Do you want to find the best Route 23 Kia alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Business apps that are similar to Route 23 Kia. Pick one from this list to be your new Route 23 Kia app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Route 23 Kia on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Route 23 Kia alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Route 23 Kia 2025.
Route 23 Auto Mall is here to meet each of your automotive needs by providing friendly service, precise attention to detail and, of course, a superb selection. So whether you're in the market for a new Ford model, a...
Route is a sales management platform for the building services industry, helping teams of any size monitor and streamline their deals through an all digital process as simple as (1) Walkthroughs, (2) Estimates and (3) Proposals. Walkthrough Builder: Schedule, assign...
Route Planner App optimizes the delivery routes to save your money on fuel. Smart route planning and optimization are difficult, and unlike any other GPS routing or navigation system app, Route Planner Immediately re-sequences your whole route in the correct...
HP Capture and Route enables capture of electronic and hardcopy documents, conversion of those documents into a variety of digital formats—including PDF, TIFF, and Microsoft® Word .doc, .docx, JPG, or RTF, and routing of the documents and...
Route Pal is a route utility app designed to assist drivers with garment pickup and delivery for users of Fabricare Manager dry cleaning software. Route Pal can download route lists of customers and assist drivers in collecting information...
Simply capture your business mileage and maintain IRS compliance with ease. • Accurately track and submit your business mileage. • Add, edit, delete, and review trips directly through the Mi-Route App. • Saved address book for ease of recurring entries. • Featuring full integration and complete record...
LeadPlotter is your Personal Sales Sidekick and Game-Changer for All. Sales Mapping and Routing Tool to help you Crush your Quota! In a nutshell, LeadPlotter... •Finds New Leads = Boosts Business! •Manages Leads & Customers = More Sales Opportunities! •Creates...
The McDonaghs have been in the car industry since the 1980s, and the Salernos began selling cars in 1971. Together as Route 18 Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram, we provide our customers with over 40 years of knowledge and experience...
Astus EN ROUTE is for drivers using Astus to manage their fleet. Astus EN ROUTE provides several useful services to drivers : - DVIR (Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting) - HOS (Hours of Service) - Driver Identification Messaging and dispatch to location will be available...
FieldForce ONE is a family of SFA apps for suppliers in the FMCG industry. Route Plan is the entry app in the FieldForce ONE suite. It features the following functions: Calendar and store calling schedule Sales call reporting and memos Customer and...
Reality 23 is a Augmented reality and VR app developed by team Latitude-23 . The app will change conventional perception of presenting real estate to the audience. It presents your project in a interactive manner . The App has...
Shop for your next vehicle in the palm of your hand. Browse through the vast selection of vehicles from our inventory, schedule appointments within one click and get special promotions. The Stop 23 Auto Sales app provides access to...
AirDash is the new presentation platform for iPads. With AirDash you present spontaneously, freely, independently, personally and - if you want - without a beamer. Communicate eye-to-eye with participants, without distracting laptop barriers. UP TO 16 IPADS AirDash synchronises your presentation...
土地を紹介された際、建物プランがないのに即座に判断しなければならない時はありませんでしたか? 実在する物件と異なり、土地の価値は建築プランをもとにシミュレーションしないと分かりません。 本アプリは、土地情報をスマホに入力するだけでスピーディーに建物【ボリュームプラン】を自動作成します。さらに、賃貸収入(インカムゲイン)と売却益(キャピタルゲイン)を算出し、総合的にスコアリングします。 使い方次第で思いもよらない掘り出し物件を見つけることがあります。宝さがしのような感覚で、ビジネス系エンターテイメントとしてもお楽しみ頂けます。 ■このアプリの特徴 ------------------------------ 1. ビギナーでも簡単にはじめられる! - 設計に関する高度な知識がなくても、簡単な項目に入力だけで、簡単にはじめることができます。 2.土地の価値は一種坪単価で分かりやすく数値化! - 土地の価値は坪単価だけで決まるものではありません。どんな建物プランが入るかによって価値が決まります。プロの世界では、 坪単価を容積率で除した「一種坪単価」と言われる数値で評価します。 例えば、坪単価 300万の土地でも、容積率が300%と100%では、価値が異なります。前者の容積率300%の土地は、一種坪単価が300万/ 300% = 100万。対して、後者の100%の土地は、一種坪単価300万です。一種坪単価を比較すれば、土地の価値が明らかになります。 3.無料で建築プランができる! - 建物を建てるには、法的規制をクリアしないといけません。代表的なものが、都市計画法、建築基準法、他にも地方公共団体の条例があります。通常、一級建築士さんにお願いすると3日~1週間かかり、費用も10万円以上かかりますが、このアプリを使えば「無料」かつ「秒速」で作れます。しかも、マップ上で3Dのイメージが分かるので、具体的なイメージもしやすくなっています。 ※ただし、ボリュームプランは簡易的なものであり、プラン通り建築できるとは限りません。必ず設計士にご相談ください。 5. 収支を分かりやすくスコアリング! - 自動解析されたデータをもとに、賃貸したときの利回り(インカムゲイン)と資産価値(キャピタルゲイン)を総合的に、AAA~ Dまで10段階で評価されます。 6. 分析結果を保存! - 検討物件の分析結果をアプリ内に保存できます。いつでもどこでもアクセスし、編集することが可能です。 7. 分析結果をメールやSNSでシェア! - ボリュームプラン、利回り、坪単価、スコアなど分析結果をメールやSNSでシェアできます。 - 情報を集める際には、メールや電話、FAX等を使用しなければならかった“時間のロス“や、”手続きの煩雑さ“をアプリ内で解決し、いつでも、どこでも、スマホ一つで、簡単にシェアすることができます。 8. 今後の追加機能配信 - ユーザーの皆様にとって、必要となる機能を随時アップデートしていく予定です。レポート・ニュースから新着物件情報まで、多種多様なサービスを、本アプリケーションを通じて配信する予定です。不動産市場動向及びトレンドにも焦点を当て、地域独自の情報や不動産の市況やトレンドをタイムリーに知ることができます。 ■このアプリを使うのに必要なデータ ------------------------------- - 土地の住居表示 (※2019日6月時点、対象は東京23区のみ。順次エリアは拡大します) - 土地の価格 - 土地の面積 - 接道する前面道路幅員 - 建蔽率緩和への該当可否(角地 / 防火地域の耐火建築物に該当すると建蔽率がそれぞれ+10%緩和されます) - 建築構造 (RC, S, 軽量鉄骨,木造) - 建築費坪単価の想定 ※不明の場合は「自動」を選択 - 建築用途 - 測量図...
Operation: 23 to Zero now offers this great tool for Veteran and Active Duty Military Service Members. From finding available resources and events to helping an at-risk veteran, we are here for you.
This application solves to print directly from your smartphone, tablet device, etc. with your Panasonic Multi-Function Printer. You don't need a PC to print anymore! Wi-Fi DP-MB250/DP-MB310 series KX-MB2500 series KX-MB2200 series KX-MB2100 series For information...
Brand IQ starts with showing you a consolidated view into the 6 most important categories that affect the marketing results of your business; view of your competitors, Google Analytics, reputation, social media, local & online listings, and payments. We do...
Delivery Bazar is offering Free Business Manager App for its Business Owners. With our Business Manager App, no order will get missed, all the orders will be delivered on time, even add products from wherever you are. We call...
Welcome to the Kia Driving Experience App. Our app lets you experience driving events all over Europe and helps you navigate through the events with ease. ROUTES Exploring the different driving routes through the beautiful countryside of Barcelona created by our professional...
The Car Town Kia Advantage Rewards Mobile App is designed for customers of Car Town Kia with locations in Nicholasville KY. This app allows you to view and track your participation in the dealership's loyalty program and to view...
KIA Oman Mobile App connects customers with various KIA products and services provided by Reliable Automotive LLC, the sole distributor for KIA in Oman. The App provides information about latest models as well as various service offerings, including on-going offers and...
Kia of Port Charlotte winner of 2017 Kia Presidents Award and top 10 Kia dealer in the U.S. Welcome to the Fuccillo Kia of Port Charlotte app, a fast and convenient way to research and find a vehicle that is...
Welcome to Leggat Kia, the new Leggat auto dealership in Burlington, Ontario. Leggat Kia offers its customers with superior customer service and quality Kia vehicles including the Top Safety Pick Winners – the Kia Sorrento and the Kia Sportage....
Esta aplicación permite interactuar con una suite de servicios que brinda la marca y su red de concesionarios KIA a través de su dispositivo móvil. Servicios KIA le permite: • Administrar y registrar sus vehículos a ser a controlados con la aplicación...
At Kia Motors Pakistan, more than just a promise, we are committed to providing exciting and inspiring experiences that go beyond expectations. With the All New Kia Konnect, its never been this easy to book a Kia test drive...
Download this free app to connect instantly with Sparks Nissan Kia and make service appointments, sales appointments, browse inventory, map out directions, and contact the Sparks Nissan Kia directly! Sparks Nissan Kia is a new and used car dealership...
Download this free app to connect instantly with Sparks Nissan Kia and make service appointments, sales appointments, browse inventory, map out directions, and contact the Sparks Nissan Kia directly! Sparks Nissan Kia is a new and used car dealership...
Designed for your convenience! On Behalf of the staff and the family of Bessada KIA, thank you for downloading our mobile application. Here at Bessada KIA, regardless of where you reside you are always welcome to our friendly, warm atmosphere...
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