Top 18 Utilities Apps Like English : Zulu Dictionary - Best Alternatives

English : Zulu Dictionary Alternatives

Do you want to find the best English : Zulu Dictionary alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Utilities apps that are similar to English : Zulu Dictionary. Pick one from this list to be your new English : Zulu Dictionary app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to English : Zulu Dictionary on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like English : Zulu Dictionary - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid English : Zulu Dictionary alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like English : Zulu Dictionary 2025.

English Phonetic Keyboard with IPA symbols

English Phonetic Keyboard with IPA symbols

The International Phonetic Alphabet keyboard for English which CAN BE USED IN OTHER APPS. If you are a linguist, actor, presenter, public speaker or simply learn English, you often have to deal with phonetic transcription to note down the pronunciations...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Dawid Pietrala
Dictionary Bengali - English

Dictionary Bengali - English

Dictionary Bengali - English In this app English To Bengali and Bengali to English Dictionary providing a quick reference available for almost all words with more meaning. App with OFFLINE mode for English to Bengali & Bengali to English translator ...

Price: Free Developer: Valentin Belan
Dictionary Gujarati - English

Dictionary Gujarati - English

Dictionary Gujarati - English In this app English To Gujarati and Gujarati to English Dictionary providing a quick reference available for almost all words with more meaning. App with OFFLINE mode for English to Gujarati & Gujarati to English translator ...

Price: Free Developer: Bogdan Odnookov
Dictionary Hindi - English

Dictionary Hindi - English

Dictionary Hindi - English In this app English To Hindi and Hindi to English Dictionary providing a quick reference available for almost all words with more meaning. App with OFFLINE mode for English to Hindi & Hindi to English translator ...

Price: Free Developer: Xianhua Li
Translator English Chinese

Translator English Chinese

English Chinese Translator App is a simple translator for user. User can translator in both languages. Easy and fast to understand in English and Chinese languages. App feauture - Speech recognize support in both languages. - ORC recognize support in both languages. -...

Price: Free Developer: Sai Tawng Pha
VOA慢速英语2015合辑·Special English

VOA慢速英语2015合辑·Special English

● 本软件内音频与文本完美同步,并有中英双语字幕,音质清晰。点哪里就能读哪里,与系统iPod完美结合,支持耳机线控……实在是英语学习者的良师益友。更多内容请下载体验。 ● VOA慢速英语又叫Special English,是VOA电台专为全世界非英语国家初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。 ● 该节目创始于20世纪50年代末期,是VOA电台的专家们研究如何与世界各地的英语学习者进行交际的产物。它正式开播于1959年10月。当时只面向欧洲和中东,但由于这个节目适合许多国家英语学习者的需要,所以它的广播对象不久就扩大到世界其他地区,并很快在全世界范围内产生了广泛的影响。 ● 30多年来,VOA对Special English作了大量研究,它的播音速度、内容及用词范围都有规定,达到了既能为听众提供信息又不损害英语本身风格的目的,使之成为VOA独具特色,拥有最大量听众的节目。 ● 慢速英语是一种由美国人最常用的1500个基本单词为主体构成的美国英语。 它用简短、明晰的句子写作和广播,它以每分钟90个单词的速度,即2/3的Standard English(标准英语)速度进行广播。 ● 部分内容: 1.1玛拉拉呼吁儿童教育权利 1.2中国法律规定子女赡养父母 1.3美国农业生产方式的改变 1.4英国女王颁发首个工程奖 1.5透明国际对腐败问题的调查 1.6美国人抗议齐默曼杀害黑人案判决 1.7在缅甸建立学校 1.8饥饿给埃塞俄比亚经济带来损失 1.9能探测膀胱癌的读味机 1.10美国援助计划粮食换和平 1.11提供食物援助的最佳方法 1.12国际货币基金组织降低经济预期 1.13美韩调查韩亚航空飞机失事事件 1.14美最高法院未对平权法案做判决 1.15奥巴马希望发展非洲的电力和贸易 1.16男子保健运动改善父亲角色 1.17美最高法院判定不能申请人类基因专利 1.18埃及抗议军方罢免总统 1.19全世界在城市快速发展上应对不力 1.20研究者开发治疗PTSD的药物 1.21国际球赛上的门线技术 1.22物美价廉的饮用水净化法 1.23美国立法者讨论教育问题 1.24最高法院对权利案件作出决定 1.25蛀牙导致社会和情感问题 1.26美国参议员对农业补贴做的调整 1.27亚马逊购物网登陆印度 1.28改革派赢得伊朗总统选举 1.29中非关系面临挑战 1.30改革派在伊朗总统选举中获胜 ……

Price: Free Developer: YANG XIU XIA
English Reading Promax

English Reading Promax

English Book Reader helps you improve your English reading skill. It also supports audio books which enables you to tap any sentence to hear how it speaking.

Price: Free Developer: Nhan Pham Thuy
English Italian dictionary eng

English Italian dictionary eng

English-Italian Dictionary offline Dizionario Inglese-Italiano Offline * More than 80,000 words and terms. * Works offline for the word list! * Listen to the correct pronunciation in English and Italian. (Off-line via TTS device) * Share translations by e-mail, SMS, facebook, twitter...

Price: Free Developer: Vincenzo Amoruso
English Joke Book -3000+ Jokes

English Joke Book -3000+ Jokes

3000+ Funny Jokes in English is a hot English joke app for you to laugh out. In this app you can read jokes in different categories such as animal, tech, children, lawyer, dad, etc. It is like a joke...

Price: Free Developer: XiaoLei Li


FlightLink is the free, proprietary app that adds enhanced functionality to all Lightspeed headsets. FlightLink works seamlessly with Lightspeed headsets manufactured since 2012 (Zulu 2 and 3, Sierra, Tango, and PFX) to record and playback incoming and outgoing communications. Older...

Price: Free Developer: Lightspeed Aviation
Cudube Translation

Cudube Translation

Main features: - Text translation - Compare translation with Google, Yandex, Glosbe, Naver, Microsoft... - Quickly translate any text, more than 90 languages supported. - Voice translation - Speech to text with many languages supported ( it depends on your device ). - Conversation (...

Price: Free Developer: Long Phan Hoang
Translate Hi

Translate Hi

iTranslate is the leading free translator / traductor and dictionary app. Easily translate text or start voice-to-voice conversations in over 100 languages. Our new Offline Mode allows you to use our app and translate abroad without having to pay...

Price: Free Developer: Canh Khac
Malayalam Dictionary

Malayalam Dictionary

Malayalam dictionary is a helpful malayalam dictionary that contains english words with corresponding malayalam explanations.
Fast and easy to use dictionary for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Features: - 200000 + words with meaning - English and Malayalam meaning -...

Price: Free Developer: Joshy Joseph
my Dictionary: learn new words

my Dictionary: learn new words

my Dictionary allows you to create your own custom dictionary. In it you can add all the words you want to learn and memorize them thanks to the tests proposed in the application.

Price: Free Developer: Francesco Gallicchio
Architectural & Construction Multi Dictionary (A.C.M.D)

Architectural & Construction Multi Dictionary (A.C.M.D)

A.C.M.D. is multilingual architectural-construction dictionary, which has unlocked terms in its LITE version: Concrete, Iron, Window, Floor (flororing finish, floor cover(ing)), Foundation (footing), Door. The whole dictionary consists of 11411 terms and phrases which are available only in PRO version.

Price: Free Developer: Goran Petrovic
HappyDic - Your own dictionary

HappyDic - Your own dictionary

HappyDic is a dictionary written in your language. I hope that words and shapes that are meaningful to each of you are well written down. It's automatically saved to iCloud so you don't lose words. It's a small feature but...

Price: Free Developer: Seong-Ho Hong
Dictionary Grandfather

Dictionary Grandfather

Chinese dictionary specifically for beginners of Chinese characters, glyphs explanation, writing Chinese character stroke order animations and other functions.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Beijing IncaseDo Education Technology Co., Ltd.

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