Top 20 Utilities Apps Like U-SKY助理 - Best Alternatives

U-SKY助理 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best U-SKY助理 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Utilities apps that are similar to U-SKY助理. Pick one from this list to be your new U-SKY助理 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to U-SKY助理 on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like U-SKY助理 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid U-SKY助理 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like U-SKY助理 2025.

U-CORSU, Corsican yellow pages

U-CORSU, Corsican yellow pages

This free app includes all information published on Corsican phone book directory, and more. SEARCH ON A DAILY UPDATED CORSICAN BUSINESS AND RESIDENTIAL LISTING. - U-CORSU listing includes contact details, product and service information. - You can view detailed information on a...

Price: Free Developer: U-CORSU
U Whistle

U Whistle

U Whistle booking services is a platform that brings all services in a one stop shop, you can easily manage the whole booking process with few steps. This app has been developed by Kuwait Coders Company.

Price: Free Developer: U Whistle Booking Services
u-blox BLE

u-blox BLE

The u-blox Bluetooth low energy app allows developers to evaluate the stand-alone Bluetooth low energy modules from u-blox. Learn more at

Price: Free Developer: u-blox Malmo AB


U人力是专注于人力资源服务领域,将每个人闲赋的资源、时间、技能转化成为价值,持续打造以分享为内容,融合为目标的共享服务App。目前已有基于SaaS的人力资源服务、职阶网大学生就创业、百福利员工关爱等产品上线。同时也是全国拥有多线下实体服务机构的HR服务供应商。 “融合共享,成于至善”,U人力让每一个合伙人被赋予一个组织所拥有的能量,期待携手全国有梦想有能力有资源,渴望自由职业,自由生活的合伙人一起搭建高效更温暖的“人力资源共享服务”网络。 U人力集中的人事行政服务,有专业化的公共人事服务队伍,制定专业的服务流程和服务标准。主要包括人员招聘、薪资核算、福利发放、社保缴纳、劳动合同管理、人事档案管理、人力资源信息、职业培训、员工沟通、投诉建议处理等。 注:本应用工作时需在后台定位,这可能使您的电池电量过快被消耗,建议在不使用本应用时将其安全退出。

Price: Free Developer: Jiangsu Better Human Resources Development Co., Ltd.
Telecenter U Emergency

Telecenter U Emergency

Rauland’s Telecenter U® school solution delivers district-wide critical communications management. Using Telecenter U, a school can integrate and manage communications involving emergencies, scheduling & events, and everyday use. This app is used exclusively with the Telecenter U solution...

Price: Free Developer: AMETEK Inc.


U-Brew was especially developed for brewers who want to gain full insight into the fermentation process of their brew. The app connects to the measurement instrument “EasyDens” by Anton Paar and provides in-depth insight into the fermentation process. By...

Price: Free Developer: Anton Paar GmbH
Snooze U Pay - Alarm Clock - You Snooze You Pay

Snooze U Pay - Alarm Clock - You Snooze You Pay

Do you hit snooze too many times in the morning? This snooze button hits back! Become a morning person! Stop snoozing now by making it a financial pain. ***ABOUT SNOOZE U PAY*** Lose money any time you hit the snooze button. You need to...

Price: Free Developer: Jarig Duval


This App is a client application for the U-Time software. It enables you to register you time in the U-Time database.

Price: Free Developer: Global Time Solutions
U.First 派車系統

U.First 派車系統

透過『U.First 派車系統』,司機可輕鬆完成機場接送趟次管理、新增機場接送案件、查詢接送紀錄、客服聯繫…等,畫面簡易、操作便利,讓司機工作更有效率。 [功能介紹] 趟次管理:提供每日待接送的案件,內容包括接送地點、客戶聯繫資料、航班時間…等詳細資訊,讓司機一目了然、任務不漏接。 機場順風車:完美解決接場接送空趟問題,可在間隔較長的趟次之間,多接一些順風車,讓時間運用更有效率。 訊息公告:讓您即時掌握肯驛國際『U.First 派車系統』最新訊息。 趟次異動:若有客戶變更預約內容,派單中心將即時更新趟次狀況,回報司機。 趟次取消:若有客戶取消預約趟次,派單中心將即時通知司機趟次取消,不讓司機多跑冤枉路。 歷史紀錄:列出每月已完成的接送任務,合計所有趟次及客戶給評。 司機個人資料:在此可隨時查詢目前的服務星級評等,也可快速撥打客服電話。 [注意事項] 本應用程式將會在背景使用定位功能來提供完善的路線資訊服務,將顯著的消耗您的電池電量。

Price: Free Developer: canlead



Price: Free Developer: 宁波万由电子科技有限公司
Dark Sky Meter

Dark Sky Meter

The Dark Sky Meter app measures the sky brightness and shares it (optionally) with scientists around the globe.

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: DDQ
Sky Player - Play Local Video

Sky Player - Play Local Video

Sky Player is a simple powerful video player. Support m4v, wmv, 3gp, mp4, mov, avi, mkv, mpeg, mpg, flv, vob format You can transfer video files via itunes or wifi Enter any HTTP, RTSP, RTMP, RTP address play network streaming or live Support...

Price: Free Developer: Ying Yi


"SKY Perfect JSAT is the leading satellite operator in the Asia-Pacific region and provides high-quality satellite communications to its customers. We offer a wide range of services including video distribution, data transfer communications and back-up service capabilities in Asia,...

Price: Free Developer: SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation


3D guide to the solar system for aspiring astronomers Over 10 million downloads! • Sky 2D: locate planets with flat view of sky • Sky 3D: planetarium style view of the sky • Visibility: shows times when planets are visible • Globe: rotating 3D...

Price: Free Developer: Q Continuum
HydroColor: Water Quality App

HydroColor: Water Quality App

HydroColor is a water quality application that uses the iPhone camera to determine the reflectance of natural water bodies. Using this information, HydroColor can estimate water turbidity (0-80 NTU), concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) (g/m^3) and the backscattering...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Leeuw
DirectVR Remote for DirecTV

DirectVR Remote for DirecTV

••• TRY OUR FREE VERSION FIRST ••• Please check it works on your system before you buy using our FREE DirectVR Lite App! ••• THE ORIGINAL WIFI REMOTE ••• DirectVR Home Edition is a full function remote control for your networked DirecTV...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: RMR Labz
Star Adventurer mini Console

Star Adventurer mini Console

This is the official companion app for Star Adventurer mini camera mount manufactured by Sky-Watcher. Use this app to program the Star Adventurer mini for astrophotography and time-lapse photography. It can also help a Sky-watcher equatorial mount user to do...

Price: Free Developer: Pacific Telescope Corp.
DirectVR Lite Remote for DirecTV

DirectVR Lite Remote for DirecTV

**** THE ORIGINAL FREE WIFI REMOTE **** Using this Free/Lite version of DirectVR. You can now TEST your DirecTV setup for compatibility before committing to the full version. **** SKY TV USERS **** We have also had reports from users that...

Price: Free Developer: RMR Labz
Colorful Gravity Dice

Colorful Gravity Dice

This simple dice app helps when you play board games. Dices fall from the sky. So, the sky tells you what a number is fated for you.

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Frolov

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