Top 29 Utilities Apps Like King of Karaoke - Best Alternatives

King of Karaoke Alternatives

Do you want to find the best King of Karaoke alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Utilities apps that are similar to King of Karaoke. Pick one from this list to be your new King of Karaoke app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to King of Karaoke on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like King of Karaoke - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid King of Karaoke alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like King of Karaoke 2025.

King Sound

King Sound

KingSound 语音提示器采用成熟的热释电人体感应技术, 内置WiFi模块, 使用本APP操作, 根据不同场所, 不同时间段, 选择播放不同的语音内容. 安装方便, 操作简单, 广泛应用于学校, 机关单位, 展厅, 超市, 车站, 机场等场所. 产品特点: * 采用热释电传感器, 当有人经过时能够被精准地识别, 从而播放提示音. * 采用MP3音频格式播放器, 音质优美. * 内置WiFi模块, 使用APP设定定时, 操作方便. * 可设置50条定时数据. * 语音更新方便, 插入U盘即可自动更新内置语音. * 内置存储器, 语音播放时长可以根据用户需求定制. * 可设定循环播放功能, 开启后, 一直播放当前选定的曲目. * 具有时钟显示功能, 连接手机后, 自动更新当前时间.

Price: Free Developer: Waytronic Electronics Company Limited


Write > Shoot > Organize >Share Handwritten Notes! Digitally store and organize handwritten notes easily. SHOT NOTE is needed to use this application's maximum function. Get yours at your nearest KING JIM retailer or at --- Function details --- *Shoot the...

Price: Free Developer: KING JIM CO.,LTD.
Battery KING 人気バッテリーのライフをドクター

Battery KING 人気バッテリーのライフをドクター

バッテリーや電池に関するお悩みはバッテリー王にお任せあれ! このアプリは、1年間バッテリーの事だけを考え修行、開発した、 バッテリーの専門家によるバッテリー&通信アプリ、電池管理ウィジェットです。 あなたはバッテリー寿命が最適化されるように正しく充電できていますか? iPhoneを超快適に、電池を節電、節約して使い続けるために。 iPhoneの充電やバッテリー寿命を正しく知りましょう。 ■バッテリーアプリの機能紹介 ・現在のバッテリー残量で音楽は何分聞けるかゲームは何分できるか等、 ・現在のメモリ使用状況を診断しワンタップでサクサクに! ・iPhoneの動作を快適に! ・お役立ち情報で、iPhoneのバッテリー節約方法や裏技がわかります。 ・通信量のチェックもでき通信制限にかからないように診断できます! iPhoneで音楽を聞いたり、ゲームをしたり、SNSをしたり、マンガを読んだり・・・ そんな時に、電池残量を気にしなくていいように、このアプリを立ち上げ、バッテリーを確認しましょう。

Price: Free Developer: Yuma Okamura


VisualBible21 for GNT+KJV This is the Good News Translation Bible(GNT or GNB/TEV) and the King James Version Bible. Full texts of Good News Translation Bible is published by American Bible Society. VB21 ON-LINE SITE supported from Ver2, you can...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: iTRES CO., LTD.
Number Pad - Wireless Numeric Keypad, Numpad and Mouse Trackpad

Number Pad - Wireless Numeric Keypad, Numpad and Mouse Trackpad

▶ Expand your Mac Keyboard with a number pad ◀ While cropped keyboards are small enough to carry in your bag, the lack of a number pad can be annoying. This app turns your iPhone or iPad into a number block...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Pilcrow AG
Bible (multiversion)

Bible (multiversion)

Small app due to Downloadable Content, so you always have a choice for the Bible version, size, language. They're just there on the table: • The World English Bible (also known as the WEB) is one of the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Slavamax BVBA
Courier Tracker »Multi«

Courier Tracker »Multi«

With this app installed you can easily track over 350 popular courier services in India and around the world! Unique features: • Tracking history with colors and tags for easy identification • Cloud syncing to easily share your tracking list across multiple...

Price: Free Developer: Mohan Noone
Curator's Bible

Curator's Bible

The Curator’s Bible SUMMERY: The Curator's Bible is first and foremost, a Bible, but designed with a supportive layout & toolset to create, collect, and share the full range of multimedia references. This Bible app expands on traditional Bible note taking by...

Price: Free Developer: Luke Ray


18KWR is a smart office control application designed for the tenants and occupants of 18 King Wah Road, North Point, Hong Kong. This application mainly provides the functions for users to control and interact with the building facilities, including...

City of Sac Utility Mobile Pay

City of Sac Utility Mobile Pay

The Sacramento Department of Utilities Mobile Pay app helps you pay your bill, manage future payments, and receive notifications from the convenience of your iOS smartphone. Are you having trouble understanding your bill? Contact the City of Sacramento’s Customer Service directly. Manage Your...

Price: Free Developer: City of Sacramento
Probabilities of Statistical Distributions

Probabilities of Statistical Distributions

Compute probabilities for 17 statistical distributions CONTINUOUS 1) Normal / Gaussian 2) Uniform 3) Exponential 4) Gamma 5) Beta 6) Cauchy 7) Weibull 8) Chi-Square 9) F 10) Student's t 11) Log-Normal 12) Laplace DISCRETE 1) Binomial 2) Negative Binomial 3) Geometric 4) Hypergeometric 5) Poisson DYNAMIC CHARTS • Line charts for continuous distributions • Bar charts for discrete distributions MATH EXPRESSIONS Insert...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Thomas Tsopanakis
State of TN Child Support Calculator

State of TN Child Support Calculator

Tennessee Department of Human Services has made this app available to simplify the process of calculating Tennessee child support orders under the State’s Child Support Guidelines. For more information regarding the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines, please visit us at:...

Price: Free Developer: State of Tennessee
Change of Address Online

Change of Address Online

USPS Change of Address Online processing, submit your temporary or permanent US Postal Service Change of Address Form 3575 online easy in minutes now!

Price: Free Developer: AppNotch
Condition Scoring of Sheep

Condition Scoring of Sheep

The Condition scoring of sheep app, developed by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Western Australia, helps sheep managers record condition scores of multiple mobs, calculate the mean and view histograms of the scores. Users can add...

Price: Free Developer: Western Australian Agriculture Authority
FastBar Point of Sale

FastBar Point of Sale

FastBar is a cashless payment system for events. It helps eliminate long bar lines by making payment quick, easy and secure. THIS APP IS ONLY FOR EVENT STAFF RUNNING FASTBAR AT THEIR EVENT This app is used by event staff at...

Price: Free Developer: FastBar Technologies Inc.
Legislation of Bahrain

Legislation of Bahrain

The legislation and legal opinion commission provide a Search service through the website and now through the mobile application of the last legislative decrees and laws and royal orders, and declarations of the courts and the Bahrain investors Centre,Supplements...

Price: Free Developer: eGovernment Authority Bahrain
MyWaterSD - City of San Diego

MyWaterSD - City of San Diego

City of San Diego’s official Water Utility Management application lets you pay your bill, view and compare water usage, open or close an account, request help, view water savings tips and rebates, find authorized payment locations, view service outages...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Energy Systems LLC
SpreadSheet - Editor of Microsoft Excel XLS files for iPad

SpreadSheet - Editor of Microsoft Excel XLS files for iPad

+ Limited Time 90% off SALE - $9.99 ->$0.99 + Create and edit Microsoft Excel® (.xls and .xlsx) and Open Office Spreadsheet (.ods) on your iPad. Spreadsheet Calculator & Editor Professional for iPad allows you to manage Excel and Open...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Appsverse Inc.
perHours: great helper of learning in spare time

perHours: great helper of learning in spare time

perHours is an App for hourly reminders and helping you learn new vocabulary at the same time. You can set up the timer to control your daily schedule and enhance your language ability. You will receive the notification of...

Price: Free Developer: Keith Liu
Karaoke Connect

Karaoke Connect

song search/select/control app for ACNOS karaoke players of Soncamedia * smart search: can quickly input 1st-letter (PingYing) or word of song title, composer or artist (with avatar), support search by index, languages, genres, MIDI/KTV/REMIX filters, ... * Wi-Fi connect...

Price: Free Developer: Soncamedia
HoXen Karaoke

HoXen Karaoke

Hoxenkaraoke official application, 1.0 version of new online, new version to bring you a more intelligent, more comfortable experience. This app can help you fully manage the functional WiFi karaoke device and become the "smart housekeeper" in your pocket. Main function: 1....

Price: Free Developer: lanfang ye
Ekoarak Reverse Karaoke

Ekoarak Reverse Karaoke

Here is a karaoke app with a twist. Sing into the microphone solo or as a group and see your voice magically visualised into beautiful visualisation effects. Great fun during parties! For good effect, throw a karaoke party on...

Price: Free Developer: Arun Babu
DH Karaoke

DH Karaoke

Users can access up to 10,000 high-quality MIDI Karaoke songs from their phones/tablets Users can search songs by entering artists, song titles, or song codes Users can add or filter their favorite songs through the application Users can use...

Price: Free Developer: Tuan Nguyen
iBox Karaoke

iBox Karaoke

Read external devices (such as USB flash drive, SD card) song in the software, software controlled by WiFi equipment, realize the song features for home and personal entertainment devices, the song is the user's, no need to buy, no...

Price: Free Developer: Tanyu Shi
Simple Voice Recorder - Best App for Singing, Karaoke, during Call, HD Sound, Music, Audio

Simple Voice Recorder - Best App for Singing, Karaoke, during Call, HD Sound, Music, Audio

Simple Voice Recorder is a very easy to use and intuitive sound recording tool! You can use this voice recorder for various purposes including singing, practise your speech, capture nice music, make some audios, and lots of other usage!...

Price: Free Developer: Jian Yih Lee
Voice Karaoke

Voice Karaoke

Read external devices (such as USB flash drive, SD card) song in the software, software controlled by WiFi equipment, realize the song features for home and personal entertainment devices, the song is the user's, no need to buy, no...

Price: Free Developer: Tuan Do
WRX Karaoke

WRX Karaoke

Read external devices (for example: U disk, SD card in the list of songs in the software, the software through the WiFi communication control equipment, the realization of song, play, display lyrics function, this software with hardware equipment for...

Price: Free Developer: Lu Boi Chi
HDMK Remote

HDMK Remote

This application is client acting as a remote control to our HDMK karaoke machine which is the HOST device. It is used search songs, browse songs and queue up songs to be played inside the HDMK karaoke machine. The...

Price: Free Developer: AccountTech Pty Ltd

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