Do you want to find the best Task Trainer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Task Trainer. Pick one from this list to be your new Task Trainer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Task Trainer on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Task Trainer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Task Trainer 2025.
Peer observation is a proven strategy for increasing your effectiveness as a teacher. Research has shown that focused, specific, data-rich feedback and collegial conversations lead to real improvement in practice. Each App in this suite is designed to give teachers...
Student behavioral observation methods and techniques are a simple and effective way to gather insightful data on students. The SOTO App is an excellent tool to help you perform “On-Task / Off-Task” observations. The SOTO App provides...
Picture My Task is a visual schedule designed to manage student activities in a structured learning environment. In the schedule, a student activity or task is illustrated through a picture or icon. These icons are arranged by...
A Simple (Free) Fun Timer, designed for teachers, or anyone else who needs to set timed tasks for groups of children, in a classroom or similar environment. The teacher sets the required time period, type in the task to be...
Multi Task Timer monitors the completion of a group of task with a common deadline. This is the perfect app while doing e.g. multiple choice tests. Just setup the number of tasks and...
Task Manager is a simple and efficient offline management app. You can create, customize, manage the projects and their respective tasks easily though this. You can set Due dates for the tasks and keep track of every single task...
Balance It is a Task Card Resource for PE Teachers. A simple and powerful way to provide students with visual prompts and cues designed to help them develop Gymnastic skills. Featuring over 60 hand drawn balances that progressively build...
Peer observation is a proven strategy for increasing your effectiveness as a teacher. Research has shown that focused, specific, data-rich feedback and collegial conversations lead to real improvement in practice. Each App in this suite is designed to give teachers...
Stretch it is a circuit and stretching task card series for teachers and students. A simple and powerful way to provide students with visual prompts and cues designed to help them warm up and cool down. Featuring over 60...
Language Trainer was created specifically to help individuals improve their mastery of spoken language. Designed by a certified speech-language pathologist, Language Trainer is perfect for working on vocabulary, word finding, stuttering, and receptive or expressive language therapy. Language Trainer...
Sharpen your musical ear with fun games for ear training and music theory. Theta Music Trainer is a complete set of courses and games designed to improve your musicianship and deepen your understanding of music. These games have been...
Mit dem Cornelsen Mathe Trainer übst du Matheaufgaben der Klassen 5 bis 10. Sowohl fürs schnelle Lernen vor Prüfungen, als auch fürs nachhaltige Lernen – mit dieser App kannst du Mathe jederzeit auch unterwegs auf deinem Smartphone oder Tablet...
Note: This is NOT an ear training app. You need to know your intervals! If you've got them down you can instantly know the steps of every major scale in every key. You can build chords and scales with...
Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. ▪ #1 Education App in 20 countries ▪ Top chart position in over 70 countries ▪ Our iPhone version is App Store Rewind Award...
Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. • #1 Education App in 11 countries • Top chart position in over 25 countries • App Store Rewind Award Winner – iPhone App...
Dynamic Path presents our updated module for the NASM 4th edition, with 75 all new-questions. Our app features 475 practice questions, are all written exclusively for Dynamic Path by a Certified Personal Trainer. The questions incorporate practical, real-life scenarios to...
Optics Trainer is a free Vision Training and Therapy app designed to exercise your visual skills. FEATURES: 12 Activities designed to work on a variety of visual skills (with more to come!) Eye Hand Coordination Games Eye Movement Games Peripheral Vision Games Momentary Vision...
Is it hard for you to remember things? Are you forgetful? Then this retention trainer is right for you: this game will show you 4 different pictures, you have 10 seconds to remember the images you see. After that the images...
Learn to conjugate the 500 most common Russian verbs in all tenses and in the imperative mood. Listen to the pronunciation of conjugated forms. Track your progress with statistics. VERB LISTS: make your own lists of verbs or use the...
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