Top 12 Business Apps Like CloudGate POC - Best Alternatives

CloudGate POC Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CloudGate POC alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Business apps that are similar to CloudGate POC. Pick one from this list to be your new CloudGate POC app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CloudGate POC on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like CloudGate POC - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CloudGate POC alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like CloudGate POC 2025.

CloudGate Authenticator

CloudGate Authenticator

CloudGate Authenticator allows CloudGate UNO users to perform two-step authentication using fingerprint authentication or OTP. The OTP function can also be used with services other than CloudGate UNO. When using the fingerprint authentication option, a push notification will be sent to...

Price: Free Developer: International Systems Research Co.
Cloud Gate

Cloud Gate

CloudGateスマートフォン端末ID制限アプリは、Google Apps for Work とCloudGateスマートフォン端末ID制限機能をご利用のお客様向け専用アプリです。 このアプリから端末IDを登録すると、登録された端末からのみGoogle Apps(Gmail)へログインすることが可能となります。 アプリのご利用には、CloudGate スマートフォン端末ID制限機能のご契約が必要です。 ------------------------------------------------------ 【アプリの特徴】 ●ブラウザベースのアプリとなります。 Google Appsの各サービス画面(Gmail、カレンダー等)は、標準ブラウザと同様、 モバイル向けに最適化されたインターフェースから操作が可能です。 ●ビジネスユースに合うセキュリティ機能や便利機能を各種実装しています。 ・添付ファイルのダウンロード禁止 ・スクリーンロック機能 ・アドレスバー非表示 ・お気に入りの登録/管理 ●管理者による利用制御も可能です。 登録された端末ID情報をクリアすることで、端末紛失時には 登録済み端末からのログインを管理者機能で不許可にすることが可能です。 ●BYODを許可する場合に最適です。 企業にてBYODを許可している場合、会社のメールを個人保有の端末で閲覧するにあたり、 セキュリティ対策を行う必要があります。 CloudGateアプリなら、添付ファイルや認証情報が本体に残らないため、 万が一端末が紛失した場合でも、会社の情報が外部に流出することを防ぎます。 ------------------------------------------------------ 【CloudGateについて】 CloudGateは、Google Apps for Work/Salesforce.comご利用のお客様向けのセキュリティ認証サービスです。 2016年3月末時点で、1200社62万ユーザーにご利用いただいております。

Price: Free Developer: International Systems Research Co.
Connected POC Sell-in App

Connected POC Sell-in App

The Connected POC Sell-in App helps AB-InBev’s Sales Representatives to bring Beverage Analytics’ potential customers through a smooth and efficient sell-in journey, and effective sign-up process. The Connected POC Sell-in App provides a straight forward compatibility check, and groups the...

Price: Free Developer: WeissBeerger
oneIDentity+ PoC

oneIDentity+ PoC

*This is the demo version of the oneIDentity+ to be used for pilot projects and proofs of concept!* oneIDentity+ is more than an app. It is a cross-company and cross-sector service platform that supports mobile processes all around the world....

Price: Free Developer: oneIDentity+ GmbH
CertiTrust PoC

CertiTrust PoC

This is the service platform Certi Trust® made by Witte safemark GmbH Certi Trust® creates trust and transparency. This App connects digital information with the proof of authenticity. Companies and consumers are faced with major challenges in point of digitalisation and...

Price: Free Developer: oneIDentity+ GmbH
In My Mind LGBTQ+ POC Conf

In My Mind LGBTQ+ POC Conf

This NYC-based two day conference brings together mental health consumers, clinicians, students and academics in formats that encourage a rare cross-pollination of concerns and experiences; providing opportunities for these groups to speak with and listen to each other as...

Price: Free Developer: Depressed Black Gay Men (DBGM), Inc.
Uren POC

Uren POC

Uren verantwoording en vacature inzicht

Price: Free Developer: SPIE Numac Groep
Gremi d'Hostaleria Valles Occidental i Barcelonès

Gremi d'Hostaleria Valles Occidental i Barcelonès

Benvolguts Associats, Som camí de culminar el primer trimestre de l’any 2017. Un any on s’augura una certa recuperació de la crisi que ha colpejat durament l’economia del país, en general, i en particular, a moltes empreses del nostre sector....

Price: Free Developer: Maitai Media Factory S.L.


Home Kit app is a product of Shine Star Services LLC., USA. Home Kit is a unique POC app which created using ARkit. This POC app is created for Interior designers, Real Estate companies, Kitchen and bath products reseller...

Price: Free Developer: Dhruv Gohel


XSPOC is a comprehensive well management system that fully integrates all of Theta's software. It uses modern communication technologies to link real-time data to Theta's powerful diagnostic and design tools. XSPOC is not just for pump-off controllers anymore. It...

Price: Free Developer: Theta Oilfield Services
CITRAS - 360 Law Group

CITRAS - 360 Law Group

CITRAS - is the case and time management system used by 360 Law Group's lawyers and clients. 360 Law Group is a distributed law firm with lawyers located in 25 countries, positioning us to help clients with their legal needs...

Price: Free Developer: POC

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