Top 28 Education Apps Like DEV PUC-Rio - Best Alternatives

DEV PUC-Rio Alternatives

Do you want to find the best DEV PUC-Rio alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to DEV PUC-Rio. Pick one from this list to be your new DEV PUC-Rio app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to DEV PUC-Rio on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like DEV PUC-Rio - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid DEV PUC-Rio alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like DEV PUC-Rio 2025.

Dev Ataşehir SK

Dev Ataşehir SK

Dev Ataşehir Spor Kulübü için geliştirilen DEV ATAŞEHİR SK Mobil Uygulaması ile velilerimiz; çocuklarının her türlü bilgilerine anında ulaşabilir, okul servisini takip edebilir, okul duyurularından mobil cihazları üzerinden haberdar olabilir, yoklamaları takip edebilir, eğitmenler tarafından yüklenen...

Price: Free Developer: Ozan OZDEMIR


i-Dev is an action learning based development journey delivered on a mobile device. It focuses on the completion of the 70% component of the 70-20-10 model of development, which is on-the-job learning. In this program the action learning part...

Price: Free Developer: Jombay
DEV DAY 2019

DEV DAY 2019

DEV DAY is an annual international software developer conference established with the intention to inspire developers in South Asia. The last six years this conference has hosted some leading industry experts, both international and local. These experts have shared...

Price: Free Developer: Tiqri Corporation (Private) Limited


Australia's longest-running conference for macOS and iOS developers and designers, /dev/world/2019, returns to Melbourne for its eleventh anniversary! We've been working for years to build a community that welcomes tinkerers, artists and scientists, and we can't wait to see you...

Price: Free Developer: Secret Lab Pty. Ltd.
Dev Samaj Vidya Niketan School

Dev Samaj Vidya Niketan School

Application for the Dev Samaj Vidya Niketan School,Gurgaon, parents, school administrators. This application has features for finding the real time information.

Price: Free Developer: Rajesh Kumar
Dev Samaj Modern School

Dev Samaj Modern School

V3M Technologies and offers end-to-end solution for managing academic, financial and operational requirements of educational institutions. Economical and user-friendly SchoolEye software is a great help to an education institute. The software helps in managing huge data, and task of...

Price: Free Developer: V3M Technologies Pvt. ltd.


Our focus is innovative teaching and personal attention to each student and to produce result from each and every classroom program whose pillars are experienced dedicated faculties and rigorous academic system. We are providing training to the faculty members that...

Price: Free Developer: Ginger Webs Pvt. Ltd.
Mount Dev School

Mount Dev School

The application is one step ahead in current education delivery system.the app connects the students and parents to school 24*7 and provide the information of ongoing activities to them.

Caribbean Dev Conf

Caribbean Dev Conf

The Caribbean Developers Conference app will give you easy access to all the information you need to have complete control over your conference experience. • Speakers: Find out everything you need to know about our panel of speakers and their...

Price: Free Developer: Megsoft Consulting, Inc
APP Aluno | PUC-Campinas

APP Aluno | PUC-Campinas

O aplicativo oficial para os estudantes da PUC-Campinas permite consultar a situação acadêmica, disciplinas cursadas e a grade semanal. Acesse diversos recursos, tais como: - Horário e Local das aulas; - Notas e Frequências; - Dados cadastrais; - Grade Completa (Área Logada); - AVA -...

Price: Free Developer: PUC-Campinas
PUC - Mobile

PUC - Mobile

Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia (PUC) envisions a world at peace, where non-violent means are used to resolve conflicts beginning with individuals, societies, governments, and extending to the community of world leaders in the context of international cooperation. We envision a...

Price: Free Developer: Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia
PUC Aberta

PUC Aberta

O PUC Aberta é um evento anual promovido pela PUC Minas no qual os alunos do ensino médio comparecem a universidade para participar de palestras e feiras dos cursos oferecidos pela PUC. Através deste aplicativo o usuário poderá encontrar o...

Price: Free Developer: PUC Minas
PUC Minas Mobile

PUC Minas Mobile

Com o aplicativo oficial da PUC Minas, você pode acessar o SGA Graduação e todas as informações institucionais da universidade, diretamente do seu celular ou tablet. Tenha acesso a diversos recursos como: - Endereços e telefones das unidades; - Formas...

Price: Free Developer: PUC Minas
Parent App of NMKRV PUC

Parent App of NMKRV PUC

The official PU College App for parents of Icon NMKRV PU College, Bangalore. This app allows parents to see attendance, circulars, grade/marks/report cards, the schedule of classes and exams, hall tickets for exams and much more. The parent can also...

Price: Free Developer: Harsharaj pasupuleti
PUC Mobile

PUC Mobile

The official Pacific Union College iOS app keeps you up to date with what is happening on and off-campus. Stay up-to-date and connected with events, news, classes, the Cafe menu and so much more.

Price: Free Developer: Pacific Union College
PUC Virtual Tour

PUC Virtual Tour

Download the PUC Virtual Tour app today and get fully immersed in the experience. Prospective students and families can navigate the campus and learn about our unique locations, programs and culture through self-guided tours. Whether at home or on campus...

Price: Free Developer: YouVisit LLC


SIGED mobile es la plataforma de comunicación digital del Colegio y liceo SPC-PUC. La aplicación es parte de SIGED (Sistema de Gestión Educativa) y permite gestionar una mejor comunicación entre alumnos, familias, docentes y funcionarios de la Institución....

Price: Free Developer: Siged SRL


Aplicativo voltado a acompanhar o uso dos laboratórios coordenados pelo Laboratório de Engenharia de Software (LES) localizado na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). A partir dele torna-se possível consultar o tempo por mês que alguém ficou...

Price: Free Developer: Andrew Costa
Calvary Rio Rancho

Calvary Rio Rancho

Welcome to the official Calvary Rio Rancho application, where it is all about the Word.. For more information about Calvary Rio Rancho, please visit: The Calvary Rio Rancho app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.

Price: Free Developer: Calvary Chapel Rio Rancho
Rio Vista Community Church

Rio Vista Community Church

Welcome to the official Rio Vista Community Church app! Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter or email. For more information about Rio Vista Community Church, please visit: The Rio Vista Community Church...

Price: Free Developer: Rio Vista Community Church
Colégio Rio Branco

Colégio Rio Branco

Para garantir uma comunicação mais eficaz, rápida e moderna, o Colégio Rio Branco apresenta sua nova ferramenta. Maior acesso a importantes informações da escola, comunicados da direção, eventos culturais e esportivos, saídas para passeios e novidades do dia a dia. O...

Price: Free Developer: Colégio Rio Branco
Rio Grande Bible Church

Rio Grande Bible Church

Este App de Rio Grande Bible Church tiene estud bíblicos y predicaciones, ademas de otros recursos poderosos en la Palabra de D para hacer discípulos de Jesus que hacen otros discípulos. Con este App puedes crecer espiritualmente y mantenerte...

Price: Free Developer: Rio Grande Bible Church
Rio Rancho PS

Rio Rancho PS

With the Rio Rancho Public Schools mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information,...

Price: Free Developer: Rio Rancho Public Schools
RIO Connect IMA Mobile Wingman

RIO Connect IMA Mobile Wingman

OFFICIAL APP OF HQ RIO Whether you’re on the road TDY or at home, RIO Connect is everywhere you are with the information you need to manage your Air Force Reserve career. It is the official mobile app of the...

Price: Free Developer: Straxis Technology
Rio de Machado

Rio de Machado

"Rio de Machado" brings 100 places of Rio de Janeiro related to the life and work of Machado de Assis (1839-1908), the greatest Brazilian writer. These locations are available for interaction in the map of the city, together with...

Price: Free Developer: 32Bits Criações Digitais
Rio Hondo Community College District

Rio Hondo Community College District

Welcome to the Rio Hondo College App, a lifeline of communication for the Rio Hondo Community College District. The Rio Hondo Community College District encompasses several communities in the southeast section of Los Angeles County. It is a...

Price: Free Developer: Prometheus Development Group
Fisk Rio de Janeiro

Fisk Rio de Janeiro

O aplicativo Fisk Rio de Janeiro Tellme School é uma agenda escolar diária eletrônica otimizada em forma de aplicativo onde os alunos/responsáveis poderão ter acesso, através de seus celulares, de forma instantânea, a todas as informações que a escola...

Price: Free Developer: At Work

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