Top 15 Education Apps Like Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe - Best Alternatives

Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Education apps that are similar to Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe. Pick one from this list to be your new Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe 2025.

Jewish Museum and TC

Jewish Museum and TC

During your museum visit, the application provides exciting information about what is around. You will find a lot of additional content and guide to help you get around.

Price: Free Developer: Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Guide:National Museum of Korea

Guide:National Museum of Korea

National Museum of Korea Gyeongju National Museum Gwangju National Museum Jeonju National Museum Buyeo National Museum Cheongju National Museum Gimhae National Museum Jeju National Museum Chuncheon National Museum Gongju National Museum Naju National Museum The National Center of Korea is a National Gyeongju Museum, National Gwangju Museum, National Jeonju Museum,...

James A Michener Art Museum

James A Michener Art Museum

The James A. Michener Art Museum’s app will enhance your experience as you walk through the Museum providing you with information on the Museum’s permanent collection and its history as the former site of the Bucks County Prison. It...

Price: Free Developer: James A. Michener Art Museum
Maritiem Museum Rotterdam

Maritiem Museum Rotterdam

A BETTER EXPERIENCE AND MORE INFORMATION WITH THE APP The Maritime Museum App offers even more for museum visitors aged 8 and up! The app guides you during your visit to the museum and gives extra information and a better...

Price: Free Developer: Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
Shell Museum: Identify Shells

Shell Museum: Identify Shells

Instant shell identification using your phone’s camera. Full color shell guide. Learn from museum experts about shells. The Shell Museum App can identify most common shells found on Southwest Florida beaches using your cell phone. Now you can...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Shell Museum and Educational Foundation, Inc.
9/11 Museum Audio Guide

9/11 Museum Audio Guide

The National September 11 Memorial Museum at the World Trade Center bears solemn witness to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. The Museum honors the 2,983 victims of these attacks and all those who...

Price: Free Developer: National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Asian Art Museum SF

Asian Art Museum SF

The Asian Art Museum’s app is your personal guide to more than 6,000 years of Asian art and culture. An invaluable resource on your tour of the galleries, this app is just as informative in the comfort of your...

Price: Free Developer: Asian Art Museum Foundation of San Francisco
Indiana State Museum Guide

Indiana State Museum Guide

Specific audio instructions, tactile maps and floor guides create guideposts which make it easier to navigate the museum independently. The audio tour guides you to different artifacts or interactives, while providing descriptive information about each stop on the tour....

Price: Free Developer: Indiana State Museum
Deutsches Museum

Deutsches Museum

Discover science The Deutsches Museum app is your digital companion for discovering the wide range of exhibitions taking place on Munich's Museumsinsel. The app provides you with all the information you need for your visit: from opening hours, to travel,...

Price: Free Developer: Fluxguide Ausstellungssysteme GmbH
Snite Museum

Snite Museum

This is the official app of The Snite Museum of Art. The Snite Museum of Art is a fine art museum on the University of Notre Dame campus, near South Bend, Indiana. With this app, you can explore some of...

Price: Free Developer: Snite Museum of Art


Das Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum und die Hofkirche erhalten eine neue App! Mit dieser App können Sie sich durch die Schausammlung führen lassen oder das Museum Objekt für Objekt selber entdecken. Zur Auswahl stehen Führungen in die Ausstellungsbereiche "Pralles Jahr", "Prekäres...

Price: Free Developer: VIENOM OG
Museum im Zeughaus Guide

Museum im Zeughaus Guide

Mit dieser APP bereichern Sie Ihren Besuch im Zeughaus. Erfahren Sie spannende Details und Hintergründe zu den ausgestellten Exponaten. Im ehemaligen Zeughaus Kaiser Maximilians I. befindet sich heute ein Museum zur Kulturgeschichte Tirols. Der Rundgang thematisiert zu Beginn Geologie...

Price: Free Developer: Fluxguide Ausstellungssysteme GmbH


Mit dieser App können Sie die Schausammlung erkunden und erhalten vertiefende Informationen zu den wechselnden Sonderausstellungen im Ferdinandeum. Mit #myFERDINANDEUM werden Sie selbst zu einem/einer Kurator/In und können zudem – und das ist ein absolutes Novum in der Museumslandschaft –...

Price: Free Developer: Fluxguide Ausstellungssysteme GmbH
Erste Hilfe Microtraining

Erste Hilfe Microtraining

Die ÖRK Tirol Erste Hilfe Lern App. Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institute of Microtraining. Festige deine Erste Hilfe Fähigkeiten mit innovativen und praxisrelevanten Lernkarten. Weltweite Bewegung und starke lokale Präsenz - die vernetzte Struktur des Roten Kreuzes ermöglicht...

Price: Free Developer: Institute of Microtraining Personalentwicklung GmbH

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