Do you want to find the best NTU myEMBA alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Education apps that are similar to NTU myEMBA. Pick one from this list to be your new NTU myEMBA app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NTU myEMBA on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid NTU myEMBA alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like NTU myEMBA 2025.
Bring print to life with the HEY! Augmented Reality (AR) app. Be surprised, gain new perspectives and unlock content hidden within static visuals simply by pointing your phone or tablet at them through this app. The HEY! AR app bridges...
NTU Reader 提供臺大電子報、近期校園活動、臺大圖書館參考服務等 RSS Feed 閱讀介面。 若有新刊物發行或活動,將會發訊息通知台大讀者。 歡迎校內各部門提供RSS Feed連結,充實閱覽訊息來源。欲提供者請聯繫[email protected]。
CEIBA 是Collaborative Enhanced Instruction By Asynchronous learning 的縮寫,顧名思義,其開發的主要目的在輔助非同步教學上。 過去約十年當中,無論國內外教育工作者皆積極導入電腦網路科技於教學活動中,並研究其對教學成效與學習促進的影響。近幾年來各大專院校都投入許多努 力在校園網路基礎建設與各類資訊設備建置上。另一方面,教育科技 (Educational Technology) 領域專家與研究者亦不斷推廣利用系統化設計理念,來設計各式教學媒體 (Instructional Media) 與發展學習科技 (Learning Technology),藉由科技的優勢加上良好的設計,建構互動的科技學習環境,以支援學習者認知與學習策略發展,促進有意義的學習 (Meaningful Learning),真正提昇教學與學習成效。 本校資訊組推出 NTU CEIBA mobile 版,期能提供台灣大學學生更好的學習輔助工具。
Take control of your future success - get 1-click access on the go to all your favourite NTU Employability Online tools and e-learning resources. Take your CareerPulse and see your score in just two seconds! Then use the recommended...
National Taiwan University, known as "NTU," is the oldest comprehensive university in Taiwan. The richness of the University's cultural heritage is well preserved and displayed at the Gallery of NTU History and our museums. Pre-booked guided tours, daily scheduled...
NTU E-book Gallery is designed to create awareness and provide seamless access to NTU faculty, staff and students to the rich collection of e-books subscribed by the Library. You can search, browse and access a rich collection of...
The NTU Career Events app provides employer info, floor plans, and career resources for events hosted by the Career & Attachment Office.
Download the New NTU Mobile App • Lyon Chatbot • Programmes • Scholarships • Financial Matters • Student Life • Important Dates and Information • Application Quick Guide • Return NSMen
Explore Singapore’s most creative center of tertiary education. Since it was founded in 2005, NTU’s School of Art, Design, and Media (ADM) has become one of Singapore’s most creative centers of tertiary education. Underneath the building’s distinctive, sloping grass roof you...
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