Top 27 Education Apps Like Ben le koala - Best Alternatives

Ben le koala Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ben le koala alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Education apps that are similar to Ben le koala. Pick one from this list to be your new Ben le koala app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ben le koala on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like Ben le koala - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ben le koala alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like Ben le koala 2025.

Ben Franklin Academy

Ben Franklin Academy

Welcome to the official app for Ben Franklin Academy, the best way to stay in touch with the happenings at our school. Features of the app include: Latest news and events Push notifications Faculty listing Parent resources Absence notification We are excited to use this...

Price: Free Developer: BEN FRANKLIN ACADEMY (CO)
Ben Millelavori

Ben Millelavori

"Ben Millelavori conquista i bambini con le sue forme riconoscibili e un meccanismo combinatorio di gioco immediato e intramontabile come le vecchie bamboline di carta a cui si poteva cambiare continuamente l'abito." (Mamamò) "Ben Millelavori è la nuova app per...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: happkids
Ben & Bella – Treasure Box

Ben & Bella – Treasure Box

Scan Ben & Bella illustrations with the innovative Ben & Bella – Treasure Box app and simultaneously hear the spoken vocabulary word of this image. This way young children can create their own audiovisual English dictionary of more than...

Price: Free Developer: WITS Interactive
Ben Millelavori Lite

Ben Millelavori Lite

QUESTA E' LA VERSIONE GRATUITA CON LA PRESENZA DI BANNER PUBBLICITARI DELLA NOSTRA APP "BEN MILLELAVORI". "Ben Millelavori conquista i bambini con le sue forme riconoscibili e un meccanismo combinatorio di gioco immediato e intramontabile come le vecchie bamboline di...

Price: Free Developer: happkids
Ben Lippen

Ben Lippen

Ben Lippen School Utility App Give easy access to Ben Lippen history, faculty directory, school calendar, sports updates, Ben Lippen videos, the weekly all-school news Talon Times and the student life handbook. This application was produced by the Ben Lippen High...

Price: Free Developer: Columbia International University
Ben De Bever-spel

Ben De Bever-spel

In dit educatieve spel over mondhygiëne speelt Ben de Bever de hoofdrol. Kinderen vanaf het eerste leerjaar kunnen, samen met Ben de Bever, alles te weten komen over mondhygiëne. Schrob mee het virtuele gebit schoon en klik daarbij alle...

Price: Free Developer: Mutualites Chretiennes - Christelijke Mutualiteiten
Ben Franklin's World

Ben Franklin's World

Ben Franklin’s World, your favorite early American history podcast, is available on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad! You’ll be able to: * Stream episodes from anywhere * Stay updated with the latest episodes * Download episodes and play them when offline *...

Price: Free Developer: Elizabeth Covart
Brush Your Teeth With Ben the Koala

Brush Your Teeth With Ben the Koala

Brushing your teeth can be difficult sometimes! Luckily Ben the Koala is here! He brushes his teeth with you, at the same time as you. He shows you the right way to do it, and it’s fun too! Brush...

Price: Free Developer: Signes de sens
Agenda - Geração do Ben

Agenda - Geração do Ben

Esqueça a agenda convencional, o App Geração do Ben trará mais agilidade na comunicação e informações que nenhuma agenda comum proporcionará para você. Solicite o login e a senha com a secretaria da escola Geração do Ben.

Price: Free Developer: Eric Ceola
Le Cnam

Le Cnam

Retrouvez le Cnam simplement et à tout moment depuis votre mobile ! Vous souhaitez vous inscrire, trouver un centre proche de chez vous ou encore suivre l'actualité du Conservatoire? Grâce à l’application du Cnam : - Recevez directement dans...

Price: Free Developer: Le Cnam
Henri le Worm – Learn and Play Cooking Adventures

Henri le Worm – Learn and Play Cooking Adventures


Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Henri Le Worm
Le Monde Mémorable - Culture G

Le Monde Mémorable - Culture G

Mémorable, l’application pour stimuler votre mémoire de façon ludique et intelligente. En 10 minutes par jour approfondissez vos connaissances et votre culture générale grâce à des questions courtes, des extraits d’articles du Monde, des vidéos ou des infographies. Chaque leçon se...

Price: Free Developer: Le
le Cnam eBooks partagés

le Cnam eBooks partagés

Vous êtes auditeur du Cnam Intec ? Le Cnam Intec vous propose l’application de lecture mobile « le Cnam eBooks partagés » pour lire tous vos Cours du Cnam Intec présents dans votre bibliothèque numérique et synchronisés depuis votre compte...

Price: Free Developer: Le Cnam
Le Monde - Orthographe

Le Monde - Orthographe

Améliorer votre expression écrite avec Le Monde. Perfectionnez votre écriture avec des leçons personnalisées : conjugaison, orthographe, grammaire, syntaxe et expression écrite. Recevez chaque jour un email avec des exercices humoristiques, pratiques et adaptés à votre niveau pour vous faire...

Price: Free Developer: Le
Le Conjugueur

Le Conjugueur

With Le Conjugueur, you can conjugate all French verbs easily. A lot of grammar rules (in French only) are in the software in order to help you in French. If you just have the conjugate form, you can find...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Brewalan Le Dru
Le Meraviglie dell'Arte

Le Meraviglie dell'Arte

Questa applicazione è nata a scopo divulgativo per poter condividere i lavori e i pensieri della Storica dell'Arte "Alessia Codazzi". Oltre ai suoi lavori tra cui articoli, recensioni, eventi e studi sull'arte visibili anche sul sito, si...

Price: Free Developer: Ruben Rocco De Luca
Pierre et le loup

Pierre et le loup

•19/20 - « Pierre et le loup dans une version poétique et ludique exceptionnelle » •Label « Appli Géniale » - « Poésie et musique au diapason » •« Un joli tour de magie à savourer par...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: France Televisions Distribution SA


LE JEU DES CINQ COULEURS a été développé en collaboration avec Agnès Desjobert, orthophoniste spécialisée dans la prise en charge des troubles neurologiques. Cette application a pour but de travailler le langage selon le principe de l'appariement classique image/mot dans...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fabrice Eveillard
I Spy Koala

I Spy Koala

I Spy Koala App was developed in 2019 by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) for the collection of koala observation and survey data. This is an App developed to improve the flow of Koala observation data to...

Price: Free Developer: Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)
Escola Koala

Escola Koala

A Escola Koala oferece para crianças de 0 a 6 anos, desde 1983, educação infantil e berçário de qualidade que trazem aos pais a tranquilidade esperada quanto ao futuro dos seus filhos. Gera um ambiente alegre e seguro, proporcionando condições...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Koala
Koala Know

Koala Know

Koala Know provides online Chinese program elaborately-tailored for the young children aged 4 to 10 of Chinese families living abroad. It devotes into helping the young generation keep a strong bond with the Chinese culture through language by learning...

Price: Free Developer: KOALA KNOW LLC
Koala Counter

Koala Counter

The Koala Counter app has been developed for the Great Koala Count 2 project. This project is being run in South Australia and involves members of the public using the app to record koalas that they see on one...

Price: Free Developer: Scruff Monkey Productions Ltd
Koala Nursery

Koala Nursery

In a pleasant and safe environment, the entire teaching staff of Koala Nursery, from nursery to kindergarten, accompanies each child in his discoveries and psychomotor, cognitive and social acquisitions. At Koala Nursery, we recognize the child as a whole person...

Price: Free Developer: CME SARL
Koala & Friends

Koala & Friends

An app with many puzzle games for kids, it based on the child's interest and children’s growth attention & entertainment mutually combine from health, society, art. Children can enjoy independent thinking & learning from the game. ={Koala & Friends} features= 5...

Price: Free Developer: yang hong yu
Club Koala

Club Koala

App oficial del Club Koala, a través de esta aplicación, estarás informado de primera mano de las comunicaciones oficiales del Club, así como tareas, calificaciones, boletas, eventos, circulares, etc. Dentro de la aplicación podrás también consultar tu estado de cuenta...

Price: Free Developer: SPEV
Wash Your Hands With Ben The Koala

Wash Your Hands With Ben The Koala

“Wash your Hands with Ben the Koala” is an app that helps children wash their hands in a fun way. It is particularly suited to children with communication difficulties. For children two years and older. The app is very simple...

Price: Free Developer: Signes de sens

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