Top 34 Education Apps Like CBT UN SMA IPS - Best Alternatives

CBT UN SMA IPS Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CBT UN SMA IPS alternatives for iOS? We have listed 34 Education apps that are similar to CBT UN SMA IPS. Pick one from this list to be your new CBT UN SMA IPS app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CBT UN SMA IPS on your iOS devices.

Top 34 Apps Like CBT UN SMA IPS - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CBT UN SMA IPS alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like CBT UN SMA IPS 2025.

CBT Nuggets

CBT Nuggets

Never miss an opportunity to learn with the CBT Nuggets app. Watch our courses anytime, anywhere on your iPhone or iPad. - Get convenient access to our entire library of IT training courses.
 - Download videos to continue learning offline while...

Price: Free Developer: CBT Nuggets
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Your Mind Over Your Mood (+2000 study notes & quiz)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Your Mind Over Your Mood (+2000 study notes & quiz)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Your Mind Over Your Mood. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy. It was originally designed to treat depression, but is now used for a number of mental disorders This app is a combination of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Karim SLITI


Nurses, pass your CBT (computer-based test) on your first attempt! Get access to first-hand questions that will likely appear in your UK NMC CBT exams with simulations that you will encounter in your actual CBT test. Plus, you can...

CBT for Nurses - NMC CBT APP

CBT for Nurses - NMC CBT APP

From our centres in London, United Kingdom, we have compiled this excellent NMC CBT app to help you with your preparation. The app includes NMC CBT type test questions written by UK Nurse Educators - who are also practising...

Price: Free Developer: IELTS Medical LTD
A330 CBT Quiz

A330 CBT Quiz

A330 CBT Quiz App for iPad provides 235 different A330 Computer Based Training (CBT) Quiz questions & their correct answers as a self study tool to help prepare for the A330 CBT Quiz for current & future A330 pilots....

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: IT International
TF-CBT Triangle of Life

TF-CBT Triangle of Life

TF-CBT Triangle of Life – Understanding the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviors • Designed to assist therapists in treating traumatized children and adolescents • Enjoyable, educational, transformational • Produced with the clinical experts who developed Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Traumatic experiences such as...

Price: Free Developer: Allegheny Health Network
CBT Exam Questions 2017 Edition

CBT Exam Questions 2017 Edition

PASS YOUR EXAM IN THE FIRST TRY WITH THE FOLLOWING REASONS: +) BREAK hundreds of practice questions and flashcards INTO small sets +) MASTER each study set effortlessly by many scientific proven methods: Multiple Choice, True/False, Matching, etc +)...

Price: Free Developer: Bua Nguyen


Ujian Nasional menggunakan sistem Computer Based Test (CBT) atau UN berbasis komputer secara bertahap telah dimulai tahun 2015. Pelaksanaan UN-CBT yang dirasa sukses akan dilanjutkan untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya. Buku ini menyediakan bonus CD interaktif dan Aplikasi IOS UN – CBT...

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum


Ujian Nasional menggunakan sistem Computer Based Test (CBT) atau UN berbasis komputer secara bertahap telah dimulai tahun 2015. Pelaksanaan UN-CBT yang dirasa sukses akan dilanjutkan untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya. Aplikasi IOS UN – CBT yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan latihan yang...

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum
Bailando un Tesoro

Bailando un Tesoro

Con Bailando un Tesoro te traemos el primer videojuego de Danza Española del mundo. Un juego mágico y distinto con el que podrás vivir en tu propia piel la evolución de un/a joven bailarín/a desde su juventud hasta llegar...

Price: Free Developer: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Un juego de memoria para niños

Un juego de memoria para niños

Un juego de memoria para niños Bienvenido a Shuby 4 juegos de memoria para niños Los juegos son enriquecedores y divertidos Cuatro juegos originales y dvertidos para mejorar las diferentes habilidades de memoria. Los juegos han sido caracterizados por un psicólogo con una orientación...

Price: Free Developer: Rony Arbiv
Learn UN Official Languages

Learn UN Official Languages

Learn UN Official Languages app is a comprehensive language learning app. It is designed from beginners to expert level. The offline language learning app is equipped with 2135 essential words and phrases neatly stacked under 55 useful categories. Features...

Price: Free Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Un memory game per bambini

Un memory game per bambini

Un memory game per bambini Benvenuto su Shuby Quattro memory game bimbi Giochi educativi, belli, originali Quattro giochi originali e divertenti per migliorare le diverse abilità mnemoniche. I giochi sono caratterizzati da uno psicologo con la proposizione di rafforzare l'autostima del bambino, attraverso un...

Price: Free Developer: Rony Arbiv
Seerat-un-Nabi Biography

Seerat-un-Nabi Biography

Seerat un Nabi (S.A.W), very easy to read and understand. You don't have any need to consult any alim to discuss How rasool Allah S.A.W deal with his companions, just open this app and read. Seerat-un-Nabi - Biography of...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Runashimi UN

Runashimi UN

La aplicación móvil RunaShimi UN busca ser un juego de práctica de la lengua bajo un contexto cultural, el viaje que debe emprender el indígena nativo de Otavalo hasta llegar a lugares foráneos como Sesquilé y allí establecerse. El...

Price: Free Developer: Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Women & UN Guide by NGO CSW NY

Women & UN Guide by NGO CSW NY

Language equals power at the UN. This Guide introduces you to the tools and knowledge you need to advocate at the UN. This app is based on the online printable booklet entitled " A Guide for NGOs and Women's...

Price: Free Developer: Lucid. Berlin
SMA Virtual Support

SMA Virtual Support

Maintenance of central inverters has never been easier. The SMA Virtual Support App supports service and visualizes step-by-step how components and assemblies can be replaced on site. For the first time, components can be localized via an augmented reality...

Price: Free Developer: oculavis
Ringkasan Materi SMA SAINTEK

Ringkasan Materi SMA SAINTEK

Secara Etimologi atau asal-usul, kata pendidikan dalam bahasa inggris disebut dengan education, dalam bahasa latin pendidikan disebut dengan educatum yang tersusun dari dua kata yaitu E dan Duco dimana kata E berarti sebuah perkembangan dari dalam ke luar atau...

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum


免許を取りたい人、自動車教習所に通う人のためのアプリが登場! D-Smaでは、通っている教習所との連絡や予約の確認・友達の紹介などがこのアプリで可能になります。 ●D-Smaの機能について● -お知らせ機能 プッシュ通知を利用して、連絡事項をお届けする機能です。 大事な連絡を見落とすことなく、いつでも見ることが出来ます。 -チャット機能- 教習所の方と簡単なチャットを送り合える機能です。 インターネットに繋がっていれば、ほぼリアルタイムで更新され、未読や既読も分かりますので、メッセージが届いたかが簡単に確認出来ます。 -教習所(HP)機能- 教習所のHPをアプリの中から見ることが出来る機能です。 アクセス方法や営業時間、電話番号などを簡単に調べることが出来ます。 -予約確認機能- 時間割形式で自分の予定を把握出来る機能です。 明日の講習がすぐに分かります。 -紹介機能- お得なキャンペーン情報を受け取ることが出来る機能です。 タッチでコピーが出来るので、そのまま紹介に利用することが出来ます。

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社プロフィット
Ringkasan Materi SMA IPA

Ringkasan Materi SMA IPA

Ujian Nasional (UN) danUjian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN) ialah kegiatan pengukuran capaian kompetensi siswa yang dilakukan sekolah untuk mata pelajaran tertentu dengan mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk memperoleh pengakuan atas prestasi belajar. materi disusun berdasarkan kisi-kisi UN dan...

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum
Ringkasan Materi SMA IPS

Ringkasan Materi SMA IPS

Ujian Nasional (UN) danUjian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN) ialah kegiatan pengukuran capaian kompetensi siswa yang dilakukan sekolah untuk mata pelajaran tertentu dengan mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk memperoleh pengakuan atas prestasi belajar. materi disusun berdasarkan kisi-kisi UN dan...

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum
QRActive Prediksi SMA IPA 2020

QRActive Prediksi SMA IPA 2020

Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk scan QRCode dalam buku Prediksi UN SMA IPA 2020

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum
QRActive Prediksi SMA IPS 2020

QRActive Prediksi SMA IPS 2020

Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk scan QRCode dalam buku Prediksi UN SMA IPS 2020

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum
SMA Parent Portal

SMA Parent Portal

SMA Parent Portal is a Mobile and Web Solution that integrates Students, Parents, and School Management, providing a comprehensive Communication system for the school management to effectively communicate with the Parents. The Performance, Conduct, Tasks, Library ,Exam schedules of...

Price: Free Developer: ORGware


Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN) ialah kegiatan pengukuran capaian kompetensi siswa yang dilakukan sekolah untuk mata pelajaran tertentu dengan mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk memperoleh pengakuan atas prestasi belajar. Soal-soal USBN disusun berdasarkan kisi-kisi USBN. Kisi-kisi USBN ialah...

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum


Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN) ialah kegiatan pengukuran capaian kompetensi siswa yang dilakukan sekolah untuk mata pelajaran tertentu dengan mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk memperoleh pengakuan atas prestasi belajar. Soal-soal USBN disusun berdasarkan kisi-kisi USBN. Kisi-kisi USBN ialah...

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum
IPS Mastermind

IPS Mastermind

If you are ready for serious transformation in your photography business and your life, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the IPS Mastermind app! Download the app for free to access all your courses and lessons on-the-go....

Price: Free Developer: IPS Mastermind LLC


How were iPS cells found? It was expected that the creation of iPS cells would require complex experiments, but in reality the experiments were relatively simple. iPS MASTER is designed to show you the experiments and process that led to...

Price: Free Developer: KYOTO UNIVERSITY
IPS Online

IPS Online

In 1972 a Workshop was organized by the Dental Council of India on "Prosthodontics" under the Chairmanship of Dr. T.M. Udani, Professor and Head of the Dept. of Prosthodontics, Govt. Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai. The work was patronized...

Price: Free Developer: Mandava Srinivasarao
IPS College

IPS College

IPS Mobile App is the exclusive app for students of IPS College of Technology & Management. The app provides access to a number of useful campus services from your mobile device. Get exclusive student discounts across various merchants. Check Notices of...

Price: Free Developer: Kryptos Mobile
Kjos IPS

Kjos IPS

Whether you’re a music student or teacher, the Kjos Interactive Practice Studio App provides a whole new way for you to experience your favorite Kjos Music publications. Whether you want to supplement a hard-copy book you own or experience...

Price: Free Developer: Pygraphics, Inc.
Glengormley IPS

Glengormley IPS

At Glengormley IPS, it is our belief that education should lead change and that the future for our children and our community is brighter if children live and work together in an atmosphere of reconciliation and trust. Differences are...

iPS Course Platform

iPS Course Platform

iPhone Photography School Course Platform is a global place for learning iPhone Photography, Access more than 400+ lectures. More than 10,000 students are mastering taking iPhone photos that everyone adores. Whether you’re looking to explore new hobby or advance...

Price: Free Developer: iPS Media SIA

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