Top 20 Finance Apps Like F&I Assistant - Best Alternatives

F&I Assistant Alternatives

Do you want to find the best F&I Assistant alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Finance apps that are similar to F&I Assistant. Pick one from this list to be your new F&I Assistant app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to F&I Assistant on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like F&I Assistant - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid F&I Assistant alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like F&I Assistant 2025.

Handelsbanken FI - Henkilöas

Handelsbanken FI - Henkilöas

Handelsbankenin mobiilipankissa hoidat päivittäiset raha-asiat. Mobiilipankin käyttöä varten tarvitset verkkopankkisopimuksen, jonka allekirjoitat omassa konttorissasi. Mobiilipankissa voit esimerkiksi: - Kirjautua PIN-koodilla tai Handelsbankenin Vahvista-sovelluksella - Tarkistaa tilien saldon ja uusimmat tilitapahtumat etusivulta - Siirtää rahaa ja tehdä maksuja helposti ja nopeasti - Skannata laskujen...

Price: Free Developer: Svenska Handelsbanken (publ)
Mobiilipankki FI – Danske Bank

Mobiilipankki FI – Danske Bank

We have developed a brand new mobile banking solution that allows you to manage your finances and reach your goals even easier than in the old version of the solution. The new mobile banking solution offers many brand new...

Price: Free Developer: Danske Bank Group


Apply for and manage your Flexi-Fi account from our app. Check out our range of more than 600 partner stores. Set up an account, get approved and start spending today. Manage your account and amend your details. Manage a business account.

Price: Free Developer: Flexi-Fi Europe Ltd.
FI Sense

FI Sense

ABOUT CGIA FI SENSE APP CGIA FI Sense - Finance and Investment Sense App provides a comprehensive insights into global markets, business, investments and finance insights as they happen. We believe that everyone needs to know what's happening in the finance...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Frimpong
Corp Fi

Corp Fi

Corp Fi, short for "Corporate Finance", is a utility app for the Finance community who would find value in having real-time access to stock information, finance definitions, AND finance calculators ... all in one place at their finger...

Price: Free Developer: Indefinite Domain LLC
FI Toolkit

FI Toolkit

--- The goal is to Achieve Financial Independence --- Start with entering your current financials, a few basics about your saving and spending, and the age that you want to achieve FI. Applying some simple assumptions, FI Toolkit will...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Steve Welch
POP Avain

POP Avain

POP Pankkien tunnuslukusovelluksella, POP Avaimella, voit tunnistautua verkkopankkiin tai kolmansien osapuolien palveluihin, kuten esim. tai Voit lisäksi vahvistaa verkkopankissa tekemiäsi maksuja tai toimeksiantoja POP Avaimella. Myös verkkokauppaostoksesi onnistuvat POP Avaimen avulla. Voit ottaa sovelluksen käyttöön, kun olet...

Price: Free Developer: POP Pankki


OmaUB-sovelluksella voit seurata sijoitustesi kehitystä entistä vaivattomammin. Salkkuyhteenveto, tapahtumat, tuottohistoria ja salkun jakauma ovat saatavilla ympäri vuorokauden kaikille UB:n säilytyksillesi. Touch ID:tä tukevilla laitteilla sijoitukset ovat kirjaimellisesti kosketuksen päässä – turvallisesti. Sovelluksen avulla saat myös yhteyden henkilökohtaiseen yhteyshenkilöösi, joten UB:n...

Price: Free Developer: United Bankers Oyj


Vahvista-sovelluksella voit kirjautua Handelsbankenin mobiilipankkiin, verkkopankkiin ja yritysverkkopankkiin ja vahvistaa maksuja ja tapahtumia. Voit tunnistautua turvallisesti kolmansien osapuolien palveluihin, kuten esim. tai Myös verkkokauppaostoksesi onnistuvat Vahvista-sovelluksella. Voit siis käyttää Vahvista-sovellusta avaintunnuskortin sijaan kaikissa Handelsbankenin verkkopalveluissa. Lataa sovellus,...

Price: Free Developer: Svenska Handelsbanken (publ)
Nordea Codes

Nordea Codes

The Nordea Codes app is an easy and secure way to authenticate. With the code app you can do your banking regardless of time and place. With the code app you: - log in to Nordea services and confirm actions -...

Price: Free Developer: Nordea Bank
Wolfram Corporate Finance Professional Assistant

Wolfram Corporate Finance Professional Assistant

The Wolfram Corporate Finance Professional Assistant is an essential tool for professionals and students in the finance field. Whether you are making investment decisions, trading futures, or involved in other financial transactions, this app will have every calculation you...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Wolfram Group LLC
Wolfram Personal Finance Assistant App

Wolfram Personal Finance Assistant App

The Wolfram Personal Finance Assistant App includes basic and complex calculations to help you manage your life. Use the app to plan for your future, calculate your current expenses, and find ways to pay off your loans faster. Thinking...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wolfram Group LLC
Bill Assistant Pro

Bill Assistant Pro

◆ Featured in The Independent UK Newspaper "Bill Assistant will make your life easier" - Bill Assistant keeps track of your bills for you. You can see which bills are due soon, see how much you are due to pay, keep...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: MoneyBudgie
Bill Assistant

Bill Assistant

Bill Assistant keeps track of your bills for you. You can see which bills are due soon, see how much you are due to pay, keep a record of your payments and have the App remind you when your bills...

Price: Free Developer: MoneyBudgie
Wolfram Bond Pricing Professional Assistant

Wolfram Bond Pricing Professional Assistant

Perform computations with bond prices, bond duration, coupon rates, certificates of deposit, treasury bills, and more with the Wolfram Bond Pricing Professional Assistant. Determine bond prices to make informed decisions about your bond purchasing efforts. - Compute settlement-to-maturity period...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wolfram Group LLC
Wolfram Capital Budgeting Professional Assistant

Wolfram Capital Budgeting Professional Assistant

When you need information about planning your long-term business investments, the Wolfram Capital Budgeting Professional Assistant will guide your decisions with calculators for depreciation, economic value added, rates of return, annuity values, and much more. This app provides accurate...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Wolfram Group LLC
Wolfram Retirement Planners Professional Assistant

Wolfram Retirement Planners Professional Assistant

Let the Wolfram Retirement Planner's Professional Assistant guide you to many years of successful, fulfilling retirement. With the ability to compute and predict the value of investments, mortgage payments, taxes and inflation, pension, and costs of living, you will...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Wolfram Group LLC
Wolfram Stock Trader's Professional Assistant

Wolfram Stock Trader's Professional Assistant

Use the Wolfram Stock Trader's Professional Assistant to access historical data and build trading charts with indicators for stocks, funds, indices, futures, equity valuations, and more. You'll have up-to-date access to stock trading data to be ahead of the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wolfram Group LLC
Arya Finance Assistant

Arya Finance Assistant

Arya is artificial intelligence supported finance assistant. Arya will help online parity, cfd, buy and sell of commodities decision making process. Arya will evaluate your account statements and considers market conditions when you made those trades. Arya will learn...

Price: Free Developer: Orkun Sanli

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