Do you want to find the best ENTER Realty Ltd alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Business apps that are similar to ENTER Realty Ltd. Pick one from this list to be your new ENTER Realty Ltd app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ENTER Realty Ltd on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid ENTER Realty Ltd alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like ENTER Realty Ltd 2025.
JET Enter allows event staff and managers to scan registered visitors badges at Expos and Events. Created by Jonas Event Technology to assist them and their clients. Not ideal for public use as it requires access details to use the app Visit...
iPad受付システム「I-FACE」がついにAppStoreに登場しました!! ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○ 「iPad受付システム 導入実績No.1」 ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○ iPadの画面説明に沿ってタッチパネルを操作するだけで 担当者呼び出しを可能にするシステムです。 スタイリッシュな受付空間を演出します。 <効果、メリット> ●PBXの置き換え不要でコスト安導入可能 ●自社ブランディング(イメージアップ・話題性) ●待機時はデジタルサイネージとして、自社カラーの打ち出しをスライドで披露(動画・画像) ●自社で運用が完結(iPadアプリ内の管理画面、CSVインポート) ●担当者内線に直接コールするため、いち担当者の受付対応工数を削減 <実績・導入数> 約100社 <付属情報> ●既存のビジネスフォンやPBX(交換機)に接続可能 ビジネスフォンや既存のPBXをリプレイスする必要はありません。 ●コンセントだけあれば配線不要 Wi-Fi接続となりますので、設置場所までの配線工事が必要ありません。 ●担当者、部署登録はCSVでインポート 担当者の登録は設定画面より直接入力を行うことも可能ですが、 CSVファイルを一括でインポートすることも可能です。 <ご利用方法> ・インストール後に管理画面が起動しますので、「アカウント設定」にてご利用中PBXのSIPアカウント情報を設定して下さい。 ・「所属データ」または「社員データ」に社内電話機の内線番号を設定して下さい。 ※SIPアカウントを持たないPBXをご利用中の場合、別途I-FACEアダプターが必要となります。サポートURLのサイトからお問合せ下さい。 ※設置環境によって、音質が異なる場合があります。 ※通話転送などはご利用環境によって、利用できない場合があります。 ※メニュー画面にありますロゴをタップすることで、設定画面が開きます。
iPad受付システム「I-FACE」がついにAppStoreに登場しました!! iPadの画面説明に沿ってタッチパネルを操作するだけで 担当者呼び出しを可能にするシステムです。 スタイリッシュな受付空間を演出します。 現在、I-FACEは「全国400社以上」の導入実績が御座います。 I-FACE最大の特徴は、国内外のPBX(電話交換機)と「電話線接続」が可能なことです。 そのため、受付に無人で設置するiPadは固定電話機 同様(オフライン)で利用できるため、 「セキュリティー」懸念が御座いません。
Congratulations on using miCalc a miCount family of inventory collecting products Now that you've downloaded miCalc from the iTunes App Store, it's time to launch miCalc. Tap the miCalc icon on your iPad or mini. Quick start Enter #'s for Area,...
Manage and track your individual time, expenses, assets and logs. For users in any industry where you need to track information on the go. Whether it's project time and expenses, or tracking of work or service orders in the...
Use this app when your labels need to fit unevenly shaped containers that have different widths at the top and bottom. This app will create templates with the appropriate tapered sides and curves for a perfect fit. INSTRUCTIONS AND FEATURES Top...
With our SHOPPER app, you can purchase all kinds of great products from online shops. To start, an online shop will give you a quick access code, called STORE ID. Upon launching the SHOPPER app for the first time, you...
K2 Realty | Live Lost Tree K2 Realty is led by longtime Lost Tree Village residents James Kenny and Paul Kaneb and was co-founded in 2003. As partners, they have decades of experience in the Lost Tree Village real estate...
The Digital Realty Events app is your go-to source for upcoming Digital Realty hosted events. Download the app to help plan, navigate and explore each event. You can stay up-to-date on the latest news and information, check out agendas...
For EXIT Realty Associates, the EXIT App is your business-on-the-go, putting the key components of EXIT’s Technology in the palm of your hand! Get lead notifications and connect with them instantly through the Quick Leads feature with compelling touches...
Events by Sotheby’s International Realty® is your essential mobile resource when attending SIR brand events, available exclusively for Sotheby’s International Realty sales associates, managers, and owners. Features include: • Digital Business Card sharing • Customizable Event Schedules • Real-Time Social Feed • Interactive Venue...
Top Realty App lets you find homes, apartment rentals, real estate & open house listings. Search properties for sale or for rent by city, or use custom filters like number of beds, price range & more. Find homes for...
Showcasing nearly 50,000 properties currently represented by the Sotheby’s International Realty® brand worldwide, the app gives users the opportunity to explore homes on a screen larger than ever before. Highlights Include: · The ability to explore properties listed by the Sotheby’s...
Dan Clark Auction & Realty LLC provides Land & Residential Auctions, Farm & Ranch Equipment Auctions and offers Real Estate listings thru our Real Estate Brokerage firm. We provide live auctions with online bidding and also online only auctions....
Welcome to the Counts Realty & Auction Group mobile bidding app! This dynamic app allows you to (1) stay informed about our upcoming auctions; (2) view items that interest you; (3) get notifications when you’ve been outbid; (4) bid...
Finding your dream home in Irvine has never been easier! With all the latest inventory directly from the MLS and constant updates the Hanu Reddy Realty App puts you in control of your home search. Feel free to use...
HFS Realty, app helps current, future & past clients access our list of trusted home service professionals and local businesses.
Radical Auto Services Ltd offer everything you need from a modern state-of-the art workshop - with transparent charges and excellent customer service at the heart of everything we do. Our team of dedicated service professionals are here to meet...
ALL REGIONS LTD All Regions Ltd are trusted contractor based on the wirral and merseyside We have the qualifications and skills to cater to every aspect of the construction industry, no matter the size of the project we at All...
Iain Hill Ltd is an independent wholesaler, specialising in soft drinks, crisps and confectionery, and delivering throughout the west of Scotland and central belt. The business has been operating for over 25 years. It was set up by Iain, who...
J&M Pavers Ltd are a family run business based in St Albans. We cover the whole of Hertfordshire and are here to provide you with competitive quotations on all types of driveways and patios including block paving & tarmac. We...
TMS Associates Ltd, our feature rich mobile app lets you manage your accounts on the go. Whether you on the train or sitting in a coffee shop don’t miss sending those invoices to your customers or creating expense claims....
HAKKIMIZDA Şirketimiz “Yazıcı Tüketim Malzemeleri” (toner, kartuş, şerit) sektöründe faaliyet gösteren kuruluşlardan biridir. 1998 yılında kurulmuş olan SAFA BİLGİSAYAR LTD.ŞTİ. bilgisayar satışı ve teknik servis hizmetleri ile ticari hayatına başladı. Daha sonra 2000 yılında yeni bir yapılanmayla Yazıcı Tüketim Malzemeleri pazarındaki...
Wayne Fox launched Fox Resourcing & Recruitment Ltd in April 2007. Wayne is currently 40 years old and lives locally with his wife, his 3 sons and his new beautiful daughter. Wayne’s objective in starting the company was to...
Property Development / Building & Civil Engineering Contractors. E-mail: [email protected] Mob: 087-6724512 / 087-2738307 Ph: 061-372192 At Northvale Developments Ltd we engage in all areas of the Construction Industry from project conception, full construction through to completion. We are committed in exceeding...
Abba’s Autos Ltd is a family run business and we are a truck location and Export Company based in the United Kingdom that locates, sources and exports all new and used both semi & heavy commercial vehicles, to trade...
Atlantic Grocery Distributors Ltd. is a Newfoundland owned and operated Wholesale and Foodservice Distribution Company. Our head office is located in Bay Roberts with a second location, Fowlow’s Atlantic Wholesale Ltd., in Port aux Basques. AGD is the...
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