons sélectionné une playlist de chansons contenant des messages qui transmettent force,...

Price: Free Developer: ABSS Broadcast Lda
My Mixtapez Music

My Mixtapez Music

My Mixtapez your plug for all the latest music. Key features: • Download Unlimited Mixtapes • Stream Unlimited Mixtapes • Share music statuses with your friends via social networks • Stream selected Videos • Find the Latest Mixtapes How to use My Mixtapez: My Mixtapez brings you...

Price: Free Developer: My Mixtapez
What’s My Note?

What’s My Note?

An app for choral singers who don't read music well. Snap a photo or import JPG or PDF. Touch notes in the photo to hear the pitch. *** PHOTOS REQUIRE AN 8 MEGAPIXEL CAMERA *** Whether you sing in a choir, or a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: What's My Note, Inc.
My Music Library

My Music Library

"There is no cloud. It's just someone else's computer" Cloud music streaming services are great except when their catalogs don't contain most of your favorite music. Why should you pay a monthly fee for songs you already own in your local...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Deckert
My TalaVadyam

My TalaVadyam

/*********************************************************/ Now with Inter-app audio support from iOS 7 onwards! /*********************************************************/ My TalaVadyam transforms your iOS device into your very own Tala Vadyam ( (Carnatic) percussion instrument)! Create your own Tala Vadya Kutcheri (percussion concert) by either creating new percussion sequences...

Price: Free Developer: Upbeat Labs LLC
My DJ - Crossfade for iPhone

My DJ - Crossfade for iPhone

My DJ is the BEST way to listen to music on the iPhone! **If you're looking for a way to play your own music with crossfade, this is it! Download My DJ now. It's free - give it...

Price: Free Developer: Scott Bedwell
My First Orchestra App HD

My First Orchestra App HD

It’s the perfect introduction to the orchestra for children aged 4 and above. The orchestra is the most amazing musical team! Come and explore all the instruments in this stylish sequel to Naxos’s My First Classical Music App. In this brand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Naxos Digital Services Ltd.
My First Classical Music App

My First Classical Music App

It’s the perfect introduction to classical music for children aged 4 and above. Find out where you hear music, who writes it and what all the instruments sound like. Meet the great composers and be wowed by the orchestra....

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Naxos Digital Services Ltd.
My First Classical Music App HD

My First Classical Music App HD

It's the perfect introduction to classical music for children aged 4 and above. Find out where you hear music, who writes it and what all the instruments sound like. Meet the great composers and be wowed by the orchestra. ...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Naxos Digital Services Ltd.


Please scroll down for Vietnamese. My Music is the application that help you to listen music on the your style. You can choose your favorite song on album, playlist or all of songs. Beside that, you can classify the songs...

Price: Free Developer: CoDev Service Company Limited
Color My Music

Color My Music

Welcome to Color My Music. Discover and listen to over 30 million tracks in Spotify by simply selecting a color from a color picker. With Color My Music, you'll soon discover that your favorite colors not only look amazing,...

Price: Free Developer: Colorful Dots, LLC
Love Songs Romantic Music

Love Songs Romantic Music

The best love songs of romantic music from different countries of the world in english and spanish language. Transmitted from countries such as United States, Mexico, Colombia, United Kingdom, Chile, Argentina, Guatemala, Ecuador, Spain, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Peru, among...

Price: Free Developer: Yonatan Roman
Best Love Ringtones: Romantic Melodies and Lovely Valentine’s Day Songs for iPhone

Best Love Ringtones: Romantic Melodies and Lovely Valentine’s Day Songs for iPhone

▶▶▶Are you looking for some cute love melodies app which will allow you to download some amazing free ringtones? ▶▶▶ If so, you are at the right place! We’ve prepared a collection of best romantic ringtones for you to...

Price: Free Developer: Predrag Kolarevic
Valentine's Love Radio

Valentine's Love Radio

The radio for special love moments offers 20+ radio stations with the best, most beautiful and hottest love music from all genres. You can play and enjoy music from your smartphone, tablet or PC anywhere in the world. As you play,...

Price: Free Developer: Johannes Blatz
Best Love Songs – Background Music Player for Saint Valentine with HD Love Wallpapers

Best Love Songs – Background Music Player for Saint Valentine with HD Love Wallpapers

Valentine's Day is approaching, and all of us are busy organizing what is sure to be a special evening with our loved ones. Are you still looking for the perfect romantic music to act as a background on this...

Price: Free Developer: Rehegoo
Music Love みゅーじっく人気おんがくアプリ

Music Love みゅーじっく人気おんがくアプリ

音楽を無料で聴くなら、人気おんがく無料の最強音楽アプリ、ミュージックLoveが人気です。 Music Loveに絶対欲しい機能、当然あります *バックグラウンド再生 *完全課金なし(無料,タダ,0円です) *通信量を超節約 *動画再生or音楽のみ再生 が選べる *登録、ログインなし 音楽アプリにあると便利なこんな機能も。 *10秒巻戻し&早送り  音楽のイントロをカット。  さらにもう1回聞きたい曲や音楽を簡単にリピートできます *アルバムも同じ音楽の曲順で聞けます  人気のアルバムも課金なしで、完全無料でアルバム通りの順番の音楽で聞けます。 *MixList(プレイリスト)ランキング  聞きたい曲が特にないけど、なんとかなくイイ感じの音楽を聞きたいという時にピッタリ。  あなた好みの曲がプレイリストになっているので、ワンタップで自由に音楽を楽しめます。 *操作性がダントツで良い!  使い勝手の悪い音楽アプリにサヨナラ。  ダントツに使いやすいMusicラブの操作性をお楽しみください。 *他のアプリを使っていても音楽(おんがく)が聞ける!  音楽を聞きながら他のアプリ、当然つかえます。 こんな音楽(ミュージック)アプリを使っている方にオススメ。 Spotify(スポティファイ,すぽてぃふぁい)/Music Box FM(みゅーじっく ぼっくす えふえむ)/AWA 音楽ストリーミングサービス/最新の音楽聞き放題!Music Tubee(みゅーじっく ちゅーびー)/Shazam(シャザム)/無料音楽-音楽プレーヤー/音楽聞き放題MP3(えむぴーすりー)/音楽聴き放題アプリ-musicbox(ミュージックボックス)/LINE MUSIC(らいん みゅーじっく)/MUSIC LIVE(ミュージックライブ)/AbemaTV(あべま てぃーびー)/youtube(ゆーちゅーぶ,ようつべ)/SoundHound/おんがく無料だうんろーど/FM Music/音楽おふらいん/おんがく無料 人気/ アイドルのミュージックビデオやプロモーションビデオはもちろん、ビジュアル系、J-pop(じぇーぽっぷ)、邦楽、洋楽、BillboardHits(ビルボードヒッツ)、k-pop(けーぽっぷ)、R&B(あーるあんどびー)、ヒップホップ、ダンス、アニメ、ジャズ、クラシック、ブルース、サウンドトラック、エレクトロニック、ワークアウト&フィットネス、カウントリー、レゲー、演歌、歌謡曲、60円代、70年代、80年代、90年代、1990年代、パラパラ、サイケ、キッズ、ワールドの音楽ジャンルにも幅広く対応した無料の音楽アプリです。 音楽、動画、PV、プロモ、MusicVideo、アルバム、CD、シングル、カラオケの練習などなど色々な用途に使いやすいMusicBox(みゅーじっく ぼっくす)! 音楽を無料で聴き放題!聞き放題!お楽しみください。完全無料です!

Price: Free Developer: Yuma Okamura
Romantic Words Sayings & Phrases: Cute Love Quotations for Valentine’s Day

Romantic Words Sayings & Phrases: Cute Love Quotations for Valentine’s Day

Welcome to Inspirational Love Words, the only app that will satisfy your daily need of romantic love quotes! The pen is mightier than the sword, they say. But a pen can also be comforting, and provide a message of...

Price: Free Developer: Rehegoo
Electric Love Festival 2019

Electric Love Festival 2019

Download the official Electric Love Festival mobile app now so you can start exploring the festival Line Up, the area map or just check out our music playlist. Create a custom schedule of your favorite artists and be notified...

Price: Free Developer: Global Event Technologies
Love Live Music

Love Live Music

Discover new artists, find out touring info, and catch live music concerts at Stickyz Rock'n'Roll Chicken Shack and Revolution Music Room in Little Rock, Arkansas. Check out our podcast, song clips, artist info, and buy tickets to shows directly...

Price: Free Developer: Love Live Music
Love Radio Música

Love Radio Música

Love Radio, la música que amas. Enamórate. Love Radio is a romantic music station that will make you fall in love. This application is the official, exclusive application for Love Radio under an agreement between Love Radio and Nobex Technologies.

Price: Free Developer: Nobex Technologies
Love & Valentine Ringtones - Best Romantic Sounds

Love & Valentine Ringtones - Best Romantic Sounds

Love & Valentine Ringtones app for FREE !!! Welcome to the easiest-to-use ringtone personalization application on the iOS Market. You need just a few steps to import your favorite Ringtone: * Start the Love & Valentine Ringtones app * Press the...

Price: Free Developer: Nenad Stankovic
Bebe Rexha Sticker Pack

Bebe Rexha Sticker Pack

Customise your iMessages with my new sticker pack. Bebe xx

Price: Free Developer: Warner Music Group
Charli XCX - Sticker Pack

Charli XCX - Sticker Pack

Enhance your messages with this amazing Charli XCX sticker pack!

Price: Free Developer: Warner Music Group
David Bowie Sticker Pack

David Bowie Sticker Pack

The official David Bowie sticker pack is here!

Price: Free Developer: Warner Music Group
Jason Derulo Sticker Pack

Jason Derulo Sticker Pack

Customise your iMessages with Jason Derulo's sticker pack!

Price: Free Developer: Warner Music Group
Scott Helman Sticker Pack

Scott Helman Sticker Pack

Customize your iMessages with my new sticker pack.

Price: Free Developer: Warner Music Group
Grateful Dead Sticker Pack

Grateful Dead Sticker Pack

Dancing bears and stealies and terrapins, oh my! Make every day messaging a little more Grateful with this pack of colorful stickers. OVERVIEW: Pack of 16 stickers All stickers optimized for retina display Drag & drop stickers directly onto your messages

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Warner Music Group
KiSS 92.5 Sticker Pack

KiSS 92.5 Sticker Pack

Finally, a pack of stickers that you actually want to send to your squad! Decorate your messages with Roz & Mocha, Damnit Maurie, DJ Clymaxxx and some of the best phrases from the Roz & Mocha Show on Toronto’s...

Price: Free Developer: Rogers Media


Turn your mobile device into a musical washboard! You can play the classic metal washboard as is, or customize it by adding instruments like horns and woodblocks in any combination. You can even add decorations like a flower, a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Arlo Leach


SBAM! Colora le tue conversazioni con amici e parenti con le nuove Fedezmoji e gli Stickers per iMessage. Qualunque sia il tuo stato d’animo c’è sempre un’emoji o uno sticker di Fedez pronto per essere condiviso direttamente dalla App...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: The Kids Road srl
WRPR Rat Pack Radio

WRPR Rat Pack Radio

Welcome to the WRPR Rat Pack Radio. Here we give the the best there is in talk, sports and entertainment radio with a nice mix of music as well. You want to hear some of the best new minds...

Price: Free Developer: Nobex Technologies
Economy Picking Guitar School FREE

Economy Picking Guitar School FREE


Price: Free Developer: Fonexsis

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