Do you want to find the best Centimeters to Miles | cm to mi alternatives for iOS? We have listed 32 Utilities apps that are similar to Centimeters to Miles | cm to mi. Pick one from this list to be your new Centimeters to Miles | cm to mi app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Centimeters to Miles | cm to mi on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Centimeters to Miles | cm to mi alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like Centimeters to Miles | cm to mi 2025.
Unit converter Centimeter > Foot (cm > ft) Foot > Centimeter (ft > cm) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Centimeter > Inch (cm > in) Inch > Centimeter (in > cm) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Centimeter > Meter (cm > m) Meter > Centimeter (m > cm) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Centimeter > Millimeter (cm > mm) Millimeter > Centimeter (mm > cm) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Foot > Centimeter (ft > cm) Centimeter > Foot (cm > ft) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Inch > Centimeter (in > cm) Centimeter > Inch (cm > in) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Meter > Centimeter (m > cm) Centimeter > Meter (cm > m) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Millimeter > Centimeter (mm > cm) Centimeter > Millimeter (cm > mm) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Mila’s Tools is an elegant, no frills, fast, easy to use, unit conversion calculator. Included converters: Area, Bits & Bytes, Capacitance, Fraction, Fuel, Length, Liquid(Volume), Numbers, Pressure, Temperature, Time, Torque, Velocity and Weight. All built exclusively for the Apple...
Allows you to convert a decimal number to its equivalent fraction. e.g. Enter 0.375 will return 3/8. Enter 0.675 will give you 27/40. Enter 1.248 will return 1_31/125.
We're excited that Christmas is around the corner and we're sure that you are too. To make sure you can count down those days with ease, why not try this beautiful application that quickly and easily shows you...
Listen downloaded subtitles in your own language while you are watching foreign movie. You can import subtitles if you know to URL link or you can search on site. Features: * Language selection * Synchronization and timing on movie utilities * Search subtitles
This app shares your iDevice location with my Windows 7/Windows 8 Sensor Driver (available, along with directions, so Windows can have GPS information shared from the iDevice to any app that can use the Sensor Platform.
Make notes on the go and fast with Voice typing. No need to type and waste time, speak your mind and this app will write it down for you. More syncing features coming soon. Send us your feedback at [email protected]
Stitch is a simple tool for converting a set of photos into a PDF document. You can add photos from your device or take photos in the app. Then, you can convert to PDF format and export with a...
A straight forward to-do list app for all of your daily activities, on the go.
Your personal minimalistic To Do app. The most simple application you have ever seen.
Pokud Vám některé z takovýchto čísel zavolá, uvidíte na displeji telefonu kromě neznámého čísla i jeho popis, např. "Finanční služby" nebo "Telemarketing". Pokud Vás taková čísla otravují často, můžete si dokonce zapnout blokování hovorů. Seznam podvodných a obtěžujících čísel neustále...
This is a super simple calculator with large buttons. It supports the operations you need: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Features: ◉ Retina display ◉ Big buttons ◉ A large display ◉ It supports adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing....
M.I.L.E.S. - the Motivational Interactive Learning Enabled Stopwatch aka the Talking Timer! MILES is a talking timer designed to help parents and carers by motivating their children to complete their everyday tasks in a timely manner. No matter how long the...
unit converter: - knot to miles per hour - miles per hour to knot Quickest and easiest way to convert between knot and miles per hour. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No Ads - No InAppPurchases Alternative spelling: - convert knot to mile...
Unit converter Foot > Mile (ft > mi) Mile > Foot (mi > ft) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Kilometer > Mile (km > mi) Mile > Kilometer (mi > km) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Meter > Mile (m > mi) Mile > Meter (mi > m) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Mile > Foot (mi > ft) Foot > Mile (ft > mi) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Mile > Kilometer (mi > km) Kilometer > Mile (km > mi) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
Unit converter Mile > Meter (mi > m) Meter > Mile (m > mi) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...
This application provides the useful tools for use of Wire Rope (Drilling Line) for Oil Field Service and in the drilling engineering schools. Calculations and formulas for: - Round Trip - Halt Trip - Short Trip - Drilling (options for kelly or top drive,...
CM CERTA Push: Endless In-App messaging capabilities. CERTA offers a push messaging solution for enterprises with the highest demands in terms of performance, security, personalization and robustness. Effectively reach your customers anytime, anywhere, and on any device that has...
Ruler 2.0 - ruler app for high measurement accuracy on the iPhone and iPad. Accurate, exact, precise, precision, correct, true, easy to use and free - these are the words that can describe this ruler app the best way. ...
This application works as small portable monitoring system which can monitor PBX of Avaya. It checks alarms of PBX Avaya Communication Manager and delivers these alarms to mobile phone as notifications or just as info to screen. It can...
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