Top 22 Reference Apps Like SMC L.E. Handbook - Best Alternatives

SMC L.E. Handbook Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SMC L.E. Handbook alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Reference apps that are similar to SMC L.E. Handbook. Pick one from this list to be your new SMC L.E. Handbook app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SMC L.E. Handbook on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like SMC L.E. Handbook - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SMC L.E. Handbook alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like SMC L.E. Handbook 2025.

SMC Employee/Labor Relations

SMC Employee/Labor Relations

The San Mateo County Human Resources Employee and Labor Relations Division is responsible for assisting managers and supervisors with employee issues including corrective action. The division is also responsible for planning and conducting labor negotiations and implementing the resultant...

Price: Free Developer: County of San Mateo Human Resources Department
Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert

Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert

La référence de la langue française avec plus de 300 000 mots et sens, 150 000 synonymes et contraires, 35 000 citations, 75 000 étymologies, de nombreux compléments éditoriaux (datations, exemples, contraires, citations, conjugaisons, mots prononcés, etc.). Son interface conviviale,...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Diagonal
Le Mie Preghiere - più di mille orazioni - una preghiera per ogni occasione

Le Mie Preghiere - più di mille orazioni - una preghiera per ogni occasione

△▲△▲△ Le Tue Preghiere △▲△▲△ Il tuo rifugio spirituale giornaliero da portare sempre con te nel tuo iPhone, iPod o iPad! Con ben 1087 preghiere divise per argomenti potrai avere sempre a portata di smartphone le più belle preghiere da recitare...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Massimiliano Borrelli
Le La

Le La

Looking up the article ('le' or 'la') of a word has never been easier. Just type the first few letters of a word and see the article immediately. Besides the quick lookup of the articles, the app will help...

Price: Free Developer: Lubos Mikusiak


Le Bled Tout-en-un La référence en Orthographe, Grammaire, Conjugaison . L’application (embarquée) comprend : - Les règles : toutes les règles d’orthographe, de grammaire, de formation et d’emploi des temps, - Le conjugueur : plus de 6 000 verbes conjugués à tous les...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Hachette Livre
le Garzantine - Antichità

le Garzantine - Antichità

L’app “le Garzantine – Antichità Classica” offre un panorama completo delle civiltà classiche greca e latina in tutti i loro aspetti: da Pericle ad Augusto, da Eschilo a Lucrezio, i protagonisti, la storia, i luoghi e i popoli, i...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Filosofia

le Garzantine - Filosofia

La storia del pensiero occidentale in un dizionario enciclopedico esauriente e rigoroso. Gli autori, le dottrine, le scuole (dall’atomismo all'esistenzialismo, dal positivismo alla fenomenologia), gli ambiti di ricerca (etica, logica, estetica, epistemologia, ermeneutica, filosofia del linguaggio, neuroscienze), i concetti...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Medioevo

le Garzantine - Medioevo

Dalla fine del mondo classico all’alba del rinascimento, nell’app “le Garzantine – Medioevo” vengono presi in esame i 1000 anni di storia e civiltà che hanno gettato le fondamenta dell’Europa moderna, ripercorsi attraverso i protagonisti, gli eventi e le...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Economia

le Garzantine - Economia

L’app “le Garzantine – Economia” offre uno strumento indispensabile per capire il linguaggio dell’economia e della finanza, utilissimo per orientarsi, soprattutto in tempo di crisi, tra spread, rating, default, indici di borsa, debito pubblico. Gli economisti, da Adam Smith...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Letteratura

le Garzantine - Letteratura

Da Omero a Dan Brown, l’app “le Garzantine – Letteratura” offre il più completo repertorio della letteratura di tutti i tempi e di tutti i paesi: uno strumento aggiornato e affidabile per conoscere gli autori e le opere della...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
Le Coran. Audio Texte

Le Coran. Audio Texte

Le Coran tout entier qui vous donne une capacité d'écouter et de lire tous les 114 sourates sur votre appareil à tout moment et n'importe où. 1) Aucune connexion Internet requise pour l'écouter ou à lire. Le support complet...

Price: Free Developer: Adil Khanov
Instrument Flying Handbook

Instrument Flying Handbook

Instrument Flying Handbook is the primary reference text for the Instrument Rating FAA Knowledge Exam and includes hundreds of pages of content. Instrument Flying Handbook is now updated with high resolution graphics and support for retina displays on...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Double Dog Studios
Instrument Procedures Handbook

Instrument Procedures Handbook

FAA's top source and “must read” for instrument-rated pilots. This new 2015 version (FAA-H-8083-16) supersedes the previous 2014 version (FAA-H-8261-16). It is designed as a technical reference for all pilots who operate under instrument flight rules (IFR). ...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Double Dog Studios
Ranger Handbook & Study Guide

Ranger Handbook & Study Guide

What this app IS: 1. This app cleverly presents the Ranger Handbook in two formats, as a study guide and as a quick-reference manual. 2. The Ranger Handbook study guide is a USEFUL AND INEXPENSIVE tool to help you...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer:
Pilot Handbook

Pilot Handbook

Pilot Handbook App presents the information from the The Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge in a format optimized for your iPhone/iPad. As a bonus Pilot Handbook now includes 110 calculators for pilots and over 80 pages of Weight...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Double Dog Studios
Army Ranger Handbook and Training Guide

Army Ranger Handbook and Training Guide

The Army Ranger Handbook and Training Guide is a resource for all grunts to have the Ranger skill sets in their pocket. We've got 25 tasks from the 2011 Ranger Handbook published by Ft. Benning. We've...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Polemics Applications LLC
Florida Driver Handbook Free

Florida Driver Handbook Free

The 2014 Florida Driver Handbook is ready for you and provided on the app store exclusively by Download your FREE copy of the Florida Driver Handbook today. The only driver handbook which you will need to...

Price: Free Developer:
Springer Handbook of Robotics

Springer Handbook of Robotics

Welcome to the augmented reality companion app for the Springer Handbook of Robotics. Enhancing the learning experience, this app has been created to allow readers to use trackers on pages to link directly to online videos via their iPhones...

Price: Free Developer: Springer
UN Handbook

UN Handbook

The United Nations Handbook App is produced by the New Zealand Government as a ready reference guide. It provides current information about all the UN family organisations, including their purpose, evolution, structure and membership where applicable. It is not...

Price: Free Developer: Paper Kite Ltd
Airplane Flying Handbook

Airplane Flying Handbook

Airplane Flying Handbook is the official FAA source for learning to fly and the source for many FAA Knowledge Exams test questions. The Airplane Flying Handbook app is a "must" for all pilots. This app introduces the basic pilot...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Double Dog Studios
Biology - Plant handbook Free

Biology - Plant handbook Free

The handbook "Biology - Morphology of Plants" will be useful to high school students, prospective students and everyone who is interested in biology, botany and plants. The free version of plant reference "Biology - Morphology of Plants" includes one example...

Price: Free Developer: Online Science Classroom, LLC

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