Top 19 Lifestyle Apps Like CI Crew - Best Alternatives

CI Crew Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CI Crew alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Lifestyle apps that are similar to CI Crew. Pick one from this list to be your new CI Crew app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CI Crew on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like CI Crew - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CI Crew alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like CI Crew 2025.

Ci sentiamo dopo

Ci sentiamo dopo

Amplifon, global leader in the hearing care retail industry, empowers people to rediscover all the emotions of sound. Estimates indicate that over 1 billion people between the ages of 12 and 35 risk having hearing problems linked to noise...

Price: Free Developer: Amplifon S.p.A.
Dr Stanek

Dr Stanek

PharmDr. Martin Staněk je absolventem Farmaceutické fakulty v Hradci Králové – obor klinická farmacie. V roce 1984 získal doktorát v oboru farmaceutická chemie a farmakologie. V letech 1984-1990 pracoval v nemocničním lékárenství a zabýval se vývojem a podporou prodeje klinické výživy...

Price: Free Developer: ITDream


Szukasz kogoś, kto posprząta, ugotuje, wyjdzie z psem, naprawi kran, udzieli korepetycji, skosi trawę, zaopiekuje się Twoim dzieckiem i zrobi tysiąc innych rzeczy? Znajdź pomoc w codziennych zadaniach! Wszystko dzieje się w trybie natychmiastowym i bez ukrytych opłat. Jeśli właśnie...

Price: Free Developer: Hidone Sp. z o.o.

Real estate application for searching listings in Czech Republic. je mobilní aplikace, která přináší jednoduchou možnost hledání nemovitostí přímo na místě, kde se právě nacházíte. Ale nejen tam. Vyhledávat můžete mezi byty či domy na prodej i pronájem, pozemky,...

Price: Free Developer: katalog nemovitosti s.r.o.


Zapomniałeś o urodzinach żony, wizycie chomika u weterynarza, o promocji w Biedrze....? Stan punktowy w programie lojalnościowym WIFES & MORE niebezpiecznie zbliża się do zera, co oznacza 'zakaz stadionowy' i mozolne ciułanie punkcików? No tak, życie to nie CTRL+C,...

Price: Free Developer: 9bits Sp. z o.o.


Chris e Colleen Bennett sono i fondatori del marchio Bobux e la loro è una vera storia di successo Nuova Zelandese - “le migliori scoperte sono proprio sotto il vostro naso”. Bobux iniziò nel 1991 quando Chris e...

Price: Free Developer: Kimera Hitech srl

ZľavaDňa prináša denne najlepšie akcie do hotelov, reštaurácií, salónov, či rôznych zábavných zariadení. Stiahnite si našu bezplatnú aplikáciu a sledujte najvýhodnejšie ponuky priamo vo vašom mobile či tablete. Spojili sme jednoduché, rýchle a bezpečné nakupovanie s novými funkciami. Hlavné výhody...

Price: Free Developer: ZľavaDňa, s.r.o.
Horoskopy -

Horoskopy - zrzesza grupę wróżek i wróżbitów, którzy łączą w sobie wiedzę ezoteryczną z autentyczną pasją. Przepowiadanie przyszłości jest prawdziwą sztuką i tutaj masz na wyciągnięcie ręki, osoby umiejące tej sztuki dokonać. Naszymi naczelnymi zasadami są najwyższy profesjonalizm i życzliwość....

Price: Free Developer:
SpeakApp - Study and Work

SpeakApp - Study and Work

Parti con Speak App, la nuova applicazione per iPhone e iPad ideata da SpeakUp, il magazine che da trent’anni parla inglese con te. L’App è perfetta per chi vuole trasferirsi in un Paese anglofono, anche solo per un breve...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo RBA
Tiny Tottles Baby Music

Tiny Tottles Baby Music

Meet the cute cartoons Ellen the pig, Claire the rabbit and Albert the dog created by the Swedish design studio A Creative Crew. Tiny Tottles' Baby Songs is a calm app with delicate music for our children. An app that...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: A Creative Crew AB
Aussie Zoo Crew

Aussie Zoo Crew

An easy to understand model of personality type that gives you insights into human behaviour, offering explanations for why people behave the way they do. AusID Global links personality to the characteristics of some well-known Australian animals to help improve...

Price: Free Developer: Aus IDentities
MyImpact -Track Your Footprint

MyImpact -Track Your Footprint

What happens when you mix a stellar line up, a start-up with a mission to uncover the mystery behind your personal footprint and a passionate group of young researchers affectionately dubbed “the algae crew”? You get a zen oxygen-rich...

Price: Free Developer: Guillaume Ang
247 LENS

247 LENS

The 247 LENS Planner identifies the optimal strategies for you to adjust to your particular schedule. It clearly shows the best practices for the following: ◦ When are the optimal times for sleep, especially during transitions from Day...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: The Scheduling Group, LLC
Juicy's Wellness Cafe

Juicy's Wellness Cafe

Juicy’s was founded after owner, Mary Beth Laxson, battled cancer twice before being turned on to a life changing plant-based lifestyle. A year into her new diet she was cancer-free and feeling better than ever. She started by taking...

Price: Free Developer: Open Networks, LLC
iCrew Hotels

iCrew Hotels

Finally a dedicated hotel layover app for airline crew-members. Find all the information you need for your layover. Support for Delta Air Lines and United Air Lines at this time. If you'd like your airline added - please e-mail us.

Price: Free Developer: JETLINK SOFTWARE LLC
Attender - Find Work or Staff

Attender - Find Work or Staff

Attender makes hospitality work simple Our platform takes the complexity out of sourcing event/hospitality workers. A single platform for hiring, trialling and managing staff ongoing. Attender dramatically cuts the time it takes to find experienced and ready to work hospo...

Price: Free Developer: Attender


An app and social network for actors, singers, dancers, magicians, musicians, hosts, models, variety acts, writers, directors, producers, film/theatre crew and event planners!

Price: Free Developer: Sginteractive Pte Ltd
Dilibero & Assocites

Dilibero & Assocites

The Law Office of Steven Dilibero and Associates is now available in your pocket! Get your free case evaluation using our app, send your questions, check our services and also receive push notifications directly in your cell phone. You can instantly...

Price: Free Developer: Intelligent Web Crew Inc

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