Top 19 Business Apps Like Americana AGILE - Best Alternatives

Americana AGILE Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Americana AGILE alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to Americana AGILE. Pick one from this list to be your new Americana AGILE app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Americana AGILE on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Americana AGILE - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Americana AGILE alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Americana AGILE 2025.

Americana Grocery

Americana Grocery

Americana Grocery is one of the most established Latin grocery store chains in the Metropolitan Washington DC area. We are renowned for our selection of international fresh cut meats and foods from around the globe. We specialize in foods from...

Price: Free Developer: Rameez Shehzad
Construção Latino-Americana

Construção Latino-Americana

Construção Latino-Americana (CLA) é a única revista que cobre inteiramente a indústria da construção na América Latina. Auditada pela BPA e com dez edições ao ano em espanhol e português, CLA chega às principais empresas construtoras e provedoras que...

Price: Free Developer: KHL Group LLP
UNL's Americana Convention

UNL's Americana Convention

United National Life Insurance welcomes you to our 2019 Americana Convention at the Greenbrier in Sulphur Springs, WV! Use the convention app to track your schedule, share photos, get the latest event updates with push notifications, and connect with...

Price: Free Developer: United National Life Insurance Company of America
AmCham Bolivia

AmCham Bolivia

La Cámara Americana de Comercio – AmCham Bolivia, fue legalmente establecida en Bolivia el 8 de Mayo de 1975. Aquel día, tras un intercambio de ideas, un núcleo conformado por ejecutivos de 12 empresas acordó por unanimidad formar...

Price: Free Developer: AmCham Bolivia


O maior evento da Gastroenterologia, não só do Brasil, mas da América Latina acontecerá na cidade de São Paulo, de 17 a 21 de novembro de 2018, a XVII Semana Brasileira do Aparelho Digestivo (SBAD 2018) em conjunto com...

Price: Free Developer: CCM EVENTOS LTDA


El Congreso Latinoamericano de Puertos es un evento anual convocado por la Delegación Latinoamericana de la Asociación Americana de Autoridades Portuarias (AAPA). Año tras año, más de 400 líderes portuarios y expertos internacionales, hacen que este foro se destaque como...

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Valverde


A missão da equipe Alagev é conectar o mercado de eventos e viagens corporativas na América Latina, com foco do cliente, compartilhando as melhores práticas e promovendo a capacitação e o desenvolvimento da indústria.

Price: Free Developer: Associacao Latino Americana de Gestores de Eventos e Viagens Corporativas ALAGEV
APSA 2018

APSA 2018

Join us August 30 – September 2, 2018, in Boston for the 114th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition to address the latest scholarship in political science while exploring the 2018 theme, "Democracy and Its Discontents. APSA and the 2018...

Price: Free Developer: EventMobi


Canal direto da ARM Sul-Americana com seus beneficiários

Connected by Agile Cockpit

Connected by Agile Cockpit

EN: Description Connected by Agile Cockpit. Find your colleagues and connect! The application is for users that are part of an Agile Cockpit account. All users within that account are all found in the Connected application. Find colleagues quickly, see their...

Price: Free Developer: Agile Cockpit Software Development Private Limited
Agile ScanSmart

Agile ScanSmart

Agile ScanSmart is an enterprise barcode scanner for clients of Agile Ticketing Solutions LLC. Use the app in conjunction with our paid software services to scan, track, record and validate data embedded within transactional barcodes. Great for ticket validation, access...

Agile Time Tracker

Agile Time Tracker

Agile Time Tracker is an time card app brought to you by Agile Soft Systems, Inc. It is an effort to provide a mobile Employee attendance cum time tracking system for business. The app replaces the physical paper Attendance Register,...

Price: Free Developer: Agile Soft Systems
Agile Story Sizing Cards

Agile Story Sizing Cards

No more flipping cards—the best app available to replace your existing scrum poker planning cards! Vote story points from your phone during Agile sprint planning meetings. Choose a task value, hold up your phone to reveal your vote to the...

Price: Free Developer: NextWave Mobile Apps, LLC
Agile Story

Agile Story

AscentIQ solutions provide excellent software services using agile methodology. Agile Story app generates user stories in the agile standard format. Agile user stories are widely used in the companies which follow agile methodology. User Story The system users normally use...

Price: Free Developer: Ascentiq Solutions Ltd
Agile Story Creator

Agile Story Creator

AscentIQ solutions provide excellent software services using agile methodology. Agile Story Creator app generates user stories in the agile standard format. Agile user stories are widely used in the companies which follow agile methodology. User Story The system users normally...

Price: Free Developer: Ascentiq Solutions Ltd
Agile Coaching Cards

Agile Coaching Cards

This ground-breaking app is a MUST-HAVE for all Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Facilitators and Leaders of agile organisations. Agile and leadership coach Geoff Watts has digitised his packs of coaching cards for ScrumMasters, Product Owners, Coaches and...

Price: Free Developer: Inspect & Adapt
Agile Cognosco

Agile Cognosco

An Agile Project Management tool that is Cloud based with mobile and offline capabilities. Sticking to Agile basics and nothing else, this tool is the ideal companion to track your Scrum, Scrumban, and Kanban projects and team’s progress. It...

Price: Free Developer: Raman Technologies, Inc
Agile Estimate

Agile Estimate

Agile Estimate is a really useful tool for software developers, testers, team leaders and product managers who work in Agile environments. Agile Estimate contains card sets for numerous Agile methodologies, such as Scrum, XP and Crystal. You should use...

Price: Free Developer: Chris Haynes

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