Top 18 Reference Apps Like Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad - Best Alternatives

Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Reference apps that are similar to Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad. Pick one from this list to be your new Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Galerie d'orientation bactérienne iPad 2025.

Galerie d'orientation bactérienne pour iPhone

Galerie d'orientation bactérienne pour iPhone

Voici l’outil que les bactériologistes attendaient et qui va leur faciliter l’identification du genre ou de la famille des bactéries non exigeantes cultivant sur gélose nutritive ordinaire ! Parfait aussi pour les lycéens de la filaire STL de biotechnologies et...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jean-Pierre GAUTHIER
Alle Bäume Deutschland - 1000 Arten bestimmen

Alle Bäume Deutschland - 1000 Arten bestimmen

*** Alle Bäume Deutschland – Einfache Bestimmung von allen heimischen Gehölzarten sowie Parkbäume und Ziersträucher Deutschlands – Mit über 1.000 Arten und 8.900 ausgezeichneten Fotos. Keine App hat mehr! *** Diese App ist der bislang umfangreichste digitale Feldführer zu Bäumen...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Mullen & Pohland GbR
Dictionnaire Junior Larousse

Dictionnaire Junior Larousse

Le dictionnaire complet pour les 8-12 ans ! Un dictionnaire pour l’apprentissage de la langue - 20 000 noms communs choisis en fonctions des programmes scolaires. - 3 000 Histoires des mots pour mieux comprendre leur origine et leur évolution. - Des synonymes...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Editions Larousse
Encyclopédie Larousse

Encyclopédie Larousse

PROMOTION - L'encyclopédie au prix d'un dictionnaire ! Tout Larousse sur iPad Une encyclopédie thématique - 10 000 articles encyclopédiques classés sur plus de 50 thèmes de la physique à la philosophie. - De nombreux dossiers liés au programme scolaire des collégiens...

Price: Free Developer: Editions Larousse
Europas Schmetterlinge

Europas Schmetterlinge

Eine App für iPhone/iPod touch und iPad! Keine lästige Werbung, vollständig ohne Netzwerkverbindung lauffähig. In „Europas Schmetterlinge“ werden 88 der häufigsten Tag- und Nachtfalter Mitteleuropas ausführlich beschrieben und mit hochaufgelösten Bildern gezeigt. Die Bilder zeigen die Schmetterlinge und Nachtfalter in...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.
Hunde Id - Welcher Hund passt zu mir? Sunbird Ratgeber zur Auswahl der passenden Hunderasse

Hunde Id - Welcher Hund passt zu mir? Sunbird Ratgeber zur Auswahl der passenden Hunderasse

*** Der ultimative Hunde-Ratgeber für die Hosentasche. Suchst Du den perfekten Begleiter für Dich und Deine Familie? Diese App beschreibt im Detail die 170 häufigsten Hunderassen in Europa in 1000 Fotos, Texte von Veterinärmedizinerin verfasst! "Die mit Abstand beste Hunde-App...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Mullen & Pohland GbR
NABU Vogelwelt

NABU Vogelwelt

Mit der NABU-App „Vogelwelt“ können Sie alle regelmäßig in Deutschland vorkommenden Vogelarten kennenlernen und bestimmen. Die NABU-Vogelwelt ist die kostenlose App für Vogelliebhaber und alle anderen, denen der Schutz unserer Natur mit ihrer Vielfalt am Herzen liegt. Die voll funktionsfähige...

Price: Free Developer: Mullen & Pohland GbR
Transwhiz E/C(simp) for iPad

Transwhiz E/C(simp) for iPad

In addition to convenient two-way dictionary lookup, Transhwiz for iPad provides you fast and high quality translation between English and Chinese with unique translation engine. A handy translation tool for business, travel and school use. Two-Way Dictionary Lookup Display...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Otek International Inc.
Transwhiz E/C(trad) for iPad

Transwhiz E/C(trad) for iPad

In addition to convenient two-way dictionary lookup, Transhwiz for iPad provides you fast and high quality translation between English and Chinese with unique translation engine. A handy translation tool for business, travel and school use. Two-Way Dictionary Lookup Display...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Otek International Inc.
Atlas for iPad - Maps & Facts

Atlas for iPad - Maps & Facts

Users Love Atlas for iPad! 5 Star Review ***** Great and very informative for traveller and can use without Internet - Ronmis 5 Star Review ***** Lots of fun to use. Like a virtual globe. Helpful for learning geography. =) - heyjone 5 Star Review ***** Very...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Appventions
Art Authority for iPad

Art Authority for iPad

"Best iPad Reference App" -- App Store editorial team. Art Authority for iPad transports you to an enthralling, real-world art museum filled with works by over 1500 of the western world's greatest artists, from ancient times to today. 100,000...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Open Door Networks, Inc. Pro for iPad Pro for iPad

Download the most essential and comprehensive dictionary app for dependable definitions at your fingertips. is the leading free English dictionary app for iPad– with over 2,000,000 trusted definitions and synonyms. The app is designed and optimized for your device. Easily...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:, LLC for iPad for iPad

Download the most essential and comprehensive dictionary app for dependable definitions at your fingertips. is the leading free English dictionary app for iPad– with over 2,000,000 trusted definitions and synonyms. The app is designed and optimized for your device. Easily...

Price: Free Developer:, LLC
iBegell for iPad

iBegell for iPad

iBegell is an iPad Digital Library designed for academic, industry and government researchers and professionals searching for reliable peer-reviewed information in the field of science and technology. iBegell titles cover theoretical and applied engineering physics and biomedical sciences. iBegell...

Price: Free Developer: Begell House Publisher, Inc
Constitution for iPad

Constitution for iPad

Senator Sam Ervin pulled one out of his pocket during the Watergate Hearings... Now prepare to own any legal debate with a copy of the US Constitution on your iPad! Please enjoy our Declaration app, also available for free in...

Price: Free Developer: Clint Bagwell Consulting
Declaration for iPad

Declaration for iPad

Reference copy of the US Declaration of Independence for your iPad. Includes text, notes, and images of original documents.

Price: Free Developer: Clint Bagwell Consulting
Wiki² - Wikipedia for iPad

Wiki² - Wikipedia for iPad

Build your personal encyclopaedia while consulting Wikipedia on your iPad. Every article you look up is automatically saved on your iPad for offline reading - no internet connection is needed to read /review articles later. (To prevent saving just...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BananaGlue GmbH

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