Top 33 Education Apps Like Masjid Agung Al-Azhar - Best Alternatives

Masjid Agung Al-Azhar Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Masjid Agung Al-Azhar alternatives for iOS? We have listed 33 Education apps that are similar to Masjid Agung Al-Azhar. Pick one from this list to be your new Masjid Agung Al-Azhar app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Masjid Agung Al-Azhar on your iOS devices.

Top 33 Apps Like Masjid Agung Al-Azhar - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Masjid Agung Al-Azhar alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 33 similar apps like Masjid Agung Al-Azhar 2025.

Masjid Raya Al Azhar Jakarta Timur

Masjid Raya Al Azhar Jakarta Timur

Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk memudahkan Jamaah Masjid Raya AlAzhar Jakarta Timur dan sekitarnya untuk mengetahui info terkini aktivitas, Kajian Islam, dan lain sebagainya, sehingga memudahkan para Jamaah untuk mendapatkan info kegiatan Masjid Agung Al-Azhar. Aplikasi ini di integrasikan dengan google...

Price: Free Developer: Technopreneur's Resource Centre Pte Ltd
Masjid Noor

Masjid Noor

Prayer Schedule, Khutba, Tafseer, Fuqh, Quran Masjid Noor, Soringfield, VA, 22153. Download this app and listen toKhutba, Tafseer and Fiqh audio presentation by Mufti Shazad M Hussain

Price: Free Developer: Masjid Noor
Show My Masjid

Show My Masjid

Publish your masjid’s prayer times (Jamaat or Iqama times), any type announcements of your masjid and scheduled events as one of the masjid’s management or admin. You can also view the prayer times, scheduled events and announcements of your local...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Muazzam Ali
Ad-Din: For Masjid & Madrasah

Ad-Din: For Masjid & Madrasah

Almost every Masjid/Mosque & Madressah/Religious Schools have issues reaching & publishing important details to congregants in the community, and facing challenges within to administer all through papers “Ad-Din Mobile & Web App” features a lot more while addressing above issues KEY...

Price: Free Developer: Immense Inc.
Masjid Al-Sahabah

Masjid Al-Sahabah

Masjid Al-Sahabah has been exclusively established for the worship of Allah (سبحانه و تعالى). In order to achieve this, the Masjid shall provide the Muslims of greater North Houston with facilities for conducting, and establishing the daily five obligatory...

Price: Free Developer: RAWDAH, LLC
Masjid At-Taqwa

Masjid At-Taqwa

Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk memudahkan jamaah untuk mengetahui info terkini aktifitas, kajian islami, laporan keuangan masjid dan lain sebagainya, sehingga memudahkan jamaah untuk mendapatkan info kegiatan Masjid Jami At-Taqwa Cilandak KKO. Fitur: 1. Profil Masjid 2. Kontak Masjid 3. Donasi 4. Video Islami 5. Buletin...

Price: Free Developer: Technopreneur's Resource Centre Pte Ltd
Masjid Baitul Ihsan

Masjid Baitul Ihsan

Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk memudahkan Jamaah Masjid Baitul Ihsan dan sekitarnya mengetahui info terkini aktivitas, kajian islam, dan lain sebagainya, sehingga memudahkan para jamaah untuk mendapatkan info kegiatan Masjid Baitul Ihsan. Aplikasi ini di integrasikan dengan google map sehingga memudahkan...

Price: Free Developer: Technopreneur's Resource Centre Pte Ltd
Masjid Daruttaqwa

Masjid Daruttaqwa

Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk memudahkan Jamaah Masjid Daruttaqwa dan sekitarnya untuk mengetahui info terkini aktivitas, Kajian Islam, dan lain sebagainya, sehingga memudahkan para Jamaah untuk mendapatkan info kegiatan Masjid Daruttaqwa. Aplikasi ini diintegrasikan dengan google map sehingga memudahkan jamaah menemukan...

Price: Free Developer: Technopreneur's Resource Centre Pte Ltd
Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa

Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa

Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk memudahkan Jamaah Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa dan sekitarnya untuk mengetahui info terkini aktivitas, Kajian Islam, dan lain sebagainya, sehingga memudahkan para Jamaah untuk mendapatkan info kegiatan Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa. Aplikasi ini di integrasikan dengan google...

Price: Free Developer: Technopreneur's Resource Centre Pte Ltd


DDTC merupakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk tax society atau komunitas pajak. Terdiri dari fitur berita, dokumen, dan referensi literatur perpajakan. Lebih lanjut, berita pajak dikelola secara profesional sesuai kaidah dan prinsip jurnalistik, serta update setiap hari. Kemudian, dokumen perpajakan...

Daily Prayers for Muslim

Daily Prayers for Muslim

Collection of Prayer and Dhikr according to the guidance from Al Qur'an and Sunnah. In total there are 132 prayers with many categories that will continue to grow. Additional facilities: - Audio prayer - Support multiple language (English, Bahasa Indonesia) Easy to use apps,...

Price: Free Developer: Noval Agung Prayogo


Drawinx is freehand drawing app. Useful for sketching or drawing object that have symmetry behavior. Some major features : - 3 different drawing mode, freehand, bezier, or dotline - symmetry behavior switchable to horizontal or vertical - can pick favorite color for drawing -...

Price: Free Developer: Noval Agung Prayogo
Ibadah Harian

Ibadah Harian

Aplikasi Ibadah Harian merupakan sarana yang disediakan oleh Gereja Kristen Perjanjian Baru bagi Anda yang terlibat di dalam gerakan melakukan Ibadah Harian. Di dalam aplikasi ini, Anda dapat menemukan fitur-fitur sebagai berikut: 1. Materi Ibadah Harian baik untuk Ibadah pagi, siang...

Price: Free Developer: CIPTA AGUNG SEMESTA, CV
Masjid Al Falaah

Masjid Al Falaah

Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk memudahkan Jamaah Masjid Al Falaah dan sekitarnya untuk mengetahui info terkini aktivitas, Kajian Islam, dan lain sebagainya, sehingga memudahkan para Jamaah untuk mendapatkan info kegiatan Masjid Agung Al-Azhar. Aplikasi ini diintegrasikan dengan google map sehingga memudahkan...

Price: Free Developer: Technopreneur's Resource Centre Pte Ltd
MyNusa Student

MyNusa Student

Fitur yang tersedia: 1. Melihat jadwal perkuliahan 2. Melihat hasil studi 3. Melihat tagihan dan pembayaran. 4. Melihat kalender akademik 5. MEngunduh file materi, slide, silabus perkuliahan 6. mendapatkan informasi akademik

Price: Free Developer: Agung Sasongko
MyUBSI Parent

MyUBSI Parent

Manfaatkan aplikasi MyUBSI Parent untuk mengetahui kegiatan perkuliahan anak di kampus, informasi biaya kuliah dan pembayaran kuliah yang telah dilakukan.

Price: Free Developer: Agung Sasongko
Tarteel al-Quran

Tarteel al-Quran

An exclusive app for al- Quran for easy and quick memorization of Surahs recited in salat, with various recitation options and appealing displays. About Publisher: Mahad al-Zahra over the last two decades has extended access to Quranic education for people wishing...

Price: Free Developer: Mahad al Zahra
Fi Zilal al-Quran

Fi Zilal al-Quran

Mahad al-Zahra has produced a series of books and multimedia productions under the umbrella of Fi Zilal al-Quran to help children develop the necessary skills and attitude to memorize and recite al-Quran. Fi Zilal al-Quran is an app developed to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mahad al Zahra
Fi Zilal al-Quran for iPhone

Fi Zilal al-Quran for iPhone

Mahad al-Zahra has produced a series of books and multimedia productions under the umbrella of Fi Zilal al-Quran to help children develop the necessary skills and attitude to memorize and recite al-Quran. Fi Zilal al-Quran is an app developed to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mahad al Zahra
Fi Zilal al-Quran for iPhone LITE

Fi Zilal al-Quran for iPhone LITE

Mahad al-Zahra has produced a series of books and multimedia productions under the umbrella of Fi Zilal al-Quran to help children develop the necessary skills and attitude to memorize and recite al-Quran. Fi Zilal al-Quran is an app developed to...

Price: Free Developer: Mahad al Zahra
Fi Zilal al-Quran LITE

Fi Zilal al-Quran LITE

Mahad al-Zahra has produced a series of books and multimedia productions under the umbrella of Fi Zilal al-Quran to help children develop the necessary skills and attitude to memorize and recite al-Quran. Fi Zilal al-Quran is an app developed to...

Price: Free Developer: Mahad al Zahra
Salam Al-Azhar

Salam Al-Azhar

SALAM AL AZHAR Salam Al-Azhar merupakan platform resmi yang dihadirkan oleh Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al-Azhar untuk memudahkan aktivitas peserta didik. Salam Al-Azhar dirancang untuk memudahkan dan mempercepat proses penerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB) & pindahan, pembayaran uang sekolah, informasi akademik dan...

Price: Free Developer: Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al Azhar


Al Hekma International School is distinguished amongst international schools in the region through its ability to offer a high quality educational program. As our students work towards attaining an American Diploma, we, at Al Hekma pride ourselves on creating...

Price: Free Developer: Al-Amthal Group
Taalim al-Quran

Taalim al-Quran

Taalim al-Quran is Mahad al-Zahra's special program to help mumineen memorise Quran through asynchronous mode of learning. Through this program, mumineen can send their hifz recordings to Mahad al-Zahra. Mahad al-Zahra will listen to the recording and send written...

Price: Free Developer: Mahad al Zahra
Al Dhafra School Al Ain

Al Dhafra School Al Ain

Mobile interface for parents of students studying in Al Dhafra Private Schools, Abu Dhabi, for accessing information about their children. Following information is available through the App: - Personal information - Health information - News - Circulars - SMS - Email - Homework - Assignment - Attendance - Progress Card -...

Price: Free Developer: Al Dhafrah Private School
Al Sharq Academy

Al Sharq Academy

Al Sharq Academia is a project initiated by the Training Department at Al Sharq Forum in the aim of disseminating knowledge from the social and humanistic sciences among civil society and political activists in order to positively enhance the...

Price: Free Developer: Al Sharq Academy


SD Islam Al-Azhar 31 Yogyakarta berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan kompetensi anak dengan didasari karakter yang kuat. Dengan harapan ilmu yang diperoleh dapat lebih mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT, berguna bagi agama islam dan negara indonesia. SD Islam Al-Azhar 31 Yogyakarta siap...

Price: Free Developer: Sidik Murdiono
Al-Azhar Central School

Al-Azhar Central School

AL AZHAR CENTERAL SCHOOL run by AL AZHAR muslim educational charitable society, Mala, was established in 2003 and is affiliated to Centeral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.

Price: Free Developer: Nexrise Technologies
Islamic Essentials

Islamic Essentials

Shaykh Muhammad Azhar Iqbal was born and raised in Karachi and traveled to the United States for his undergraduate studies. He holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and began a Ph.D. program in Economics at...

Price: Free Developer: Shaykh Azhar Iqbal
Nile Center

Nile Center

Nile Language Center, one of the most prestigious language centers in Egypt. The Nile Language Center was established in 1998 and is accredited from the Egyptian Ministry of Education. Owing to the dedicated staff with years of experience in the field, the center...

Price: Free Developer: Mohammed Shalaby
Asram Education Center

Asram Education Center

Merupakan aplikasi digital khusus komunitas dari lembaga pendidikan yang berada dibawah naungan Asram Foundation. Aplikasi ini meng-integrasikan beragam layanan pendidikan, Sosial, Dakwah dan Bisnis berbasis mobile yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan orang tua / Jammiyah sekolah untuk mendapatkan informasi &...

Price: Free Developer: Indoglobal Nusa Persada, PT


LamStan is an organisation of young people, who share the same passion for assisting their fellow students from remotest part of world. Students of different grades are offered assistance to pursue their dreams in life. Various students from Ladakh,...

Price: Free Developer: Azhar Sultan

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