Top 34 Education Apps Like St Mary's PS Barr - Best Alternatives

St Mary's PS Barr Alternatives

Do you want to find the best St Mary's PS Barr alternatives for iOS? We have listed 34 Education apps that are similar to St Mary's PS Barr. Pick one from this list to be your new St Mary's PS Barr app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to St Mary's PS Barr on your iOS devices.

Top 34 Apps Like St Mary's PS Barr - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid St Mary's PS Barr alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like St Mary's PS Barr 2025.

St. Theresa Catholic – Austin

St. Theresa Catholic – Austin

Welcome to St. Theresa Catholic School in Austin, TX! School Motto: The school motto of Learn - Serve - Believe serves as the foundational pillars to the formation of the whole child at St. Theresa's Catholic School. School Mission:...

Price: Free Developer: St. Theresa Catholic School
St. Mary's Safe

St. Mary's Safe

St. Mary’s Safe is the official safety app of St. Mary’s University Calgary. It is the only app that integrates with St. Mary’s University's safety and security systems. Safety and Security has worked to develop a unique app that...

Price: Free Developer: St. Mary's University Calgary
St Andrew's College

St Andrew's College

Bridge the gap between home and school with the St Andrew's College app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about St Andrew's College, push notifications for urgent updates, school newsletters and more. Key features of the St Andrew's College app: ...

St Andrew's School Inc

St Andrew's School Inc

Bridge the gap between home and school with the St Andrew's School app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about St Andrew's School, push notifications for urgent updates, school newsletters and more. Key features of the St Andrew's School app:...

Price: Free Developer: St Andrews School Inc
St Louis de Montfort's School

St Louis de Montfort's School

Bridge the gap between home and school with the St Louis de Montfort's School app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about St Louis de Montfort's School, push notifications for urgent updates, school newsletters and more. Key features of the...

St Margaret's

St Margaret's

Access the key features of St Margarets from the palm of your hand with the St Margaret's Anglican Girls School app, developed in partnership with Digistorm and Schoolbox. Receive instant and important information from your school community, receive real-time...

Price: Free Developer: St Margaret's Anglican Girls School
St Michael's College

St Michael's College

Bridge the gap between home and school with the St Michael's College app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about St Michael's College, push notifications for urgent updates, school newsletters and more. Key features of the St Michael's College app: ...

Price: Free Developer: St Michael's College
St Michael’s

St Michael’s

Access the key features of St Michael’s from the palm of your hand with the St Michael’s Grammar School app, developed in partnership with Digistorm and Schoolbox. The new St Michael’s app has been designed to improve Home-School communication...

Price: Free Developer: St Michaels Grammar School
St Patrick's College, LST, TAS

St Patrick's College, LST, TAS

The St Patrick's College App is developed in partnership with Digistorm Education and Alaress. It is designed to give parents, students and teachers a seamless environment with ready access to important information about events and daily activities at the...

Price: Free Developer: St Patrick's College Launceston
St. Francis de Sales Academy

St. Francis de Sales Academy

Welcome to the St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy mobile app! “A Faith-Filled Future” St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy is committed to providing high-quality education to our student body. We achieve our goals through a challenging curriculum, quality teachers, and...

Our Lady of the Rosary Primary, St Marys - Skoolbag

Our Lady of the Rosary Primary, St Marys - Skoolbag

Our Lady of the Rosary Primary, St Marys Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at OLRPSM. It features Events, News, School Enews Newsletters, Documents,...

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
St Marys City Schools

St Marys City Schools

The St Marys City Schools App by eSchoolView allows parents, students, teachers and administrators to stay connected in today's mobile world! eSchoolView builds websites and creates educational management software for schools and school districts across the nation, including public, private,...

Price: Free Developer: AIS Developers, LLC.
St. Mary's Assumption School

St. Mary's Assumption School

Welcome to St. Mary's Assumption School in Cottonport, LA! School Philosophy: The ultimate goal of St. Mary’s is to serve the people in Avoyelles Parish by providing their children with quality Catholic formation and education. Because parents from surrounding...

Price: Free Developer: Diocese of Alexandria
St Marys

St Marys

Our school is a vibrant hub of learning in the heart of our community. We strive to develop each child’s full potential in an environment where everyone feels accepted, valued, respected and safe.

St Mary's Holy Faith Glasnevin

St Mary's Holy Faith Glasnevin

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: St Marys Holy Faith Glasnevin
St Mary's London

St Mary's London

Welcome to the official St Mary's London app! Our app is the home of our devotional series, as well as being the place to find sermons, music and other interesting things from our church. For more information about St Mary's London,...

Price: Free Developer: St Marys Bryanston Square
St Marys Childcare Centre - Skoolbag

St Marys Childcare Centre - Skoolbag

St Mary's Child Care Centre, Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at SMCC. It features Events, News, School Enews Newsletters, Documents, and push notification...

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
St Marys School Barbil

St Marys School Barbil

Edisapp is the next-generation Academic Information System or ERP specifically developed to close the digital downgrade that users experience when they swap personal devices for work equivalents. Very helpful mobile app for parents to get update about their kids. Install...

Price: Free Developer: Eloit Innovations Private Limited
St Marys School Donald

St Marys School Donald

St Mary's School Donald Skoolbag App for parents, students and community. It features push notification Alerts, Parent eForms, Events, News, School eNews Newsletters, Maps with GPS, Social Media integration, Documents, Photo Gallery, direct from the school. Download this App...

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
St. Mary's College, Arklow

St. Mary's College, Arklow

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing school...

Price: Free Developer: St. Marys College, Arklow
Ps互动教程 for Photoshop CC 珍藏版

Ps互动教程 for Photoshop CC 珍藏版

【这些全部是用户在APP Store上的真实评价】 “手把手来操作,实时看到效果,太适合初学者!做得不能更棒!良心教程!” -- Pygmy_Owl “真的没有想过一个教程软件还能做得怎么好,你值得拥有” -- 一个很好的教程软件 “很强大呀,一直想学PS软件,这个感觉太合适了,不耽误时间,讲的都是干货,给力” -- 略懂 “我是做广告摄影的,经常需要制作后期修饰、图像合成之类的效果。该应用是互性最棒的Ps教程,没有之一,帮助我快速入门!” -- SACRED DRAGON “手机ps学习神器!” -- TapInfinity 【互动教程的特点】 •互动性 -首创互动式学习,不同于以往的任何一种学习方式,不看视频不看书,轻松,高效,好玩 -手把手教学,一步步引导操作,实时看到效果,就像自己在创作一样,信心满满 -即点即学,课程内可根据自己的需要,随时调整界面上方进度条,重复操作,加强记忆 -强大的学习跟踪系统,对整体学习进度一目了然,及时调整学习计划,查疑补漏 •人性化 -界面设计简洁,操作简单,没有繁琐的按钮,一点就可直接进入学习状态 -贴心小提示,读懂你的小心思,零基础快速入门,学习无压力,不尴尬 -超多原理解析,疑问解答,如同专业Ps导师亲身指导,不翻书快速记忆,Ps小白迅速成长 •实用性 -课程由浅入深,操作过程详细剖析,一步步模仿,马上就会做。 -涉及图层、通道、蒙版、图像优化、滤镜等PS核心功能的课程编排,通俗易懂不头疼 -互动+观看视频,两种学习方式切换,上班路上,地铁里享受随时随地自由学习 【课程内容简介】 Photoshop CC互动教程中的每一节课都是精挑细选的。主要包含图像处理、修图、美颜、插画、ui设计、平面设计、交互设计、网页设计和制作、矢量绘图、广告摄影、影像创意、界面设计、标志设计、名片设计、包装设计、视觉创意、图像合成等领域。 具体内容主要包括基本操作、工具、遮罩、选择、图层、图像优化与修复、动画、视频处理、三维制作等. - 熟悉Photoshop操作界面 — 窗口、菜单、面板 - 探索笔刷、铅笔、路径等工具的使用 - 通道、各种样式蒙版、图层样式、透明度等 - 如何给图片使用加亮、变暗、柔化、清晰化等效果 - 学习如何设置分辨率、图像模式、文件格式、颜色设置等 - 选区的精确使用与操作 - 神奇的滤镜 - 详细介绍了如何按照需求美化图片 - 如何校正图片的色彩、对比度、清晰度等 - 如何使用图层来合成图片,及图层的各种混合模式 - 修改常见的数码照片问题 - 红眼修复、移除皱纹、斑点以及删除照片中的多余的人物 - 如何使用各种色彩校正、图像工具来美化图片 - 各种提示及快捷键使您操作Photoshop更快速、更专业 - 导入与使用3D对象,及内置3D模型的使用 - 使用Photoshop创建更加生动、有趣的gif动画 - 透视变形、如何重复应用相同的图层样式、焦点区域 - 移轴模糊、路径模糊、三维文字、火焰和树滤镜 - 快速裁剪和对齐、如何判断图片是否被Ps过 - 一键导出所有图层为单独的文件、PNG完美压缩的几种方式、图片缩放时避免模糊 - Photoshop CC...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Li Fazhan
Andover PS ClassLink

Andover PS ClassLink

Andover PS ClassLink is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Andover PS ClassLink is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Andover PS ClassLink's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual desktop and an...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
Evergreen PS

Evergreen PS

Evergreen PS mobile app is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Evergreen PS mobile app is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Evergreen PS mobile app's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
Hudson PS

Hudson PS

Hudson PS is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Hudson PS is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Hudson PS's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual desktop and an empowering instructional desktop. With...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
Norwalk PS ClassLink

Norwalk PS ClassLink

Norwalk PS ClassLink is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Norwalk PS ClassLink is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Norwalk PS ClassLink's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual desktop and an...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
Pitt PS Mobile

Pitt PS Mobile

Pitt PS Mobile provides students, faculty, and advisors with fast, easy access to the most commonly used features of the University of Pittsburgh’s Student Information System from their smartphone or tablet. Pitt PS Mobile delivers a responsive, intuitive mobile...

Price: Free Developer: University of Pittsburgh
PS实战教程 For Photoshop - 从入门基础教程到高级图片后期处理教程

PS实战教程 For Photoshop - 从入门基础教程到高级图片后期处理教程

PS实战教程 For Photoshop 为广大设计爱好者提供丰富的ps教程。 主要包括主流PS教程,PS文字教程,PS鼠绘教程和图片处理等教程。 教程全部配有详解图片和详细的文字教程,让您一看就懂、一学就会。

Price: Free Developer: Lvxiang Song
PS 128 Bensonhurst

PS 128 Bensonhurst

The PS 128 Bensonhurst app by School App Express enables parents, students, teachers and administrators of PS 128 Bensonhurst to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The PS 128 Bensonhurst app by School...

Price: Free Developer: AIS Developers, LLC.
PS 145 The Bloomingdale School

PS 145 The Bloomingdale School

The PS 145 The Bloomingdale School app by School App Express enables parents, students, teachers and administrators of PS 145 The Bloomingdale School to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The PS 145...

Price: Free Developer: AIS Developers, LLC.
PS 15

PS 15

The PS 15 app by School App Express enables parents, students, teachers and administrators of PS 15 to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The PS 15 app by School App Express features: -...

Price: Free Developer: AIS Developers, LLC.
Barr-Reeve Athletics - Indiana

Barr-Reeve Athletics - Indiana

The Barr-Reeve Athletics app for iPhone, iPod, and iPad allows student, faculty, parents, and the community keep up-to-date with athletic communication. Barr-Reeve Junior Senior High School is located in Montgomery, Indiana. The app's intuitive navigation provides quick access to the...

Price: Free Developer: School Courier
Talking to Nanny

Talking to Nanny

by Jo Carson-Barr illustrated by Martin Simpson Aroha misses her nanny very much but lives too far away to go and visit her. Instead, her mum sets up the computer so that Aroha and Nanny can use the Internet to see...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education New Zealand
Collider OX

Collider OX

Collider is a mobile application that lets you view high energy particle collisions directly from the Large Hadron Collider, making it simple to understand what's going on at a glance. View live events, straight from the ATLAS Detector at CERN. Find...

Price: Free Developer: Marco Del Tutto

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