Top 31 Utilities Apps Like SBS TV Control System - Best Alternatives

SBS TV Control System Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SBS TV Control System alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Utilities apps that are similar to SBS TV Control System. Pick one from this list to be your new SBS TV Control System app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SBS TV Control System on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like SBS TV Control System - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SBS TV Control System alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like SBS TV Control System 2025.

MZVRPlayer 180°立体VR動画プレーヤー

MZVRPlayer 180°立体VR動画プレーヤー

MZVRPlayerは180度立体VR動画を体験できる動画プレーヤーです。 現在VR動画は360度動画が多いですが、実は180度立体VR動画は没入感が高く、画質も高いですので数多いVR形式の中で今後もっと注目されるでしょう。 本アプリは180度立体VR動画を手軽に体験でき、アプリが起動すると自動的にVR動画が再生されます。VRゴーグルに装着してお楽しみください。動画は定期的に更新される予定です。 現在サポートする動画形式はSBS(Side-by-side)ですが、今後はTop-Bottom形式もサポートする予定です。 特長: ■アプリを起動すると、5秒のカウントダウンの後、180度立体VR動画が自動的に再生されます。没入感が高い動画が定期的に更新されます。別世界に没入する気分を体験してください。 ■動画再生画面に文字を表示できます。動画プラス文字というコンビネーションを可能にしましたので、より多くの情報をユーザに届けられます。 ■後ろに最大180度空間の画像を表示できます。正面は動画で後ろに振り向くと画像があります。動画・文字・画像を1つにした多彩な情報を展開できる今までにない画期的なVR動画プレーヤーです。 ■iPhoneの向きを180度回転しても、左と右の映像が正しい配置になるように自動的に調整されます。どんな向きでもiPhoneをVRゴーグルに装着可能です。 ■ブラウザ経由でアプリを起動できます。ウェブページと緊密な連携が実現できます。 ■視聴中の早送り、巻き戻し、一時停止などの便利なな機能もあります。 注:動画はストリーミング再生のため、WIFI環境での利用をおすすめします。

Price: Free Developer: M NET SYSTEM, K.K.
Chromecast - TV Cast

Chromecast - TV Cast

The best TV Cast app for Google Chromecast! Stream any web video and your personal photos, videos & musics from your device to TV. TV Cast enhances your TV Experience and lets you Enjoy the show on your big screen. Features -...

Price: Free Developer: TV Cast Co., Ltd
Guide - Italy

Guide - Italy the best TV guide now on iPhone. The most downloaded app from Sweden is now launched in Spain and Italy. Easy to use TV guide on iPhone and iPod touch.Movies, Sport and TV-shows. - TV listings for all popular channels. - Landscape...

Price: Free Developer:
Guide - Spain

Guide - Spain the best TV guide now on iPhone. The most downloaded app from Sweden is now launched in Spain and Italy. Easy to use TV guide on iPhone and iPod touch.Movies, Sport and TV-shows. - TV listings for all popular channels. - Landscape...

Price: Free Developer:
Universal Remote | Smart TV

Universal Remote | Smart TV

Universal Remote supports hundreds of models with various operating systems and screen resolutions, ranging from basic models no longer in manufacture to 2018 novelties with the most powerful hardware. One screen. A Multitude of Functions Most TV remote controls contain about...

Price: Free Developer: Kraftwerk 9 Inc
Royalbox TV for Raspberry Pi

Royalbox TV for Raspberry Pi

Turn your mobile device into the ultimate streaming companion with the Royalbox® mobile app. Stream hundreds of hit movies, TV shows and more on the go with The Royalbox Channel, use it as a remote, and more. The free Royalbox...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Omar Mody
Amazon Fire TV

Amazon Fire TV

The free Amazon Fire TV mobile app for iOS enhances your Fire TV experience with simple navigation, a keyboard for easy text entry (no more hunting and pecking), and quick access to your favorite apps and games. It features: • Voice...

Price: Free Developer: AMZN Mobile LLC


::::: Selecionado pela Apple ::::: — Destacado na seção Novos e recomendados da App Store Brasil. Meuguia.TV é o primeiro e mais intuitivo guia de programação da televisão brasileira para iPhone e iPod Touch. Veja o que está passando agora na...

Price: Free Developer: Mobimalist


Easily view the TV Listings of our favorite TV channels in the UK. Find out what on TV, we have the listing of over 500 channels like the BBC channels,ITV channels, Sky channels, etc. Would you like to be notified when...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jonathan Vicente
TV-UK Free

TV-UK Free

Easily view the TV Listings of our favorite TV channels in the UK. Find out what on TV, we have the listing of over 500 channels like the BBC channels,ITV channels, Sky channels, etc. You can also view the description and...

Price: Free Developer: Jonathan Vicente


Guia TV - Aceda rapidamente à programação dos seus canais favoritos. Descubra o que está a passar neste momento na televisão por cabo, disponibilizamos a programação de mais de 150 canais entre eles RTP, RTP2, SIC, TVI, TELECINES, SPORTTV, MOV,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jonathan Vicente


Die JUDO JU-Control App bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre netzwerkfähigen Geräte von JUDO fernzusteuern und zu überwachen. Sie können sich jederzeit über alle wichtigen Betriebszustände informieren und relevante Daten abrufen. Ganz einfach, intuitiv und komfortabel. So sind Sie zum...

Price: Free Developer: JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Voyage Control

Voyage Control

Voyage Control is a cutting-edge 'Air Traffic Control' for inbound logistics management. We're reinventing the current mobile apps, combining them for both managers and drivers for their daily activities. It's powerful and easy-to-use software platform enabling ground transport hubs...

Price: Free Developer: Voyage Control
Voyage Control Manager

Voyage Control Manager

Voyage Control is a cutting-edge 'Air Traffic Control' for inbound logistics management. A powerful and easy-to-use software platform enables ground transport hubs to proactively manage, optimise, track, and communicate with their traffic. The management app provides tablet device access to...

Price: Free Developer: Voyage Control
Control Presencia Laboral

Control Presencia Laboral

APP para control de presencia laboral, estadística de presencia de empleados. Para todo tipo de empresas, con o sin turnos, turnos nocturos, media jornada. Estadisticas mensuales.

Price: Free Developer: Alsina Pàmies SL
Control Panel

Control Panel


Control Panel is the centralized control and management center smart homes, conference broadcast, video matrix, building automation and other related equipment, connection configuration through a personalized graphical editor and a simple network, users can use iPad, etc. to achieve...

Price: Free Developer: 广州市保伦电子科技有限公司
Control Panel PH

Control Panel PH


Control Panel is the centralized control and management center smart homes, conference broadcast, video matrix, building automation and other related equipment, connection configuration through a personalized graphical editor and a simple network, users can use iPad, etc. to achieve...

Price: Free Developer: 广州市保伦电子科技有限公司
LEDGlow Motorcycle Control

LEDGlow Motorcycle Control

LEDGlow’s Motorcycle Control App for the Advanced Million Color Motorcycle Control Box with Smartphone Control is the next step in the evolution of motorcycle LED lighting. This iOS app is designed to seamlessly integrate with a LEDGlow Advanced Million...

Price: Free Developer: SEEBlue
Noise Control

Noise Control

Noise Control "ask" people to shut up by "saying SHHH..." automatically! Yes, this is the Noise Control App used by many elementary teachers for innovative classroom noise management! Noise Control is the pioneering intelligent iPhone App of its kind...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Y Lau
AppMyProduct Heat Control

AppMyProduct Heat Control

This app allows you to remote control AppMyProduct heat control devices, i.e. remote devices that implement the AppMyProduct heat control interface. To start building your own AppMyProduct heat control compliant devices, take a look at the basic stub, available...

Price: Free Developer: Nabto ApS
CYP Home AV Control

CYP Home AV Control

Introducing the CYP Home AV Control App designed to be used in conjunction with the MA-421, the perfect AV distribution solution for apartments and small residential installations or even family homes. Offering four HDMI inputs, one HDBaseT™ output, one...

Price: Free Developer: CYP UK LTD
ATEN Control System

ATEN Control System

This app is intended for use with the ATEN Control System set up in the environment. It is part of the system installation, and what makes system control much easier and efficient than you can imagine. This app features...

Price: Free Developer: aten
School PA System

School PA System

Looking to replace, automate or improve your existing school bells, tone generator or school public address system? School PA System provides a simple way to schedule school bells, announcements and other public address messages, directly from an iPad, iPhone...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: INKids Education LLC
Device System Services

Device System Services

Press and hold to copy the text content. Hardware information -System Uptime -Device Model -Device Name -System Name -System Version -System Device...

Price: Free Developer: Albert Parti
ONE°15 Fuel Management System

ONE°15 Fuel Management System

ONE°15 Fuel Management System App is an application for driver to be able to request fuel transaction, able to receive real time update on transaction status as well as able to view transaction history. It provides a real-time platform...

Price: Free Developer: SD Solutions Pte Ltd
Mosquito Control System

Mosquito Control System

With the Mosquito Control System app, you can monitor and control your automated mosquito misting system from anywhere via Wi-Fi. Key Features - Set your spray times and duration - Keep track of your barrel level - Get 24 hour...

Price: Free Developer: Brad Claflin
Roomadmin - system rezerwacji

Roomadmin - system rezerwacji to system rezerwacji online, pozwalający na wygodne zarządzanie obiektem noclegowym. Główne zalety aplikacji to: - wygodny kalendarz rezerwacji który sprawdza się świetnie zarówno na telefonach komórkowych, tabletach jak i komputerach osobistych - szybkość – system działa online, wprowadzone rezerwacje są natychmiast...

Price: Free Developer: Meteor sp. z o.o.
Spartan Tool Camera System

Spartan Tool Camera System

The Spartan Tool Camera System app is an interface between Spartan pipe inspection cameras and the user. The application gives the user the ability to stream live video from the camera. Additionally, the app includes recording, playback, snapshots, audio...

Price: Free Developer: Spartan Tool, L.L.C.
FakeCall - simulate system phone call

FakeCall - simulate system phone call

iOS 10 only. FakeCall is used for simulating system phone call process. It helps you to receive a phone call whenever you want, especially for some awkward position. Features: * Easy to use, just need to set call number and delay time *...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: xiaoshahe
iAmNotified - Anti Spy System

iAmNotified - Anti Spy System

Know if someone unlocked your screen and is spying on your device! True security against physical access. It works if they know your password and even if no password is set for the lock-screen. iAmNotified is the solution to definitively...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tommaso Concato

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