Top 50 Education Apps Like Lær at læse med Lola - Best Alternatives

Lær at læse med Lola Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Lær at læse med Lola alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Education apps that are similar to Lær at læse med Lola. Pick one from this list to be your new Lær at læse med Lola app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Lær at læse med Lola on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like Lær at læse med Lola - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Lær at læse med Lola alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Lær at læse med Lola 2025.

LR ImageView

LR ImageView

LR ImageView is the feature-rich companion app for the Lunchbox 1080p Zoom Microscope by Lake Region Optics. With LR ImageView, you can see the microscope image, calibrate and measure, save images, and switch smoothly between microscope and Internet networks. The Lunchbox...

Price: Free Developer: Lake Region Optics
BASIC LR for Nurses - Provider

BASIC LR for Nurses - Provider

This app is designed to support nurses registered on the BASIC LR for Nurses course

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BASIC LR Instructor

BASIC LR Instructor

This Apps provides reference material and bedside aids for BASIC DHS course participants.

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BASIC LR Provider

BASIC LR Provider

This Apps provides reference material and bedside aids for BASIC DHS course participants.

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
LR Power-Up English

LR Power-Up English

Do you have trouble with the “L” and “R” sounds in English? Master them with these daily 5-minute lessons & reviews! A personal review program to suit your pace. Try out the full functionality with the free lesson. All words with...

Price: Free Developer: Brett Chandler
Liebherr AR Experience

Liebherr AR Experience

Who hasn’t dreamt of this as a child? Hours and hours on countless childhood days were spent drilling holes in the sand, lifting loads with cranes and carrying out heavy work with diggers. The jobsites came to life in...

Price: Free Developer: Liebherr


The myLosRios mobile app provides you easy access to take care of your college business (at ARC, CRC, FLC and SCC) from your mobile device or smartphone: • Check your class schedule, order from the bookstore and find your way...



CATAbility is an Online Preparation & Practice Platform that assists Management Aspirants in Entrance Exams like CAT, SNAP, XAT, IIFT, CMAT, MAT, NMAT, IBSAT, IRMA, MICAT and other state and university level Management Entrance Exams. The app offers Daily...

Price: Free Developer: Boston Adaptive Learning Systems LLP
Glaube an Dich

Glaube an Dich

Du bist neu im LR Geschäft? Dann bietet Dir die Glaube an Dich App alles, was Du wissen musst. Trainings zum Geschäft und zu den Produkten, wichtige Dokumente und eine Menge Motivation. Alles was Du brauchst hast Du ab...

Price: Free Developer: Lisa Arlt
Logical Reasoning  Questions

Logical Reasoning Questions

Crack your competitive exam just like that with our Logical Reasoning Questions App. Logical Reasoning is an all in one app for Logical reasoning preparation and practice. Do you want to master in 'Logical Reasoning'? Here is the right app...

Price: Free Developer: Shivansh Savaliya
Lights at Sea

Lights at Sea

"Lights at Sea" is all about the lights serving as navigational aid at sea and their characteristics. With "Lights at Sea" you can • TEACH and LEARN the international notation of light characteristics as used in charts and lists of...

Price: Free Developer: Pierre Bongen
At your leisure

At your leisure

Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios von At your leisure zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Büchern. Die At your leisure App nutzt das beliebte Augmented...

Price: Free Developer: Hueber Verlag
Church at Red River

Church at Red River

Welcome to the official Church at Red River app! Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email. For more information about Church at Red River, please visit: The Church at Red River App...

Price: Free Developer: Church At Red River
Stations at St. Thomas

Stations at St. Thomas

Presents a meditation from the (Episcopal) Book of Occasional Services, and a meditation for children developed at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Lancaster PA USA. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life, and...

Price: Free Developer: Franklin & Marshall College
Stations at St. Thomas TV

Stations at St. Thomas TV

Stations at St. Thomas TV is a companion app to Stations at St. Thomas, developed for mobile devices. The content is the same as for the mobile device: photographs of the Stations of the Cross by Virginia Maksymowicz,...

Price: Free Developer: Jay Anderson unterstützt Schulen und Erziehungsberechtigte bei der Planung und Durchführung von Elternsprechtagen. Mit dieser App können Erziehungsberechtigte bequem von ihrem iPhone aus Termine reservieren.

Price: Free Developer: softaware gmbh
Grace at Fort Clarke App

Grace at Fort Clarke App

The official Grace Church App provides easy access to messages, events, and more. FEATURES - Stream and and download sermon video and audio of Sunday messages. - Find Event dates, times, and locations. Quickly add them to your mobile calendar. -...

Price: Free Developer: Grace at Fort Clarke
Texas MBA at McCombs

Texas MBA at McCombs

The official orientation app for Texas MBA students at McCombs

Fun at Kids Central - Little Fox Storybook

Fun at Kids Central - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents its popular series “Fun at Kids Central” as a Storybook App! This original Little Fox series introduces readers to fun after-school activities such...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Little People At The Limes

Little People At The Limes

WELCOME TO LITTLE PEOPLE AT THE LIMES Set in a beautifully renovated Victorian building, Little People at The Limes opened February 2012 and offers quality care and pre-school education for children aged from babies to 5 years. Our professional staff...

Price: Free Developer: MobilePhoneApps Ltd
LSE Student Hub

LSE Student Hub

The app brings together everything that LSE has to offer, helps you to create communities and friendships and makes your experience at LSE the best it can be. The Student Hub will connect you to your time at...

Price: Free Developer: London School of Economics & Political Science
AccessAble - LSE

AccessAble - LSE

AccessAble LSE gives you the UK’s most trusted detailed access information for all campuses in The London School of Economics. The information in each guide is based on individual surveys carried out by a highly trained surveyor. It produces...

Price: Free Developer: Createanet
Lengua de Signos para iPhone - LITE

Lengua de Signos para iPhone - LITE

POR FIN LLEGA UNA NUEVA VERSIÓN DE LA APP PARA APRENDER LENGUA DE SIGNOS ESPAÑOLA... ¡¡AHORA DE FORMA TOTALMENTE GRATUITA!! Por fin podemos ofrecerte una nueva versión de la app para aprender Lengua de Signos Española. Mejoras: - 326 signos disponibles para descargar...

Price: Free Developer: Jose Diaz Moreno
ICU English

ICU English

ICU English began in 2010 as research in the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) as part of a Postgraduate Programme. After gaining the rights from Pearson Education, the company was formally established in 2011. We currently...

Price: Free Developer: ICU English LTD


StorySign helps to open the world of books to deaf children. It translates children’s books into sign language, to help deaf children learn how to read. There are 32 million deaf children in the world, many of whom...

Price: Free Developer: Aardman Animations Ltd.
delegs Signbook

delegs Signbook

Signbook ist ein mobiles Gebärdenwörterbuch in GebärdenSchrift mit dem alle delegs-Wörterbücher nach Einträgen durchsucht werden können. Die delegs-Wörterbücher enthalten dabei auch alle Einträge der entsprechenden SignPuddle™-Wörterbücher. Bis jetzt stehen die Wörterbücher der folgenden Gebärdensprachen zur Verfügung: DGS, ASL,...

Price: Free Developer: WPS ? Workplace Solutions GmbH
Empieza el colegio

Empieza el colegio

La App de "Empieza el colegio" te muestra, a través de la Realidad Aumentada, botones interactivos a lo largo de todo el libro. Utiliza estos botones para escuchar la palabra asociada y ver su representación en vídeo en lengua...

Price: Free Developer: Editorial GEU
En invierno hace frío

En invierno hace frío

La App del libro "En invierno hace frío" te muestra, a través de la Realidad Aumentada, botones interactivos a lo largo de todo el libro. Utiliza estos botones para escuchar la palabra asociada y ver su representación en vídeo...

Price: Free Developer: Editorial GEU
Llega el otoño

Llega el otoño

La App del libro "Llega el otoño" te muestra, a través de la Realidad Aumentada, botones interactivos a lo largo de todo el libro. Utiliza estos botones para escuchar la palabra asociada y ver su representación en vídeo en...

Price: Free Developer: Editorial GEU
Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre

Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre

Guía multimedia oficial del Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre de Tenerife. ¿Quieres disfrutar del museo durante más de 2 horas? ¿Tienes sólo 60 minutos? ¿Te interesan las Ciencias Naturales o la Arqueología? Elige entre varias opciones...

Price: Free Developer: GVAM
MED-EL Academy

MED-EL Academy

The MED-EL Academy App provides easy access to all your MED-EL courses. You can - Browse course content, even if you are offline - Receive messages for news and events - Contact other people in your courses (depending on the settings in...

Price: Free Developer: MED-EL
Körkort nu med Elevcentralen

Körkort nu med Elevcentralen

Hela resan till körkort i en enda app • Den officiella appen från STR • 160 000 användare under 2017 • Prova gratis, full version via din körskolas e-handel • Hitta närmaste och bästa körskola direkt i appen • Skräddarsy din egen...

Price: Free Developer: STR
Fonemix med r

Fonemix med r

Lek med ord och bilder! Fonemix med r-ljudet är en variant av Fonemo. Syftet är att öva på r-ljudet och samtidigt stimulera skapandet av ordlekar och små sagor. "Barnen kan bilda nya ord och tränar på så sätt även...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Vizuelle Software Stockholm AB
Lær at læse med Tim og Trine

Lær at læse med Tim og Trine

Dansk lydlet læsning, stavning og skrivning for alle børn fra 6 – 10 år Sjov og overskuelig bog-, træning- og værktøjsapp i et. - Læs og tryk på et ord for at få det læst op. - Stav sjove ord med fonologisk...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Madam Bachs forlag
Fonemix med s

Fonemix med s

Lek med ord och bilder! Fonemix med s-ljudet är en variant av Fonemo. Syftet är att öva på s-ljudet och samtidigt stimulera skapandet av ordlekar och små sagor. "Barnen kan bilda nya ord och tränar på så sätt även...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Vizuelle Software Stockholm AB
Lær å lese med Lola

Lær å lese med Lola

Gode lese- og skriveferdigheter gir barn de beste mulighetene for all læring i de årene de går på skolen. Lær å lese med Lola er den tiende Lola Panda-læringsapplikasjonen. De fleste førskolebarn synes det er gøy å leke med ord...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: BeiZ
Hit Med Lyden

Hit Med Lyden

Palle Post og alle hans venner i Hit med Lyden hjælper dit barn til at lære bogstavernes lyde at kende. Dette kendskab vil lette senere læseindlæring. Brug Hit med Lyden til at fremme barnets forståelse for, at bogstavernes lyde er...

Price: Free Developer: ApS
Lär dig räkna med Miniklubb

Lär dig räkna med Miniklubb

Åk på fisketur med pelikanen Peter och räkna efter hur många smarriga fiskar ni kan fånga - och äta! OM SPELET "Lär dig räkna med Miniklubb" är en enkel och kul app som är designad för barn mellan 4...

Price: Free Developer: Northmice ApS
Lær klokken med Miniklub

Lær klokken med Miniklub

I 'Lær Klokken med Miniklub' møder dit barn de skøre tidskrabber, som holder til ved det store sunkne ur. Sammen med lærerinden Marina skal dit barn lære om klokken med timer, kvarterer og minutter. OM SPILLET I 'Lær Klokken med...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Northmice ApS
Lær å regne med Miniklubb

Lær å regne med Miniklubb

Ta på fisketur med pelikanen Peter og tell hvor mange fete fisker dere klarer å fange – og spise! OM SPILLET ‘Lær å regne med Miniklubb’ er en enkel og gøy app designet for barn (4-7 år). Ditt barn introduseres til...

Price: Free Developer: Northmice ApS
Lili & Lola. Hide & Seek

Lili & Lola. Hide & Seek

The Lili & Lola Hide & Seek game in Persian (Farsi) – Play detective in this fun Hide & Seek Game and help Lola and her family find her monkey “Maymoon”. Lola never puts things in the right place...

Price: Free Developer: Big Bad Boo Productions, Inc.
Lola Panda's Math Train LITE

Lola Panda's Math Train LITE

Join Lola on her journey as she makes her way through a fun filled environment of bright colors, interactive characters and creative problem solving to get all of her friends to a party! Specifically designed for children between 3-7...

Price: Free Developer: BeiZ
Lili & Lola. Memory Match

Lili & Lola. Memory Match

The Lili & Lola Memory Match game in Persian (Farsi) – This Lili & Lola game helps improve your child’s working memory, a key component of their Executive Function. In this fun, multi-sensory memory game, the player will draw...

Price: Free Developer: Big Bad Boo Productions, Inc.
Lola Panda’s Math Train 2

Lola Panda’s Math Train 2

Lola’s Math Train 2 is designed for children between 6-8 years old. The game starts with easier tasks of addition and number sequencing, then gets more challenging when the child’s skills improve. After finishing each set of math tasks,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BeiZ
Apprends à lire avec Lola

Apprends à lire avec Lola

Apprendre à lire avec Lola Le Panda et la jungle des rimes est notre dixième application pédagogique de qualité et accessible. Sautez dans l’aventure de la jungle et apprenez à lire avec les rimes de Lola ! La plupart des...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: BeiZ
Apprends à lire avec Lola LITE

Apprends à lire avec Lola LITE

Apprendre à lire avec Lola Le Panda et la jungle des rimes est notre dixième application pédagogique de qualité et accessible. Sautez dans l’aventure de la jungle et apprenez à lire avec les rimes de Lola ! La plupart des...

Price: Free Developer: BeiZ
Learn to Read with Lola - Rhyming Word Jungle

Learn to Read with Lola - Rhyming Word Jungle

Learn to Read with Lola - Rhyming Word Jungle is our tenth learning application! It has been carefully designed according learning results from tens of millions of Lola Panda fans. With each 9 levels the kids will improve their...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: BeiZ
Learn to Read with Lola LITE

Learn to Read with Lola LITE

Learn to Read with Lola EASY - Rhyming Word Jungle is our tenth learning application! It has been carefully designed according learning results from tens of millions of Lola Panda fans. With each levels the kids will improve their...

Price: Free Developer: BeiZ
Lili & Lola. Numbers Game

Lili & Lola. Numbers Game

Learn the Persian (Farsi) Numbers with Lili and Lola in this fun, colorful, exciting new game ideal for kids 3 and up. The Lili & Lola Learn the Persian Number game is an educational game that allows you to learn...

Price: Free Developer: Big Bad Boo Productions, Inc.
Lili & Lola. Persian Alphabet

Lili & Lola. Persian Alphabet

Learn the Persian (Farsi) Alphabet or Alefba with Lili and Lola in this fun, colorful, exciting new game ideal for kids 3 and up. The Lili & Lola Learn the Persian Alphabet game is a simple interface allowing you to...

Price: Free Developer: Big Bad Boo Productions, Inc.

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