Top 16 Finance Apps Like eCARD Manager - Best Alternatives

eCARD Manager Alternatives

Do you want to find the best eCARD Manager alternatives for iOS? We have listed 16 Finance apps that are similar to eCARD Manager. Pick one from this list to be your new eCARD Manager app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to eCARD Manager on your iOS devices.

Top 16 Apps Like eCARD Manager - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid eCARD Manager alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 16 similar apps like eCARD Manager 2025.



ECARD Inc. is a FinTech company based in New York. With a vision to improve the ever-changing financial ecosystem, the company delivers a better, faster, and simpler payment solution for customers who travel internationally or make day-to-day purchases at...

Price: Free Developer: ecard
AIA Connect / 友聯繫

AIA Connect / 友聯繫

AIA Connect is a mobile application for AIA Hong Kong & Macau customers to stay connected with AIA by being kept informed of messages related to policy and/or customer services, managing insurance policies any time anywhere and effective searching...

Price: Free Developer: AIA International Limited


Los contactos de sus amigos, los recuerdos en familia, su música favorita, la forma de conectarse con el mundo es a través de su celular. ¿Por qué no tener su plata en el celular también? Viva la experiencia de...

Price: Free Developer: BANCO DAVIVIENDA S.A.


Download My AIA SG to check out, these features now! Insurance: Understand your insurance coverage with easy access to your policy information. Retrieve and view your policy contracts and historical statements electronically. Complete policy servicing transactions in a safe and secured environment....

Price: Free Developer: AIA Singapore Private Limited
Prudent Plus

Prudent Plus

This application is developed for Client employees of Prudent Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd to enables them to access information related to their group insurance coverage like dependent details, policy inclusions and exclusions, View/Download Ecard, View and Add/Track claims, Search...

Eigenheim Manager

Eigenheim Manager

Mit dem Eigenheim Manager holst du dir den Überblick zurück. Du verwaltest und optimierst alle Kosten, Termine und Dokumente rund um dein Haus mit nur einer App. Der Eigenheim Manager ist das digitale Cockpit für dein Eigenheim. - Kosten- und...

Price: Free Developer: Eigenheim Manager GmbH est la première banque en ligne pour les professionnels développée pour répondre à leur besoin avec une transparence complète sur la tarification. Ouvrez votre compte en quelques minutes sur Ouvrez l'application et découvrez votre tableau de bord : En...

Price: Free Developer:
Allowance Manager®

Allowance Manager®

If you want your kids to be great with money, use Allowance Manager. Understanding money is a skill, like reading, skiing, juggling, etc, and like any skill, it's most effectively developed through early, frequent, firsthand experience. Allowance...

Price: Free Developer: Allowance Manager
Avant Manager

Avant Manager

Ha llegado el momento de profesionalizar la gestión de su despacho? Avant Manager es el software de gestión que aumenta la productividad y eficiencia de su despacho de arquitectura e ingeniería. Le ayuda a ahorrar tiempo y recursos en la gestión...

Price: Free Developer: Avant Manager
Adnoto Expense Manager

Adnoto Expense Manager

Do you want to easily track your personal or business expenses directly from your iPhone or iPad with a neat & feature rich expense manager? Do you want to manage your money, household, devices, gadgets and contracts easily? Or...

Price: Free Developer: Kevin Lowther
Finance&Expense Accout Manager

Finance&Expense Accout Manager

Finance and expense account manager app is a personal finance and expense of your daily routine. This app use for store all transaction in daily routine life. Transactions occurring in your daily business, and Credit(Jama) & Debit(Udhar) from your everyday customer...

Price: Free Developer: Nitesh Dhameliya
Expense Manager & Tracker

Expense Manager & Tracker

Expense Manager & Tracker in this app, the user keeps and manage his/her daily account transaction with safe n secure. Daily expenses is an application designed to organize your income and expenses, your movements of money are recorded by...

Price: Free Developer: Agnesh Pipaliya
Expense Tracker - Personal Pocket Finance Manager

Expense Tracker - Personal Pocket Finance Manager

Expense tracker is a complete app to track your all the expenses bared by your pocket or bared by you & manage your personal finance. So that you can trace where your money goes as well as from where...

Price: Free Developer: Elitech Systems Private Limited
Money Expense Manager

Money Expense Manager

Money Expense Manager is a simple to use and user friendly financial management tool to track your personal expense & Income, help you stick to your budget and motivate you for saving. This app is specially designed for those...

Price: Free Developer: Zinitt
Smarty : Society Manager

Smarty : Society Manager

You want to manage your society smartly and easily then use Smarty the society app. With Smarty manager app society manager shows transparent administration of there society. -Transaction Manager can add inward and outward transaction this app any time and user...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Desai

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