Top 16 Health & Fitness Apps Like PAIRS 2017 - Best Alternatives

PAIRS 2017 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best PAIRS 2017 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 16 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to PAIRS 2017. Pick one from this list to be your new PAIRS 2017 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PAIRS 2017 on your iOS devices.

Top 16 Apps Like PAIRS 2017 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid PAIRS 2017 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 16 similar apps like PAIRS 2017 2025.

PAIRS 2019

PAIRS 2019

The official mobile application for the Pan Arab Interventional Radiology Society (PAIRS) Congress. Over the years the PAIRS congress has become one of the largest interventional and endovascular-related congresses in the region. PAIRS Annual Congress is held from February 27...

Price: Free Developer: Milos Stojanovic
PAIRS 2018

PAIRS 2018

The 2018 edition has taken a graceful step towards the international arena in order to deliver a higher caliber meeting. The scientific committee has compiled a rich and versatile program with plenty of educational opportunities in the growing and...

Price: Free Developer: Milos Stojanovic
Lify Wellness

Lify Wellness

HOLISTIC WELLNESS BEVERAGE SOLUTION Pursue a healthier and mindful lifestyle with Lify. Lify is the world’s first wellness beverage companion incorporating eastern and western wisdom with innovative technology for you to maintain a better drinking habit through natural herbs and teas. The...

Price: Free Developer: Lify Company Limited
HRV Heart Rate Variability

HRV Heart Rate Variability

*** This app currently only works with the Polar H7 Bluetooth heart rate strap *** Heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to monitor the fitness/fatigue in response to exercise and adaptations from long term training. This app was designed to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Canadian Sport Institute Calgary


MANDALA ART THERAPY APP FOR WORKING WITH EMOTIONS & BEHAVIORS Mandalive® is designed to increase self-awareness and facilitate healing and growth through exploring emotions, qualities and behaviors. It combines the benefits of coloring, mandalas, and shadow work all in one...

Price: Free Developer: Komunikacia
Complex Feelings

Complex Feelings

How do you feel now? Are you in need of something to make you feel better? Pause for a moment to explore your feelings. "Complex Feelings" represents feelings and needs with abstract icons. Touch them to reveal their meaning. Select...

Price: Free Developer: David Gavilan
EHOC 2017

EHOC 2017

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that VIII. International Eurasian Hematology-Oncology Congress will be held between 18-21 October 2017 in İstanbul. We believe deep in our hearts that with its special concept, the International Eurasian Hematology-Oncology Congress will fill in...

Price: Free Developer: Pleksus Bilişim Teknolojileri Danışmanlık Temsilcilik A.Ş.
Congreso APEPCV 2017

Congreso APEPCV 2017

Te invitamos a la segunda edición del Congreso Profesional de Entrenamiento Personal que se realizará en Valencia, los días 1 y 2 de diciembre de 2017. Esta segunda edición del congreso se han establecido 3 bloques de contenidos que versarán...

Price: Free Developer: VALTE INVESTMENT SL
Medtrop 2017

Medtrop 2017

O aplicativo Medtrop 2017 é gratuito e permite o acesso a todos os resumos/trabalhos do “53º Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical”, que acontecerá em Cuiabá durante os dias 27 a 30 de Agosto. Você ainda pode favoritar...

Price: Free Developer: Embra Embra Servicos em Tecnologia Ltda - ME
BOD 2017

BOD 2017

Aplikace SmartCongress BOD účastníkům nabízí a umožňuje: • komplexní informace o programu kongresu • sestavení vlastního plánu kongresu a organizaci vlastního času na kongresu • snadnou orientaci na detailnímu plánku kongresových prostor • video pozvánky na přednášky • video zpravodaj • video záznam z přednášek...

Price: Free Developer: C4P s.r.o.


¡El congreso más importante de Latinoamérica en tu celular! Con nuestra App conoce las actividades, profesores e instalaciones donde se realizará el XXII Congreso Latinoamericano de Ginecología y Obstetricia además de programar tus actividades y conocer más de Cancún,...

Price: Free Developer: Marco Mondragon
GATMO 2017

GATMO 2017

El GATMO nuclea a los centros de trasplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas de la Argentina desde 1992, siendo parte de la Sociedad Argentina de Hematología como sub-comisión de trasplante,  manteniendo una activa participación académica en el ámbito local. El LABMT,...

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Valverde
O1-275 2017

O1-275 2017

透過中醫經絡穴道的介電質參數量測與量子力學原理,提供人體能量科學的好玩模擬測試。目的是為了教授中醫的保健知識與健康方法,達到促進健康的寓教於樂系統。 功能簡介: 1. 磁振 10S 感應量測:每一個細胞受到損傷時會產生損傷電磁訊號,每一個細胞在變生變性之初就必定有能量的改變,這種改變可以說是非常微弱的,卻又是非常靈敏的,磁振10S技術是建立在穴道介電質變化上產生的生物電能,ALLONE 275設備透過測量介電質參數的方式來得到其帶電的強度,當量測完成時,會得到10個參數,這些參數也是十二正經量表、文字報告、NLS能量螺旋分析的所需資訊 1-1 圖像報告:分為10S能量分析圖表、NLS能量螺旋分析。 1-2 文字報告:結合使用者的10S介電質參數、NLS方程式、出生日期及性別等,在雲端進行解析運算波動異常的部分後,在報告中呈現波動異常的健康預警及比較推論各經絡所屬細胞族群的變化,以1~6的指數表示中醫所說寒熱及陰陽的虛實變化。 1-3 十二正經能量詳表:透過10S介電質參數的量測數據來分析人體12條經絡的虛實變化。 2. 274波動修復:教育使用者利用呼吸吐納的訓練來調整經絡穴道的介電質變化。 2-1 感應模式:感應人體穴位後與內部信號諧振產生變化的參數而進行分析,並隨著穴位介電質變化而變化,以調整經絡穴道的介電質變化。 ...

Garfield Walk

Garfield Walk

Garfield Fit is a fun pedometer designed to track and motivate you and your family to move more, featuring the world's favorite cantankerous lasagna-loving cat! Are you a parent looking for a way to get your kids to move?...

Price: Free Developer: OliveX (HK) Limited


Johor Mental Health Convention 2017 Info app

Price: Free Developer: MU DOT MY PLT

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