Top 17 Education Apps Like QRTAG Kultura - Best Alternatives

QRTAG Kultura Alternatives

Do you want to find the best QRTAG Kultura alternatives for iOS? We have listed 17 Education apps that are similar to QRTAG Kultura. Pick one from this list to be your new QRTAG Kultura app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to QRTAG Kultura on your iOS devices.

Top 17 Apps Like QRTAG Kultura - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid QRTAG Kultura alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 17 similar apps like QRTAG Kultura 2025.

Fort Poznan

Fort Poznan

Individual sightseeing of Fort VI in the Poznań Fortress Fort plans Descriptions of exhibits under QR codes Interactive guide Solve the quizzes about the fort

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.
Lux In Oriente

Lux In Oriente

Check out application for LUX IN ORIENTE - the National Museum In Gdansk exhibition.

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.
Migaj z nami PJM

Migaj z nami PJM

In this app you can find news, informations, lessons, alphabet, events and more about POLISH SIGN LANGUAGE.

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.
Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej

Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej

Check out Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej in Poland new iOS app. Including tour guide, news, calendar, push notifications to all users, map of the museum and many more.

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.
Akademia Viessmann

Akademia Viessmann

Check out Check Out Akademia Viessmann new iOS app. Including informations about Akademia Viessmann, news, push notifications to all user.

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.
Deli Park

Deli Park

Check out DELI Park in Rosnówko new iOS app. Including tour guide, coupons, notifications to all user, calendar of events, map of the park and many more.

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.
Goluchow Izabeli Czartoryskiej

Goluchow Izabeli Czartoryskiej

Check out new iOS app for National Muzeum In Poznan exhibition. Many informations about exhibits, interaction with beacons on the exhibition and many more...

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.


In this app you can find news, program, events and more about KONTRAPUNKT.

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.
Mobilny spichlerz w Brozcu

Mobilny spichlerz w Brozcu

Check out Mobilny spichlerz w Brozcu in Poland new iOS app. Including tour guide, news, push notifications to all user, calendar, map of the region and many more.

Price: Free Developer: QRTag sp. z o. o.
Sibika At Kultura

Sibika At Kultura

Want to learn Philippines Civic and Culture on the go? Sibika at Kultura app is designed for kids in Grade 1 to Grade 6 but it can also be challenging to some who don't know much about the Philippines social...

Price: Free Developer: Jemer Garibay
Kultura písemného projevu

Kultura písemného projevu

Aplikace se zaměřuje na základní témata spojená s kulturou písemného projevu. Popisuje znaky písemného projevu, přípravu písemných projevů, makrokompozici a mikrokompozici, obsahuje také informace o dalších tématech. Aplikace byla vytvořena pro studenty Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci a...

Price: Free Developer: Kamil Kopecky
Hitz Bihurriak

Hitz Bihurriak

Hitz bihurriak jokoan erantzun bat eskatzen zaizu. Bai pantailan agertuko den irudiaren izena, audio batean entzuten den galderaren erantzuna edo pantailan idatziz agertzen den galderarena. Erantzuna emango zaizu, pantailan agertuko da, baina letrak desordenatuta egongo dira eta zure egitekoa...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Gestionet


About Archiplan
 The architectural map of Poznań is a selection of significant buildings and urban complexes completed in Poznań after 1945. The study aims to present the most valuable and historically representative achievements of post-war architecture of Poznań and is...

Price: Free Developer: Appchance
Euskal Futbol Kopa

Euskal Futbol Kopa

Euksal Futbol Kopa irabazteko gai zara? Lagunen kontra lehiatzeko gogoa daukazu? Aplikazio honek futbola eta Euskal kultura bateratzen du. Zenbat eta gehiago jakin orduan eta partiduak irabazteko aukera gehiago edukiko dituzu. Aplikazio hau Eusko Jaurlaritzaren eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiaren laguntzarekin...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Gestionet
Mappka - podróże małe i duże

Mappka - podróże małe i duże

Mappka to połączenie mapy naściennej i aplikacji rozszerzonej rzeczywistości - skanując mapę aplikacją oglądasz miejsca w 3D, odkrywasz ciekawostki i przeglądasz kolekcje zdjęć. To nowe podejście do odkrywania fascynującej wiedzy o naszym świecie. Nie ma lepszego sposobu na naukę...

Price: Free Developer: Lukasz Lipka
Mesto Revúca

Mesto Revúca

Turistický sprievodca Revúca prináša nasledovné informácie: Úvod Vitajte v Revúcej História mesta Návrat do súčasnosti Pamiatky v meste Mapa Letecké zábery Kultúra Kalendár podujatí Relax a šport Turistické informačné centrum Turistika Tipy na výlety do okolia Ubytovacie a stravovacie zariadenia Užitočné telefónne čísla a kontakty Web stránka Revúca Čítačka QR kódov O mobilnej aplikácii

Price: Free Developer: Norbert Vegh

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