Top 20 Business Apps Like Risk Scout - Best Alternatives

Risk Scout Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Risk Scout alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Business apps that are similar to Risk Scout. Pick one from this list to be your new Risk Scout app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Risk Scout on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Risk Scout - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Risk Scout alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Risk Scout 2025.

Healthcare Risk

Healthcare Risk

Every hospital and clinic needs to successfully manage risk to stay competitive. Healthcare Risk has aggregated best practices from the largest hospitals and made them available in one mobile application! Choose from over 100 categories and 1,000 questions...

Price: Free Developer: Real Time Risk Solutions, LLC
Circadian Risk

Circadian Risk

Circadian Risk gives you a better way to understand risk by making it easier to perform threat and vulnerability assessments. Deliver in-depth, actionable reports in record time. It's the only tool to use a method to decrease subjectivity while...

Price: Free Developer: Circadian Risk
Risk Memo

Risk Memo

Gather risk and damage reports from your team, assign control measures as a task, keep your risk assessments up-to-date. Engage your team with quick and easy risk and damage reporting. With Risk Memo, your employees can send annotated photos...

Price: Free Developer: Risk Memo Ltd
Business Risk Services

Business Risk Services

The business risk app provides a platform to understand, assess and communicate around key business risks and opportunities an organisation faces as it seeks to develop and deliver strategy. The suite of risks covered will build over time, but...

Price: Free Developer: Ember Technology Ltd
DuPont™ Risk Factor™

DuPont™ Risk Factor™

DuPont™ Risk Factor™ App helps in meeting the challenges of Risk Management based on DuPont™ Risk Factor™ program. The app helps to practice and sustain the learning of the classroom program (i.e. Pause/Process/Proceed). The application will identify and...

Price: Free Developer: DuPont Sustainable Solutions
Risk Talk - Workplace Safety

Risk Talk - Workplace Safety

Positively change your company's safety culture and behaviour by talking your way through risk management and actually changing safety attitudes. Benefits to the user include: -Fast and effective risk assessment -Great for group risk assessments -User friendly interface -Voice sign-off -No illegible hand writing concerns -No...

Price: Free Developer: Risk Talk
Zurich Risk Solutions

Zurich Risk Solutions

Zurich Risk Solutions enables companies to create site observations, eliminate paper based forms, perform toolbox talks and store all of their files in one location! Zurich Risk Solutions has over an extensive library of best practices to help companies...

Price: Free Developer: Real Time Risk Solutions, LLC
Kirby Risk Electrical Supply

Kirby Risk Electrical Supply

The Kirby Risk app was created to provide our website customers additional access when they are on the road and away from their computers. To use this app the way it was designed and to take advantages if all...

Price: Free Developer: Kirby Risk Electrical Supply
SRS Risk Mgt

SRS Risk Mgt

Manage all your supply chain risk programs in the cloud from any device. Quickly implemented software as a subscription service, delivered over the internet. Contact Supply Risk Solutions (SRS) for details. Use this app to proactively reduce supplier outages risks,...

Price: Free Developer: Supply Risk Solutions
SO Risk Management

SO Risk Management

Special Olympics Risk Management Application designed to provide access to Special Olympics risk management policies and procedures as well as provide periodic risk management alerts.

Price: Free Developer: SO Risk Management
Help Scout

Help Scout

Help Scout's iOS app gives you powerful help desk software in your pocket so you can easily support customers on the go. Keep your finger (literally) on the pulse of what's happening with your customers, collaborate remotely, and put...

Price: Free Developer: Help Scout Inc.
Scout by Pointman

Scout by Pointman

Scout enables field and home service companies to gain more time in their daily operations by streamlining workflow with paperless forms. Build work orders, agreements, and other fillable forms necessary for day-to-day business. Scout makes it easy to gather...

Price: Free Developer: Pointman, LLC
D&O Scout

D&O Scout

Munich Re’s D&O Scout answers your key questions in the field of D&O insurance. Why am I at risk? How can I protect myself? What kind of D&O policy do I need? Get a brief summary of the relevant issues in...

Price: Free Developer: Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft


SCOUT(スカウト)は、就活用の自己PR動画が簡単に作れ、基本的なプロフィール情報と自己PR動画をアップするだけで企業からスカウトが届く新感覚就活アプリです。また、作成した動画は端末に保存できるので企業への提出にも役立ちます。 ◆◇魅力が的確に伝えられるオファー型アプリ「SCOUT」が登場!!◇◆ 動画で自分の魅力が伝えられる!新感覚オファー型アプリ。 ------------------------------------------------- ◆SCOUTを始めるのはとっても簡単◆ ------------------------------------------------- ▼SCOUTは簡単3ステップで始められます! 1 まずはSCOUTをインストール 無料アプリSCOUTああなたの就活スタイルを変えます。 2 プロフィール&動画を登録 プロフィールづくりや動画作成のコツをマニュアル化。 コツに沿って作成すれば簡単にクオリティの高い自己PRが作れちゃいます! 3 あとはオファーを待つだけ ------------------------------------------------- ◆SCOUTを活用するメリット◆ ------------------------------------------------- ▼自分が必要とされる企業が見つかる! 仕事のやりがいは、必要とされることを実感することです。 働きたいと思う企業を見つけることも重要ですが、 あなたに働いてほしいと思っている企業こそが、あなたにとって幸せをもたらしてくれる企業かもしれません。 ▼学業や部活動などに専念できる時間が増える! 就職活動に時間がかかる原因のひとつは、これまでの進学受検と違い合格の可能性がほとんどわからないからです。あなたに興味を持ち、選考を前提にスカウトしてくれるこのアプリを使って、無駄のない就職活動にお役立てください。 ▼最高の自分で企業にアピール! 面接で緊張して実力が発揮できないたくさんの学生がいます。 SCOUTでは動画による自己PRを見て企業がスカウトを出しますが、 動画は何度でも撮り直せるので、最高の自己PRで企業にPRすることができます。 ■SCOUTの使い方 1.基本情報を登録後、自己PR動画を撮影しアップロード 2.動画を見た企業の採用担当者から選考やインターンのスカウトメッセージが届く 3.その後の選考や手順などを企業の方と直接やりとり 4.ゴール(内定など) たったこれだけ! ■よくある質問 Q.アップした動画はネット上に公開されますか? A.公開されません。安心してご利用いただける環境を整えています。 Q.自己PR動画を見られるのは企業だけですか? A.アップした動画を閲覧できるのはスカウトする企業のみです   他学生の自己PRはご覧いただけません。 Q.撮影に失敗した動画は保存されていますか? A.再撮影すると前回撮影した動画は上書きされ、削除される仕組みになっています。 Q.退会後のデータの扱いはどうなりますか。 A.退会のためにアカウントを削除していただきますと、登録されているデータがすべて消去される仕組みになっています。 Q.お金はかかりますか? A.SCOUTは無料アプリでアプリ内課金もございません。 ■利用規約について 事前に必ず「アプリケーションご利用規約」をご確認ください。 お客様がダウンロードボタンをクリックされ、本アプリケーションをダウンロードされた場合には、ダウンロードされた時点で利用規約に同意したものとさせていただきます。 利用規約は下記URLからご確認いただけます。

Price: Free Developer: ACCESS HUMANEXT CO.,LTD
Lead Scout

Lead Scout

The Lead Scout app helps roofing contractors conduct hyper-targeted marketing to homeowners that actually need their services. Sales teams love to use Lead Scout to canvas homes, log important data, track their sales pipeline, and follow up on canvassing...

Price: Free Developer: Homscout
Scout by Kotahi

Scout by Kotahi

Scout is a new shipping assistant that can help you find schedules for your cargo. It searches shipping schedules and indicative prices from over 100 shipping lines all over the world. All you have to do is...

Price: Free Developer: Kotahi Logistics LP
Taranis Scout

Taranis Scout

Achieve total operational awareness all season long with Taranis Scout. Take the power of imaging, analytics, and comprehensive reporting to the field with automatic issue detection and quantified alerts delivered to you and your team anytime, anywhere. Prioritize fields...

Price: Free Developer: Taranis
Scout FDC

Scout FDC

Scout is a web and mobile field data collection platform designed to simplify and streamline the capture of key metrics for the oil and gas industry. With Scout - operators, technicians, and engineers are empowered with the tools and information...

Price: Free Developer: ScoutGroup, LLC
Basecamp Scout

Basecamp Scout

Scout is a GPS-enabled, iOS-based sales tracking app that keeps the sales managers with their sales team out in the field in real-time. It acts as a location tracker app for the sales managers, who can check, track and...

Price: Free Developer: BizChat
TalentEx Scout

TalentEx Scout

TalentEx scout allows the meeting of talent with opportunity. The power to earn handsomely while enabling your friends to find good opportunities is now in your pocket. Scout notifies you about job opportunity from our clients and gives you...

Price: Free Developer: Balaji Thirupathi

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