Top 28 Education Apps Like Stein-O-Matic - Best Alternatives

Stein-O-Matic Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Stein-O-Matic alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Stein-O-Matic. Pick one from this list to be your new Stein-O-Matic app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Stein-O-Matic on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Stein-O-Matic - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Stein-O-Matic alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Stein-O-Matic 2025.

Gott allein genügt!

Gott allein genügt!

Die Karmeliten in Österreich, die Marienschwestern vom Karmel und die Edith Stein Gesellschaft Österreich stellen ihre App vor: Wir möchten Ihnen damit eine praktische Möglichkeit geben, über unsere Aktivitäten auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Durch die App können Sie nicht...

Price: Free Developer: Karmel Österreich
DE Wörterbuch

DE Wörterbuch

Ein einfach offline Wörterbuch. Keine Internetverbindung erforderlich!

Price: Free Developer: Zachary Stein


Are you a teacher? Do you frequently find yourself grading tests and calculating which score should result in which grade? Then ezGrade is the app for YOU! ezGrade takes all that calculation hassle off your mind and quickly tells you what...

Price: Free Developer: Jörn Stein
Adjunct Institute

Adjunct Institute

Conference app for the Adjunct Institute mini-conference. - View the schedule - Participate in discussions of strategies and take-aways - Complete workshop evaluations - View building maps and contact information

Price: Free Developer: Mike Stein
Antikensammlungen Mediaguide

Antikensammlungen Mediaguide

Griechen, Etrusker und Römer anschaulich erleben – das kann man in den Antikensammlungen am Königsplatz. Kunstwerke aus Keramik, Metall und Stein lassen die Besucher in die Welt der Antike eintauchen. Meisterwerke der Vasenkunst, der kleinformatigen Skulptur in Bronze oder...

Price: Free Developer: Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek
CMSY 173

CMSY 173

An app to facilitate the navigation of the CMSY 173 course on Google Apps Integration.

Price: Free Developer: Mike Stein
Dein Marx Für Alle

Dein Marx Für Alle

Die Karl-Marx-Statue am Simeonstiftplatz in Trier - viel kritisiert und diskutiert - nicht jedem gefällt sie. Doch jetzt bist du an der Reihe, Genosse! Bring deine eigene Marx-Statue ganz groß raus! Modelliere deine eigene Marx-Skulptur und verwandele sie mit...

Price: Free Developer: iOS Development Team HS Trier
Firefly Communicator

Firefly Communicator

This app is the companion to the Firefly Communicator. It allows the user to upload codes or create new codes to upload to the Firefly Communicator. Selection of codes can be made by choosing region, species or...

Price: Free Developer: Joey Stein
MiBSM Mindfulness TA-Training

MiBSM Mindfulness TA-Training

MiBSM is an approach to Mindfulness based on the Chabad approach to Kabbalah. MiBSM stands for Mental-imagery Based Stress Management. This app serves as a MiBSM Teaching-Assistant (TA) Training Program and includes all affiliated course material. For more information,...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Adam Stein


Splat-O-Nym is an engaging, independent vocabulary game that helps students learn synonyms and antonyms through four fun activities: Synonym Splat, Antonym Attack, Context Contest, and Lightning Round. Students enter the game in level one of the Synonym Splat activity...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Read Naturally, Inc.
Splat-O-Nym Lite

Splat-O-Nym Lite

Splat-O-Nym Lite is an engaging, independent vocabulary game that helps students learn synonyms and antonyms through four fun activities: Synonym Splat, Antonym Attack, Context Contest, and Lightning Round. Students enter the game in level one of the Synonym Splat...

Price: Free Developer: Read Naturally, Inc.
Nga Wai o Horotiu Marae

Nga Wai o Horotiu Marae

AUT Ngā Wai o Horotiu marae serves as a whānau, cultural and spiritual centre. Ngā Wai o Horotiu is one of the ways in which AUT actively acknowledges the importance of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and...

Price: Free Developer: AUTEL
Sve o hepatitisu

Sve o hepatitisu

„Sve o hepatitisu“ je besplatna, sveobuhvatna, korisna i interaktivna hepatitis platforma i aplikacija izrađena u informativne i obrazovne svrhe, s ciljem poboljšanja hepatitis informiranosti i razumijevanja važnosti odgovornog ponašanja, zdravog stila života i zaštite od virusnih hepatitisa u cilju...

Price: Free Developer: Info izlog d.o.o.
Aql o Dil ( Allama Iqbal )

Aql o Dil ( Allama Iqbal )

A Full FREE APP Made by: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aql o Dil is the poem written by glorious Allama Iqbal , this poem was published in his book Bang-e-Dra-015. This app contains the moral story based on this amazing poem, where an argument...

Price: Free Developer: Farhan Khan


Fraction-O-Meter allows users to build their skills in: Evaluating and estimating fractions Expressing fractions as decimals and percentages Factoring to reduce fractions to their lowest terms Visualizing fractions as a portion using the meter Users...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Catherine Vitti
H.O.P.E.'S House

H.O.P.E.'S House

Welcome to H.O.P.E.’s House Mobile App. We are a dynamic and growing ministry in the San Fernando Valley that offers spirit-led worship and an encouraging, life changing Word from God in a family-friendly environment. Under the leadership of Pastor...

Price: Free Developer: H.O.P.E.'s House Christian Ministries, Inc
GCE O Level Physics

GCE O Level Physics

Want to pass the GCE O-Level Examinations in Singapore? This app will get you there! GCE O-Level Exam App (Physics) helps students in Singapore study and prepare for the GCE O Level Science (Physics) Paper MCQs by offering a...

Price: Free Developer: s3
O mistério no galinheiro

O mistério no galinheiro

Gabriel era um galo muito vaidoso. Dono de um galinheiro de dar inveja a qualquer fazendeiro, tinha mais de 50 galinhas. Viviam em um ambiente sossegado e feliz! Mas um dia, tudo isso mudou! Leia essa história misteriosa e conheça Gabriel, seu...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nucleo Tecnologia da Informacao Ltda
A-O level test

A-O level test

The General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level, or A Level, is a secondary school leaving qualification in the United Kingdom, offered as a main qualification in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, as an alternative qualification in Scotland, and...

Price: Free Developer: rahul baweja
News-O-Matic EDU

News-O-Matic EDU

This app is dedicated to our EDU Members. ** World Young Reader Prize 2015 (Editorial) - World Association of Newspapers (WAN-IFRA) ** ** Teachers' Choice Award 2015 ** ** The first bilingual news app for kids! ** ** An excellent way to incorporate...

Price: Free Developer: Press4Kids
News-O-Matic: School 2019-20

News-O-Matic: School 2019-20

“In my ten years of teaching I have never come across a publication that was this effective in capturing the attention of the student and making them want to learn and understand more.” – LB, Philadelphia Public School Teacher **...

Price: USD 34.99 Developer: Press4Kids
News-O-Matic: Reading for Kids

News-O-Matic: Reading for Kids

News-O-Matic is the daily news app to inspire a love of nonfiction reading. 100+ new articles each month cover a range of high-interest topics for curious kids. Subjects include science, sports, world news, technology, arts, and entertainment. Reading current...

Price: Free Developer: Press4Kids
Eat & Move-O-Matic

Eat & Move-O-Matic

Learn about the foods you eat and how they help fuel your body for your favorite activities. Use the Eat & Move-O-Matic to make new discoveries about your favorite foods and get interesting tips on how small changes can...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Games Lab, NM State University
GoldieBlox Lite - The Rocket Cupcake Co.

GoldieBlox Lite - The Rocket Cupcake Co.

Attention, future coders! Goldie needs your help to deliver cupcakes! Uh oh. Goldie and her friends can’t remember whose birthday it is… so! the obvious solution is to deliver cupcakes to EVERYONE in Bloxtown! With cupcakes from the CUPCAKE-O-MATIC and...

Price: Free Developer: GoldieBlox
GoldieBlox: Adventures in Coding - The Rocket Cupcake Co.

GoldieBlox: Adventures in Coding - The Rocket Cupcake Co.

** Pay once and play forever! No in-app purchases! Never-ending puzzles! ** Attention, future coders! Goldie needs your help to deliver cupcakes! Uh oh. Goldie and her friends can’t remember whose birthday it is… so! the obvious solution is to deliver...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: GoldieBlox
eOcene - šola na telefonu

eOcene - šola na telefonu

eOcene vam omogoča boljši in jasnejši pregled nad vašimi ocenami, ocenjevanji in napredkom. Vaše ocene so shranjene v elektronski redovalnici, ki je lahko zavarovana z geslom. Za vsak predmet vam v podamo povprečje in izrišemo graf za boljšo predstavo. S koledarjem...

Price: Free Developer: Matic Conradi
Nikola Tesla AR

Nikola Tesla AR

The Version 2.1 app is the first mobile app to honor Nikola Tesla by using augmented reality (AR) technology. The app gives access to products containing embedded interactive content that comes to life when viewed through your mobile device. For...

Price: Free Developer: Yetzer Studio, LLC

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