Top 24 Social Networking Apps Like RAY for Communities - Best Alternatives

RAY for Communities Alternatives

Do you want to find the best RAY for Communities alternatives for iOS? We have listed 24 Social Networking apps that are similar to RAY for Communities. Pick one from this list to be your new RAY for Communities app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to RAY for Communities on your iOS devices.

Top 24 Apps Like RAY for Communities - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid RAY for Communities alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like RAY for Communities 2025.

Ray for Spaces

Ray for Spaces

RAY for Spaces is an all-in-one platform that caters to your everyday needs in a managed Space. It is a feature packed platform that is designed and built specifically with you, the tenant, in mind. Here's a quick summary...

Price: Free Developer: RAY Labs SAL
Ray for Workplaces

Ray for Workplaces

RAY for Workplaces is an all-in-one platform that is designed to make your workday better. It is a feature packed platform that is designed and built specifically with you, the employee, in mind. Here's a quick summary of what you...

Price: Free Developer: RAY Labs SAL
SU App

SU App

Are you passionate about creating positive change? Are you building an innovative solution to humanity's biggest problems? You've found your network! Join Singularity University's global community to discover a world of like-minded peers and amazing events. Using this app, you...

Price: Free Developer: Singularity University
Matcher - 学生と社会人のOB訪問マッチングアプリ

Matcher - 学生と社会人のOB訪問マッチングアプリ

●●リリースから3年で200,000マッチング!●● 大学・学年関係なくOB訪問ができる、国内最大級の就活マッチングアプリです。 6,000社を超える有名企業の社会人が皆さんの就活相談にのります! ▼Matcherの特徴 「就活相談にのるので、◯◯してくれませんか?」という合言葉のもと、 「就活相談をしたい学生」と「お願い事をしたい社会人」を大学関係なくワンクリックで繋ぐ、OB訪問マッチングサービスです。 ▼Matcherが選ばれる理由 ・大学関係なくOB訪問ができる ・興味のある業界、企業の社員からリアルな情報が得られる ・ワンクリックでOB訪問ができる ・等価交換なので気軽に会える ・マッチング率70%を越えていてダントツで会える ・Facebookを利用した実名制で安心、安全 ・50,000件を越えるレビューを確認してから会えるので安心、安全 ・24時間365日の監視体制で安心、安全 ▼Matcherはこんな方にオススメ! ・志望企業に大学のOBがいない方 ・興味のある業界、企業の社員からリアルな情報が得たい方 ・周りに気軽に相談できる先輩がいない方 ・大学経由のOB訪問が面倒な方 ・他のOB訪問マッチングアプリではなかなかマッチングできない方 ・業界・企業研究を効率的に進めたい方 ・どのように就職活動の準備を進めれば良いかわからない方 ・自己分析のやり方がわからない方 ・企業研究・業界研究がわからない方 ・エントリーシートの書き方が分からない、添削してほしい方 ・面接で相手に伝わりやすい話し方ができるか不安な方 ・自分がやりたい仕事がわからない方 ▼利用者の声 「大学関係なくOB訪問ができるので、より幅広い選択肢から気になる社会人を探すことができました!」 「実際に働いている社員の方にリアルな話を聞くことができ、具体的に働くイメージを持つことができました!」 「OB訪問がキッカケでインターンとして参画することになりました!」 「Matcherのおかげで第一志望の企業理解が深まり、内定を獲得することができました!」 ▼Matcher社会人ユーザーの所属企業一覧 三菱商事(株)、三井物産(株)、伊藤忠商事(株)、住友商事(株)、丸紅(株)、双日(株)、(株)みずほ銀行、(株)りそな銀行、(株)かんぽ生命、SMBC日興証券(株)、大和証券(株)、三菱UFJ信託銀行(株)、三井住友信託銀校(株)、りそなカード(株)、(株)電通、(株)アサツー ディ・ケイ、(株)サイバーエージェント、(株)D2C、(株)電通テック、(株)オプト、(株)フジテレビジョン、日本テレビホールディングス(株)、日本放送協会、(株)テレビ東京、サントリーホールディングス(株)、キリン(株)、日本たばこ産業(株)、日本コカコーラ(株)、ネスレ日本(株)、亀田製菓(株)、三菱電機(株)、日立製作所(株)、ソニー(株)、キヤノン(株)、(株)デンソー、キーエンス(株)、京セラ(株)、(株)フィリップスエレクトロニクス ジャパン、トヨタ自動車(株)、日産自動車(株)、本田技研工業(株)、ヤマハ発動機(株)、三菱重機工業(株)、住友重機械工業(株)、JXエネルギー(株)、(株)資生堂、P&Gジャパン(株)、日本ロレアル(株)、富士フィルム(株)、アステラス製薬(株)、マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー、(株)ボストン・コンサルティング・グループ、アクセンチュア(株)、アビームコンサルティング(株)、デロイトトーマツコンサルティング(株)、三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング(株)、(株)野村総合研究所、(株)富士通総研、(株)リクルートホールディングス、日本IBM(株)、日本マイクロソフト(株)、アマゾンジャパン(同)、日本ユニシス(株)、(株)セールスフォース・ドットコム、ヤフー(株)、楽天(株)、GMOインターネット(株)、(株)コロプラ、LINE(株)、(株)ミクシィ、グリー(株)、(株)メルカリ、(株)クラウドワークス 、KDDI(株)、ソフトバンク(株)、(株)リクルートキャリア、(株)マイナビ、(株)インテリジェンス、(株)キャリアデザインセンター、エン・ジャパン(株)、(株)ベネッセコーポレーション、(株)講談社、(株)学研ホールディングス、(株)日経BP、(株)ポプラ社、(株)星海社、大日本印刷(株)、日経印刷(株)、日本航空(株)、株式会社全日本空輸(株)、東日本旅客鉄道(株)、宇宙航空研究開発機構(NASA)、日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)国土交通省 他5,000社 ▼メディア掲載実績 NHK Ray 日本経済新聞 読売新聞 TechCrunch THE BRIDGE Techable Pedia PRESIDENT Online 朝日新聞デジタル 産経ニュース 現代ビジネス CNET Japan アメーバニュース マイナビニュース BIGLOBEニュース exciteニュース niftyニュース ▼利用規約 ▼プライバシーポリシー

Price: Free Developer: Matcher Inc.
Password for WhatsApp Messages

Password for WhatsApp Messages

Password protection for your private WhatsApp-messages! With "Password for WhatsApp Messages" you can import all your chat histories from WhatsApp via email. Nobody will be able to access the vault without knowing your secret password! HOW DOES IT WORK? The app...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jan-Niklas FREUNDT
VineSoundBox for Vine Free - The Soundboard For vines & sounds

VineSoundBox for Vine Free - The Soundboard For vines & sounds

--- A Potato Flew around this FREE APP, Until you came and Downloaded it --- Barely Have I seen such a Fun app to Prank your friends... Enjoy more than 50 Sounds of the Funniest and most Popular Vine Clips. Enjoy...

Price: Free Developer: High Tech softwares for free apps games and beyond
Wrist for GroupMe

Wrist for GroupMe

WristMe lets you send and receive GroupMe messages from your Apple Watch ! Your watch is a sophisticated device and now you can stay connected with all your conversations. Features * Send & Receive messages * Full Emoji & Image support * Create New...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sana Siddiqui
Prank Messages for Popular Social Chats

Prank Messages for Popular Social Chats

Prank Messages application is designed for popular social chats to create the best fake but realistic and professional message screen in the world. You can make fake conversations with your friends! You can make jokes to your friends and also...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Emre Gidis
Likeable Hub for Social Media Marketing

Likeable Hub for Social Media Marketing

Likeable Hub lets you share to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn – all from one place, on your schedule. Just add any link, text, or picture that you want to share to your queue. You can choose to post now or...

Price: Free Developer: Likeable Local, Inc
Amazing Status and Cards for Social and Professional Apps

Amazing Status and Cards for Social and Professional Apps

- Make your Whatsapp/Facebook profile page & wall posts interesting every day with our latest and newest best status updates for all occasions. - Update new creative status every day for max likes to your profiles. For the coolest status...

Price: Free Developer: girish chovatiya
Dare App: Cash for Challenges

Dare App: Cash for Challenges

---- The First Game App for CHALLENGES for your Truth or Dare & Dare or Dare parties ---- Bored by old fashioned and Truth or Dare Spin the Bottle games? Wanna become famous doing great stuff? Eristica – is a...

Price: Free Developer: Eristica Ltd
Upfront for iPhone

Upfront for iPhone

Upfront builds exclusive online communities for influencers and their super fans. Free of spam and ads, we have created the world's most robust and revolutionary publishing platform with more ways to share premium content than have ever been offered...

Price: Free Developer: Upfront
Colors For Instagram

Colors For Instagram

Powerful App that bring new life to your instagram Color Your social life with new multi color app. Browse your instagram in your favorite style and color. Secure Application. Share with your friends and family. Design your own theme for free. Unlimited imaginations. Take...

Price: Free Developer: Hassan Mehboob
Colors For Twitter

Colors For Twitter

Powerful App that bring new life to your twitter Color Your social life with new multi color app. Browse your twitter in your favorite style and color. Share with your friends and family. Design your own theme for free. Unlimited imaginations. Take control...

Price: Free Developer: Hassan Mehboob
Connect Communities

Connect Communities

Welcome to Connect! Connect with your community through local small groups, networking events, leadership and empowerment opportunities, personal development growth, accountability groups and more. Strengthen relationships with your local Community Connectors and Influencers right through your Connect App! Go "Live"...

Price: Free Developer: Connect Communities LLC
Communities - Because the community matters

Communities - Because the community matters

Communities is a brand new social network which emphasizes social connections based on interests. You can join groups (communities) made by other people on a specific topic that you like and chat with the other people in the community. Best of...

Price: Free Developer: Amritpal Sandhu
NYSBA Communities

NYSBA Communities

The New York State Bar Association offers private, online professional communities to members of NYSBA for the purposes of information sharing, collaboration, connection, networking, mentoring and overall advancement of the profession of law in New York. This app brings...

Price: Free Developer: Results Direct
PlayStation Communities

PlayStation Communities

Communities are places where players on PlayStation Network with similar likes and interests can connect. Join Communities to discuss topics of common interest with other members, find players to play games with, and more. ・You can search for and join...

Price: Free Developer: PlayStation Mobile Inc.
ASRT Communities

ASRT Communities

The ASRT mobile app is for members of the ASRT. Use the app to conveniently access the ASRT Communities – the exclusive social media platform of the ASRT. Members post discussions, share resources and get answers to their professional...

Price: Free Developer: American Society of Radiologic Technologists
Noon - themed communities

Noon - themed communities

Find new friends in communities with similar interests Communicate with text posts, videos or gifs

Price: Free Developer: FunTech


Tired of connecting for the sake of connecting? Join the GetAssist Network and start “Connecting with Purpose.” GetAssist connects people online for both business and personal purposes using well known Social features. This degree of services aggregation...

Price: Free Developer: Get Assist Inc.


What’s your passion? With Plentie you can join communities of individuals and organizations who share your interests and become part of their lively online conversations. Plenty goes everywhere with you on your smart phone. And wherever you are around...

Price: Free Developer: Plentie Inc.
CommComm Mobile App

CommComm Mobile App

Communities Communication Mobile App (CommComm Mobile App) aims to create a bridge of communication between generations in local communities around Europe. Despite the existence of several social networks, there are only a few features which aim at strengthening communities...

Price: Free Developer: JVG

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