Top 25 Entertainment Apps Like Devon Days AB - Best Alternatives

Devon Days AB Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Devon Days AB alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Entertainment apps that are similar to Devon Days AB. Pick one from this list to be your new Devon Days AB app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Devon Days AB on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Devon Days AB - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Devon Days AB alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Devon Days AB 2025.



Audioshelf is an audiobook smartphone app designed with the 'on-the-go' reader in mind. Find, and enjoy varied genres and titles - have your favourite titles with you wherever you go, at the touch of a button! HOW IT WORKS...

Price: Free Developer: Audioshelf (Pty) Ltd
Cold Case 1866

Cold Case 1866

An interactive locative audio narrative based around an unsolved murder that took place in Devon, UK in 1866. As you explore real locations within the town of Totnes, the story unfolds... Although this app is best experienced using a location...

Price: Free Developer: MightyMeta
VISTA Torquay Halifax

VISTA Torquay Halifax

Vista is part of the International Agatha Christie Festival in Torquay, UK, and has been developed by Zuppa Theatre of Halifax, Canada. Vista is a window to another place. Is that an escape, or a sanctuary? Or perhaps just...

Price: Free Developer: Shindig Digital Constructions Inc.


423HY Radio is an online Classic R & B radio station that runs 24 hours a day 7 days a week.This app has a nostalgic '70's and '80's feel that will appeal to anyone who misses those old school...

Price: Free Developer: Devon Hawkes


423HY Radio 2 is an online Classic hip hop station that bangs the streets 24 hrs a day a days a week. we take it back to the essence with NO GIMMICKS.We have live shows,live Djs,100% hip hop word....

Price: Free Developer: Devon Hawkes
Yankton Riverboat Days

Yankton Riverboat Days

Yankton Riverboat Days THANK YOU AND WELCOME! We, the Riverboat Days Board of Directors, would like to take this opportunity to thank all the businesses, organizations and individuals who help sponsor Yankton Riverboat Days, along with all of the volunteers and...

Price: Free Developer: Yankton Riverboat Days
Days to Easter

Days to Easter

We're excited that Easter is just around the corner and we're sure that you are too. To make sure you can count down those days with ease, why not try this beautiful application that quickly and easily shows you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Software101
Days of Poker

Days of Poker

Days of Poker is an Open Face Chinese Poker app, 100% free to play. The app offers 6 different OFC games in 4 game types: you can play Heads-Up games or you can participate in Tournaments and Sit &...

Price: Free Developer: Days of Poker
OrangeLV 12 Days of AR

OrangeLV 12 Days of AR

Explore the the animated universe of the song 'The 12 Days of Christmas' in Augmented Reality while looking at our Holiday Card through your phone. 1. Point your phone at Holiday Card 2. Open clock to reveal...

Price: Free Developer: OrangeLV
Days to Christmas Lite

Days to Christmas Lite

We're excited that Christmas is around the corner and we're sure that you are too. To make sure you can count down those days with ease, why not try this beautiful application that quickly and easily shows you...

Price: Free Developer: Software101
Days to Easter Lite

Days to Easter Lite

We're excited that Easter is just around the corner and we're sure that you are too. To make sure you can count down those days with ease, why not try this beautiful application that quickly and easily shows you...

Price: Free Developer: Software101
365 Days of Astronomy

365 Days of Astronomy

This is the most convenient and reliable way to access 365 Days of Astronomy on your iPhone or iPod Touch. You're always connected to the latest episode. Instant access, just touch and play! As an added bonus, you get bonus...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Wizzard Media
Avenue Art Days Mural Map

Avenue Art Days Mural Map

Avenue Art Days is a creativity-fueled initiative of the Douglas Design District in Wichita, Kansas. The objective of Avenue Art Days is to harness some of the untapped creative abilities of the Wichita emerging young designers and artists and involve...

Price: Free Developer: Air Capital Media LLC
My Days: Count the Days of your Anniversary

My Days: Count the Days of your Anniversary

• Count the days of your anniversary. • Remember everyday on Today Widget. • Notification when your anniversary coming. • Record your voice for anniversary. • Easy to share on Facebook & more...

Price: Free Developer: Dao Duy Quang
Valentine's Day - 14 days of Love

Valentine's Day - 14 days of Love

Happy Valentine's Day! Download Valentine's Day Calendar: 14 free Apps selected for you with love among the greatest apps on the App Store and daily romantic animations to get yourself into love spirit. From the 1st February, every day, a free...

Price: Free Developer: Massimo Guareschi
AB型診断 性格テストxネコ1兆匹

AB型診断 性格テストxネコ1兆匹

あなたは何タイプのAB型!? ドキドキの結果でヤバい!!   ■累計20万DLのAB型診断がリニューアル!! AB型診断だけじゃなく、AB型ロボットを大量生産するゲームが追加されたよ!!   ■カンタンな質問に答えるだけで、あなたの隠れた性格が分かります!! あなたはどれくらいAB型っぽいの!? 現実的で利己的タイプ!? 積極的AB型タイプ!? 何が出るかはお楽しみ!! アプリをダウンロードしてみてね!!   ■リニューアルでゲームが追加 AB型診断のあとに、ニャーAB型(!?)を大量生産する増殖放置ゲームを楽しもう!! お紅茶水博士の量産計画の元、AB型を大量生産しよう!! 量産したAB型をバイキンから守り抜け!! 目指せ1兆匹!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     ■あそびかた ①アプリを始めたら、三択の質問に直感で答えてください。 ②診断結果が分かります。 ③その後、ニャーAB型のネコを大量に生産してください。 ④ハートをタップしてください。 ⑤ステージを解放してください。 ⑥アイテムを追加してください。 ⑦バイキンを撃退してください。 ⑧1兆匹を達成してください。     ■AB型人間の特徴 ・偏屈で頑固ですが、聡明で決断力に富み、何ごとも強い意志で実行します。 ・ 負けず嫌いで好き嫌いも激しいですが、義理人情に厚いです。 ・外向性人間で律儀ですが、神経が鋭く、人に馴染みにくく、乱雑、乱暴で、スジにこだわります。 ・ 淡白さもあり、理論を軽んじ、カンにたよります。 ・ 直情的、激発的ですが、行動がすばやく、一匹狼的であります。 ・ 人の意表をつく。ネバリ不足。なかなか勝気。言い逃れが上手。チャッカリ屋。気分屋。 ・ 思い切りが良く、急進的で自惚れが強いです。ガメツイですが淡白です。 ・ するどい感覚や感性があるか、キカン気が強く、適応性に欠けやすいです。 ・ 義理や人情に厚くかたくななまでに約束を守ります。 ・ 神経がするどく観察眼にすぐれていますが、仕事はできるがとけあいにくいです。 ・ 女性は、感覚がするどく、地位や肩書きに対する反発心が強い。 ・ 自我の弱い女性は、地位に対する執着がある、メンツの保持を大切にする、律義に徹する、内向的で陰気で消極的であります。 ・ 一発勝負にかけるときがあるか、独自の道を進み、人の上にたつ人もあります。 ・ 性急であわただしく、静より動を好みます。 ・ 干渉を本能的に嫌い、仕事熱心はこのうえないか、カッコをつけたがります。 ・ 道理を退け、偏事を好み、なかなか他人と和さないです。 ・ 抗争心が強いだけでなく、権勢欲が高い、勝気で負けず嫌いです。 ・ 自説を固持し、他人の言を入れず、出頭の風が強いです。 ・ 機をみるに敏で、かつ果断、権謀術策に長じており、目的のために他人を利用するところがあります。 ・ 自己評価を高くし、鋭角的な感覚と怜悧な頭脳を持っています。 ・ 万事に粗雑で冒険心が盛んで、深く考えず、すぐに行動に出ます。 ・ つねに他人から非難されるとか、攻撃されやすいです。 ・ 難事を意に介さず、直情径行型であります。 ・ 部下にたいする面倒見が良いです。 ・ 気分屋で自惚れが強いですが、思い切りは良いです。

Price: Free Developer: HANAUTA INC.
Chatime AB

Chatime AB

The official Chatime AB app allows you to use your phone to pay & and earn points at Chatime AB locations. Scan the app barcode in store to earn points on your purchases and build progress toward rewards. With this...

Price: Free Developer: Spoonity inc
AB Events

AB Events

Stay informed and buy event tickets for all AB Events with our official smartphone app! Events/bookings: Find out what’s on, book tickets and reserve tables Loyalty: Use the app to earn loyalty points each time you visit our events Competitions: Enter our...

Price: Free Developer: Appload Limited
ABI SLC 2019

ABI SLC 2019

This is AB InBev SLC official App. This mobile App provides you with following capability: - View scheduled events, explore sessions, find networking events - Access location and speakers information - Posting updates to the sessions, keynotes and exhibitor booths - Interact with a...

Price: Free Developer: AB InBev
Budweiser Brewery Experience

Budweiser Brewery Experience

Experience the rich company history and 7-Step Brewing Process that was created and perfected more than 135 years ago to brew the most consistent, quality beer. This app is built to accompany any of our signature tour experiences and attractions...

Price: Free Developer: AB InBev


QVPlayer 视频播放器 - 装机必备,你的私人电影伴侣,超过千万用户选择! QVPlayer 视频播放器 - 支持应用内直接打开网址的功能,满足广大网友的刚需! 【视频播放】 ●可高清流畅播放视频文件 ●无需转码,无需安装第三方插件,直接播放 ●可识别手机上的所有视频 ●支持视频删除功能 ●加密视频,保护隐私 ●电脑导入你想要的视频 【格式支持】 - 视频:mkv, wmv, avi, divx, xvid, rmvb, rm, flv, mp4, 4k, mov, 3gp, m4v, blu-ray (蓝光BD), ts, m2ts, swf, asf, vob, h265(hevc), webm等几乎所有电影文件格式 - 音频:mp3, wma, wav, dts, ac3, eac3, aac, flac, ape,...

Price: Free Developer: qiang lan
Vip Monkey Business

Vip Monkey Business

Med VIP Monkey Business appen kan krögare, eventpersonal, dörrvakter och promotors enkelt ta kontrollen över företagets event. OBS! Denna App kräver att du eller ditt företag är anslutet till VIP Monkey AB. • SKANNING • Skanna biljetter och VIP-kort med hjälp av...

Price: Free Developer: Noejet Vaest AB
FSK - Jugendschutz, Filme & Trailer

FSK - Jugendschutz, Filme & Trailer

Die ganze Welt des Films in der neuen App der FSK. Schnell und übersichtlich die FSK-Freigaben, deren Begründungen sowie Trailer und Infos zu aktuellen Filmen sehen. - Freigabebegründungen für Kinofilme ab 2010 - Kinofilme sortiert nach Startwoche - DVD / Blu-ray im...

Price: Free Developer: FSK Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft GmbH
Super Looper Zoom Player

Super Looper Zoom Player

Loop, AB Repeat & Zoom videos on the fly! Watch your own movies or YouTube videos & shows! EXPORT your loop as GIF or MOV file! Learn by repetition or catch the action with Zoom Player! LOOP: Learn a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: michal bojanowicz

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