Top 20 News Apps Like Lions Club Pretoria South - Best Alternatives

Lions Club Pretoria South Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Lions Club Pretoria South alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 News apps that are similar to Lions Club Pretoria South. Pick one from this list to be your new Lions Club Pretoria South app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Lions Club Pretoria South on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Lions Club Pretoria South - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Lions Club Pretoria South alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Lions Club Pretoria South 2025.

Merca2.0 Cobertura Cannes Lions 2016

Merca2.0 Cobertura Cannes Lions 2016

Revista Merca2.0, noticias del portal, marketing, advertising, media, mercadotecnia, publicidad y medios

Price: Free Developer: Grupo de Comunicacion Katedra SA de CV
Le Club des juristes

Le Club des juristes

Premier Think Tank juridique français, le Club des juristes a été créé en 2007. Sa création part d’un constat : si la place du droit dans le débat public est de plus en plus forte, sa technicité l’est également. C'est pour...

Price: Free Developer: Share & Dare
Crypto World Club

Crypto World Club

Crypto World Club is dedicated to spread the word about the latest and hottest topics in the industry.Our goal is to find the latest informations from all around the world and put it on one place.

Price: Free Developer: Trajce Spasevski
Auto Motors Club

Auto Motors Club

WebSite, has been founded in Beirut-Lebanon specialist in latest AutoMotive News Globally, including Cars, MotorBikes , Rallies & Formula 1 News , contains also some International sports, Yachting and Equestrian, interesting and accurate manner. Alfa Romeo AMG Aston-Martin Audi...

Price: Free Developer: Abdul-Rahman Almahaini
Hunting Club

Hunting Club

التطبيق الخاص بنادي الصيد العراقي الكائن في بغداد المنصور يحتوي التطبيق على كافة الصور و المعلومات الخاصة بالنادي وايضا يستقبل اشعارات لاخر العروض والمناسبات وغيرها

Price: Free Developer: Ali Sedqi
ProLex Club

ProLex Club

Aplicație de prezentare pentru știri, oferte și alte avantaje oferite membrilor de sindicat și nu numai.

Price: Free Developer: Dynamic Media S.R.L.
Kono - Taiwan, Japan Magazines

Kono - Taiwan, Japan Magazines

【免費暢讀14天】Kono Magazine 讓你隨時享受雜誌閱讀,當期天下、經理人月刊、新假期、PCM電腦廣場、國家地理雜誌、東方新地、鏡週刊、FHM男人幫...等近萬本雜誌任你看! 簡約流暢 專為注重品質與時間管理的現代讀者打造 ● 輕鬆獲取新鮮事 搭配內容策展團隊並運用科技預測你的喜好,每週主動推薦各種你有興趣的文章主題包,涵蓋時事、財經、企管、時尚、生活等豐富領域,讓你蒐集新議題不費力。 ● 聰明配合你的需求 支援手機、平板或電腦,獨家文字好讀、夜間閱讀模式。擺脫紙本,可預先下載雜誌,離線閱讀不間斷。 ● 隨時隨地 無縫接軌 1帳號可同時登入3個裝置,無廣告干擾,搭配好文收藏、最近閱讀記錄,讓你隨時重溫或接續閱讀無障礙。 ◆ 華文雜誌 【新聞企管】 天下雜誌精選、經理人月刊、數位時代、動腦雜誌、遠見雜誌精選、Cheers快樂工作人精選、Money錢、理財周刊、【天下】換日線精選、周刊王、鏡週刊-時事、新新聞、全球中央、多維TW、經濟一週(香港)、財訊快報、財訊趨勢贏家、先探投資週刊、女人變有錢、廣告Adm、專案經理、能力雜誌 【科技科學】 國家地理雜誌、BBC 知識 Knowledge、PC home 電腦家庭、Stuff史塔夫科技 國際中文版、網管人、數位狂潮 DigiTrend、PCM電腦廣場(香港)、iPhone, iPad 玩樂誌(香港)、iPhone 密技王(香港)、Xtips(香港)、PCStation 電腦1週(香港)、A級精選(香港)、Biz.IT(香港)、新電子科技雜誌、新通訊元件雜誌 【女性時尚】 ViVi 唯妳時尚國際中文版精選、mina 米娜時尚國際中文版精選、with 與妳時尚國際中文版精選、VOCE美妝時尚國際中文版、BEAUTY 美人誌、BEAUTY 大美人、VOGUE、ELLE 她、ELLE ACCESSORIES、ELLE WEDDING、美麗佳人、Harper's Bazaar、Choc恰女生、愛女生、Bella儂儂、InStyle 時尚樂、Jasmine髮型精選系列、FASHION QUEEN 時尚女王雜誌、皖美誌、Dr. BEAUTY 醫美時尚、明潮、JET(香港)、NM+ New Monday(香港)、More(香港) 【男性時尚】 GQ、men's uno男人誌、君子、COOL流行酷報、men's uno...

Price: Free Developer: Kono Digital Inc.
VINCI Shareholders

VINCI Shareholders

VINCI app allow to follow Group news. - Press release and news as soon as published. - VINCI publications - Official tweets - Group videos - become a member of the club for individual shareholders - register to events of the club...

Price: Free Developer: VINCI
VRM News-App

VRM News-App

+++Neue VRM News-App+++ Frischer. Moderner. Intuitiver. Unsere News-App wurde komplett überarbeitet und erstrahlt unter dem neuen Namen VRM News ab sofort in einem moderneren Design. Aber nicht nur die Optik hat sich verändert, auch die Benutzerfreundlichkeit sowie der Funktionsumfang wurden...

Price: Free Developer: Rhein Main Digital GmbH
°m News

°m News

+++Neue °m News-App+++ Frischer. Moderner. Intuitiver. Unsere Mittelhessen News-App °m News wurde komplett überarbeitet und erstrahlt ab sofort in einem moderneren Design. Aber nicht nur die Optik hat sich verändert, auch die Benutzerfreundlichkeit sowie der Funktionsumfang wurden erweitert. Beim Start...

Price: Free Developer: Gießener Anzeiger Verlags GmbH & Co KG
South Carolina ETV

South Carolina ETV

South Carolina ETV: The South Carolina ETV App allows you to watch and listen to all of SCETV programs, Radio and TV! The app provides On-Demand content of all your favorite shows, live streaming of the radio channels, PBS Kids!...

Price: Free Developer: The South Carolina Educational Television Commision
South African Newspapers

South African Newspapers

South Africa News Read your favorite South Africa news. From South Africa political sports news to South Africa entertainment news,to South Africa business news and a lot more. All the best news content South Africa has to offer is for...

Price: Free Developer: Grematech Communication
TV of South Africa (TV of RSA)

TV of South Africa (TV of RSA)

TV of South Africa - South African TV online and TV programs for free. TV of South Africa is TV application that allows to watch TV channels you love. Customize and organize TV channels and enjoy watching them anytime...

Price: Free Developer: SERHII SKURENKO
TV Uhlelo Program South Africa : the south-african TV listings (ZA)

TV Uhlelo Program South Africa : the south-african TV listings (ZA)

TV Guide South Africa allows you to view the TV program of all your favorite South African TV channels. More on the App: • Works over WiFi, 4G, 3G or EDGE. • Works in South Africa or abroad. • Nominated for optimized and...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
TV Uhlelo Program South Africa • TV Guide (ZA)

TV Uhlelo Program South Africa • TV Guide (ZA)

TV-Guide South Africa allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major South African TV stations all over South Africa (ZA)! An easy access to the best...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
South Coast Shopper

South Coast Shopper

This South Coast Shopper app provides local news and information, along with weekly classified ads from the community. *(10 word classified ads are free to the public). Sellers read the Shopper to see their ads, buyers read the Shopper...

Price: Free Developer: Innovation Delivered, LLC


You want to be up-to-date on what's happening regarding Science in SouthTyrol anywhere and anytime? The new Science-App makes this possible. One click and you'll get news on Free University of Bolzano-Bozen Eurac Research Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Laimburg “Monteverdi” Conservatory of...

Price: Free Developer: Scientific Network South Tyrol
97.3 ESPN (WENJ)

97.3 ESPN (WENJ)

Get the latest news and information, weather coverage and traffic updates in the South Jersey area with the 97.3 ESPN South Jersey app! Listen to the station live and interact with the hosts – you can direct message and...

Price: Free Developer: Townsquare Media, LLC


Take South Florida’s public radio station everywhere you go. WLRN’s app includes two live radio streams, on-demand programs, digital exclusive audio news, podcast downloads and all the great South Florida storytelling you’ve come to expect from WLRN. Discover the...

Price: Free Developer: FRIENDS OF WLRN, INC.

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