Top 28 Finance Apps Like VR Smart Guide - Best Alternatives

VR Smart Guide Alternatives

Do you want to find the best VR Smart Guide alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Finance apps that are similar to VR Smart Guide. Pick one from this list to be your new VR Smart Guide app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to VR Smart Guide on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like VR Smart Guide - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid VR Smart Guide alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like VR Smart Guide 2025.



Ihre Finanzen im Blick – immer und überall mit der VR-BankingApp der Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken. Sie möchten unterwegs mal eben den Kontostand abrufen, kurz die letzten Umsätze der Kreditkarte prüfen, eine dringende Überweisung erledigen, Börseninformationen einholen und mobil handeln? Kein Problem...

Price: Free Developer: Fiducia & GAD IT AG
VR-Banking HD

VR-Banking HD

Ihre Finanzen im Blick – immer und überall mit der VR-BankingApp der Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken. Sie möchten unterwegs mal eben den Kontostand abrufen, kurz die letzten Umsätze der Kreditkarte prüfen, eine dringende Überweisung erledigen, Börseninformationen einholen und mobil handeln? Kein Problem...

Price: Free Developer: Fiducia & GAD IT AG


VR-SecureGo – die TAN aus der App Mit der VR-SecureGo erhalten Sie die TAN für Ihre Online-Banking-Transaktionen direkt in der App auf Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet. Die Daten werden verschlüsselt übertragen. Registrieren Wenn Sie die App zum ersten Mal nach der Installation...

Price: Free Developer: Fiducia & GAD IT AG


VR-SecureSIGN – die TAN aus der App Mit der VR-SecureSIGN erhalten Sie die TAN für Ihre Online-Banking-Transaktionen direkt in der App auf Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet. Die Daten werden verschlüsselt übertragen. Registrieren Wenn Sie die App zum ersten Mal nach der...

Price: Free Developer: Fiducia & GAD IT AG
VR Estabelecimentos

VR Estabelecimentos

Se você tem um estabelecimento comercial que aceita os cartões VR Benefícios como forma de pagamento, este app vai facilitar o seu dia a dia. Agora você tem na palma da mão as informações mais importantes para seu controle financeiro. ...

Price: Free Developer: VR Beneficios e Servicos de Processamento Ltda


Todos os seus VR Benefícios em um só app! Agora o cliente VR conta com um aplicativo novinho, gratuito e cada vez melhor. Com ele você tem acesso rápido ao saldo e consulta o extrato de todos os cartões VR...

Price: Free Developer: VR Beneficios e Servicos de Processamento Ltda


金融業界初のVRトレードアプリ登場!『GMO-FX VRトレード』は、GMOクリック証券のFXネオ(店頭FX)取引専用アプリです。 VRとFX、未だ誰も経験したことがない金融サービス。新しい取引体験がGMOクリック証券から始まります。 ◇◆視線で操作、視線で注文◆◇ 空間に展開されている各機能に視線を合わせることで、注文を出したり、画面の操作ができます。これまでにない取引体験をぜひ体感してください。 ◇◆注文パネルにフォーカスをあわせて注文◆◇ 売買、それぞれに用意された注文パネルに目線をあわせると指先の操作は一切不要で注文いただけます。 ◇◆チャートや経済ニュースで相場を分析◆◇ 複数通貨ペアのレートパネル、リアルタイムのチャート・ニュースもVRで再現。相場変動の臨場感に包まれてお取引いただけます。 ◇◆親切、丁寧なチュートリアルで安心◆◇ ナビゲーションキャラクター(渋谷櫻子 22歳 新卒)がVR空間で直接チュートリアルを行います。優しい声の説明を聞きながら、実際に操作することで機能を簡単に覚えることができます。 GMOクリック証券に口座をお持ちでない方もご利用いただけます。 (注文や情報照会等、一部機能を除く) ※動作確認は、対象OSをサポートする代表的なスマートフォン、タブレットで行っております。 ※機種依存や端末の設定等により、一部正常に表示されない場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■ご利用推奨環境 【対象OS】 iOS 10.0以上 ◆ご利用前に利用規約、チュートリアルをご確認ください◆ <GMOクリック証券株式会社> 金融商品取引業者 関東財務局長(金商)第77号 商品先物取引業者 農林水産省指令22総合第1337号 経済産業省平成22・12・ 13商第19号 加入協会:日本証券業協会、一般社団法人 金融先物取引業協会、日本商品先物取引協会 一般社団法人 第二種金融商品取引業協会

Price: Free Developer: GMO CLICK Securities Inc.


VR-SecureCARD - Sicheres TAN-Verfahren für Ihre Onlinezahlung: Mit VR-SecureCARD bieten wir Ihnen eine komfortable Möglichkeit, E-Commerce Transaktionen freizugeben. Für eine sichere Authentifizierung sorgen die Bezahlverfahren MasterCard Identity Check™ oder Visa Secure. So machen Sie Ihre App VR-SecureCARD startklar: • Fordern Sie...

Price: Free Developer: Fiducia & GAD IT AG
VR Investments

VR Investments

VR Investments is a FREE app brought to you by V.R. Investments. This FREE App is for Investors to track their Investment Portfolio and know about VR Investments . Products covered include Mutual Funds & Equity Shares. Key Features of...

Price: Free Developer: V.R. Investments


Increase your Smart Technology platform login security with two-factor authentication. SMART Keys generates one-time passwords to use for additional authentication when prompted by the server. * Easy activation directly from the app with your existing SMART login * Works offline...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Technology Group GmbH
Smart Receipts

Smart Receipts

Turn your phone into a receipt scanner, mileage tracker, and expense report generator with Smart Receipts! Save time on expenses to get back to what matters. SMART RECEIPTS IS PERFECT FOR BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES! With fully customizable PDF, CSV, and...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Receipts LLC
Smart Cuts

Smart Cuts

Smart Cuts saves you time by importing statements from major banks, automatically categorizing the transactions and displaying them in beautiful views. If you wonder where your money went at the end of the month or you just want to manage...

Price: Free Developer: Smallsteps SRL
Smart Flouss

Smart Flouss

Avec Smart Flouss ! Mon argent est dans mon smartphone ! Et ça change tout ! Smart Flouss ! est un portefeuille mobile qui me permet de déposer, retirer et transférer de l’argent en un clin d’œil. Pas besoin de...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Flouss!
LaoVietBank Smart Banking

LaoVietBank Smart Banking

LaoVietBank Smart Banking is a smart app that allows customers to perform banking transaction by using mobile phone from anywhere at any time. The app is developed by Lao Viet Joint Venture Bank (LaoVietBank) and compatible with almost every...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Banking LVB
Smart World Mobile

Smart World Mobile

Send money from the US safely, fast, and easily to your friends and family in the Philippines with the Smart World app. - Choose between Cash pickup or Credit to a Bank Account reception options - Pay with your Bank account, Debit Card,...

Price: Free Developer: Unitellerapp
Smart Distributor

Smart Distributor

Smart Distributor Collection Report Smart Distributor iOS App enables registered users of our Smart Distributor to Track Collection by Gross, Nett, Share and Audience for the selected Movie and State. Bar Chart and Pie Chart gives pictorial representation of Collection...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Distributor
Smart Policy

Smart Policy

Smart Policy is a state of the art investment & insurance portfolio management App for customers With Smart Policy App, you can get several views of your portfolio which will not only keep you abreast about...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Policy
Smart Tuition for Parents

Smart Tuition for Parents

Smart Tuition - Financial Solutions for Schools and Parents. This mobile application is for parents/guardians with an existing account in the Blackbaud/Smart Tuition program.

Price: Free Developer: SMART LLC
2019 Tax Guide

2019 Tax Guide

Developed to help financial professionals plan for their clients, Columbus Life’s Tax Guide App is simple to use on the go. Based on our popular tax reference sheet, this app puts important tax rates and information at your fingertips. It...

Price: Free Developer: Columbus Life Insurance Company
US Credit Card Guide

US Credit Card Guide

Manage your credit cards and get notified when an annual fee is due. Never miss an anniversary! Save your data in the cloud and share them across devices and platforms. Never miss any data! Get notified of big deals about miles,...

Price: Free Developer: US Credit Card Guide
GST Calculator & Tax Rate Finder (GST Tax Guide)

GST Calculator & Tax Rate Finder (GST Tax Guide)

GST Tax & GST Tax Rate Calculator GST Tax Calculator, GST Rate Guide, GST Act India & GST Bill Guide with GST Bill India. Observe the largest financial change in India, the GST good and services tax, here we are showing...

Price: Free Developer: Viraj Padsala
Tip Check Pro - Calc & Guide

Tip Check Pro - Calc & Guide

You might be asking what sets this one a part from the hundreds of other calculators out there? In a word, information. How much do you tip a hair dresser? How about a hotel concierge? ...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: ChuChu Train Productions
Personal Finance Guide Plus

Personal Finance Guide Plus

The Personal Finance Guide application provides you with tips on how to get your finances in order. This application will provide you with the knowledge and tools to make the lifestyle changes needed to make a budget, plan...

Price: Free Developer: corey hoggard
Insurance & Mortgage PRO Guide

Insurance & Mortgage PRO Guide

Insurance Dictionary is a comprehensive offline Insurance and Mortgage Dictionary with 5000+ terms around every area of finance,Insurance and mortgage. It's a complete guide for students, teachers and finance experts to enhance finance knowledge and overcome any financial queries...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Tip Check - Calculator & Guide

Tip Check - Calculator & Guide

Let's cut straight to the chase. There's hundred of tip calculators out there, but this is the only app that includes a COMPLETE tip guide for all situations. Hotels? Covered! Barber? Done! Spa? Got yo back. Dog Walker? No...

Price: Free Developer: ChuChu Train Productions
Guide e Soluzioni

Guide e Soluzioni

Guide e Soluzioni è la App ideale per chi si occupa di fisco, bilancio, lavoro e società. Ogni capitolo prevede, all’inizio, una tabella di sintesi, “smart chart”, per offrire una visione d’insieme dei contenuti che saranno poi approfonditi all’interno...

Price: Free Developer: Wolters Kluwer Italia s.r.l.
FaST Guide

FaST Guide

Use our FaST Guide - A Powerful Online Faraid Distribution Guide! Revolutionary – only one of its kind in the world! At last, a quick reference tool that quickly tells you who gets what in a Muslim estate distribution....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Johari Low

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