Top 38 Education Apps Like USD 312 Haven, KS - Best Alternatives

USD 312 Haven, KS Alternatives

Do you want to find the best USD 312 Haven, KS alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Education apps that are similar to USD 312 Haven, KS. Pick one from this list to be your new USD 312 Haven, KS app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to USD 312 Haven, KS on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like USD 312 Haven, KS - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid USD 312 Haven, KS alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like USD 312 Haven, KS 2025.

Baldwin City USD 348

Baldwin City USD 348

The official app for Baldwin City USD 348 allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Baldwin City USD 348
Central Heights USD 288, KS

Central Heights USD 288, KS

The official app for the Central Heights USD 228, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty...

Price: Free Developer: USD 288 Central Heights
Centre Cougars USD 397, KS

Centre Cougars USD 397, KS

The official app for Centre Cougars USD 397, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Centre USD 397
Covina-Valley USD

Covina-Valley USD

The official Covina-Valley USD app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View District and school news -Use the district...

Price: Free Developer: Covina-Valley USD
Fairfield USD 310

Fairfield USD 310

The official app for Fairfield USD 310 allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district....

Price: Free Developer: Fairfield USD 310
Fort Leavenworth USD 207

Fort Leavenworth USD 207

The Fort Leavenworth USD 207 Mobile App is a one stop shop for parents, staff and students providing quick and easy access to Skyward, RevTrak, School Calendars, Menus, Employment Opportunities, Facebook, Twitter, Bus Compass and even 360 VR tours...

Price: Free Developer: USD 207 Fort Leavenworth
Fort Scott USD 234, KS

Fort Scott USD 234, KS

The official app for Fort Scott USD 234, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Fort Scott USD 234, KS
Fredonia USD 484

Fredonia USD 484

The Fredonia USD 484 app keeps you connected with the district, from the front office to your student's classroom. Get news, announcements, calendars, and even grades and attendance straight from the source.

Price: Free Developer: USD 484 Programming
Hays USD 489, KS

Hays USD 489, KS

The official app for Hays USD 489, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Hays USD 489
Hesperia USD, CA

Hesperia USD, CA

The official app for Hesperia USD, CA allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district....

Price: Free Developer: Hesperia USD, CA
CEH Certification 312-50 Exam

CEH Certification 312-50 Exam

Free practice tests for CEH(Certified Ethical Hacker) 312-50 Exam v9. Around 1100 questions with answers/explanations. CEH v9 vs. v10: Good news from EC-Council: If you have been studying for v9, then you will still be set for v10. Per their...

Price: Free Developer: ZIROTEK Corp.
CEH v10, Exam 312-50

CEH v10, Exam 312-50

As protecting information becomes a rapidly growing concern for today’s businesses, certifications in IT security have become highly desirable, even as the number of certifications has grown. Now you can set yourself apart with the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandru Cebotari
CEH v9 312-50, Hacking Certif.

CEH v9 312-50, Hacking Certif.

This application is your ideal companion for CEH v9 exam preparation. Covering all sections of the exam, the questions highlights essential topics like intrusion detection, DDoS attacks, buffer overflows, and malware creation in detail, and puts the concepts into...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandru Cebotari
CEH v9 Exa 312-50, Hacking PRO

CEH v9 Exa 312-50, Hacking PRO

This application is your ideal companion for CEH v9 exam preparation. Covering all sections of the exam, the questions highlights essential topics like intrusion detection, DDoS attacks, buffer overflows, and malware creation in detail, and puts the concepts into...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Alexandru Cebotari
CEH Exam Prep

CEH Exam Prep

Study for your Certified Ethical Hacker Certification exam on the go. - Over 500 hundred practice questions - Choose specific modules to practice, or let the app automatically focus on your weakest performing modules based on previous practice tests - Measure your...

Price: Free Developer: Chris Ryan
FP3級 試験問題対策 アプリ-オンスク.JP

FP3級 試験問題対策 アプリ-オンスク.JP

お金に関する知識を幅広く学べる資格 「FP3級(ファイナンシャルプランナー)」の学習アプリです。 -----ここがポイント!----- ◎資格の学校TACのノウハウを結集した充実のコンテンツ! ◎問題演習 初級編を無料で提供!しかも、アプリならではの便利な機能が満載! ◎オリエンテーション・入門講義ムービーがスマホ上で無料視聴できます! -------主なアプリの機能---------- ●問題演習 ◇312問を収録 ◇「テーマ別」モード 学習するテーマを選択すると、該当テーマの問題にチャレンジできます。 ◇「ミス問題」 過去に間違えた問題だけを抽出して出題する機能を搭載。効率良く弱点の克服が可能です。   ◇「チェック問題」(ブックマーク) 自分でチェックしておいた問題のみを呼び出して繰り返しチャレンジできます。 ◇「テスト機能」 10問、15問、30問の3パターンでチャレンジ可能。 ランダムに出題されるので、ゲーム感覚で手軽にチャレンジできます。 ●講義ムービー ◇はじめから 第1章から順番に講義を視聴していきます。 ◇テーマを選ぶ 視聴したい講義をテーマで選ぶことも可能です。 -----オンスク FP3級アプリ 概要------ ●担当講師 長沼 満美愛 ●演習問題 312問収録 ●講義ムービー オリエンテーション・入門講義 無料収録 ●章立て 1-1.ファイナンシャル・プランニングと関連法規 1-2.ライフプランニングの手法・プロセスその1 1-3.ライフプランニングの手法・プロセスその2 1-4.住宅ローン/教育資金 1-5.公的医療保険(健康保険) 1-6.雇用保険/労災保険 1-7.公的年金その1 1-8.公的年金その2 1-9.企業年金・個人年金/公的介護保険 2-1.生命保険の基本 2-2.生命保険商品の種類と内容 2-3.第3分野の保険 2-4.保険契約の手続き 2-5.生命保険に関する税金/契約者保護に関する制度 2-6.損害保険のしくみ 2-7.自動車保険・傷害保険 2-8.火災保険と地震保険 3-1.マーケット環境の理解 3-2.預金等の金融商品 3-3.債券投資その1 3-4.債券投資その2 3-5.株式投資 3-6.投資信託 3-7.ポートフォリオ運用と金融派生商品/金融商品の税金 3-8.金融取引に関する法律/セーフティネット 4-1.所得税のしくみ/所得税の申告・納付 4-2.給与所得と退職所得 4-3.事業所得/不動産所得 4-4.利子所得と配当所得 4-5.譲渡所得 4-6.一時所得・雑所得 4-7.所得税における非課税所得/所得税における損益通算 4-8.生命保険料控除・地震保険料控除/社会保険料控除・小規模企業共済等掛金控除 4-9.医療費控除/配偶者控除・配偶者特別控除 4-10.扶養控除・障害者控除・勤労学生控除・基礎控除/税額控除 5-1.不動産の見方/不動産の価格 5-2.不動産の取引 5-3.建築基準法 5-4.都市計画法 5-5.不動産の取得時・保有時の税金 5-6.不動産の譲渡時の税金 5-7.区分所有法/不動産の有効活用 6-1.贈与の意義と形態/贈与税の課税財産・非課税財産 6-2.贈与税の計算と納付 6-3.相続の開始と相続分 6-4.相続の承認と放棄/遺言と遺留分 6-5.相続税の課税財産・非課税財産 6-6.相続税の計算 6-7.相続税の申告と納付 6-8.相続財産の評価 不動産/相続財産の評価 金融資産/相続財産の評価 取引相場のない株式 7-1.キャッシュフロー表に関する計算 7-2.個人バランスシートに関する計算 7-3.各種係数に関する計算 7-4.生命保険の各種保険金・給付金の計算 7-5.建ぺい率・容積率の計算 7-6.法定相続分の計算 7-7.株式投資の指標の計算 -----FP3級とはどんな資格?------ 「日々の暮らしに役立つ」 FPの学習をすることで身につく保険や貯蓄、年金や税金等の知識は、仕事に活かせるだけでなく、自分や家族の家計管理や資産運用にも役立てることができます。 「転職・就職・キャリアアップに役立つ」 銀行や証券企業、金融企業、保険企業等の金融機関では、学んだ知識をそのまま活かすことができます。これらの会社では、FP資格の取得が昇進の要件となっていることもあります。 「独立開業することもできる」 ライフプランの設計・提案業務や、各種セミナー、執筆業などで生計を立てる「独立系FP」という道も。その場合、他の資格(社会保険労務士や税理士など)も併せ持つと良いでしょう。 -----こんな方にオススメ------ ・ファイナンシャルプランナー3級の学科試験対策無料アプリを探している方 ・無料でFP3級の一問一答ができるアプリで検定対策を考えている方 ・ファイナンシャルプランナー3級のアプリで過去問を受験学習したい方 ・アプリでFP3級の動画を視聴したい方 ・アプリでFP3級の一問一答を実施したい方 ・FP3級を勉強して独学でスキルアップしたい方や転職したい方 ・問題集やテキストだけでは足らず、アプリで資格や検定の一問一答がしたい社会人の方 ・ゲーム感覚で無料できる資格のテキスト、問題集アプリで勉強時間の短縮がしたい社会人の方 ・資格を取りたいけどどんな資格の試験勉強をしようか迷っている社会人の方 ・通信教育でFP3級を学びスキルアップしたい方 ・過去問を参考にした出題率が高い一問一答をしたい方 ・人気のファイナンシャルプランナー3級のテキスト・問題集を探していた方 ・就職予定の大学生でテスト・試験勉強、検定対策がしたい方 ・基礎から通信教育アプリで勉強し合格したい方 ・資格取得でスキルアップして転職・就職を考えている社会人・大学生の方 ・資格、検定の取得に関心があり、更なるスキルアップを考えている方 ・過去にFP3級の資格を取得したが復習して再度合格を勝ち取りたい社会人の方 ・転職・就職活動したいと考えている方 ・会社法、商法を独学で勉強したい方 ・過去問の問題集、テキスト等で既にFP3級の学科試験勉強を初めている方で移動時間にも更にスキルアップをはかりたいと考えている方 ・外出中のほんの少しの時間も無料アプリでFP3級のテストの勉強時間に費やしたい方 ・これからFP3級を受験する為、テスト、検定対策がしたいと考えている方 ・テキストだけでは足らずにFP3級のテスト用の学科試験勉強アプリを探している方 ・通信教育でファイナンシャルプランナー3級の復習がしたい方 ・FP3級学科試験用の一問一答ができる受験用アプリを探している方 ・アプリでFP3級の過去問の問題演習をした方 ・資産運用や株式投資に興味のある方 ・経営管理・経営分析ができるようになりたい方 ・FP3級の資格を取得する事で給与がアップする保険企業、金融企業の方 ・無料アプリを使って勉強時間を短縮し、独学でFP3級を勉強し合格を狙っている方 ・企業で有利に働く知識を身につけたい方 ・資格で企業への転職を有利に進めたい方 ・通信教育で資格取得に興味がある方 ・テキスト学習ではなくゲームの方が勉強が捗る方 ・過去問の演習を一通り終え、総合的な受験学習をしたいと考えている方 ・自宅での独学に勉強時間が取れない方 ・FP3級を基礎的なところから独学で勉強して合格を狙いたい方 ・独学でFP3級の勉強がしたい方 ・無料でFP3級の問題演習がしたい方 ・FP3級を動画で勉強したい方 ・ファイナンシャルプランナーの試験を受験して合格を勝ち取りたい方 ・空き時間に無料アプリで試験勉強したい方 ・ゲーム感覚の無料アプリで試験勉強したい方 ・保険、金融業界への転職を考えている方 ・保険、金融業界へ就職したい

Price: Free Developer: ONLINE SCHOOL
Word Roots Level 2

Word Roots Level 2

---- Learning the Building Blocks of Better Spelling and Vocabulary ---- Empowers students to acquire an unlimited vocabulary, preparing them for testing and higher education! Students learn the meaning and spelling of Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes that are...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Word Roots Level 2 Lite

Word Roots Level 2 Lite

---- Learning the Building Blocks of Better Spelling and Vocabulary ---- Empowers students to acquire an unlimited vocabulary, preparing them for testing and higher education! Students learn the meaning and spelling of Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes that are...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.


Una semplice applicazione con più di 8.700 questionari a risposta multipla di Cultura Generale (Storia, Italiano, Diritto, Geografia, Arte, Scienze, Matematica, Geometria, Logica, Informatica, Attualità). Verifica il tuo livello di preparazione prima di affrontare concorsi pubblici od altri test di...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Giuseppe Cigala
Haven Community Church | MD

Haven Community Church | MD

Welcome to the Haven Community Church mobile application. Staying connected to Haven is as easy as downloading this app! Get immediate access to Pastor Jack Cohen’s messages, praise & worship music, and other Haven events, media, and more. We exist...

Price: Free Developer: Haven Community Church
Beth Haven Christian School–KY

Beth Haven Christian School–KY

Welcome to Beth Haven Christian School in Louisville, Kentucky! School Mission: Beth Haven Christian School, in partnership with families, exists to graduate Christian leaders who seek to impact their world for the Lord Jesus Christ through academic excellence and spiritual...

Price: Free Developer: Beth Haven Baptist Church Inc.
Winter Haven Christian School

Winter Haven Christian School

Welcome to Winter Haven Christian School in Winter Haven, Florida! Check out the key features of the Winter Haven Christian School App below: Calendar: - Keep track of the events that are relevant to you. - Get personalized notifications reminding you...

Price: Free Developer: Winter Haven Christian School
Notre Dame High School – West Haven

Notre Dame High School – West Haven

This is the official App of Notre Dame High School. Notre Dame High School is a college-preparatory, all boys high school in West Haven, Connecticut rooted in the educational tradition of the Congregation of Holy Cross. Staying in touch...

Price: Free Developer: Notre Dame High School – West Haven
Safe Haven Community Service

Safe Haven Community Service

This app allows you to earn community service hours from a A Safe Haven for Newborns by helping to raise awareness of newborn abandonment. You can upload posters, videos, and even participate in our social media campaign.

Price: Free Developer: A Safe Haven for Newborns
South Haven Schools USD 509

South Haven Schools USD 509

The official South Haven Schools USD 509 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View district and school news -Use...

Price: Free Developer: South Haven Public Schools
Little haven Nursery

Little haven Nursery


Price: Free Developer: ReportZ
PMTS North Haven

PMTS North Haven

Paul Mitchell the School North Haven provides an amazing education in the cosmetology and beauty related industries. As a Paul Mitchell-trained professional, you can realize your artistic dreams and work almost anywhere in the world, that can be...

Price: Free Developer: Klass Apps Inc.
Grace Lutheran - Winter Haven

Grace Lutheran - Winter Haven

Welcome to the Grace Lutheran School mobile app! The mission of Grace Lutheran School is to provide its students and their families with a strong spiritual and academic foundation so that they know and understand God’s plan of salvation through...

Price: Free Developer: Grace Lutheran Church Day
Bishop Ward High School, KS

Bishop Ward High School, KS

The official app for Bishop Ward High School, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Bishop Ward High School, KS
Cheney USD 268, KS

Cheney USD 268, KS

The official app for Cheney USD 268, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Cheney Unified School District 268, KS
Christ the King - Topeka, KS

Christ the King - Topeka, KS

Stay up to date with Christ the King Catholic Church and School in Topeka, KS. Our app will help you stay connected with everything here at Christ the King. You will find direct access to parish news, calendar, and...

Price: Free Developer: Christ the King Catholic Church - Topeka, KS
Hillsboro USD 410, KS

Hillsboro USD 410, KS

The official app for Hillsboro USD 410, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Hillsboro USD 410, KS
Hugoton USD 210, KS

Hugoton USD 210, KS

The official app for Hugoton USD 210, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Hugoton USD 210, KS
Oswego USD 504, KS

Oswego USD 504, KS

The official app for Oswego USD 504, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Oswego Schools USD #504, KS
Mother Teresa - Topeka, KS

Mother Teresa - Topeka, KS

Stay up to date with Mother Teresa Catholic Church, Topeka, KS. Our app will help you stay connected with everything here at Mother Teresa Catholic Church in Topeka, KS. You will find direct access to parish news, calendar,...

Price: Free Developer: Mother Teresa Catholic Church
Blue Valley Schools KS

Blue Valley Schools KS

The official Blue Valley Schools KS app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View District...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Valley School District
Caney Valley USD 436, KS

Caney Valley USD 436, KS

The official app for Caney Valley USD 436, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Caney Valley Unified School District 436

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