Top 30 Business Apps Like ECO Green Store - Best Alternatives

ECO Green Store Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ECO Green Store alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Business apps that are similar to ECO Green Store. Pick one from this list to be your new ECO Green Store app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ECO Green Store on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like ECO Green Store - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ECO Green Store alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like ECO Green Store 2025.

ECO DryClean

ECO DryClean

Ihr Auto verdient diesen Glanz!! ECO DryClean GmbH ist eine professionelle wasserlose und umweltfreundliche Autoaufbereitungsfirma. Lassen Sie Ihren Wagen reinigen während dem Sie Ihre Einkäufe erledigen. Optimieren und sparen Sie Ihre wertvolle Zeit. Top Qualität, hohe Effizienz und Umweltfreundliche Eco Touch...

Price: Free Developer: ECO DryClean
Eco Deco Pets

Eco Deco Pets

This app is designed to provide extended care for the patients and clients of Eco Deco Pet Hospital in Miami Beach, Florida. With this app you can: One touch call and email Request appointments Request food Request medication View your pet’s upcoming services and vaccinations Receive...

Eco Partners

Eco Partners

At Eco Partners we do not believe in the Hard Sell. Our approach is very simple. Every customer will receive a telephone consultation where we will gather as much information as possible to assess your needs. If you are...

Price: Free Developer: ECO PARTNERS LTD
ECO Meeting

ECO Meeting

『ECO Meeting』はiPadを使用し、高セキュリティと使いやすさを実現したペーパーレス会議システムです。 会議資料をPDFなどの電子ファイルに置き換え、ECO Meetingサーバーと連携する事で閲覧性の確保ととセキュリティの向上を両立させています。 **** ECO Meetingの導入のメリット **** セキュリティの向上 - ECO Meetingサーバーとの連携により、会議資料からの情報漏洩防止などに役立ちます。 企業力の強化 - 会議でのスマートデバイス導入を切欠に社内のITリテラシー向上が見込めます。 コストの削減 - 資料の電子化により印刷にかかるコストや資料作成携わる人件費などの削減効果が期待できます。 **** ECO Meetingの主な機能 **** 電子化した会議資料をiPadの優れたユーザインタフェースで直感的に閲覧。 会議資料にはマーカーを書き加えることが可能。 気になる情報を付箋として書き加えることが可能。 プレゼンテーションモードでは、発表者の操作と聴講者のプレゼンパレットが同期。 PCブラウザを使って会議資料をアップロード。 iPadで加筆したマーカーや付箋を反映したPDFをダウンロード可能。 会議資料登録時に社外秘マークの設定やiPadのコピー禁止を設定することが可能。 ■■■ 新機能 ■■■ ECO Meeting ver.2.0で新たに下記の機能が実装されました。(別途有料のオプション機能です) 投票機能 - 「個別投票」「選択投票」の2種類の投票機能を実装 - 会議進行中にiPad上で投票を行うことが可能です。 AD/LDAP認証連携機能 - ECO Meetingのログインアカウント情報をAD/LDAP認証と連携させます。 - 本機能により他のカウント情報と一緒にECO Meetingのアカウントも管理していただけます。 ■■■ 追加機能 ■■■ リロード機能を追加 - 会議開催中に資料の更新や投票項目の変更をおこなってもログアウトせずに会議室データを更新出来ます。 **** DEMO環境...

Price: Free Developer: System Clinic, Inc.
ECO Meeting Cloud

ECO Meeting Cloud

『ECO Meetingクラウド』はiPadを使用して、高セキュリティと使いやすさを実現したクラウド型ペーパーレス会議システムです。 紙の会議資料を電子ファイルに置き換え、クラウド上にあるECO Meetingサーバーと連携する事で閲覧性の確保とセキュリティの向上を両立可能です。 **** ECO Meetingクラウドのメリット **** 会議コストの削減 - 資料を電子化のまま運用できるので、印刷にかかるコストや紙の資料作成に携わる時間などの削減効果が期待できます。 セキュリティの向上 - 会議に必要な様々なセキュリティを簡単に設定可能。役員会など重要な会議書類に関する情報漏えい防止に役立ちます。 試算しづらい人件費や時間の節約 - 支店間の会議や、出張などの外出先からでも同じ書類を用いた会議の開催が可能 - 非常勤理事などへの会議資料の事前閲覧でも、資料の送付や配送が不要 **** ECO Meetingの主な機能 **** 電子化した会議資料をiPadの優れたユーザインタフェースで直感的に閲覧。 会社組織に応じた会議室や参加者の構成が可能。 会議資料にはマーカーや付箋を書き加えることが可能。サーバへも適宜保存。 プレゼンテーションモードでは、発表者の操作(ページめくり、ポインタ、 マーカー描画)を聴講者のサブ画面に表示可能。 PCブラウザを使って簡単に会議資料をアップロード。高度なセキュリティ設定も簡単に可能。 iPadで加筆したマーカーや付箋を反映したPDFをダウンロードし閲覧。 クラウドプラットフォームは信頼性の高いMicrosoft社のAzureを使用 **** ECO Meeting クラウドのご利用について **** ECO Meetingクラウドは、以下のサイトからトライアルが可能です。

Price: Free Developer: System Clinic, Inc.


ECO, công cụ kinh doanh giản đơn cho mọi người, kiếm tiền nhanh chóng trên từng giao dịch được thực hiện. Với ECO, không cần tồn kho, chẳng lo vốn liếng mà vẫn kinh doanh được nhiều dịch vụ...

Price: Free Developer: Finviet Technology


Die nächste Generation der Kärcher ECO!Manager-App, die Webapplikation für alle Reinigungs- und Gebäudedienstleister! Mit der App können Sie Ihre Daten erfassen und in Echtzeit ins System übersenden. Funktionen: • Normenkonforme Kontrolle nach DIN EN 13549 • Raumkontrolle • Schadensmeldung • Objektleiterarbeit • Spezielle...

Price: Free Developer: Branchout IT Solutions GmbH
Eco-efficiency by Airbus Group

Eco-efficiency by Airbus Group

Welcome to Eco-efficiency by Airbus Group. Eco-efficiency is all about creating value whilst reducing environmental impact. Environmental impact is a major consideration at Airbus Group, factoring into decisions made at the highest levels, from long-term planning by the company’s management team...

Price: Free Developer: Airbus SAS
ECO Delivery

ECO Delivery

ECO Delivery là ứng dụng miễn phí kết nối tài xế với những khách hàng, điểm bán có nhu cầu chuyển gửi hàng hoá. Giờ đây việc giao hàng và châm hàng trở nên nhanh chóng và tiện lợi...

Price: Free Developer: Finviet Technology
ECO Estrela

ECO Estrela

The project is located north of Baia Formosa, the easternmost town in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte located in the northeastern region of the country. Rio Grande do Norte occupies the northeastern most tip of the...

Price: Free Developer: VR Global
Green Bits Register

Green Bits Register

Green Bits Register empowers your budtenders to efficiently sell products and process payments — all from your iPad. To make a sale, scan the barcode of your marijuana product and take cash or swipe a card. Print the receipt...

Price: Free Developer: Green Bits Inc.
Green Security

Green Security

Use the Green Security app to do everything you can from the website. Sign in, upload credentials, view your calendar, AND view your mobile badge! Background: Green Security makes credentialing and background screening simple, efficient and trustworthy through technical innovation, high...

Price: Free Developer: Green Security LLC
Green and Good

Green and Good

The Green & Good™ iOS app is available on iPhone and iPad and allows you to access the details about the Green & Good™ products and see pictures of them, much more quickly and easily than using the website....

Price: Free Developer: Green and Good


Taiwan is renowned for its high-tech and world-leading industries, the modular resilient flooring being part of it. Green-Flor® product is one of the latest creations and especially developed for the European market. The Green-Flor® brand belongs to a group...

Price: Free Developer: JENWEN CHENG
Green Shuttle NG

Green Shuttle NG

Green is the new smart, affordable and convenient way to commute around your city. Pre book a trip on your phone and pool with other riders going your way. Green also offers the opportunity to pre book a seat...

Price: Free Developer: Green Shuttle Services Ltd.
Tri Green Tractor

Tri Green Tractor

Using the Tri Green Tractor application: Get weather updates, stay in the loop with commodity prices, peruse equipment specials, or even browse our collection of useful farming PDF resource guides. It’s like having a precision farming consultant in the palm of...

Price: Free Developer: Tri Green Tractor, LLC
Green Portfolio

Green Portfolio

Green Portfolio for Green Enterprise Solutions is a self-contained, branded presentation app for an insight into GES. Green Portfolio offers its users with an ease to access background about the organisation and its activities. This portfolio does not only provide...

Green-R Turf

Green-R Turf

Green-R Turf is a free app available for anyone to download and is used for those that want to communicate with Green-R Turf. It is as simple as downloading the App and register as a user. Once registered, you...

Price: Free Developer: Green-R Turf
Green-Flor AR

Green-Flor AR

The Green-Flor® product program is one of the latest creations, developed specifically for the European market. The Green-Flor® brand belongs to a group of companies involved in production, wholesale, project- and retail businesses for the past 40 years. The APP...

Price: Free Developer: Yuan Yu Lin
Green Gorilla Apps CRM

Green Gorilla Apps CRM

The Green Gorilla App allows businesses who have built an app using the Green Gorilla Business App CMS, a simple way to manage customer App actions, send and schedule Push Notifications and review App Download Stats. Features Include: -Login to access...

Price: Free Developer: Green Gorilla Apps
Magento Store Monitoring

Magento Store Monitoring

Multifunctional Magento store monitoring app for merchants and business owners. Keeping track of your Magento store has never been that easy! Feature-rich and easy to use, Magento Store Monitoring brings the power of desktop to your mobile device. Now all...

Price: Free Developer: NEKLO LLC
midpoints doc.Store

midpoints doc.Store

Due to the success of the iPad, many IT departments are now facing the challenge of supporting mobile devices. An additional important question needs addressing: How can your staff access necessary documents such as manuals, brochures, protocols or sales documents...

Price: Free Developer: midpoints GmbH
Firefly Store Solutions Catalog

Firefly Store Solutions Catalog

Firefly Store Solutions is the industry's leading resource for store solutions, quality store fixtures and retail packaging. The official Firefly Store Solutions Catalog app delivers store fixtures, retail packaging and visual merchandising inspiration right at your fingertips. Privacy Policy:

Price: Free Developer: Firefly Store Solutions, Inc.


SIÊU THỊ MINI FAMILIO STORE 003 Chung Cư C5 Man Thiện, Tăng Nhơn Phú A, Q9 Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Facebook: Linkweb: Hotline: 0945117006

Price: Free Developer: VIHAT Technology Company Limited


The application of Liakopoulos-Store barcode search is an exclusive application of our store and can facilitate the user in its purchases in our physical store. Using one's own application, it can scan the barcodes of our products and see...

Price: Free Developer: Ilias Liakopoulos
Burnt Store Animal Hospital

Burnt Store Animal Hospital

This app is designed to provide extended care for the patients and clients of Burnt Store Animal Hospital in Punta Gorda, Florida. With this app you can: One touch call and email Request appointments Request food Request medication View your pet’s upcoming services and vaccinations Receive...

Price: Free Developer: Burnt Store Animal Hospital
Imsety Store

Imsety Store

We're very excited to now be in the app store! Our app has been designed with you in mind - focusing on giving you a better user experience. It allows you to easily stay up to date with everything...

Price: Free Developer: Appswiz Pty Ltd
Skyline Store

Skyline Store

Online Store for Electronic Devices and computer accessories

Price: Free Developer: Open Learning LLC
Super Store Bellevue

Super Store Bellevue

Download the FREE Super Store Bellevue app today. Easiest and fastest way to get coupons, deals, and track your loyalty rewards! View our hours, contact information, features, and unique offerings.

Price: Free Developer: Super Store LLC
Whatorder Store

Whatorder Store

Download WhatOrder Store, open your store offline and online - now available in English, Lao, Thai and Chinese. Manage your business on Mekhai wherever you are with the WhatOrder Store APP! Grow your business on the go with key...

Price: Free Developer: Me Asia Co., Ltd.

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