Top 36 Medical Apps Like ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick! - Best Alternatives

ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick! Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Medical apps that are similar to ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick!. Pick one from this list to be your new ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick! on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick! - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like ICU/ER Facts Made Incr Quick! 2025.

Peekaboo ICU Preemie Baby

Peekaboo ICU Preemie Baby

The Peekaboo ICU PREEMIE App is an invaluable tool made specifically for parents of preemies. Designed to inform, inspire, and engage parents as they navigate their way through the NICU. Peekaboo ICU PREEMIE offers parents an empowering and educational...

Price: Free Developer: Peekaboo ICU, LLC


DR. ICU mobile app provides a new way for clinicians to take care their patients with our innovative eClinics technology. BE IN CHARGE: Now, patient values are fully accessible and in control of clinicians. Dr. ICU mobile app allows you...

Price: Free Developer: Afsar Alp
ICU Trials by ClinCalc

ICU Trials by ClinCalc

ICU Trials is a quick pocket reference for both the novice and seasoned critical care clinician. This app does not replace the original manuscript of these landmark critical care trials – instead, it serves as a fast reference and...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: ClinCalc LLC
Neurology Pocketbook

Neurology Pocketbook

NEUROLOGY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS *Find a concise yet comprehensive compilation of Neurology topics on the go! *Written in a way that can help you easily understand, study, and remember Neurology material. *Will help you answer the most common “pimping” questions encountered on...

Price: Free Developer: Paola Mendez
Case Files Critical Care, 2/e

Case Files Critical Care, 2/e

SHARPEN YOUR CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AND IMPROVE PATIENT CARE Experience with clinical cases is key to mastering the art and science of medicine and ultimately to providing patients with competent clinical care. • The Second Edition has been revised throughout...

Price: Free Developer: Expanded Apps
ODC Tutor

ODC Tutor

ODC represents partial pressure of oxygen on horizontal axis and saturation of hemoglobin on vertical axis. The normal sigmoid curve can be shifted to right or left on the app. which indicates the decreased and increased affinity of hemoglobin...

Price: Free Developer: Satish Deopujari
SmallTalk Intensive Care

SmallTalk Intensive Care

The SmallTalk Intensive Care app provides a picture-based vocabulary of phrases that patients can use to communicate their needs and feelings to medical-care providers in the ICU, such as “I have chest pain” and “I want a doctor.” The...

Price: Free Developer: Lingraphica
CliniCalc Medical Calculator

CliniCalc Medical Calculator

CliniCalc is a comprehensive tool for medical professionals, making it easy to perform complex calculations and remember scores, scales, classifications & more with high quality images. CliniCalc gives you the answers you need, when you need them. Do you...

Price: Free Developer: Medicon Apps


IC@N is a troubleshooting 'survival' guide and introductory handbook for healthcare staff new to the exciting world of critical care medicine. The information provided here focuses upon and succinctly addresses common, important, and urgent clinical problems that may arise without...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: DukeApps
ER Rotation Review Game for the USMLE Step 2 CK, COMLEX Level 2 CE, & PANCE LITE (SCRUB WARS)

ER Rotation Review Game for the USMLE Step 2 CK, COMLEX Level 2 CE, & PANCE LITE (SCRUB WARS)

•Retain more & forget less by playing our rapid review video game to supercharge your memory during your ER rotation. Try 50 questions for free! Complete app has 1,000 questions. •Relevant for a rapid review of content...

Price: Free Developer: Precision Enterprises, LLC
Tintinalli's ER Manual

Tintinalli's ER Manual

The book that belongs in the pocket of every clinician working in an acute care setting This portable manual encapsulates the most clinically relevant content of Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine, Eighth Edition – the world’s bestselling text on the topic --...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Tintinalli's ER Study Guide

Tintinalli's ER Study Guide

The most widely used and highly regarded textbook and reference of emergency medicine -- Endorsed by the American College of Emergency Physicians A Doody's Core Title for 2017! The 8th edition of Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine provides the depth and breadth of...

Price: USD 89.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
CTisus 10 Minute ER Challenge

CTisus 10 Minute ER Challenge

Test your emergency imaging interpretation efficiency! This App includes radiology images for 60 emergency cases that users must diagnose in 10 minutes. Each case is presented as an unknown. You have 10 seconds to make the diagnosis, before the...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Fishman
Paramedik Att

Paramedik Att

Hayatın en zor anında en kutsal işi yapan sağlık profesyonellerine bir yudum da olsa katkı bulunmak amacıyla Doktor, Paramedik, Att (Acil Tıp Teknisyeni), 112 Sağlık Personeli ve tüm Ambulans Personellerine bir ön kaynak oluşturulmuştur. Umarım herkese faydalı bir çalışma olması...

Price: Free Developer: Yilmaz Er
Dagligliv mini, Afasi-app

Dagligliv mini, Afasi-app

DAGLIGLIV hjelper personer med ordleting med å øve på ordfinning og strategier for ordmobilisering. Appen er opprinnelig laget av logopeder. Den er tilpasset norsk i samarbeid med Afasiforbundet i Norge, afasiteamet ved Statped sørøst og ExtraStiftelsen. Den er basert...

Price: Free Developer: Neuro Hero Limited
Zibo Athene

Zibo Athene

Zibo Athene A/S forhandler og udlejer hjælpemidler til både den offentlige sektor og private. Du får kompetent rådgivning, produkter og service inden for følgende områder * Pressure - behandlende og tryksårsforebyggende hjælpemidler * Sense - sansestimulerende hjælpemidler * Rent &...

Price: Free Developer: Mikkel Denker
Ambulance Actioncards

Ambulance Actioncards

Præhospitalt opslagsværk med huskeremser, algoritmer, farmakologi, behandler- og para- medicinske kompetencer, og præhospitale patientgrupper. Opslagsværket giver hurtig adgang til normal- værdier, HLR, guidelines 2010, og GCS, såvel som en udførlig oversigt over præhospitale medicinske kompetencer, og gennemgang af typiske...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Christian Stenbjerg


Denne applikasjonen er 3.utgaven til de to foregående utgavene til Elektrolyttveilederen som ble utgitt som trykt utgave og PDF-fil. I denne utgaven av boken er hele innholdet oppdatert. Det er kommet nye prosedyrer: diabetisk ketoacidose, non-ketotisk hyperglykemisk hyperosmolært syndrom, diabetes...

Price: Free Developer: Diakonhjemmet Sykehus
Pediatric Facts Made Quick

Pediatric Facts Made Quick

Pediatric Facts Made Incredibly Quick is the quick resource every nurse wants and needs. This latest update is based on the 2nd edition and 2011 print edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates. Download the FREE app...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Best Science Facts

Best Science Facts

Best Science Facts! This cool app give you tons of quick and concise snippets of fun and educational science facts. Learn some weird, fun, odd, interesting and mind-boggling facts on animals, humans, plants, space, nature, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics,...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Quach
Field Facts

Field Facts

Field Facts gives first-responders crucial information to use in the first few moments and hours of a response to a potential bioterrorism incident. Access descriptions of safety measures and protective clothing to protect yourself from exposure. Learn how to...

Price: Free Developer: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention
Nutrition Facts and Diet Plans

Nutrition Facts and Diet Plans

The question that torments all who love to stay fit and healthy is how much minerals and vitamins is there in the food products that they consume or wish to consume. People following a strict weight loss diet require...

Price: Free Developer: Mobixed LLC
Human Eye Anatomy Fact,Quiz 2k

Human Eye Anatomy Fact,Quiz 2k

We don’t often give our eyes as much thought as we should, that is until something goes wrong and our vision is affected. But when you learn more about eyes, you realize just how amazing they are. Here are...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Raj Kumar
Facter.Io - Scientific Tracker

Facter.Io - Scientific Tracker is an intelligent search engine that lets you search for documents and data (your keywords) in almost any source system appending of your interests and your choice of data sources. You can track your interests throw publications...

Price: Free Developer: KneeSearch GmbH
USMLE Step 1 & COMLEX Level 1 Buzzwords Game: Preclinical Review for M1 (Gross Anatomy to Physiology) and M2 (Pathology to Pharmacology) Medical Students (Scrub Wars) LITE

USMLE Step 1 & COMLEX Level 1 Buzzwords Game: Preclinical Review for M1 (Gross Anatomy to Physiology) and M2 (Pathology to Pharmacology) Medical Students (Scrub Wars) LITE

Rapidly review basic science from your first and second years of medical school to supercharge your memory of high-yield facts to maximize your USMLE Step 1 & COMLEX Level 1 board scores. Try 50 questions for free! Complete app...

Price: Free Developer: Precision Enterprises, LLC
EMS Notes: EMT & Paramedic

EMS Notes: EMT & Paramedic

EMS Notes: EMT & Paramedic Field Guide delivers all of the essential facts and clinical information EMTs and paramedics need in the field and in the ED. Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Medical Physiology Review Game for USMLE Step 1 & COMLEX Level 1 (SCRUB WARS) LITE

Medical Physiology Review Game for USMLE Step 1 & COMLEX Level 1 (SCRUB WARS) LITE

Retain more & forget less by playing a video game to supercharge your memory while reviewing physiology. Try 50 questions for free! Rapidly review high-yield physiology topics by playing this exciting space shooter app that gamifies learning so your...

Price: Free Developer: Precision Enterprises, LLC
MRI Made Easy... well almost

MRI Made Easy... well almost

MRI Made Easy ...well almost! ◆ ◆ ◆ Go beyond paper and do Radiology ◆ ◆ ◆ ▸ The classic introduction to MR physics, reimagined for iOS. ▸ 'MRI Made Easy' is a fully animated, dynamically indexed, interactive app to...

Price: Free Developer: BestApps BV
MedImaging-Radiology Made Easy

MedImaging-Radiology Made Easy

After more than 2 years of in-depth research and polishing, we has launched MedImaging Atlas - maybe the best medical imaging atlas you ever seen. MedImaging Atlas will be a combination of a textbook of Imaging Anatomy and...

Price: Free Developer: Beijing Qingying Unlimited Technology Co.,Ltd.
Nursing Procedures MIE

Nursing Procedures MIE

Second Edtion -one stop - go to reference that offers clear, concise evidence based information to assist in performance of nursing procedures Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Anatomy & Physiology MIE NCLEX

Anatomy & Physiology MIE NCLEX

Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®) No need to feel stressed over anatomy and physiology—grasp all the basic terms and concepts, with the fully updated Anatomy and Physiology Made Incredibly Easy!, 5th Edition. Using humor and friendly...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Fundamentals of Nursing MIE!

Fundamentals of Nursing MIE!

Dazed and confused by Nursing Fundamentals class? Problem solved: Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! makes it easy to learn the basics of nursing science, concepts and skills. Enjoy the light-hearted, real-life examples, and simple definitions of this popular...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Anatomy & Physiology MI Easy!

Anatomy & Physiology MI Easy!

Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy, 4e presents the vast, sometimes overwhelming details of anatomy and physiology in the enjoyable, user-friendly, award-winning Incredibly Easy! style. Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Dosage Calculations

Dosage Calculations

Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app purchase screen). Calculate correct dosages with safety and confidence, with the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Fluids and Electrolytes MIE

Fluids and Electrolytes MIE

Get all the basics on fluids and electrolytes, with the newest edition of the one-and-only Fluids and Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy! Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc

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