Top 36 Social Networking Apps Like Second Line Calling/Texting - Best Alternatives

Second Line Calling/Texting Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Second Line Calling/Texting alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Social Networking apps that are similar to Second Line Calling/Texting. Pick one from this list to be your new Second Line Calling/Texting app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Second Line Calling/Texting on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like Second Line Calling/Texting - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Second Line Calling/Texting alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Second Line Calling/Texting 2025.

Wsecond: Second Phone Number

Wsecond: Second Phone Number

Wsecond provides you a great and cheap special phone number service! Discover what you can do with your second phone number which may be used for the privacy of your workplace or personal life. Many popular services register new users with...

Price: Free Developer: BG Mobil Bilgi Teknolojileri Limited Şirketi
Second Text & US Phone Number

Second Text & US Phone Number

You can get a free new U.S. number and send private message to anyone without exposing your real number. Steps of sending private message: Enter the number you want to send to, enter the text and then tap Send. ...

Price: Free Developer: XinYing Zhong


Vyke’s brand new app gives you up to 4 real extra mobile numbers, free calls & chat and low cost calls & SMS to anyone, all wrapped up in one simple to use app. We create different profiles on social...

Price: Free Developer: Vyke Telecoms Limited
Challenge Accepted - SVC

Challenge Accepted - SVC

Challenge Accepted is a free Social Video Challenge application that focuses on building a community of interactive users to accept 30 second social video challenges. • Users can login with Facebook and challenge anyone in their friend list who has...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile App Fund
Lunchzeit Business Networking

Lunchzeit Business Networking

Discover new & interesting colleagues from your company and invite them for lunch. Create new, valuable and exciting connections and make more out of your working life. With “Lunchzeit” you can easily find new and interesting coworkers from your company....

Price: Free Developer: Damien Antipa


BadgerScan™ is a lightweight, mobile solution for quickly and efficiently exchanging contact information. Although specifically designed for use at conferences, exhibitions and meetings, BadgerScan can be used to share contact information by anyone, anywhere without requiring a network connection. Highlights: •...

Price: Free Developer: BadgeScan LLC
Numero eSIM: 2nd Phone Number

Numero eSIM: 2nd Phone Number

Numero is an ideal VoIP app for those looking for an international number with cheap international calls running as a 2nd phone number on the same smartphone that they regularly use. Owning a virtual 2nd phone number can present you...

Price: Free Developer: Smarteletec S.L.
Blind Meet

Blind Meet

It is impossible to judge someone within a couple of seconds, based on few pictures and a cheesy bio, like in the case of 99% of meeting and dating apps. Step out of the rut of mainstream virtual communication...



Greeks.Social is THE destination for all greek letter organization members to share mobile videos and images. On Greeks.Social, share short-form 30-second videos of greek life that is exciting, spontaneous, and genuine. Whether you’re a Greek sorority or fraternity...

Price: Free Developer: FlutterBuilders
id交換 - line upのid交換掲示板で友達とlineのアプリ交換

id交換 - line upのid交換掲示板で友達とlineのアプリ交換

【完全無料】このアプリはチャットアプリのID交換が自由にできる掲示板型の出会い系アプリです。 LINEやカカオトーク、スカイプなどで簡単に友達が作れます! LINE交換・LINE掲示板検索にオススメ!! ■こんな方にお勧め ・写真で相手の事を確認したい。 ・同じ趣味の友達・情報交換が出来る相手を探している。 ・近所で出会いが欲しい。 ・真剣に出会える人を探している。 ・ラインやカカオでIDを交換できる友達を探したい。 ・掲示板の書き込みを見て探せふれんど! ■機能紹介 ・掲示板等でLINEやカカオトーク、スカイプ等のID交換OK! ・写真を投稿してアピール可能!掲示板から確認も可! ・年齢、性別、地域、友達を目的別で検索出来ます。 ・通報機能と投稿監視があるので、安心してご利用可能です。 ■注意事項 ・当サービスは「面識のない異性との交際を希望する者同士が相互に連絡」するいわゆる出会い系サービスではないことを弁護士を通じて確認しております。このため、出会い系サイト規制法は適用されません。 ・当サービスは異性との出会い・交際を斡旋するものではございません。当サービスの規約に違反したユーザー及び投稿は削除します。ユーザー削除されると投稿ができなくなります。 ・当サービスは利用規約に同意の上ご利用頂く必要がございます。 登録設定画面にて、利用規約がございますので内容を確認のうえご利用ください。 ・18才未満の方はご利用できません。 ・同様に18才未満に対する出会い・チャット・メル友勧誘・アルバイト募集などを目的とした利用および、利用規約に違反、または運営チームの判断で不健全と判断した投稿は、即時削除させて頂きます。 ・削除対象の利用者は以降、当サービスをご利用頂くことができません。予めご了承ください。 ■その他 LINEおよび運営会社ネイバージャパン株式会社様とは一切関係ございません。 カカオトークおよび運営会社株式会社カカオジャパン様とは一切関係ございません。 スカイプおよび運営会社マイクロソフト社様とは一切関係ございません。

Price: Free Developer: kei hiratsuka
line掲示板 - 出会いはID交換on line掲示板

line掲示板 - 出会いはID交換on line掲示板

簡単に友達募集、ID交換ができる完全無料の出会い系掲示板アプリでチャット友達を探そう 「LINE」や「カカオトーク」「SKYPE」などで暇な時や絡みたい時に掲示板で友達を検索、募集しよう。 ■こんな人にお勧め■ 友達が欲しい LINEやカカオトークのチャット友達が欲しい 遊びに行きたい 暇だから今すぐ絡みたい ご近所の趣味友達コミュニティを作りたい 合コン、街コンに行くメンバーを探したい 友達を増やしたい人、新しい出会いを求めている人、素敵なお友達を見つけましょう! ■注意事項■ 本サービスは利用規約に同意の上ご利用頂く必要がございます。 初回起動時のダイアログにて、内容を確認のうえご利用ください。 中学生(女子中学生・男子中学生)、高校生(女子高生、男子高校生)など18才未満の方はご利用できません。 同様に18才未満の中学生や高校生に対する出会い・チャッ-ト・メル友勧誘・アルバイト募集などを目的とした利用および、利用規約に違反、または運営チームの判断で不健全と判断した投稿は、即時削除させて頂きます。 削除対象の利用者は以降、本サービスをご利用頂くことができません。予めご了承ください。 当サービスは異性との出会い・交際を斡旋するものではございません。当サービスの規約に違反したユーザー及び投稿は削除します。ユーザー削除されると投稿ができなくなります。 当サービスは「面識のない異性との交際を希望する者同士が相互に連絡」するいわゆる出会い系サービスではないことを弁護士を通じて確認しております。このため、出会い系サイト規制法は適用されません。 ■その他備考■ ラインの運営会社「ネイバージャパン株式会社」とは関係ございません。 スカイプの運営会社「マイクロソフト社」とは関係ございません。 カカオトークの運営会社「株式会社カカオジャパン」とは関係ございません。

Price: Free Developer: Keiichi Hiraoka
Texting Line

Texting Line

Texting Line is your texting app that lets you know of all new text messages you have sent through your existing landline or toll free business numbers. Even if you are not near your computer, open the app to...

Price: Free Developer: SMS Factory Inc
Stickers for LINE

Stickers for LINE

Let's Stickers --- the Funniest sticker app in LINE! Let's Stickers has stickers that are most popular among millions of people in Line and WeChat, and also the Latest, the Funniest stickers. Let's try! You can send various interesting...

Price: Free Developer: Ruiguang Yan
id交換はline up交換掲示板 - lineのid交換出会い

id交換はline up交換掲示板 - lineのid交換出会い

完全無料で出会いが見つかる! 登録は簡単で匿名でOK!面倒なメール、電話番号の登録は一切不要です。 lineやkakaoなどID交換掲示板です。 友達や恋人探しに最適!共通の話題で盛り上がれる! 『こんな方にお勧め』 恋人候補を探したい! 気軽に会える友達が欲しい! チャット友達が欲しい! 趣味が同じ友達が欲しい! 『注意事項』 本サービスは利用規約に同意の上ご利用頂く必要がございます。 初回起動時のダイアログにて、内容を確認のうえご利用ください。 18才未満の方はご利用できません。 同様に18才未満に対する出会い・チャット・メル友勧誘・アルバイト募集などを目的とした利用および、利用規約に違反、または運営チームの判断で不健全と判断した投稿は、即時削除させて頂きます。 削除対象の利用者は以降、本サービスをご利用頂くことができません。予めご了承ください。 当サービスは異性との出会い・交際を斡旋するものではございません。当サービスの規約に違反したユーザー及び投稿は削除します。ユーザー削除されると投稿ができなくなります。 当サービスは「面識のない異性との交際を希望する者同士が相互に連絡」するいわゆる出会い系サービスではないことを弁護士を通じて確認しております。このため、出会い系サイト規制法は適用されません。

Price: Free Developer: kei hiratsuka
Pablo! One Line Drawings

Pablo! One Line Drawings

~over 1,500 pablos created!~ pablo is an app for drawing, playing, and chatting in one-line drawings. inspired by the one-line drawings of picasso, now you can make your own mini masterpieces. pablo is totally anonymous, so no need to create an...

Price: Free Developer: Nicholas Barr
Emoji New for WhatsApp,WeChat,QQ,Line

Emoji New for WhatsApp,WeChat,QQ,Line

New Design Style Emoji Stickers: support all Messenger (whatsapp, iMessage, WeChat, Line, Facebook Messenger, QQ, Kik, Telegram,SnapChat, etc.) COPY, SAVE, SHARE function- -Copy and Paste to Messenger (Animated effect for iMessage, mail, Facebook etc) -Save photo to Photo Gallery -Share to available Apps. -Emoji Art

Price: Free Developer: AppsNice
InviteMore for line game

InviteMore for line game

With InviteMore you can make new friends by discuss any thing you like or your favorite line game.

Price: Free Developer: Chun Yu Yao
Stickers Free3 -Gif Photo for WhatsApp,WeChat,Line,Snapchat,QQ,Kik,Telegram

Stickers Free3 -Gif Photo for WhatsApp,WeChat,Line,Snapchat,QQ,Kik,Telegram

Support All Messenger: SMS, iMessage, Mail, WeChat, WhatsApp, QQ Message, Line, KaKaoTalk, Tango, Viber, Facebook Message & other... - Over 1590 Emoticons, Smiley, Stickers - Gif Animation (for iMessage, Mail, QQ, Facebook etc.) - Over 200 Emoji Art - Save,...

Price: Free Developer: AppsNice
mene talk - VoIP Calling App

mene talk - VoIP Calling App

Make crystal clear cheap international calls to any mobile or landline number with the menetalk calling app at extremely low call rates with no hidden charges. You can make calls using your WiFi or 3G/4G connections. mene talk is...

Price: Free Developer: Quiits Consulting Ltd
Callbacker: Calling App & SMS

Callbacker: Calling App & SMS

√ 30% Cheaper than Skype √ RECORD phone calls for free √ Able to display your current phone number ( Caller ID ) √ Cheap calls to India, China, USA, Nigeria, Mexico, UK, Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, UAE, Germany, France, Kuwait, Australia, Indonesia,...

Price: Free Developer: DemandVoIP Inc.
WeOne - International Calling

WeOne - International Calling

We simply acknowledge that distance is nothing that can keep you away from your loved ones. You can access superior international calling experience integrated with security. Unmatched clarity of voice, no hidden charges, and Real time call records are...

Price: Free Developer: WeOne
PicCell Wireless

PicCell Wireless

PicCell App: International Calling App The PicCell App turns your smart phone into a easy and inexpensive way to staying in touch with friends and family around the world. One-touch dialing puts your contacts at your fingertips with great quality...

Price: Free Developer: PicCell Wireless


WiMedjet by MedjetAssist is a Free Calling App to make and receive calls from over 195 countries. WiMedjet is the newest addition to the MedjetAssist suite of global rescue and travel assistance services including: Medjet Horizon, the world’s most...

Price: Free Developer: Wireless Traveler
Collect call app for iPhone

Collect call app for iPhone

The phone number inmates dial to reach you on matters! Use FlyMobi with IC Solutions, Connect Networks, GTL Global tel link, Telmate, Pay Tel, Corlinks, JayPay, Securus, NCIC, or any other service provider to start saving money on calls right...

Price: Free Developer: FlyMobi


Totally Secure Calling & Messaging CryptTalk is a totally secure calling and messaging service. CryptTalk protects you and gives you peace of mind that what you say or message cannot be compromised by third parties. NO BACKDOORS OF ANY KIND -...

Price: Free Developer: Arenim Technologies
nCloud Connect Mobile

nCloud Connect Mobile

ncloud Connect Mobile - Voice, Presence, Extension Video Calling & More… - HD Calls - Ability To Make Calls Over Wifi Without Using Carrier Minutes - Visual Voicemail Access - Access Personal Phone Contacts & Corporate Directory - Manage Call...

Price: Free Developer: NetCarrier Telecom, Inc.
HowdyDo Messenger-Chat

HowdyDo Messenger-Chat

HowdyDo! Messenger is a FREE messaging app available for iPhone and other smartphones. HowdyDo uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message, form group and call your family and friends with 1-1 Calling...

Price: Free Developer: Howdy Ventures
Off The Record Texting & Pics

Off The Record Texting & Pics

Send and receive screenshot protected texts messages that delete off everyone's text feed once viewed. Also send pictures that delete off everyone's text feed once viewed with Off The Record™ Texting & Pics Watch a 30 Second Instructional Video by...

Price: Free Developer: Cloaked Display Technologies LLC
Sexy Adult Emojis for Texting

Sexy Adult Emojis for Texting

* Welcome to this Completely FREE App for Texting!!! Are you in a relationship or flirting with a special someone? With this app, your messages will never be boring again! This is the largest and best collection of Adult Emoticons for texting....

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Hoang
Fake texting conversations – Funny pranks chat

Fake texting conversations – Funny pranks chat

It can be used to joke with your friends making them believe you are actually texting!
You can create fake conversations and edit every detail!
Once finished creating the fake conversation you can make a screenshot and share it to your...

Price: Free Developer: Belen Gonzalez
Bluepin - Message Your Businesses

Bluepin - Message Your Businesses

Bluepin is the easiest way to add texting to your business-customer transactions. Stop calling and start texting your businesses today! -Text your businesses -Make appointments -Get notifications -Receive offers -Document transactions through messaging history -Use one profile for all your businesses -It’s free! Texting is the preferred...

Price: Free Developer: Alex Alimov


Airtext in-flight texting Supports SMS, WhatsApp, and Email! Includes a moving map! Note: Usage of this app requires connection to an Airtext plane server. See for more information. Airtext enables you to send SMS text messages from above the clouds! ...

Price: Free Developer: Send Solutions, LLC
Real EzTalk

Real EzTalk

EzTalk is Talk Made Easy. Texting, sending and reading email messages are the most popular form of daily non personal communication. One of the most striking social changes in recent decades has been the decrease in audio messaging. ...

Price: Free Developer: chris morgan
CFC Earn Money & Store Crypto

CFC Earn Money & Store Crypto

CFC - Earn Money & Store Crypto (Coin Fountain Club). CFC helps you to earn money in a CRAD cryptocurrency and store it in the built-in wallet. You can also keep yourself updated about the cryptocurrency exchange rates...

Price: Free Developer:
SpeakApp Voice Messenger

SpeakApp Voice Messenger

SpeakApp is a FREE voice messenger that makes voice messaging fun and convenient! Stop struggling with keyboards and auto-correct. Try voice messaging with SpeakApp. You can text, send pictures, use emojis, and transcribe voice messages to text in over...

Price: Free Developer: Voice Labs Ltd

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