Top 27 Productivity Apps Like AV Reports & More - Best Alternatives

AV Reports & More Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AV Reports & More alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Productivity apps that are similar to AV Reports & More. Pick one from this list to be your new AV Reports & More app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AV Reports & More on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like AV Reports & More - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AV Reports & More alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like AV Reports & More 2025.



Aplicación para monitoreo de sistema de trazabilidad TSSS, registra procesos dentro de la CEyEs en cualquier hospital que tenga los requerimientos necesarios dentro o fuera de México. Es un Sistema de Trazabilidad diseñado específicamente para las CEYES del Sector Salud...

Price: Free Developer: FELIPE ALONSO
Facilit FDVU

Facilit FDVU

Facilit FDVU er et program for å forvalte, drifte, vedlikeholde og utvikle bygg og eiendommer. Følgende funksjoner støttes i den mobile versjonen av løsningen: - Velg fasilitet med tekstsøk eller bruk av QR-koder - Vis oppgave på fasilitet, opprett...

Price: Free Developer: Facility Management AS
Facilit FDVU 2.0

Facilit FDVU 2.0

Facilit FDVU er et program for å forvalte, drifte, vedlikeholde og utvikle bygg og eiendommer. Følgende funksjoner støttes i den mobile versjonen av løsningen: - Velg fasilitet med tekstsøk eller bruk av QR-koder - Vis oppgave på fasilitet, opprett...

Price: Free Developer: Facility Management AS
Marine Manager

Marine Manager

Marine Manager er en applikasjon bygget for kommunikasjon og dokumentasjon i ulike prosjekt i båtbransjen. Marine Manager er designet og utviklet med tanke på sluttbruker. Med enkle grep kan du få oversikt på dokumenter, kommunisere med deltakere i prosjektet,...

Price: Free Developer: Marine Manager AS


10mer er laget for rask og effektiv timeregistrering på mobiltelefon. Ved hjelp av skreddersydde grafiske metoder for registrering, og ved hjelp av registreringsregler tilpasset den enkelte bruker, gjøres registreringen i løpet av sekunder! - Enkelt oversiktlig hovedbilde - dagens timer,...

Price: Free Developer: DHO IT
Muslimappen - Bönetider, Qibla, Islamisk information

Muslimappen - Bönetider, Qibla, Islamisk information

Denna app är ett försök att förse det muslimska samfundet i Sverige med autentiskt islamiskt material på olika nivåer och även förse varje muslim med funktioner som vi är i behov av i vår vardag. Funktioner: - Korrekta...

Price: Free Developer: Nasim Abou
Blender Collective

Blender Collective

Blender Collective er et nettverk bestående av over 60 kreative bedrifter i østfold. Felles for oss er at vi brenner for nyutvikling og vekst. Vi mener at dette skapes gjennom samarbeid og deling av kunnskap. Blender Collective er et samvirkeforetak...

Price: Free Developer: andcards Sp. z o.o.
Svensk Almanacka

Svensk Almanacka

A Swedish calendar with locally useful information such as name of the day, offical holidays, flag days, sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset, phase of the moon, birthdays from your address book and more. Only in Swedish. -- • Fullt stöd för iOS 7/8/9 och iPhone...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Near Singularity
Teknisk Förvaltning

Teknisk Förvaltning

Verktyg för en kostnadseffektiv skötsel av fastighetsbeståndet. Med Vitec Teknisk Förvaltning skapar man en plan som möter fastigheternas behov av underhåll. Kostnader för underhålls- och driftsarbeten minskas genom att man planerar och stämmer av mot faktiska kostnader. Appen hanterar arbetsorder,...

Price: Free Developer: Vitec Fastighetssystem AB
Reports Viewer

Reports Viewer

Com o Reports Viewer você poderá visualizar os relatórios criados no Tools & Reports e/ou criados nos ERPs compatíveis com esse aplicativo. O Reports Viewer permite: - Acessar os relatórios criados na sua empresa para acompanhamento das vendas, custos de...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Samuel Natali Junior
Tools & Reports

Tools & Reports

Com o Tools & Reports você poderá criar relatórios e efetuar consultas SQL em diversos bancos de dados. O Tools & Reports permite: - Criar relatórios, utilizando templates em planilhas e consultas SQL, e disponibilizar esses relatórios para outros usuários...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: Samuel Natali Junior
Service Reports

Service Reports

Service Reports is an internal app for creating and submitting reports for work on maritime vessel. Within the application you can create new reports, fill out the different fields, add images and attachments, and then the report can be previews...

Price: Free Developer: Metabits AS
Day Log: time tracking, reports and more

Day Log: time tracking, reports and more

Track your time and optionally income automatically, create time reports, produce statistical data and export easily! Main features: - Easily start and stop timers for activities - Track your daily, weekly and monthly incomes - Automatically start and stop timers based on geo...

Price: Free Developer: 7779
EmaginePOS Reports

EmaginePOS Reports

The mobile app companion to EmaginePOS Reporting. EmaginePOS is a powerful web-based point of sale system for restaurants beloved by a fast-growing list of customers. EmaginePOS Reports provides an exhaustive view into your restaurant data, allowing you...

Price: Free Developer: SpotOn
Celtx Reports

Celtx Reports

Stay on top of your shooting schedule with Celtx Reports. View today’s and tomorrow’s Call Sheets as soon as they’re ready, directly on your iPhone or iPad. Features: -Instant access to critical production information: call times, locations, scenes, weather, contacts, sides,...

Price: Free Developer: Celtx Inc.
Espresso - Expense Reports

Espresso - Expense Reports

Espresso: Your corporate expenses managed by a beautiful app which generates reports automatically, whenever you need them. - Record your expenses in one touch: It's extremely easy to record your expenses with food, transportation, accommodation or others. It only takes a...

Price: Free Developer: Espresso


Specialist reporting software developed by a team of experienced rental agents and investment landlords to enable property managers to proficiently and efficiently manage rental properties. Complete clear and professional reports - Inventory/Entry and Check out/Exit - quickly and easily...

Price: Free Developer: Keystone Property Reports Ltd
Fire & Life Safety Inspector

Fire & Life Safety Inspector

The IROL Fire & Life Safety Inspector application is only for registered users of the IROL web site who have the permission to log in via the app. Please contact IROL to find out if your account has access. IROL's...

Price: Free Developer: Inspection Reports OnLine (IROL)
Notes n More

Notes n More

Create and Organize Daily Tasks(todos), Rich formatted Notes, Voice Memos, Freehand Scribbles (draw with your finger), save Internet files, Pictures and Videos all in one app with iCloud support. See short demos on the app website. DAILY TASKS *...

Price: Free Developer: Aashish Patil
iAnnotate 4 — PDFs & more

iAnnotate 4 — PDFs & more

iAnnotate is all new and better than ever. It’s the best way to read, annotate, and share PDFs, Microsoft Office files, images and web pages! Over 1 million people turn to iAnnotate to take notes, sign agreements, highlight documents,...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Branchfire, Inc.
SketchRocks - Resources, Plugins, Tutorials & More

SketchRocks - Resources, Plugins, Tutorials & More

An index of all awesome things related to Sketch App. is one of the largest platforms for all Bohemian Sketch enthusiasts. We collect high quality resources by designers and developers, which help user interface designers, developers and agencies to...

Price: Free Developer: Lee Black
Less Meeting - Meeting Minutes, To-dos, Scheduling & more

Less Meeting - Meeting Minutes, To-dos, Scheduling & more

Revolutionize the way you meet! Change your team's meeting culture! Voted - "Lifehacker's Top 5 Best Meeting Minute Services" Less Meeting is a refreshing new approach to running your meetings. Regain control from unwieldy agendas and endless discussions. Start...

Price: Free Developer: Less Meeting
To PDF - convert documents, webpages and more to PDF

To PDF - convert documents, webpages and more to PDF

To PDF is absolutely FREE for those who want to Convert Web Pages, Pictures, Contacts and Text Messages in Adobe PDF and Share it. If you need more, we propose to buy full version which includes Converting any types of...

Price: Free Developer: Darsoft Inc.
Waste No More - Grocery, Shopping Lists & Home Inventory! Create Your Own Item Lists!

Waste No More - Grocery, Shopping Lists & Home Inventory! Create Your Own Item Lists!

Waste No More is the best and simple way to create and see your own item lists. Your can create your grocery list, shopping list or even home inventory! It is very simple and easy to use, and it...

Price: Free Developer: Loi Chai Studio
EeziLife: More time for life

EeziLife: More time for life

Have you ever paid someone in advance to do a job and then they did it poorly that you ended up paying someone else to do it properly? Or, you paid the guy and then he disappeared with your money...

Price: Free Developer: Aldred Genade


Take the stress out of tax filing. Simplify your tax filing process with our Mobile App. Key Information at your Fingertips -Office phone numbers and email addresses -Directions to our nearest office -Learn about our staff -Book your appointment right from the app Fast...

Price: Free Developer: Metik Marketing LLC

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