Top 26 Education Apps Like CPF Arduino Blockly - Best Alternatives

CPF Arduino Blockly Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CPF Arduino Blockly alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Education apps that are similar to CPF Arduino Blockly. Pick one from this list to be your new CPF Arduino Blockly app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CPF Arduino Blockly on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like CPF Arduino Blockly - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CPF Arduino Blockly alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like CPF Arduino Blockly 2025.

CPF Arduino

CPF Arduino

Main Functions: • Assembly instructions • Courses learning • Remote Control - Remote Control Arduino Leonardo via Acer Cloud • Code Editing - Use JavaScript to change sensors behavior. CloudProfessor website:

Price: Free Developer: CHAO KUANG YANG


Main Functions: • Assembly instructions • Courses learning • Remote Control - Remote Control LED 101 LED via Acer Cloud • Code Editing - Use JavaScript to change LED light behavior. CloudProfessor website:

Price: Free Developer: CHAO KUANG YANG
CPF LED101 Blockly

CPF LED101 Blockly

Main Functions: • Assembly instructions • Courses learning • Remote Control - Remote Control LED 101 LED via Acer Cloud • Code Editing - Use Google blocky to change LED light behavior. CloudProfessor website:

Price: Free Developer: CHAO KUANG YANG
CPF Gigo1247A

CPF Gigo1247A

Main Functions: • Assembly instructions • 40 Coursesbuilt-in App • Remote Control - Remote Control Gigo1247A via Acer Cloud • Code Editing - Drag and drop blocks to generate executible code with Google Blockly. -Built-in 40 independent courses and applications: Lesson 1 Spur Gear Transmission Lesson...

Price: Free Developer: CHAO KUANG YANG
CPF Montana

CPF Montana

Montana mobile application is dedicated for the school students and parents to stay connected and updated about student's performance, achievement and lifestyle.

Price: Free Developer: DataRays
CPF Robotics.

CPF Robotics.

無論在工業、自動化到生活中,都可以藉由機械手臂的協助, 讓複雜繁重的事情,變得簡單輕鬆。 透過雲教授,您可以使用APP送出馬達角度的指令,精準地 控制機械手臂。 本產品的機械手臂是為六軸機械手臂。 六軸機械手臂 – 就是有六個關節的機械手臂,而每一個關節都是一顆馬達。 藉由控制馬達軸心的旋轉角度,可以做出您想呈現的手臂動作。 主要功能: • 遠端控制 – 透過 Acer Cloud來雲端遙控機械手臂 • 程式編輯 – 內建JavaScript範列程式,可自由修改參數,來調整每個動作 • 自訂動作 – 透過簡單的介面操作,就可以快速產生手臂連貫動作, 讓您隨心所欲地發揮創意,享受控制的樂趣。 雲教授粉絲頁: Facebook:

Price: Free Developer: CHAO KUANG YANG
Choisis ton avenir

Choisis ton avenir

Vous recherchez une formation avant le bac, continuez vos études, changez de voie dans votre vie professionnelle ? Choisis ton Avenir en Transport-Logistique, application gratuite et sans publicité, est la clé de votre information pour une orientation pertinente sur les...

Price: Free Developer: AFT
Livro Digital UNIASSELVI

Livro Digital UNIASSELVI

O Programa UNIASSELVI Digital tem como objetivo levar à comunidade acadêmica da Instituição os melhores e mais modernos recursos de comunicação, aprendizado e experiência educacional. Com o “UNIASSELVI Digital”, todos os acadêmicos dos cursos de graduação oferecidos na modalidade...

Academia Santander

Academia Santander

A Academia Santander mobile destina-se unicamente aos funcionários e estagiários do Grupo Santander Brasil e seu uso não é obrigatório. Esse aplicativo é voltado ao desenvolvimento pessoal do funcionário ou estagiário, permitindo-lhe que, caso queira, mediante login (CPF) e...

Price: Free Developer: Ciatech
Arduino Pocket Reference

Arduino Pocket Reference

Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your desktop computer. It's an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing...

Price: Free Developer: Vipin Nair
Arduino Pocket Reference Pro

Arduino Pocket Reference Pro

Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your desktop computer. It's an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Vipin Nair
Arduino Compiler Pro

Arduino Compiler Pro

Handy Arduino IDE is ready!!! Arduino IDE is now in your fingertip!!! ******* Compile Arduino code from your iPhone ******** • You can create, edit and error check the Arduino code from your iPhone very easily. • You can enable dropbox in one touch. • You...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Antony Mathew
Arduino Compiler Pro HD

Arduino Compiler Pro HD

Handy Arduino IDE is ready!!! Arduino IDE is now in your fingertip!!! ******* Compile Arduino code from your iPad ******** • You can create, edit and error check the Arduino code from your iPhone very easily. • You can enable dropbox in one touch. • You...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Antony Mathew
Learn Arduino

Learn Arduino

"Learn arduino" help you learn arduino and intel edison from beginner to hacking. all information is available for arduino-compatiable developer board. ** Arduino Language Quick Reference ** + A handy tool for Arduino reference. + Quick search all classes, functions, guides and sample...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: zhu qingling
BLE control for Arduino

BLE control for Arduino

This App allows you to easy control Arduino UNO/DUEMILANOVE Hardware Board via JBT24MPA/CA:FW:UART Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Module without any XCODE/IOS programming knowledge to make your own customized control App. Compatible with iPhone5,iPhone4s,iPad mini and New iPad. Features: (1) 15 command...

Price: Free Developer: Bighead chen
Handy Bluetooth Arduino Controller

Handy Bluetooth Arduino Controller

Are you making an electronics project and want a custom iPhone app to go with it? With Handy BLE you can control the world around you through Bluetooth Low Energy. Create a custom interface in minutes that can communicate...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Shelley
Osoyoo Arduino Robot Car

Osoyoo Arduino Robot Car

This is the app for controlling the OSOYOO robotic car. The car is part of a learning kit for beginners to learn Arduino programming and get hands-on experience on robot design and assembly. To connect to the robot...

Price: Free Developer: Pinetree Electronics Ltd
CB1 Blockly

CB1 Blockly

CB1 Blockly Programming App for Robotics Workshop For use with the engineering kit “Robotics Workshop” by Thames & Kosmos CB1 Blockly is a visual programming app based on Blockly. It allows you to write programs to control the robots you...

Price: Free Developer: T2T Inc.
mBlock Blockly-STEM education

mBlock Blockly-STEM education

mBlock Blockly, renamed from the mBlock App, is a graphical programming software made by Makeblock for STEAM education. It introduces users to the world of robotic programming. Without any prior knowledge, users can start programming robots by playing...

Price: Free Developer: Makeblock Co., Ltd.
Blockly Jr. - Everyone can program Dash and Dot robots!

Blockly Jr. - Everyone can program Dash and Dot robots!

Anyone can program dash and dot with the icon-based commands in Blockly Jr.! Blockly Jr. is a visual drag-and-drop programming tool developed by FifthWisdom Technology Limited. Its icon-based commands allow everyone, even young children and the elderly to snap together...

Price: Free Developer: FifthWisdom Technology Limited
Blockly for Dash & Dot robots

Blockly for Dash & Dot robots

PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Wonder Workshop robot - Dash or Dot - and a Bluetooth Smart/4/LE-enabled device to play. To find out more, please visit our website: or an Apple Store (US, Canada). This...

Price: Free Developer: WONDER WORKSHOP, INC.
Cubelets Blockly

Cubelets Blockly

Cubelets robot blocks are a fast and easy way to inspire kids to become better thinkers. Cubelets Blockly is a FREE coding environment for your Cubelets® robot blocks. Blockly, a visual programming language originally developed by Google, forms the backbone...

Price: Free Developer: Modular Robotics
Fable Blockly

Fable Blockly

This App allows you to program your Fable robot by using the popular educational programming language Blockly.

Price: Free Developer: Shape Robotics ApS
Mio blockly

Mio blockly


Price: Free Developer: Yue Zhang
EBot Blockly

EBot Blockly

The EBot (Educational Robot) project provides kits containing three platforms electronics, mechanical and software. The kit will help users prototype their ideas or create educational projects. The project's goal is to encourage students in primary school to enter the...

Price: Free Developer: AHMAD ALSALEH

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