Top 28 Finance Apps Like Spar Nord Wallet - Best Alternatives

Spar Nord Wallet Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Spar Nord Wallet alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Finance apps that are similar to Spar Nord Wallet. Pick one from this list to be your new Spar Nord Wallet app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Spar Nord Wallet on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Spar Nord Wallet - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Spar Nord Wallet alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Spar Nord Wallet 2025.

Lån & Spar Wallet

Lån & Spar Wallet

Lån & Spar Wallet allows contactless payment when you are shopping. Lån & Spar Wallet is an easy and secure alternative to the physical Dankort and the Visa/Dankort (only the Dankort part). Lån & Spar Wallet enables you to have...

Price: Free Developer: Lån & Spar Bank A/S
Spar Lotse Vergleichsportal

Spar Lotse Vergleichsportal

Laden Sie sich Deutschlands beste Vergleiche App herunter und verwalten Sie ganz einfach alle Abschlüsse, Buchungen, Verträge und Käufe bequem in Ihrem persönlichen Kundenkonto. Vergleichen, wechseln, sparen: z. B. mit dem Kreditvergleich über 2.000 €, bis zu 850 € mit...

Price: Free Developer: Ayman Beydoun
Young Money Spar Nord

Young Money Spar Nord

Young Money – små penge gjort nemt Med Young Money får dit barn en unik mulighed for at lære om penge og forbrug på en nem og sikker måde. Young Money er nemlig både en app, et betalingskort og en...

Price: Free Developer: Spar Nord Bank
Spar+Leihkasse Riggisberg AG

Spar+Leihkasse Riggisberg AG

Mit der kostenlosen Mobile Banking App der Spar+Leihkasse Riggisberg tätigen Sie Ihre Bankgeschäfte schnell und überall. Funktionsübersicht - Aktuelle Vermögensübersicht - Verwalten und Erfassen von Zahlungen/Daueraufträgen inkl. Einzahlungsschein-Scanner - Zugang zum eBill-Portal - Aktueller Depotbestand - Erfassen und Abfrage von Börsenaufträgen - Anzeige der Karten - Managen...

Price: Free Developer: Spar+Leihkasse Riggisberg AG
Spar- & Leihkasse Bucheggberg

Spar- & Leihkasse Bucheggberg

With Spar- und Leihkasse Bucheggberg's free Mobile Banking App, you can conduct your banking transactions quickly and anywhere. Function overview - Current balance sheet - Manage and capture payments/standing orders incl. payment slip scanner - Access to the eBill portal - Current portfolio balance -...

Price: Free Developer: Spar- und Leihkasse Bucheggberg AG
Spar- und Leihkasse Frutigen

Spar- und Leihkasse Frutigen

With Spar- und Leihkasse Frutigen's free Mobile Banking App, you can conduct your banking transactions quickly and anywhere. Function overview - Current balance sheet - Manage and capture payments/standing orders incl. payment slip scanner - Access to the eBill portal - Current portfolio balance -...

Price: Free Developer: Spar- und Leihkasse Frutigen AG
Zapp - Lån & Spar

Zapp - Lån & Spar

Med Zapp kan du skrive beskeder til banken, booke møder, søge om studiekonto og vedhæfte dokumenter. Alt sammen direkte fra din mobil. Nemt og hurtigt. For at kunne bruge Zapp, skal du have: • NemID (bruges første gang til legitimation) • iOS 9.0...

Price: Free Developer: Lån & Spar Bank A/S
Spar Key

Spar Key

Sparkasse Bank Malta plc has released an Authentication Application that has removed the need for a physical token to be used when accessing and transacting on your account(s) using the Bank’s Online Banking System. Spar Key enables a more...

Price: Free Developer: Sparkasse Bank Malta plc
Mobilbank Lån & Spar Bank

Mobilbank Lån & Spar Bank

With mobile banking, you can handle most of your banking matters and get an overview of your finances anytime, anywhere. Mobile bank is designed for the iPhone, but works on iPad and iPod Touch as well. You must be a...

Price: Free Developer: Lån & Spar Bank A/S
Crédit du Nord pour iPhone

Crédit du Nord pour iPhone

Particulier ou professionnel, gérez vos comptes depuis votre application : VOS COMPTES AU QUOTIDIEN EN TOUTE SECURITE • Visualisez le solde de votre compte favori en un clic • Retrouvez en un coup d’œil sur votre tableau de bord vos comptes favoris,...

Price: Free Developer: Credit du Nord


L'appli Crédit Du Nord Epargne Salariale est une application gratuite via laquelle, vous pouvez visualiser d'un simple coup d'œil la situation de vos avoirs en épargne salariale par support de placement ; consulter vos dernières opérations ; bénéficier d'informations...

Price: Free Developer: Credit du Nord
Crédit du Nord pour iPad

Crédit du Nord pour iPad

Particulier ou professionnel, gérez vos comptes en toute sécurité depuis votre tablette : VOS COMPTES AU QUOTIDIEN • Partagez l’utilisation de l’application avec vos proches en personnalisant votre profil • Consultez le détail de vos comptes et pointez vos opérations • Consultez...

Price: Free Developer: Credit du Nord
Sparebank 68° Nord

Sparebank 68° Nord

The mobile bank gives you full control and easy access to most bankservices on your mobile phone. Easy and secure! · Balance and transactions on your accounts · ...

Price: Free Developer: Sparebank 68° Nord
Sparebank 68° Nord Bedrift

Sparebank 68° Nord Bedrift

The mobile bank gives you full control and easy access to most bankservices on your mobile phone. Easy and secure! · Balance and transactions on your accounts · ...

Price: Free Developer: Sparebank 68° Nord
Crédit du Nord Entreprises

Crédit du Nord Entreprises

Entreprise ou Institutionnel, gérez vos comptes en toute sécurité depuis votre mobile : COMPTES AU QUOTIDIEN - Consultez le solde de l’ensemble de vos comptes et leurs opérations - Avec la synthèse multibanque, consultez tous les soldes et mouvements de vos comptes détenus dans...

Price: Free Developer: Credit du Nord
Spar Nord

Spar Nord

Få overblik over din økonomi og gå i banken døgnet rundt – både hjemme og på farten via din iPhone eller iPad. Som kunde kan du: - Se konti, posteringer og depoter - Overføre penge til egne og andres...

Price: Free Developer: Spar Nord Bank


Die Anfino App ist der schnelle und einfache Zugang zum Kundenportal der Anlage- und Finanzbetreuung Nord GmbH. Er bietet einen Überblick über konsolidierte Kundendepots inkl. aller Fondsanteile, Versicherungen, Beteiligungen und Bankkonten. Die Zugangsüberprüfung erfolgt über Ihre bisherigen Zugangsdaten zum MSC...

Price: Free Developer: Anlage- und Finanzbetreuung Nord GmbH
ECOMI Secure Wallet

ECOMI Secure Wallet

Keeping your cryptocurrencies, or private keys, safe and protected is now more important than ever, and this is exactly what the Secure Wallet was designed for, without all the hassle. Combining world-leading security and ultra-portability, the Secure Wallet is...

Price: Free Developer: ECOMI Technology PTE Ltd
Ethereum Wallet - Freewallet

Ethereum Wallet - Freewallet

Install Freewallet’s Ethereum Wallet to manage and store your Ethereum in a secure cryptocurrency app. The ETH wallet combines all the best characteristics of blockchain wallets – it is safe and easy to use wallet with multi-level security. Ethereum...

Price: Free Developer: Freewallet
Bitcoin Cash Wallet Freewallet

Bitcoin Cash Wallet Freewallet

Install Bitcoin Cash Wallet and enjoy simple transactions and multi-level security features. It is a free BCH (BCC) wallet with a built-in exchange and intuitive interface. Bitcoin Cash Wallet combines all the best features of crypto...

Price: Free Developer: Freewallet
Litecoin Wallet by Freewallet

Litecoin Wallet by Freewallet

Litecoin wallet from Freewallet family combines all of the best features of hosted wallets. It is the most suitable free iOS app for any user, including experienced LTC miners, crypto newbies or users of Litecoin faucet. Litecoin wallet from the...

Price: Free Developer: Freewallet
BBVA Wallet México

BBVA Wallet México

¿Conoces BBVA Wallet? Es la app gratuita de BBVA, el nuevo nombre de BBVA Bancomer, con la que puedes comprar por internet con SEGURIDAD y manejar de manera práctica y confiable tus tarjetas BBVA de débito y crédito, físicas o...

Price: Free Developer: BBVA Bancomer, S.A.
HODL Wallet : Bitcoin Wallet

HODL Wallet : Bitcoin Wallet

HODL Wallet is a Bitcoin wallet that makes it simple and easy to send, receive, and store bitcoin. It is the best tool for empowering yourself to hold your own funds securely. Your Bitcoin are stored on your device...

Price: Free Developer: Hodl Wallet Inc
Sydbank Wallet

Sydbank Wallet

Med Sydbank Wallet kan du betale kontaktløst med din iPhone, når du er ude at handle, og den er et nemt og sikkert alternativ til de fysiske betalingskort. Understøtter Dankort på mobilen. Første gang du åbner Sydbank Wallet, skal du...

Price: Free Developer: Sydbank
AllZ Wallet Merchant

AllZ Wallet Merchant

AllZ Wallet™ Merchant is a mobile payment processing application for merchants, stores, supermarkets and individuals, offered by PayAllZ Sdn Bhd. You can download for free and check out its rich features. Use AllZ Wallet™ Merchant and turn your smartphone/...

Price: Free Developer: PayAllZ Sdn Bhd
Blockchain Wallet: Bitcoin

Blockchain Wallet: Bitcoin

The Blockchain Wallet is the most popular crypto wallet with over 38 million wallets in 140 countries, $200B transacted, and industry leading low fees. Your Blockchain Wallet is unique because it is non-custodial. This means that only YOU hold...

Price: Free Developer: Blockchain
Dogecoin Wallet by Freewallet

Dogecoin Wallet by Freewallet

Install the Dogecoin Wallet for easy and secure DOGE transactions and storage. Track the price of the coin, convert it to any cryptocurrency, and keep your money safe even if you forget your private keys or lose your phone. The...

Price: Free Developer: Freewallet

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